Contributions are welcome.
Submit contributions as a pull request on GitHub.
- All contributions must be PEP complaint.
- All modules, classes, and functions must have Sphinx style doc strings.
- All parameters and variables should have type annotations.
- A reasonable amount of code block documentation is expected as well.
Tests should be written first before implementing functionality. See
To create a new release for pypi and conda:
Clone this repository
Make sure all tests pass first by running
./ test
Use git or the GitHub interface to tag the repository with the next version. Precede the version number with a 'v'. Follow symantic versioning rules
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.
Create a release via the GitHub interface for the new tag.
At this point the GitHub CI will kick in and automatically do the following steps
- Build the package by running
./ build sdist
- Upload the new package to pypi by running
twine upload -u brinkmanlab dist/<file with latest version number>.tar.gz
Bioconda will detect the upload and automatically update its recipe. A Bioconda maintainer will manually approve the update.