- V1.0: First Version (2016-08-12)
- V1.1: Alarm Query Endpoint
- V1.2: recipientConfirmation parameter added
- V1.3: List Alarm end point added
- V1.4: Change of Alarm Data Element: extension of recipients, deprecation of participants, Geolocation added (2017-01-19)
- V1.5: extended the API by indexNumber
Encoding shall be UTF-8.
In order to be able to use this API, an "automatic alarm trigger" with username and password must be configured for the relevant customerId(s).
To trigger an alarm, send an HTTP POST REQUEST with header Content-Type: application/json
to the above URL.
- username: string - mandatory - username
- password: string - mandatory - password
- customerId: string - mandatory - customer ID
- type: alarm | info - mandatory - event type
- hideTriggerDetails: boolean - optional - do not send details of alarm trigger
- alarmText: string - optional - content of alarm
- indexNumber: integer- optional - The index number serves to distinguish different alarms. A second alarm with the same index number will be ignored.
- needsAcknowledgement: boolean - mandatory - reply function
- startDate: string - optional - The date of an alarm in case it is to be triggered in the future. The format shall be UTC e.g. :
- duration: integer - conditional - duration for which the reply function is enabled
- recipientConfirmation: boolean - optional - turn on/off confirmation that SMS was received (charges apply)
- recipientConfirmationTarget: string - optional - msisdn of recipient of SMS confirmation
- template: string - optional - Alarm text code e.g.
- groupCodes: list of strings - optional - Alarm group(s) e.g.
- additionalMsisdns: list of strings - optional - additional msidns to be alerted e.g.:
["+4366412345678", "+4367612345678"]
- coordinates: object of Type Coordinate - optional - coordinated of location of alarm
- geolocation: object of Type Geolocation - optional - instead of coordinates, a Geolocation object containing an address may also be provided. This address will then be converted to coordinates e.g.:
{"address": "Getreidemartk 11, 1060 Wien"}
An example:
"username" : "myUser",
"password" : "mySuperSecretPwd",
"customerId" : "100027",
"hideTriggerDetails" : false,
"alarmText" : "This is a test",
"type" : "alarm",
"needsAcknowledgement" : true,
"duration" : 60,
"recipientConfirmation" : false,
"template" : "A1",
"groupCodes" : ["G1", "G2"],
"additionalMsisdns" : [],
"coordinates" : {
"lat" : 48.205587,
"lon" : 16.342917
The following is an exapmple of a successful API call. A list of all possible values of result is provided further down. In case of an error the field description contains a description of the error.
"result" : "OK",
"alarmId" : "dakldjsfal-2343232-afsdaddfa-234",
"customerId" : 100027,
"description" : null
"alarmData" : { see description AlarmData Object }
To search for an alarm, send an HTTP POST Request with header Content-Type: application/json
to the URL mentioned above.
- username: string - mandatory - username
- password: string - mandatory - password
- customerId: string - mandatory - customer ID
- alarmid: string - mandatory - AlarmId (is returned upon triggering an alarm)
An example:
"username" : "myUser",
"password" : "mySuperSecretPwd",
"customerId" : "100027",
"alarmId" : "dakldjsfal-2343232-afsdaddfa-234"
The following is an exapmple of a successful API call. A list of all possible values of result is provided further down. In case of an error the field description contains a description of the error.
"result" : "OK",
"alarmId" : "dakldjsfal-2343232-afsdaddfa-234",
"customerId" : 100027,
"description" : "ok",
"alarmData" : { see description AlarmData object }
To get a list of alarms, send an HTTP POST Request with header Content-Type: application/json
to the URL mentioned above. You will receive a list of AlarmData objects. Only 100 alarms will be returned, sorted by the end date of the alarm.
- username: string - mandatory - username
- password: string - mandatory - password
- customerIds: list of string - mandatory - list of customer IDs
- startDate: date in iso format - optional - start date for search (all alarms with later end date will be returned)
- endDate: date in iso format - optional - end date for search (all alarms with prior start date will be returned)
Ein Beispiel:
"username" : "myUser",
"password" : "mySuperSecretPwd",
"customerIds" : ["100027", "900027"],
"startDate" : "2016-01-01T17:00:00.000Z",
"endDate" : "2016-01-01T17:30:00.000Z"
The following is an exapmple of a successful API call. A list of all possible values of result is provided further down. In case of an error the field description contains a description of the error.
"result" : "OK",
"description" : "ok",
"alarms" : [{ see description AlarmData object }]
- customerId: Customer ID belonging to this alarm
- alarmId: unique identifier of the alarm
- alarmGroups: list of alarm group elements (see AlarmGroup object)
- alarmDate : time of alert
- endDate: end of reply function window (if activated)
- authorName: name of the alarm trigger that has triggered the alarm
- alarmText: the alarm text
- needsAcknowledgement: reply function active/inactive
- usersAlertedCount: nubmer of participants alerted
- geolocation: see GeoLocation object
- recipients: list of participants - see AlarmRecipient object
- audioUrl: Url of audio alarm, if applicable
- indexNumber: index number of the alarm
An example:
"customerId" : "100027",
"alarmId" : "32849abcdef23343",
"alarmGroups" : [ ], // list of AlarmGroup elements
"alarmDate" : "2016-01-01T17:30:21.345Z", // UTC date
"endDate" : "2016-01-01T17:30:21.345Z", // UTC date
"authorName" : "John Doe",
"alarmText" : "This is a test",
"needsAcknowledgement" : true,
"usersAlertedCount" : 10,
"geolocation" : { }, // see GeoLocation object
"recipients" : [ ], // list of AlarmRecipient elements
"audioUrl" : null,
"indexNumber": null
"groupId" : "G1",
"groupName" : "whole team"
"id" : "2342343242342abcde32423423",
"name" : "Jeanny Doe",
"msisdn" : "+4366412345678",
"comment" : "Fire Brigade ABC" // optional
"participation" : "yes", // yes | no | uknown | pending
"participationMessage" : "Coming in 5 minutes",
"functions": [ ], // list of AlarmFunction Elementen (functions / qualifications)
"functionId": "123123789"
"name": "respiratory equipment carriers"
"order": 2
"shortForm": "REC"
"backgroundHexColorCode": "#3164c2"
"foregroundHexColorCode" "#ffffff"
"coordinates" : {
"lat" : 17.34334,
"lon" : 23.32343
"positionSetByAuthor" : true, // if coordinates set by author
"radius" : 10, // radius in m (may be null)
"distance" : 10, // distance in m (may be null)
"address" : "High Street 1, 1234 Metropolis" // textual address (may be null)
- OK