diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yml b/.github/workflows/main.yml
index 83edb953..2bf6cc98 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/main.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/main.yml
@@ -17,8 +17,10 @@ jobs:
fail-fast: false
- os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
- python-version: ['3.11']
+ # Currently only developing on windows.
+ os: [windows-latest]
+ # os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
+ python-version: ['3.12']
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: create build environment
@@ -35,7 +37,7 @@ jobs:
micromamba activate gha-testing
pytest --cov-report=xml --cov=./
- name: Upload coverage report.
- if: runner.os == 'Linux' && matrix.python-version == '3.11'
+ if: runner.os == 'Linux' && matrix.python-version == '3.12'
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
# with:
# token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 564210b0..295d151a 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -24,3 +24,10 @@ bld/
+# Jupyter notebooks
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index 6baf6859..e5f63d0d 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ repos:
- id: check-useless-excludes
# - id: check-hooks-apply # Leave nbqa in here.
# - id: identity # Prints all files passed to pre-commits. Debugging.
- - repo: https://github.com/lyz-code/yamlfix
- rev: 1.13.0
- hooks:
- - id: yamlfix
+ # For some reason the yamlfix hook returns a ModuleNotFoundError:
+ # No module named 'maison.schema'. Deactivate it for now.
+ # - repo: https://github.com/lyz-code/yamlfix
+ # rev: 1.13.0
+ # hooks:
+ # - id: yamlfix
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
rev: v4.4.0
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ repos:
rev: 23.9.1
- id: black
- language_version: python3.11
+ language_version: python3.12
- repo: https://github.com/asottile/blacken-docs
rev: 1.16.0
@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ repos:
rev: v2.2.6
- id: codespell
- args: [--skip="**.ipynb"]
+ args: [-I, inst/WORDLIST.txt]
- repo: https://github.com/asottile/setup-cfg-fmt
rev: v2.2.0
diff --git a/environment.yml b/environment.yml
index 5c66ddb4..32aa9d6a 100644
--- a/environment.yml
+++ b/environment.yml
@@ -1,24 +1,44 @@
name: thesis
-channels: [conda-forge, nodefaults]
+channels: [conda-forge, r, nodefaults]
+ - python ==3.12
+ - pip >=21.1
+ # Development dependencies
- conda-lock
- ipykernel
- jupyterlab
- - pandas
- - pip >=21.1
- - plotly>=5.13.0
- pre-commit
- - pytask-latex>=0.4.0
- - pytask-parallel>=0.4.0
- - pytask>=0.4.0
+ # Language agnostic template project dependencies
+ - pytask >=0.5.0
+ - pytask-latex >=0.4.2
+ - pytask-parallel >=0.5.0
- pytest
- pytest-cov
- pytest-xdist
- - python-graphviz
- - python=3.11
- - pyyaml
- - setuptools_scm
+ # Python template project dependencies
- statsmodels
- - toml
- - pip: [-e ., kaleido, pdbp]
+ - numpy
+ - pandas >=2.2
+ - plotly >=5.2.0,<6
+ # R template project dependencies
+ # Currently we are not using R hence we do not need to install these dependencies.
+ # - pytask-r >=0.4.1
+ # - pyreadr
+ # - r-plyr
+ # - r-precommit
+ # - r-yaml
+ # - r-forcats
+ # Install project
+ - pip:
+ - -e .
+ - pdbp
+ - kaleido==0.1.0.post1
+ - joblib
+ - git+https://github.com/buddejul/pyvmte@bernstein
+ - coptpy
diff --git a/inst/WORDLIST b/inst/WORDLIST.txt
similarity index 97%
rename from inst/WORDLIST
rename to inst/WORDLIST.txt
index 6bb4261b..50c0cad2 100644
--- a/inst/WORDLIST
+++ b/inst/WORDLIST.txt
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ cirmmt
@@ -97,6 +99,10 @@ Koepke
diff --git a/paper/figures/sm_sol_lower.tex b/paper/figures/sm_sol_lower.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47f25d19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paper/figures/sm_sol_lower.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ \begin{axis}[
+ xmin=-1.1, xmax=1.1,
+ ymin=-1.1, ymax=1.1,
+ xlabel=$\beta_s$,
+ ylabel={$\underline{\beta^*}$},
+ xtick={-1, 0, 1}, % Specify the x-axis ticks here
+ ytick={-1, 1},
+ extra y ticks={-0.7, 0.3}, % Specify the positions of the special x-axis ticks together
+ extra y tick style={yticklabel style={color=black}}, % Apply a style to all extra x ticks
+ extra y tick labels={$-(1-\omega)$, $\omega$}, % Customize the labels of the special x-axis ticks
+ ]
+ % Unconstrained solution
+ \addplot [domain=-1:1, color=black] {0.3*x - (1-0.3)};
+ % Solution with monotonicity constraint
+ \addplot [domain=-1:0, color=blue] {0.3*x - (1-0.3)};
+ \addplot [domain=0:1, color=blue] {x - (1-0.3)};
+ % Add text for each line
+ \node at (axis cs:-0.25, 0.75) [color=black, anchor=west] {\footnotesize No Constraint};
+ \node at (axis cs:-0.25, 0.5) [color=blue, anchor=west] {\footnotesize Increasing MTR Functions};
+ \end{axis}
diff --git a/paper/figures/sm_sol_upper.tex b/paper/figures/sm_sol_upper.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb259542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paper/figures/sm_sol_upper.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ \begin{axis}[
+ xmin=-1.1, xmax=1.1,
+ ymin=-1.1, ymax=1.1,
+ xlabel=$\beta_s$,
+ ylabel={$\overline{\beta^*}$},
+ xtick={-1, 0, 1}, % Specify the x-axis ticks here
+ ytick={-1, 1},
+ extra y ticks={-0.3, 0.7}, % Specify the positions of the special x-axis ticks together
+ extra y tick style={yticklabel style={color=black}}, % Apply a style to all extra x ticks
+ extra y tick labels={$-\omega$, $1-\omega$}, % Customize the labels of the special x-axis ticks
+ ]
+ % Unconstrained solution
+ \addplot [domain=-1:1, color=black] {1-0.3 + 0.3*x};
+ % Solution with monotonicity constraint
+ \addplot [domain=-1:0, color=blue] {x + 0.7};
+ \addplot [domain=0:1, color=blue] {0.3*x + 0.7};
+ % Add text for each line
