- V1.0: first version (2017-07-24)
Austria: +43 (0) 82822100
Germany: +49 (0) 1771783998
If you want to be able to alert multiple customer IDs, your sender number must be assigned to an "automatic alarm trigger". Please contact us so we can provide you with an alarm trigger. If you only want to alert your own customer ID, it is sufficient to create a manual alarm trigger on the web paltform (start.blaulichtsms.net) in section "Config" > "Alarm Trigger"
An SMS triggering an alert consists of two parts, separated by a colon :
To the left of the colon there is the Alarm code, to the right there is the payload (the Alarm text)
The alarm code consists of the following parts. You must at least provide a customer ID and a groups, the other parts are optional. Every code must begin with a "K".
- K{{customerId}} - mandatory - customer ID e.g.
- G{{groupId}} - mandatory - alarm group e.g.
- A{{templateId}} - optional - alarm test template (edited on web platform) e.g.
- Q0 - optional - participants can reply with YES/NO; leave Q0 out to disable it
- I - optional - type is "info", not "alarm"
- Z - optional - recipient confirmation is active
- M{{indexNumber}} - optional - Index nuber of an alert. An identical index number identifies two identical alarms. Caution: Do not use the same index number if you want to trigger individual alarms. Use it only to merge alarms.
- T{{additionalMsisdn}} - optional - additional msisdns to be alerted (not members of a group) e.g.
You can provide the alarmText
and coordinates
(location of incident).
Coordinates may occur anywhere within the alarm text. They will be parsed and added to the alarm. It is important that coordinates have the following format:
longitude & latitude (WGS84)
e.g. (48.220778,16.3100209)
for Vienna.
easting & northing
XY: xxxxxxx.xx / yyyyyyy.yy
e.g. XY:4468503.333/5333317.780
for Munich.
Please note that the easting as well as the northing must consist of 7 digits. The decimal point and everything behind it are optional.
via REST:
"customerId" : "100027",
"alarmText" : "This is a test",
"type" : "alarm",
"needsAcknowledgement" : true,
"recipientConfirmation" : false,
"template" : "A1",
"groupCodes" : ["G1", "G2"],
"additionalMsisdns" : [],
"coordinates" : {
"lat" : 48.205587,
"lon" : 16.342917
via SMS:
K100027G1G2A1Q0:This is a test(48.205587,16.342917)
via REST:
"customerId" : "100027",
"alarmText" : "This is a test",
"type" : "alarm",
"needsAcknowledgement" : true,
"recipientConfirmation" : false,
"groupCodes" : ["G1"],
"additionalMsisdns" : ["+4366412345678", "+4367612345678"]
via SMS:
K100027G1Q0T+4366412345678T+4367612345678:This is a test