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Collection of my solutions and analysis for problems on leetcode

# Title Solution Time Space Tag One-Liner
23 Merge k Sorted Lists C++ O() O() N/A
32 Longest Valid Parentheses C++ O() O() N/A
37 Sudoku Solver C++ O() O() N/A
41 First Missing Positive C++ O() O() N/A
42 Trapping Rain Water C++ O() O() N/A
51 N-Queens C++ O() O() N/A
52 N-Queens II C++ O() O() N/A
72 Edit Distance C++ O(n^2) O(n^2) DP Plain implementation of Edit Distance!
76 Minimum Window Substring C++ O() O() N/A
84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram C++ O(n) O(n) Monotonic Stack
85 Maximal Rectangle C++ O(n^2) O(n) Monotonic Stack Can we convert the problem to "Largest Rectangle in Histogram"?
124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum C++ O() O() N/A
126 Word Ladder II C++ O() O() N/A
127 Word Ladder C++ O() O() N/A
140 Word Break II C++ O() O() N/A
149 Max Points on a Line C++ O(n^2 * log(n)) O(n) Geometry If you fix one point of a line, it is quite simple to find the rest of the points on the same line, right?
154 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II C++ O() O() N/A
174 Dungeon Game C++ O() O() N/A
212 Word Search II C++ O() O() N/A
224 Basic Calculator C++ O() O() N/A
295 Find Median from Data Stream C++ O() O() Priority Queue Can we partition the input stream into 2 parts each contains the elements in sorted order?
296 Best Meeting Point C++ O() O() Math If there are two homes, where will you set the meeting point?
315 Count of Smaller Numbers After Self C++ O() O() Segment Tree, Ordered Set If you like to go with segment-tree, on which array you want to make the range queries?
329 Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix C++ O() O() N/A
332 Reconstruct Itinerary C++ O() O() N/A
352 Data Stream as Disjoint Intervals C++ O() O() N/A
363 Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K C++ O(n^3 * log(n)) O(n) Prefix Sum + Binary Search The n^4 solution is straightforward, how can we convert it to O(n^3 * log(n))?
381 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed C++ O() O() N/A
675 Cut Off Trees for Golf Event C++ O() O() BFS Just make sure you read the line "1 represents an empty cell that can be walked through." carefully!
691 Stickers to Spell Word C++ O() O() BFS Instead of building the target, can we walk reversely?
765 Couples Holding Hands C++ O() O() N/A
773 Sliding Puzzle C++ O() O() N/A
827 Making A Large Island C++ O() O() N/A
834 Sum of Distances in Tree C++ O() O() N/A
839 Similar String Groups C++ O() O() N/A
850 Rectangle Area II C++ O() O() N/A
882 Reachable Nodes In Subdivided Graph C++ O() O() N/A
895 Maximum Frequency Stack C++ O() O() N/A
924 Minimize Malware Spread C++ O() O() N/A
936 Stamping The Sequence C++ O(n^2) O(n) Greedy Can we do the conversion from target to s?
952 Largest Component Size by Common Factor C++ O() O() Union Find
968 Binary Tree Cameras C++ O() O() Greedy/DP When a node must have covered by a camera?
980 Unique Paths III C++ O() O() N/A
987 Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree C++ O() O() N/A
992 Subarrays with K Different Integers C++ O() O() N/A
1032 Stream of Characters C++ O() O() N/A
1044 Longest Duplicate Substring C++ O(n * log(n)) O(??) Rolling Hash/String Matching If we know a size of duplicate string, how can we confirm that?
1074 Number of Submatrices That Sum to Target C++ O(n^3) O(n) Prefix Sum Can we convert it to a "1-d sub-array sum equal to k" problem?
1095 Find in Mountain Array C++ O(log(n)) O(n) Ternary search I think the definition of "Mountain Array" is not correct. There will be one peak point in the mountain array.
1192 Critical Connections in a Network C++ O() O() N/A
1203 Sort Items by Groups Respecting Dependencies C++ O() O() N/A
1220 Count Vowels Permutation C++ O() O() DP/Memorization The problem is pretty straight forward except thinking whether we need to store all the states.
