Alt + Enter:
Show intention actions.Ctrl + Space:
Basic code completion.Ctrl + Shift + Space:
Smart code completion.Ctrl + Alt + Space:
Typename completion.Ctrl + Shift + Enter:
Complete statement.Ctrl + P:
Show parameter information.Alt + Q:
Show context information.Ctrl + Shift + I:
Quick definition.Ctrl + Q:
Quick documentation.Shift + F1:
External documentation.Alt + Insert:
Generate code.Ctrl + O:
Override members.Ctrl + I:
Implement members.Ctrl + X:
Cut.Ctrl + C:
Copy.Ctrl + V:
Paste.Ctrl + Shift + C:
Copy document path.Ctrl + D:
Duplicate current line or selection.Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow/Down Arrow:
Move line up or down.Ctrl + Y:
Delete line at caret.Ctrl + Shift + J:
Join line.Ctrl + Enter:
Split line.Shift + Enter:
Start new line.Ctrl + S:
Save all.
Alt + Backquote (
):` VCS operations popup.Ctrl + K:
Commit changes.Ctrl + T:
Update project.Alt + Shift + C:
View recent changes.Ctrl + Alt + Z:
Revert changes.Ctrl + Shift + K:
Push changes.Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Down Arrow/Up Arrow:
Navigate next/previous change.
Double Shift:
Search everywhere.Ctrl + Shift + F:
Find in path.Ctrl + Shift + R:
Replace in path.Ctrl + F:
Find.Ctrl + R:
Find next occurrence.Shift + F3:
Find previous occurrence.Ctrl + F3:
Find word at caret.Ctrl + N:
Go to class.Ctrl + Shift + N:
Go to file.Ctrl + F12:
Go to file member.Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N:
Go to symbol.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T:
Refactor this.F5:
Move.Shift + F6:
Rename.Shift + Delete:
Safe Delete.Ctrl + Alt + L:
Reformat Code.
Ctrl + Shift + F10:
Run context configuration.F8:
Step over.F7:
Step into.Shift + F7:
Smart step into.Shift + F8:
Step out.Alt + F9:
Run to cursor.Ctrl + Alt + F9:
Force run to cursor.Alt + F10:
Show execution point.F9:
Resume program.