- Fork and clone this repo
git clone git@github.com/{yourUsername}/SYNERGxDB/.git
Create .env using .env.example as a reference to access the database
Install all server dependencies
npm i
Start the server by running
npm start
ornpm run devstart
(development mode) command -
Install all client dependencies
cd client && npm i
Start the client (development mode) by running
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
Go into clients directory
cd client
To build React app for production use
npm run build
- React
- Styled-Components
- Styled-Normalize
- Plotly.js
- React-Dom
- React-Router
- React-plotly.js
- React-window
- Express
- Knex
- Dotenv
- Body-parser
- Nodemon
- Eslint
- Production server: http://SYNERGxDB.ca/
A MySQL dump of pharmacological and molecular profiles of SYNERGxDB is available on Zenodo.