+ \node at (axis cs:-0.25, -0.5) [color=black, anchor=west] {\footnotesize No Constraint};
+ \node at (axis cs:-0.25, -0.75) [color=blue, anchor=west] {\footnotesize Increasing MTR Functions};
+ \end{axis}
diff --git a/paper/figures/sm_upper_incr.tex b/paper/figures/sm_upper_incr.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8c29dea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paper/figures/sm_upper_incr.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ \begin{axis}[
+ xmin=-0.1, xmax=1.1,
+ ymin=-0.1, ymax=1.1,
+ xlabel=$u$,
+ ylabel={$\E[Y(d)|U=u]$},
+ xtick={0,1}, % Specify the x-axis ticks here
+ extra x ticks={0.2, 0.5, 0.8}, % Specify the positions of the special x-axis ticks together
+ extra x tick style={xticklabel style={color=black}}, % Apply a style to all extra x ticks
+ extra x tick labels={$p(0)$, $p(1)$, $p(1) + \overline{u}$}, % Customize the labels of the special x-axis ticks
+ ]
+ \addplot [domain=0.2:0.5, color=black] {0.2} node[pos=1, right] {\footnotesize $\theta_{20} = -\beta_s$};
+ \addplot [domain=0.2:0.5, color=black] {0} node[pos=1, right] {\footnotesize $\theta_{21} = 0$};
+ \draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=10pt,raise=0pt},yshift=0pt, xshift=-1pt]
+ (axis cs:0.2,0) -- (axis cs:0.2,0.2) node [black,midway,xshift=-1cm] {\footnotesize$-\beta_s$};
+ \addplot [domain=0.5:0.8, color=red] {0.2} node[pos=1, right, color=red] {\footnotesize $\theta_{30} = -\beta_s$};
+ \addplot [domain=0.5:0.8, color=red, dashed] {0} node[pos=1, right, color=red] {\footnotesize Infeasible};
+ \addplot [domain=0.5:0.8, color=red] {1} node[pos=1, right, color=red] {\footnotesize $\theta_{31} = 1$};
+ \draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=10pt,mirror,raise=0pt},yshift=0pt, xshift=1pt, color=red]
+ (axis cs:0.8,0.2) -- (axis cs:0.8,1) node [red,midway,xshift=1cm] {\footnotesize$\beta_u$};
+ \end{axis}
diff --git a/paper/figures/sm_upper_no_restr.tex b/paper/figures/sm_upper_no_restr.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d5a2b57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paper/figures/sm_upper_no_restr.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ \begin{axis}[
+ xmin=-0.1, xmax=1.1,
+ ymin=-0.1, ymax=1.1,
+ xlabel=$u$,
+ ylabel={$\E[Y(d)|U=u]$},
+ xtick={0,1}, % Specify the x-axis ticks here
+ extra x ticks={0.2, 0.5, 0.8}, % Specify the positions of the special x-axis ticks together
+ extra x tick style={xticklabel style={color=black}}, % Apply a style to all extra x ticks
+ extra x tick labels={$p(0)$, $p(1)$, $p(1) + \overline{u}$}, % Customize the labels of the special x-axis ticks
+ ]
+ \addplot [domain=0.2:0.5, color=black] {0} node[pos=1, right] {\footnotesize $\theta_{20} = 0$};
+ \addplot [domain=0.2:0.5, color=black] {0.2} node[pos=1, right] {\footnotesize $\theta_{21} = 0.2$};
+ \draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=10pt,raise=0pt},yshift=0pt, xshift=-1pt]
+ (axis cs:0.2,0) -- (axis cs:0.2,0.2) node [black,midway,xshift=-1cm] {\footnotesize$\beta_s$};
+ \addplot [domain=0.5:0.8, color=red] {0} node[pos=1, right, color=red] {\footnotesize $\theta_{30} = 0$};
+ \addplot [domain=0.5:0.8, color=red] {1} node[pos=1, right, color=red] {\footnotesize $\theta_{31} = 1$};
+ \draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=10pt,mirror,raise=0pt},yshift=0pt, xshift=1pt, color=red]
+ (axis cs:0.8,0) -- (axis cs:0.8,1) node [red,midway,xshift=1cm] {\footnotesize$\beta_u$};
+ \end{axis}
diff --git a/paper/mte_papers.md b/paper/mte_papers.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96281171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paper/mte_papers.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# MTE Papers
+A collection of papers related to the MTE framework.
+In particular, applied papers that employ the framework of Mogstad et al. ECMA.
+## Applied Papers using Mogstad et al. ECMA Framework
+### Rose and Shem-Tov 2021 JPE
+Title: *How Does Incarceration Affect Reoffending? Estimating the Dose-Response Function*
+They use and extend the MTE model for extrapolation. They don't provide inference.
+For example, see Figure 5 and Table 6.
+### Koichiro, Takanori Makoto AER
+Title: Selection on Welfare Gains: Experimental Evidence from Electricity Plan Choice†
+They don't seem to primarily use the MST method, but rather the parametric method of Brinch et al.
+### Shea WP
+# To Check
+- https://direct.mit.edu/rest/article-abstract/doi/10.1162/rest_a_01483/124131/The-Value-of-Piped-Water-and-Sewers-Evidence-from?redirectedFrom=fulltext
+- https://direct.mit.edu/rest/article-abstract/105/3/646/102834/Reconciling-Seemingly-Contradictory-Results-from
+- https://academic.oup.com/ej/article-abstract/132/646/2231/6548192
+- https://academic.oup.com/restud/article-abstract/90/1/432/6582594
+- https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4405043
+- https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/aer.20181756
+- Appendix of https://academic.oup.com/qje/article-abstract/133/4/1885/5025665
+# Misc
+- Mismeasurement tratment: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304407623002725
diff --git a/paper/presentation.tex b/paper/presentation.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7494c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paper/presentation.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+\documentclass[11pt, aspectratio=169]{beamer}
+% \documentclass[11pt,handout]{beamer}
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+ natbib=true,
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+% \author[Julian Budde]
+% {
+% {\bf Julian Budde}\\
+% {\small University of Bonn}\\[1ex]
+% }
+ \titlepage
+ \note{~}
+ \frametitle{Marginal Treatment Effect Model: Notation}
+ Based on~\cite{mogstad2018using}.
