This is a micro chart based on SVG and Javascript.
Feed our Charty with the main svg element, but most importantly our data that must follow certain criteria:
labels: [An array of data, i.e Colors],
dataset: {
label: 'A string label (name of the chart)',
data: [Array of values corresponding to each data from labels],
backgroundColor: 'The bg color of the rectangles',
borderColor: 'The border color',
borderWidth: you guessed it 😊,
This is a simple example that shows how to use it
let svg = document.querySelector('#myChart');
const data = {
labels: ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange"],
dataset: {
label: '#Color Votes',
data: [21, -35, 2, -7, 12, 53],
backgroundColor: 'rgba(41, 128, 185,0.2)',
borderColor: 'rgba(41, 128, 185,1)',
borderWidth: 1,
// Et Voilà!
const charty = new Charty(svg, data);
All the parameters of Charty are required.
Check example to see a demo of working application.