Use github pages to publish versioned API documentation using the OpenAPI Specification
Provides a github-pages compatible frontend to render beautiful API documentation from the Open API Specification. Versioning can be done using branches as normal.
Follow the instructions to get set up hosting your own API documentation
Clone the project to your computer
sh git clone my-project-api-docs
Set up the environment file. This contains no sensitive information, and is just used to build up a URL for your public repository, so can be committed to your version control.
sh cp .env.example .env && nano .env
- GITHUB_USERNAME = your github username
- GITHUB_REPOSITORY = the repository your documentation will be hosted on
Build the project
sh npm install && npm run build
Push to github
- Create a repository with a name matching the GITHUB_REPOSITORY .env variable
- Attach the repository to a remote reference
sh git remote add origin
- Commit and push your changes to the master branch
Set up github-pages for the master branch /docs folder
Create additional branches containing a swagger.json file to publish them as API documentation
sh git checkout -b --orphan v1.0.1
Edit swagger.json and push
We will update this repository with features and bug fixes. To update your documentation, you can leave all your version branches (containing swagger.json) untouched. On the master branch
Add the remote reference
sh git remote add original
Pull the master branch
sh git pull original master
sh git checkout master
Build and push to master branch
sh npm install && npm run build
Toby Twigger –
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for more information.