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ Program evaluation setting:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Outcome $Y$
+ \item Binary Treatment $D$
+ \item Potential Outcomes $Y = D Y_{i1} + (1-D) Y_{i0}$
+ \item Binary Instrument $Z$
+ \end{itemize}
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ \textbf{Treatment Choice Equation}:
+ \begin{equation}
+ D = I\{p(Z) - U \geq 0\}
+ \end{equation}
+ where $p(z)$ is the propensity score and $U\sim Unif[0,1]$.
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ $U$ is ``resistance'' to treatment: Small $u$ $\rightarrow$ always take treatment.
+ \frametitle{MTE Model: Assumptions}
+ $(Y,D,Z)$ are observables, $(Y_1, Y_0, U)$ unobservables.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item $U \indep Z$
+ \item $E[Y_d|Z,U] = E[Y_d|U]$ and $E[Y_d^2] < \infty$ for $d \in \{0,1\}$
+ \item $U$ is uniform on $[0,1]$ conditional on $Z$.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{MTR Functions}
+ Key to the paper: Define everything in terms of (unobservable) MTR functions.
+ For $d\in\{0,1\}$:
+ \begin{equation}
+ m_d(u) \equiv E[Y_d | U=u].
+ \end{equation}
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ \textbf{Extrapolation}: Combine
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \textit{Information} on point-identified estimands, with
+ \item \textit{Assumptions} on MTR functions.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ $\Rightarrow$ Linear program to get identified set.
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ Question: How to perform inference?
+\section{Simple Example}
+ \frametitle{Setup}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Outcome $Y \in [0,1]$.
+ \item Binary Treatment $D$
+ \item Binary Instrument $Z$
+ \item Propensity score: $p(0) = 0.4$ and $p(1) = 0.6$.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ \textbf{Identify LATE}: $\beta_0^s = E[Y_1 - Y_0 | u \in (0.4, 0.6]]$.
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ \textbf{Target Parameter}: $\beta^* = E[Y_1 - Y_0 | u \in (0.4, 0.8]]$.
+ \frametitle{Solution}
+ The linear programs have an explicit solution:
+ \begin{equation}
+ \beta^* \in [\omega \beta_0^s + (1 - \omega) * (-1), \omega \beta_0^s + (1-\omega) * 1],
+ \end{equation}
+ where $\omega = \frac{p(1) - p(0)}{\overline{u} + p(1) - p(0)}$ is the relative complier share.
+ \frametitle{Solution with Constraints}
+ We can assume that MTR functions must be \textit{increasing} in $u$.
+ This introduces a \textit{kink} in the solution.
+ \begin{equation}
+ \overline{\beta^*}(\beta_s)=
+ \begin{cases}
+ \omega \beta_s + (1 - \omega),& \quad \text{if } \beta_s \geq 0\\
+ \beta_s + (1 - \omega), & \quad \text{if } \beta_s < 0,
+ \end{cases}
+ \end{equation}
+ and
+ \begin{equation}
+ \underline{\beta^*}(\beta_s)=
+ \begin{cases}
+ \beta_s - (1 - \omega),& \quad \text{if } \beta_s \geq 0\\
+ \omega \beta_s - (1 - \omega), & \quad \text{if } \beta_s < 0.
+ \end{cases}
+ \end{equation}
+ \frametitle{Inference}
+ From~\cite{fang2019inference} we know the standard \textit{bootstrap fails} when $\phi(\theta)$ is not fully differentiable.
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ \textbf{Alternatives}: Based on \textit{directional} differentiability of $\phi$ we can use adjusted delta methods.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \textit{Analytical} delta method, e.g.~\cite{fang2019inference}.
+ \item \textit{Numerical} delta method, e.g.~\cite{hong2018numerical}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Analytical delta bootstrap}:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item[1.] Bootstrap approximation to distribution of $\sqrt{n}(\hat{\beta^s} - \beta_0^s)$.
+ \item[2.] Suitable estimator $\hat{\phi'_n}$ for directional derivative.
+ \item[3.] Delta method:
+ \begin{equation*}
+ \hat{\phi'_n}(\sqrt{n}(\hat{\beta^s}^*_n - \hat{\beta^s}_n))
+ \end{equation*}
+ \end{itemize}
+ In our case: Simple pre-test
+ \begin{equation*}
+ \hat{\phi'_n}(h)=
+ \begin{cases}
+ h \omega,& \quad \text{if } \sqrt{n}\hat{\beta^s}/\hat{\sigma^s} > \kappa_n\\
+ I(h < 0) h + I(h > 0) h \omega,& \quad \text{if } |\sqrt{n}\hat{\beta^s}/\hat{\sigma^s}| \leq \kappa_n\\
+ h,& \quad \text{if } \sqrt{n}\hat{\beta^s}/\hat{\sigma^s} < -\kappa_n\\
+ \end{cases}
+ \end{equation*}
+ where we require $\kappa_n \to \infty$ but more slowly than $\sqrt{n}$, i.e. $\kappa_n / \sqrt{n} \to 0$.
+ \frametitle{Numerical delta bootstrap}
+ If we don't know the analytical structure of $\phi'$, we can use a numerical approximation:
+ \begin{equation*}
+ \hat{\phi'}_{n, s_n} \equiv \frac{1}{s_n}\{\phi(\hat{\beta^s} + s_n h) - \phi(\hat{\beta^s})\}
+ \end{equation*}
+ Combining this with a bootstrap approximation to $\sqrt{n}(\hat{\beta^s} - \beta_0^s)$ we get
+ \begin{equation*}
+ \hat{\phi'}_{n, s_n}(\sqrt{n}(\hat{\beta^s} - \beta_0^s)) \equiv \frac{1}{s_n}\{\phi(\hat{\beta^s} + s_n \sqrt{n}(\hat{\beta^s} - \beta_0^s)) - \phi(\hat{\beta^s})\},
+ \end{equation*}
+ the distribution of which we can use to construct confidence intervals.
+ We require $s_n\to0$ but $s_n\sqrt{n} \to \infty$.
+ \frametitle{Monte Carlo Simulations}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item True parameter $\beta^*$ at upper bound of identified set.
+ \item Compare: Standard bootstrap, analytical and numerical delta method.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ To construct $1-\alpha = 0.95$ confidence interval for \textit{true parameter}:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Use asymptotic approximations from above.
+ \item Construct one-sided $\alpha/2$ intervals for the upper and lower bound.
+ \item By~\cite{imbens2004confidence} logic these should be \textit{conservative}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ Setting: $N_{boot} = N_{sims} = 250$, $s_n = 1 / \sqrt{n}$, $\kappa_n = \sqrt{n}$.
+ \frametitle{Results: Coverage}
+ \begin{figure}
+ \includegraphics[width=\textheight]{../bld/boot/figures/coverage.png}
+ \caption{Coverage by Method and True Parameter}
+ \end{figure}
+ \frametitle{Outlook}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item[1.] Get inference to work: CI construction, tuning params, check analytical delta.
+ \item[2.] Understand solutions under different constraints: Shape restrictions, parametric restrictions (written package for this)
+ \item[3.] Simulate bootstrap and numerical delta method in
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item[(a)] More complicated example $\Rightarrow$ original paper example
+ \item[(b)] Empirically relevant example $\Rightarrow$ literature
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item[4.] Justify numerical delta bootstrap theoretically by studying characteristics of LP solutions
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{References}
+ \renewcommand{\bibfont}{\normalfont\footnotesize}
+ \printbibliography
diff --git a/paper/refs.bib b/paper/refs.bib
index d04e8e66..eab15c16 100644
--- a/paper/refs.bib
+++ b/paper/refs.bib
@@ -1,487 +1,139 @@
- author = {Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson and James A. Robinson},
- journal = {The American Economic Review},
- month = dec,
- number = {5},
- pages = {1369-1401},
- title = {The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation},
- volume = {91},
- year = {2001}
- author = {David Y. Albouy},
- journal = {American Economic Review},
- number = {6},
- pages = {3059-3076},
- title = {The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Investigation of the Settler Mortality Data},
- volume = {102},
- year = {2012}
- address = {Birmingham, UK},
- author = {Daniel Arbuckle},
- publisher = {Packt Publishing},
- title = {Python Testing: Beginner's Guide},
- year = {2010}
- author = {Baiocchi, Giovanni},
- journal = {Computational Economics},
- month = {August},
- number = {1},
- pages = {19-40},
- title = {Reproducible research in computational economics: guidelines, integrated approaches, and open source software},
- volume = {30},
- year = {2007}
- author = {Nick Barnes},
- journal = {Nature},
- month = {October},
- pages = {753},
- title = {Publish Your Computer Code: It is Good Enough},
- volume = {467},
- year = {2010}
- author = {Adam Barr},
- publisher = {Addison Wesley},
- title = {Find the Bug. A Book of Incorrect Programs},
- year = {2004}
- author = {Georg Brandl},
- month = {July},
- note = {Available at \url{http://sphinx.pocoo.org/}},
- title = {Sphinx Documentation},
- year = {2010}
- author = {Jennifer Campbell and Paul Gries and Jason Montojo and Gregory V. Wilson},
- editor = {Daniel H. Steinberg},
- publisher = {The Pragmatic Programmers},
- series = {Practical Programming},
- title = {An Introduction to Computer Science Using {Python}},
- year = {2009}
- author = {William G. Dewald and Jerry G. Thursby and Richard G. Anderson},
- journal = {The American Economic Review},
- month = sep,
- number = {4},
- pages = {587-603},
- title = {Replication in Empirical Economics: The Journal of Money, Credit and Banking Project},
- volume = {76},
- year = {1986}
- address = {Sebastopol, {CA, USA}},
- author = {Matthew B. Doar},
- publisher = {O'Reilly Media},
- title = {Practical Development Environments},
- year = {2005}
- author = {Paul F. Dubois},
- journal = {Computing in Science \& Engineering},
- number = {3},
- pages = {80-85},
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- note = {Proceedings of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group, {University of Lancaster, UK}},
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- note = {{Available at \url{http://quant-econ.net/index.html}}},
- title = {Quantitative Economics},
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- title = {{\LaTeX} workshop for advanced users... or at least not beginners!},
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- title = {Data Crunching},
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- note = {Available at \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/1210.0530}},
- title = {Best Practices for Scientific Computing},
- year = {2012}
- author = {{Wall Street Journal}},
- month = {{24 October}},
- note = {{Available at http://gsppi.berkeley.edu/faculty/jrothstein/hoxby/wsj.pdf}},
- title = {Novel Way to Assess School Competition Stirs Academic Row},
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+ title={Using instrumental variables for inference about policy relevant treatment parameters},
+ author={Mogstad, Magne and Santos, Andres and Torgovitsky, Alexander},
+ journal={Econometrica},
+ volume={86},
+ number={5},
+ pages={1589--1619},
+ year={2018},
+ publisher={Wiley Online Library}
+ title={ivmte: An R Package for Extrapolating Instrumental Variable Estimates Away From Compliers},
+ author={Shea, Joshua and Torgovitsky, Alexander},
+ journal={Observational Studies},
+ volume={9},
+ number={2},
+ pages={1--42},
+ year={2023},
+ publisher={University of Pennsylvania Press}
+ title={Using Instrumental Variables for Inference about Policy Relevant Treatment Effects},
+ author={Mogstad, Magne and Santos, Andres and Torgovitsky, Alexander},
+ year={2017},
+ institution={National Bureau of Economic Research}
+ title={Invalidity of the bootstrap and the m out of n bootstrap for confidence interval endpoints defined by moment inequalities},
+ author={Andrews, Donald WK and Han, Sukjin},
+ journal={The Econometrics Journal},
+ volume={12},
+ pages={S172--S199},
+ year={2009},
+ publisher={Oxford University Press Oxford, UK}
+ title={Confidence intervals for partially identified parameters},
+ author={Imbens, Guido W and Manski, Charles F},
+ journal={Econometrica},
+ volume={72},
+ number={6},
+ pages={1845--1857},
+ year={2004},
+ publisher={Wiley Online Library}
+ title={Inference on Union Bounds with Applications to DiD, RDD, Bunching, and Structural Counterfactuals},
+ author={Bei, Xinyue},
+ year={2023},
+ journal={Working Paper},
+ title={Sharp bounds in the latent index selection model},
+ author={Marx, Philip},
+ journal={Journal of Econometrics},
+ volume={238},
+ number={2},
+ pages={105561},
+ year={2024},
+ publisher={Elsevier}
+ title={A computational approach to identification of treatment effects for policy evaluation},
+ author={Han, Sukjin and Yang, Shenshen},
+ journal={Journal of Econometrics},
+ volume={240},
+ number={1},
+ pages={105680},
+ year={2024},
+ publisher={Elsevier}
+ title={Inference for Large-Scale Linear Systems With Known Coefficients},
+ author={Fang, Zheng and Santos, Andres and Shaikh, Azeem M and Torgovitsky, Alexander},
+ journal={Econometrica},
+ volume={91},
+ number={1},
+ pages={299--327},
+ year={2023},
+ publisher={Wiley Online Library}
+ title={A negative correlation strategy for bracketing in difference-in-differences},
+ author={Ye, Ting and Keele, Luke and Hasegawa, Raiden and Small, Dylan S},
+ journal={Journal of the American Statistical Association},
+ pages={1--13},
+ year={2023},
+ publisher={Taylor \& Francis}
+ title={Confidence intervals for projections of partially identified parameters},
+ author={Kaido, Hiroaki and Molinari, Francesca and Stoye, J{\"o}rg},
+ journal={Econometrica},
+ volume={87},
+ number={4},
+ pages={1397--1432},
+ year={2019},
+ publisher={Wiley Online Library}
+ title={Quantifying the Internal Validity of Weighted Estimands},
+ author={Poirier, Alexandre and S{\l}oczy{\'n}ski, Tymon},
+ journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.14603},
+ year={2024}
+ title={The numerical delta method},
+ author={Hong, Han and Li, Jessie},
+ journal={Journal of Econometrics},
+ volume={206},
+ number={2},
+ pages={379--394},
+ year={2018},
+ publisher={Elsevier}
+ title={Inference on directionally differentiable functions},
+ author={Fang, Zheng and Santos, Andres},
+ journal={The Review of Economic Studies},
+ volume={86},
+ number={1},
+ pages={377--412},
+ year={2019},
+ publisher={Oxford University Press}
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-\title{Master Thesis\thanks{Julian Budde, University of Bonn. Email: \href{mailto:buddejul@gmail.com}{\nolinkurl{buddejul [at] gmail [dot] com}}.}}
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+\title{Inference in a Simple MTE Model}
\author{Julian Budde}
- {\bf Preliminary -- please do not quote}
- \\[1ex]
- \today
- Some abstract here.
-\section{Introduction} % (fold)
-If you are using this template, please cite this item from the references:
-The data set for the example project is taken from
-It contains data on smoking habits in the UK, with 1691 observations and 12 variables.
-We consider only 4 of the 12 features for the prediction of the variable
-\texttt{smoking}: \texttt{marital\_status}, \texttt{highest\_qualification},
-\texttt{gender} and \texttt{age}. We model the dependence using a Logistic model. All
-numerical features are included linearly, while categorical features are expanded into
-dummy variables. Figures below illustrate the model predictions over the lifetime. You
-will find one figure and one estimation summary table for each installed programming
- \centering
- \includegraphics[width=0.85\textwidth]{../python/figures/smoking_by_marital_status}
- \caption{\emph{Python:} Model predictions of the smoking probability over the
- lifetime. Each colored line represents a case where marital status is fixed to one
- of the values present in the data set.}
- \label{fig:python-predictions}
+This document analyzes a simple version of the MTE model with a binary instrument and bounded outcome.
+The goal is to extrapolate from a point-identified LATE for instrument-compliers to a larger sub-population.
+I discuss solutions for constant splines, which in this case --- constant weights of target and identified parameters over a finite number of population intervals --- deliver sharp bounds (Theorem 4 in the paper).
+The linear program in this simple example has analytical solutions which helps to illustrate the nature of the inference problem.
+In particular, I discuss solutions in the cases of unrestricted MTR functions and under shape restrictions (e.g.\ increasing MTR functions).
+In the first case, if the outcome is bounded between $0$ and $1$, the identified set is of the form
+ \omega \beta_s \pm (1 - \omega),
+where both $\beta_s$ and $\omega$ are unknown and depend on the propensity score and the CEF of the outcome given the instrument.
+In the second case, the solution to either the upper or the lower bound depends on whether the constraint is binding or not.
+For example, with \textit{increasing} MTR functions, the solution to the upper bound is given by
+ \overline{\beta^*}=
+ \begin{cases}
+ \omega \beta_s + (1 - \omega),& \quad \text{if } \beta_s \geq 0\\
+ \beta_s + (1 - \omega), & \quad \text{if } \beta_s < 0.
+ \end{cases}
+This means that the upper bound is strictly smaller than the unrestricted bound stated above whenever $\beta_s$ is small enough.
+With increasing MTRs the bound is attained by maximizing the MTR under treatment while leaving the MTR under no treatment unchanged.
+If $\beta_s$ is negative, $1 \geq MTR^c_0 \geq MTR^c_1 \geq 0$ for the complier population, hence the unknown subpopulation cannot have a treament effect of $1$.
+The next section formalizes the example.
+\section{Simple Example: Extrapolating a LATE}
+This section introduces the notation and setup considered here.
+We consider a simple model with a binary instrument.
+In this case we can identify a \textit{local} average treatment effect for the sub-population of instrument compliers.
+Our goal is to extend this to a larger subpopulation.
+The outcome is denoted $Y_i$ and has bounded support $[0,1]$ (without loss of generality).
+The instrument $Z_i$ is binary.
+Binary treatment $D_i$ is determined by the selection model with
+ D_i = I\{p(Z_i) \geq U_i\},
+where $U_i\sim U(0,1)$, $U_i \indep Z_i$ and $I\{A\}$ denotes the indicator function for event $A$.
+Thus, $p(z) \equiv P(D_i = 1 | Z_i = z)$ is the propensity score.
