Python binding for Marvelmind C API
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Python binding for Marvelmind C API
This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Python 3
- Marvelmind IPS
$ python pip install{version}/{so-version-file}.zip
Create a python virtual environment and install pybind11
$ python3 -m venv ./pybind_env $ source activate pybind_env/bin/activate (pybind_env) $ pip install pybind11
In marvelmind_pylib folder create a build folder
(pybind_env) $ cd marvelmind_pylib (pybind_env) $ mkdir build
In build folder execute : cmake .. -Dpybind11_DIR=$(python -m pybind11 --cmakedir)
(pybind_env) $ cd build (pybind_env) $ cmake .. -Dpybind11_DIR=$(python3 -m pybind11 --cmakedir) (pybind_env) $ make
A file with extension .so must have been created.
Install Visual Studio.
Create a python virtual environment and install pybind11.
$ python3 -m venv ./pybind_env $ pybind_env\Scripts\activate (pybind_env) $ pip install pybind11
In marvelmind_pylib folder create a build folder.
(pybind_env) $ cd marvelmind_pylib (pybind_env) $ mkdir build
In build folder execute
(pybind_env) $ cmake .. (pybind_env) $ cmake --build . --config Release --target marvelmind_pylib
A file with extension .pyd must have been created. You can find it in Release folder.
Deactivate environment. In this example we will install the marvelmind_pylib module in the global python3 installation. Choose where you want to install it and use that python executable instead.
(pybind_env) $ deactivate # Deactivate pybind_env environment
Copy the previously compiled .so/.pyd file in a new empty folder.
Copy the file to the newly created folder.
Modify file.
Change line:
package_data = {'': ['{dynamic file}']} # add dynamic file name
to the name of the .so/.pyd file:
package_data = {'': ['']}
Execute following command inside folder:
$ python -m pip install .
This is an example of the use of the library.
import marvelmind_pylib
dev = marvelmind_pylib.MarvelMindDevice(SERIAL_PORT, True)
while True:
mob_pos = dev.getMobileBeaconsPosition()
stat_pos = dev.getStationaryBeaconsPosition()
if len(mob_pos) > 0:
if len(stat_pos) > 0:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
You can compile or download the dynamic .so/.pyd file and place it in the same folder as the python script that imports the marvelmind_pylib library.
Alberto Ramos Sánchez -