- V1.0: First version (2016-08-12)
- V1.1: added integrations, adapted AlarmData element (2017-01-19)
Encoding shall be UTF-8.
The dashboard needed to use this API can be created on the web platform (start.blaulichtsms.net) under "Dashboard".
To log in you need to send an HTTP POST request with header Content-Type: application/json
to the above URL.
The login data is the same as for https://dashboard.blaulichtsms.net.
"username" : "myUser",
"password" : "mySuperSecretPwd",
"customerId" : "123456"
After a successful login you receive a session ID:
"success" : true,
"sessionId" : "lafjdfajdslfja89324u983u2894u89jlassdfj",
"error" : null
This session ID must be saved in a cookie / LocalStorage / SessionStorage gespeichert and will be used for all further requests.
In case of an error you receive the following reply
"success" : false,
"sessionId" : null,
"error" : "MISSING_INPUT_DATA" // error codes see below
Only one session at a time is possible.
In order to receive information from a dashboard you must send an HTTP GET request to the above URL.
If the session has expired, you will receive the reply HTTP 401 Unauthorized.
A valid session leads to the reply HTTP 200 OK as a json object with the following contents :
"customerId" : "123456",
"customerName" : "FF Test",
"username" : "dashboard",
"integrations" : [ ], // list of integrations
"alarms" : [ ], // list of AlarmData elements
"infos" : [ ] // list of AlarmData elements
All active alarms within the last 24 hours will be returned, as well as the last one, regardless of its age.
- alarmId: the unique identifier of the alarm
- alarmGroups: list of AlarmGroup elements (see AlarmGroup object)
- alarmDate : time of alert
- endDate: end of reply function time window (if activated)
- authorName: name of the trigger
- alarmText: the alarm text
- needsAcknowledgement: true = the reply function is active
- usersAlertedCount: number of alerted recipients
- geolocation: see GeoLocation object
- recipients: list of recipients - see AlarmRecipient object
- audioUrl: Url of audio alarm, if used
An example:
"alarmId" : "32849abcdef23343",
"alarmGroups" : [ ], // list of AlarmGroup elements
"alarmDate" : "2016-01-01T17:30:21.345Z", // UTC date
"endDate" : "2016-01-01T17:30:21.345Z", // UTC date
"authorName" : "John Doe",
"alarmText" : "This is a test",
"needsAcknowledgement" : true,
"usersAlertedCount" : 10,
"geolocation" : { }, // GeoLocation element
"recipients" : [ ], // list of AlarmRecipient elementes
"audioUrl" : null
"groupId" : "G1",
"groupName" : "whole fire department"
"id" : "2342343242342abcde32423423",
"name" : "Jenny Jobber",
"msisdn" : "+4366412345678"
"participation" : "yes", // yes | no | uknown | pending
"participationMessage" : "arriving in 5 minutes",
"functions": [ ], // list of AlarmFunction elements (functions / qualifications)
"functionId": "123123789"
"name": "Atemschutzgeräteträger"
"order": 2
"shortForm": "AGT"
"backgroundHexColorCode": "#3164c2"
"foregroundHexColorCode" "#ffffff"
"coordinates" : {
"lat" : 17.34334,
"lon" : 23.32343
"positionSetByAuthor" : true, // true if set by trigger
"radius" : 10, // radius in m (may be null)
"distance" : 10, // distance in m (may be null)
"address" : "High Street 99, 1234 Back-of-beyond" // address as test (may be null)
"type" : "wasserkarte.info",
"fields" : { // JSON Object with the following information
"apiKey" : "23423ldjsakfjdsflj34343"
The sessionId
may also be used to create an automatic login to the dashboard. Therefore, the dashboard must be accessed using the following URL: