The HeaderSV-rest-client module provides a client of the REST Api exposed by the modules headerSV-app and headerSV-rest. This client can be used so code is not replicated and the underlying details of the HTTP communication are hidden. This module is distributed as a Java library (JAR) which can be added to your project if you need access to the HeaderSV API in a remote or local machine.
headerSV-rest has dependencies on both BitcoinJ-SV and the Java Component Library (JCL), so the best approach is to
define the version numbers of each one in your
# BitcoinJ dependency:
# JCL dependency:
# headerSV dependency:
, and then you reference them in your build.gradle file:
// bitcoinJ modules
implementation "io.bitcoinsv.bitcoinjsv:bitcoinj-base:$bitcoinJVersion"
// jcl Modules
implementation "io.bitcoinsv.jcl:jcl-net:$JCLVersion"
implementation "io.bitcoinsv.jcl:jcl-tools:$JCLVersion"
// HeaderSV Modules
implementation "io.bitcoinsv.headerSV:headerSV-rest-client:$headerSVVersion"
The HeaderSV client is a Service that only needs to configured with the URL of the machine where the REST API is exposed:
HeaderSvClient client = new HeaderSvClientImpl("");
, and then you can use the different methods that it provides, each one is mapped to one endpont in the REST API:
public interface HeaderSvClient {
List<ChainStateDTO> getTips();
void pruneChain(String blockHash);
BlockHeaderDTO getHeader(String blockHash);
List<BlockHeaderDTO> getAncestors(String blockHash, String ancestorHash);
BlockHeaderDTO getCommonAncestor(List<String> blockHashes);
ChainStateDTO getHeaderDetails(String blockHash);
List<BlockHeaderDTO> getHeadersByHeight(int height, int count);
List<PeerAddressDTO> getConnectedPeers();
int getConnectedPeersCount();