+Assuming that it is known that $p(0) \leq p(1)$ we can identify $LATE(p(0), p(1))$, the local average treatment effect for the subpopulation with $U_i$ realizations in $\mathopen(p(0), p(1)\mathclose]$\footnote{In practice, it is unknown to the researcher whether $p(0) < p(1)$ and hence whether the target has upper bound $p(0) + \overline{u}$ or $p(1) + \overline{u}$. So probably the target should be treated as $\max\{p(1), p(0)\} + \overline{u}$ and the lower bound equivalently.}.
+We are interested in extending this to $LATE(p(0), p(1) + \overline{u})$ with $\overline{u} \geq 0$ and such that $p(1) + \overline{u} \leq 1$.
+In this simple case we can find an exact solution to the linear program presented in the previous section using a finite-dimensional approximation to the underlying MTR functions.
+The reason --- as shown in the paper --- is that all weights, both for the identified and the target estimand, are constant over intervals of $u$.
+In particular, partition $u\in[0,1]$ into the intervals $[0, p(0)], (p(0), p(1)], (p(1), \overline{u}], (\overline{u}, 1]$. Note that the relevant endpoints are the two propensity scores and the upper bound of the target parameter.
+To approximate the underlying MTR functions for the non-parametric identified set we can simply use constant splines on each of the partitions, namely
+ I\{0 \leq u \leq p(0)\}, \\
+ I\{p(0) < u \leq p(1)\}, \\
+ I\{p(1) < u \leq \overline{u}\}, \\
+ I\{\overline{u} < u \leq 1\}.
+The weights on these splines are the choice variables of the linear program which can be stated as follows:
+ [\text{Describe LP}].
+We have eight choice variables $\theta_{kd}$: One for each partition $k\in\{1,2,3,4\}$ and for each treatment state $d\in\{0,1\}$.
+The choice variables in our setting are nuisance parameters.
+We are solely interested in the upper and lower bound for the target parameter, that is the value of the linear program.
+This linear program can easily be solved by hand and results in the following identified set:
+ \beta^* \in [\omega\beta_s - (1 - \omega), \omega\beta_s + (1 - \omega)],
+where $\omega = \frac{p(1) - p(0)}{\overline{u} + p(1) - p(0)} = \frac{p(1) - p(0)}{\overline{u} + p(1) - p(0)}$.
+This is intuitive: The target estimand is a weighted average of the identified $LATE(p(0), p(1))$ and the unknown $LATE(p(1), \overline{u})$.
+The weights correspond to the relative size of the subpopulations and the bounds for the unknown LATE are $-1$ and $1$, respectively.
+Importantly, this only holds because $LATE(p(0), p(1))$ does not put any restrictions on the MTR functions outside the interval $(p(0), p(1)]$, which is intuitive and can easily be seen from the LP constraints.
+This is generally different for other identified target estimands like the OLS slope, which put non-zero weight outside this interval\footnote{OLS does so asymmetrically for $d=0$ and $d=1$ which reflects why OLS does not correspond to a well defined causal quantity in this model. Note: This would be interesting to connect to the ideas in~\cite{poirier2024quantifying}: How could we think about the subpopulation in terms of $u$?}.
+Note that by the usual identification argument we have
+ \beta_s = \frac{\E\left[Y|Z=1\right] - \E\left[Y|Z=0\right]}{p(1) - p(0)}.
+But this implies the interval simplifies to
+ \beta^* \in \left[\frac{\E\left[Y|Z=1\right] - \E\left[Y|Z=0\right]}{\overline{u} + p(1) - p(0)} \pm (1 - \omega)\right].
+Now if $\overline{u}\geq0$ is fixed, this immediately tells we no longer have the weak identification problem when $p(1) - p(0)\geq0$ is close to zero. Further, in the case $p(1) - p(0) = 0$ we have that the numerator is also equal to zero by the exclusion restriction on $Z$. Hence, the identified set is --- obviously so --- given by $[-1, 1]$.
+However, for asymptotics with \textit{both} $p(1) - p(0)$ and $\overline{u}$ going to zero with the sample size at the right rate issues with a denominator close to zero should again arise.
+\subsection{Graphical Illustration}
+Figure~\ref{fig:sm_upper_no_restr} illustrates the solution to the extrapolation problem for the upper bound.
+First, note that the MTR functions outside $[p(0), p(1) + \overline{u}]$ are irrelevant as neither the identified nor the target parameter depends on them. Hence they are not depicted.
+Next, note that in this special non-parametric case without any additional restrictions, the choices of $\theta_{2d}$ and $\theta_{3d}$ are independent.
+Thus, the upper bound is given by any arguments that satisfy $\theta_{21} - \theta_{20} = \beta_s$ and the maximum upper bound is attained at $\beta_u = 1$ at $\theta_{31} = 1, \theta_{30} = 0$.
+One such set of choice variables is depicted in the graph.
+ \input{figures/sm_upper_no_restr.tex}
+ \caption{Solution for Upper Bound without Restrictions}\label{fig:sm_upper_no_restr}
+\subsection{Solutions with Restrictions}
+\subsubsection{Monotone MTR Functions}
+The first set of restrictions we consider are increasing MTR functions.
+In terms of the program this corresponds to the following set of constraints:
+ \theta_{k+1,d} \geq \theta_{k,d} \quad \text{for} \quad k \in \{2, 3, 4\} \text{ and } d \in \{0,1\}
+Under these additional restrictions the logic to attaining the upper bound is as follows:
+We are only allowed to increase the MTR functions and $\beta_s$ is increasing in $\theta_{31}$ and decreasing in $\theta_{30}$.
+Since both are constrained from below by $\theta_{21}$ and $\theta_{20}$ we make both as small as possible subject to $\theta_{21} - \theta_{20} = \beta_s$.
+Then the has the feature $1 = \theta_{31} \geq \theta_{21}$ and $\theta_{30} = \theta_{20} \geq 0$.
+To determine the remaining choice variables, differentiate between $\beta_s > 0$ and $\beta_s < 0$:
+ \item When $\beta_s > 0$ the constraint is \textit{not binding/redundant} (at least for the upper bound)\footnote{Technically it is binding but only since we have the general constraint $\theta_{kd} \geq 0$. In this sense it is redundant.}. Note that $\beta_s = \theta_{21} > \theta_{20} = 0$ is a possible solution satisfying the $\beta_s$ constraint.
