This is a repository for data, model code, and plotting code for Perry, Barrett & Godoy's 2017 paper: Older, sociable white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) invent more social behaviors; younger monkeys innovate more in other contexts.
To rerun the analyses you will require McElreath's rethinking package and have r-STAN installed:
1.Main Paper Results for Innovation Across Domains
The main datafile of innovations of individuals is called "PNASfinaldomainindividual_git.csv".
2.Group Level Annual Innovation Rates
To reproduce analyses and graphs used in Figure 1, code can be found in the "group_preds_git.R" file. Data is loaded from the file "PNASinnovationlistused_git.csv" and then manipulated using supllied code to be ready for analyses.
3.Supplemental Analyses on Social Transmsision Code for models and analyses can be found in the file "inno_transmission_git.R" "PNASinnovationlistused_git.csv" is necessary for constructing the dataset.
If you have any questions about anaylsis email or tweet @bjjbarrett.