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Brackets Smoke Tests

redmunds edited this page Oct 30, 2014 · 116 revisions

Brackets has a pretty good automated test suite that you can run from Debug > Run Tests, but that doesn't always cover issues with the overall UI and intetegrated functionality, or visual/layout issues that are only obvious if you're actually looking at the product. This is a set of manual tests intended to make sure we haven't broken the basic overall workflows of the product. The intention is to keep it quick--if it takes more than 5 minutes on a given platform it's too long.

There are also Brackets server smoke tests.

If you have trouble running through it or something is unclear, please post to the brackets-dev mailing list.


  1. Make sure your git status is clean and your user extensions folder and src/extensions/dev folders are both empty (git status will not tell you about these folders).
  2. Quit and relaunch Chrome if it's open (so it's not in remote debugger mode).
  3. If you've run the smokes previously, revert any changes you might have made in brackets/test/smokes/citrus completed.
  4. Delete your cache folder (Mac: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Brackets/cef_data, Win: %appdata%\Brackets\cef_data, Linux: ~/.config/Brackets/cef_data).
  5. Move your state.json file aside (rename it to state.json.bak or something if you want to get it back). (Mac: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Brackets/state.json, Win: %appdata%\Brackets\cef_data, Linux: ~/.config/Brackets/state.json)
  6. Disable any 3rd party extensions you've installed (see Extension Locations)

Smoke test steps

  1. Launch Brackets. Verify that the Brackets "Getting Started" folder is visible in the project panel and its index.html file is opened automatically and there is a single pane showing in the main view.

  2. File > Open Folder and browse to the Brackets source folder.

  3. Click on the triangle next to the project name. The dropdown should show the "Open Folder..." option, then the "Getting Started" folder.

  4. From the Finder/Explorer, create a new folder called "watch". Observe that the new folder appears in the file tree in a closed state.

  5. From the Finder/Explorer, rename the "watch" folder to "watcher". Observe that the folder is renamed in the file tree and remains in a closed state.

  6. From the Finder/Explorer window, copy the file from the project into the watcher folder. Confirm that NO CHANGES take place in the file tree.

  7. Expand the "watcher" folder in the project tree and observe the copied file. From the Finder/Explorer, delete the copied file. Observe that the copied file is removed from the project tree and that the watcher folder remains expanded.

  8. From the Finder/Explorer, delete the watcher folder and observe that it is removed from the file tree.

  9. Switch back to the "Getting Started" folder using the project dropdown, verifying that it switches back to the previous project and shows its index.html.

  10. Switch back to the "brackets" folder using the project dropdown.

  11. Expand some folders in the brackets project, enough that it has to scroll.

  12. Scroll around in the folder area. Verify that the shadows look right (appears at top when not scrolled all the way to the top) and there are no visual glitches.

  13. From the Finder/Explorer window, drag the brackets/test/smokes/citrus completed folder onto Brackets. In the Project panel, verify that the folder opened and it contains "css" and "images" folders and an "index.html" file.

  14. From the Finder/Explorer window, drag the brackets/test/smokes/citrus completed/index.html file onto Brackets. Verify that the file is opened, selected, and added to the working set.

  15. File > New

  16. File > Save, name the file temp.js in the current project. Verify that the name in the working set and title bar changes to temp.js and the mode in the status bar changes to "JavaScript".

  17. Type the following code

    var foo = "";
    function add(a, b) {
        return a+b;
  18. Verify String method code hints on foo

  19. Replace the last line with add(

  20. Verify that the parameter hint Object a, Object b appears with Object a in boldface

  21. Type 5, 10); and press enter

  22. Type add(

  23. Verify that the parameter hint Number a, Number b appears with the Number a in boldface

  24. In the project tree, right-click on temp.js and choose "Rename". Rename the file to temp.txt. Verify that the name in the working set and title bar changes, the code coloring disappears and the mode changes to "Text".

  25. In the project tree, right click on temp.txt and choose delete (when prompted discard changes)

  26. Open the OS Trash/Recycle Bin and confirm temp.txt was deleted

  27. Verify that index.html is now current file. Move mouse over the name of the source of an <img> tag (e.g. "images/events.jpg" on line 33). Verify that Hover Preview of the image is displayed properly with the width and height.