+ Hence, $1 = \theta_{31} > \theta_{30} = \theta_{20} = 0$ is a feasible solution implying $\beta_u = 1$. This is the upper bound without restrictions.
+ \item When $\beta_s < 0$ the constraint will be \textit{binding}. The smallest set $\theta_{21}, \theta_{20}$ consistent with $\beta_s$ is given by $-\beta_s = \theta_{20} > \theta_{21} = 0$.
+ Then the upper bound is attained by $1 = \theta_{31} > \theta_{30} = -\beta_s$ which results in $\beta_u = 1 + \beta_s < 1$. Thus, the constraint decreases the upper bound.
+To summarize, the solutions to the upper and lower bound are given by the following function of $\beta_s$, which has a kink at $\beta_s = 0$:
+ \overline{\beta^*}(\beta_s)=
+ \begin{cases}
+ \omega \beta_s + (1 - \omega),& \quad \text{if } \beta_s \geq 0\\
+ \beta_s + (1 - \omega), & \quad \text{if } \beta_s < 0,
+ \end{cases}
+ \underline{\beta^*}(\beta_s)=
+ \begin{cases}
+ \beta_s - (1 - \omega),& \quad \text{if } \beta_s \geq 0\\
+ \omega \beta_s - (1 - \omega), & \quad \text{if } \beta_s < 0.
+ \end{cases}
+Figure~\ref{fig:sm_upper_incr.tex} illustrates how the constraint is binding in the case with $\beta_s < 0$ for the upper bound.
+Note we would like to set $\theta_{30} = 0$ but this violates the constraint $\theta_{30} \geq \theta_{20} = -\beta_s > 0$.
+ \input{figures/sm_upper_incr.tex}
+ \caption{Upper Bound with Monotone MTR Functions}\label{fig:sm_upper_incr.tex}
- \input{../python/tables/estimation_results.tex}
- \caption{\label{tab:python-summary}\emph{Python:} Estimation results of the
- linear Logistic regression.}
-% section introduction (end)
+Figure~\ref{fig:sm_sol_upper} displays the solution to the upper bound $\overline{\beta^*}$ and lower bound $\underline{\beta^*}$ as a function of $\beta_s$ under different restrictions.
+ \centering
+ \begin{subfigure}{0.45\textwidth}
+ \centering
+ \input{figures/sm_sol_upper.tex}
+ \caption{Solution to $\overline{\beta^*}$}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{subfigure}{0.45\textwidth}
+ \centering
+ \input{figures/sm_sol_lower.tex}
+ \caption{Solution to $\underline{\beta^*}$}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \caption{Solutions under Different Constraints}\label{fig:sm_sol_upper}
-% \appendix
+\subsection{Estimation and Inference}
+\paragraph{Unknown propensity score}
+One subtle conceptual difficulty is that the researcher does not observe $p(0), p(1)$ but only a noisy estimate when they perform their extrapolation exercise. In terms of sampling, this would mean we over- or under-sample compliers, i.e.\ those with realizations $u_i\in (p(0), p(1)]$, resulting in a too large or too small difference in propensity scores.
+We still consider the case where the researcher wants to perform inference on the parameter $p(0), p(1)$, which seems to be the only reasonable approach.
+\paragraph{Plug-in Estimator}
+The explicit solution above suggests a simple plug-in estimator for the identified set:
+ \hat{\Theta}_0 = \left[\hat{\omega} \hat{\beta}^{LATE} - (1-\hat{\omega}), \hat{\omega}\hat{\beta}^{LATE} + (1-\hat{\omega}) \right].
+ \hat{\beta}^{LATE} = \frac{1/N_1 \sum_{i=1}^N Z_i Y_i - 1/N_0 \sum_{i=1}^N(1-Z_i)Y_i}{1/N_1\sum_{i=1}^N Z_i D_i - 1/N_0\sum_{i=1}^N (1-Z_i)D_i}.
+where $N_1 = \sum_{i=1}^N Z_i$ and $N = N_0 + N_1$. Further,
+ \hat{\omega} = \frac{\hat{p}(1) - \hat{p}(0)}{\overline{u} + \hat{p}(1) - \hat{p}(0)},
+where $\hat{p}(z)$ is an estimator of the propensity score.
+Using the simplification noted above, the estimator can be equivalently written as
+ .
+\section{Inference Approaches}
+The target is to make inference on the parameter $\beta^*$ which for the simulation purposes I set to $LATE(0.4, 0.6)$.
+\footnote{Inference for the interval-identified parameter $\beta^*$ and its identified set are not necessarily the same as pointed out by \cite{imbens2004confidence} in simple examples. I will return to this point below.}
+That means, we want to extrapolte the LATE for the instrument-complier subpopulation with $u\in[0.4, 0.6]$ to a broader sub-population.
+Inference is complicated by the fact that the optimal solution $\beta^* = \beta^*(\beta_s)$ exhibits a kink at $\beta_s=0$ and hence is not fully differentiable at that point.
+However, as pointed out by~\cite{fang2023inference} and~\cite{hong2018numerical}, a delta method can be used that only requires \textit{directional} differentiability of the functional.
+~\cite{fang2023inference} propose a method that combines a bootstrap approximation to the underlying parameter with an estimate of the directional derivative of the functional $\phi$ that exploits its analytical structure.
+~\cite{hong2018numerical} on the other hand propose to use a numerical approximation to the directional derivative.
+Henceforth, I will call these methods the \textit{analytical} and \textit{numerical} delta bootstrap, respectively.
+In the following I will use the notation of~\cite{fang2023inference}.
+Our goal is to perform inference on the real-valued parameter $\beta^*$, which is only set-identified.
+As shown above the set is given by $[\underline{\beta^*}(\beta_s), \overline{\beta^*}]$,
+with the following explicit solutions:
+ \overline{\beta^*}(\beta_s)=
+ \begin{cases}
+ \omega \beta_s + (1 - \omega),& \quad \text{if } \beta_s \geq 0\\
+ \beta_s + (1 - \omega), & \quad \text{if } \beta_s < 0,
+ \end{cases}
+ \underline{\beta^*}(\beta_s)=
+ \begin{cases}
+ \beta_s - (1 - \omega),& \quad \text{if } \beta_s \geq 0\\
+ \omega \beta_s - (1 - \omega), & \quad \text{if } \beta_s < 0.