1223 Dice Roll Simulation C++ O() O() N/A
1235 Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling C++ O() O() DP
1289 Minimum Falling Path Sum II C++ O() O() DP DP states are current row and column used in previous row.
1293 Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination C++ O() O() N/A
1345 Jump Game IV C++ O(n) O(n) BFS/Bidirectional BFS Can you omit the recurring insertion of nodes in the queue?
1458 Max Dot Product of Two Subsequences C++ O() O() DP
1463 Cherry Pickup II C++ O() O() N/A
1473 Paint House III C++ O() O() N/A
1483 Kth Ancestor of a Tree Node C++ O() O() N/A
1489 Find Critical and Pseudo-Critical Edges in Minimum Spanning Tree C++ O() O() N/A
1494 Parallel Courses II C++ O() O() N/A
1510 Stone Game IV C++ O() O() N/A
1526 Minimum Number of Increments on Subarrays to Form a Target Array C++ O() O() N/A
1537 Get the Maximum Score C++ O() O() N/A
1553 Minimum Number of Days to Eat N Oranges C++ O() O() N/A
1575 Count All Possible Routes C++ O() O() DP
1579 Remove Max Number of Edges to Keep Graph Fully Traversable C++ O() O() N/A
1606 Find Servers That Handled Most Number of Requests C++ O() O() Scheduling/Greedy Solve problem-2402 with this.
1617 Count Subtrees With Max Distance Between Cities C++ O() O() N/A
1627 Graph Connectivity With Threshold C++ O() O() N/A
1649 Create Sorted Array through Instructions C++ O() O() BIT
1655 Distribute Repeating Integers C++ O() O() Backtracking Easy-peasy backtracking problem, nah?
1675 Minimize Deviation in Array C++ O() O() N/A
1697 Checking Existence of Edge Length Limited Paths C++ O() O() N/A
1723 Find Minimum Time to Finish All Jobs C++ O() O() N/A
1793 Maximum Score of a Good Subarray C++ O(n) O(n) Monotonic Stack Can we convert the problem to "Largest Rectangle in Histogram"?
1944 Number of Visible People in a Queue C++ O(n) O(n) Monotonic Stack Now You See Me!
2050 Parallel Courses III C++ O() O() Topological Sorting
2076 Process Restricted Friend Requests C++ O() O() Union Find
2092 Find All People With Secret C++ O() O() Union Find Just remember that a person may receive the secret and share it with people in other meetings within the same time frame, can you deal with that?
2102 Sequentially Ordinal Rank Tracker C++ O() O() Set How can we track the current i-th best location within a sorted set?
2122 Recover the Original Array C++ O() O() Adhoc Can you find out the smallest element of the lower array?
2141 Maximum Running Time of N Computers C++ O(n * log(n)) O(1) Binary Search
2147 Number of Ways to Divide a Long Corridor C++ O(n) O(n) Ad-hoc Calculate gaps in every two-seat segments
2151 Maximum Good People Based on Statements C++ O(2^n) O(n) Graph Traversal If we know an assignment of goodness/badness of each vertices, can we validate that?
2251 Number of Flowers in Full Bloom C++ O(n * log(n))) O(1) Greedy
2301 Match Substring After Replacement C++ O(n*m) O(const.) String Matching Mapping keys are not unique.
2302 Count Subarrays With Score Less Than K C++ O(n) O(const.) Sliding Window Sub-array sum with limit, what else it could be other than "sliding window"?
2306 Naming a Company C++ N/A N/A N/A N/A
2312 Selling Pieces of Wood C++ N/A N/A DP N/A
2318 Number of Distinct Roll Sequences C++ N/A N/A DP N/A
2328 Number of Increasing Paths in a Grid C++ N/A N/A DP Think about if you start your traversal from each of the array positions, how you can calculate the strictly increasing paths?
2354 Number of Excellent Pairs C++ N/A N/A Two-pointers Can you make relation between num_bit(A & B) + num_bit(A | B) with num_bit(A) and num_bit(B)?
2360 Longest Cycle in a Graph C++ N/A N/A Graph Finding the longest cycle in a directed or undirected graph is a NP-complete problem. Still this problem asked to find it for graphs with 10^5 nodes, how?
2392 Build a Matrix With Conditions C++ N/A N/A Topo-sort Find topo order in row and column-wise and then boom!
2402 Meeting Rooms III C++ N/A N/A Scheduling/Greedy You just need to remember that, "each meeting will take place in the unused room with the lowest number"!
2412 Minimum Money Required Before Transactions C++ N/A N/A Greedy How can we generate the permutation that will require the minimum possible money?
2416 Sum of Prefix Scores of Strings C++ N/A N/A Trie Plain and simple Trie, why you need hint then? ;)
2444 Count Subarrays With Fixed Bounds C++ O(n) O(1) Sliding Window Just make sure you re-start the window when one of the fixed-bound subarray conditions!
2448 Minimum Cost to Make Array Equal C++ N/A N/A Binary Search on Convex Function I am still not sure why the function of this problem is a convex one. But if you able to figure it out, rest of it is straight forward!
2449 Minimum Number of Operations to Make Arrays Similar C++ N/A N/A Greedy Think about what you will do if you were allowed to perform +/- 1?