  28. Set the cursor in the <body> tag immediately before the >.

  29. Enter a space. Verify that a list of attribute hints pops up and you can navigate the list with up/down arrow keys. Hit Enter, verify that item was inserted in page properly, then undo.

  30. Hit Ctrl-space and verify hint list is invoked. Hit Esc key to dismiss the code hints list, then delete the space so the cursor is after the "y" of "body".

  31. Hit Cmd/Ctrl-E. Verify that it shows a single body rule and that everything is laid out properly.

  32. With View > Themes..., change the theme from Brackets Light to Brackets Dark (or vice-versa, depending on what your standard theme is). Make sure that both the host editor and the inline editor look correct, then switch back to your normal theme.

  33. In the native shell menu, choose View > Increase Font Size. Verify both the host and inline editors font size increases. The inline editor should not show a vertical scrollbar.

  34. Click the Lightning Bolt in the upper right. If you moved your state.json file, you'll get an info dialog explaining how live preview works. Hit OK.

  35. You should see the page load in Chrome.

  36. Back in Brackets, on line 26, put the cursor after "A new". Verify that the box containing that text and the image to the right is highlighted (with a blue outline around it) in the browser.

  37. Type and totally <em>AWESOME</em> local; let the <em> tag autocomplete (you can arrow or click select after the </em> to type local). Verify while typing an incomplete tag <em that the gutter and the live preview lightning bolt icon show a pink error color. Verify that the changes appear in the browser as you type, and verify that AWESOME is italicized (and nothing else is).

  38. Undo the file back to a clean state. Verify that as you undo, the HTML preview continues to match the current state of the document, and ends up looking the same as when you first opened the file.

  39. Edit the background color for the <body> tag in the inline editor (#D90 is a nice color). Verify that the color changes in Chrome as you type. Also verify that the CSS file is added to the working set with the dirty bit set.

  40. Hit Cmd/Ctrl-E. Verify that the inline editor closes.

  41. Put the cursor after the <a in one of the navbar items and hit Cmd/Ctrl-E to open another inline editor.

  42. Scroll up and down in the outer editor. Verify that the inline editor scrolls properly with the editor.

  43. Resize the window. Verify that the rule list moves properly and there are no visual glitches.

  44. Hit Esc to close the inline editor.

  45. Type class="huge", place the cursor in huge and hit Cmd/Ctrl-E. The inline editor should open with a message saying there are no matching rules, and focus should be on the New Rule button.

  46. Click the New Rule button and choose desktop.css. A blank .huge rule should appear in the inline editor. Type font-size: 30px; and verify that the navbar item gets huge.

  47. Switch to desktop.css and verify that the rule you added is at the end of the file.

  48. File > Extension Manager then, in the search box, type "emmet" and click Install then Close

  49. Verify the Emmet menu was added

  50. Quit the app. Verify that you get a "save changes" dialog for any CSS files you edited through the inline editor, and choose to discard the changes.

  51. Restart the app. Verify that the "citrus completed" project shows in the sidebar, and that the working set and current editor are showing the same files as when you quit. Also verify that the changes you had previously made were reverted (git status in the smokes folder should show clean).

  52. File > Close All and verify that all files are closed.

  53. Double-click on index.html in the file tree and verify that it is open and added to the working set.

  54. View > Vertical Split and verify a second pane is created and is given focus. index.html should still be open in the left pane and is listed in the "Left" working set.

  55. Expand the CSS folder in the file tree and double-click on desktop.css to open it in the right pane and verify it is added to the "Right" working set.

  56. Drag the splitter between the two views back and forth and verify there are no visual glitches and the 2 editors resize appropriately.

  57. Switch to another project and then back to citrus and verify the view is still split, splitter is where you left it, and the same files are open.

  58. In the sidebar, drag the index.html file from the "Left" working set and verify that you can drop it into the "Right" working set, and that it is no longer displayed int he left pane.

  59. Drag it back to the empty "Left" working set and verify that it is once again displayed in left pane.

  60. Click Split View icon at top of sidebar, choose No Split, and verify therre is now only a single pane displayed and all open files are listed in the Working Files list.

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