+ \end{cases}
+In the notation of~\cite{fang2023inference} we have an underlying parameter $\theta_0 \equiv \beta_0^s$ which in our case is real-valued.
+The mapping $\phi: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ is the solution to the upper or lower bound, respectively.
+That is, we have $\overline{\phi} \equiv \overline{\beta^*}$ with the mapping given above.
+As is evident, this function has a kink at $\beta_s = 0$ and hence is only directionally differentiable at that point.
+If we can find a method to construct confidence intervals for $\overline{\phi}(\beta_0^s)$ and $\underline{\phi}(\beta_0^s)$, we can also construct a confidence interval.
+Note that our setting is the same as Example 2.2 of~\cite{hong2018numerical}, which itself is a more general version of Example 2 in~\cite{fang2023inference}.
+\section{Simulation Results}
+ \centering
+ \begin{subfigure}{0.45\textwidth}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{../bld/boot/figures/coverage.png}
+ \caption{Coverage for True Parameter}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{subfigure}{0.45\textwidth}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{../bld/boot/figures/length.png}
+ \caption{Length of CIs}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \begin{subfigure}{0.45\textwidth}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{../bld/boot/figures/means.png}
+ \caption{Means of Upper and Lower Bound}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{subfigure}{0.45\textwidth}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{../bld/boot/figures/coverage_eps_fun.png}
+ \caption{Coverage by Step Size for Numerical Delta Method}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \caption{Simulation: CI Properties for Standard and Numerical Delta Bootstrap}\label{fig:simulation_ci_bootstrap}
-% The chngctr package is needed for the following lines.
-% \counterwithin{table}{section}
-% \counterwithin{figure}{section}
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index b7f1da35..26699b1c 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -12,10 +12,16 @@ pdbcls = "pdbp:Pdb"
target-version = "py311"
select = ["ALL"]
fix = true
-fix-only = true # No linting errors will be reported
+# Might want to reduce this at some point, currently just the set to whatever number
+# is required.
+pylint.max-args = 13
+fix-only = false # No linting errors will be reported
extend-ignore = [
"S101", # Use of `assert` detected.
"ANN", # Missing type annotations
+ "TD002", # to do hooks
+ "TD003", # to do hooks
+ "FIX002", # to do hooks
@@ -47,3 +53,6 @@ norecursedirs = ["docs"]
line_length = 88
none_representation = "null"
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diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 829d224b..4c741747 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ project_urls =
packages = find:
install_requires =
-python_requires = >=3.11
+python_requires = >=3.12
include_package_data = True
package_dir =
diff --git a/src/thesis/analysis/__init__.py b/src/thesis/analysis/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b4b3ba3..00000000
--- a/src/thesis/analysis/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-"""Code for the core analyses."""
diff --git a/src/thesis/analysis/model.py b/src/thesis/analysis/model.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 20f776b3..00000000
--- a/src/thesis/analysis/model.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-"""Functions for fitting the regression model."""
-import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
-from statsmodels.iolib.smpickle import load_pickle
-def fit_logit_model(data, data_info, model_type):
- """Fit a logit model to data.
- Args:
- data (pandas.DataFrame): The data set.
- data_info (dict): Information on data set stored in data_info.yaml. The
- following keys can be accessed:
- - 'outcome': Name of dependent variable column in data
- - 'outcome_numerical': Name to be given to the numerical version of outcome
- - 'columns_to_drop': Names of columns that are dropped in data cleaning step
- - 'categorical_columns': Names of columns that are converted to categorical
- - 'column_rename_mapping': Old and new names of columns to be renamend,
- stored in a dictionary with design: {'old_name': 'new_name'}
- - 'url': URL to data set
- model_type (str): What model to build for the linear relationship of the logit
- model. Currently implemented:
- - 'linear': Numerical covariates enter the regression linearly, and
- categorical covariates are expanded to dummy variables.
- Returns:
- statsmodels.base.model.Results: The fitted model.
- """
- outcome_name = data_info["outcome"]
- outcome_name_numerical = data_info["outcome_numerical"]
- feature_names = list(set(data.columns) - {outcome_name, outcome_name_numerical})
- if model_type == "linear":
- # smf.logit expects the binary outcome to be numerical
- formula = f"{outcome_name_numerical} ~ " + " + ".join(feature_names)
- else:
- message = "Only 'linear' model_type is supported right now."
- raise ValueError(message)
- return smf.logit(formula, data=data).fit()
-def load_model(path):
- """Load statsmodels model.
- Args:
- path (str or pathlib.Path): Path to model file.
- Returns:
- statsmodels.base.model.Results: The stored model.
- """
- return load_pickle(path)
diff --git a/src/thesis/analysis/predict.py b/src/thesis/analysis/predict.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2801951c..00000000
--- a/src/thesis/analysis/predict.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-"""Functions for predicting outcomes based on the estimated model."""
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-def predict_prob_by_age(data, model, group):
- """Predict smoking probability for varying age values.
- For each group value in column data[group] we create new data that runs through a
- grid of age values from data.age.min() to data.age.max() and fixes all column
- values to the ones returned by data.mode(), except for the group column.
- Args:
- data (pandas.DataFrame): The data set.
- model (statsmodels.base.model.Results): The fitted model.
- group (str): Categorical column in data set. We create predictions for each
- unique value in column data[group]. Cannot be 'age' or 'smoke'.
- Returns:
- pandas.DataFrame: Predictions. Has columns 'age' and one column for each
- category in column group.
- """
- age_min = data["age"].min()
- age_max = data["age"].max()
- age_grid = np.arange(age_min, age_max + 1)
- mode = data.mode()
- new_data = pd.DataFrame(age_grid, columns=["age"])
- cols_to_set = list(set(data.columns) - {group, "age", "smoke"})
- new_data = new_data.assign(**dict(mode.loc[0, cols_to_set]))
- predicted = {"age": age_grid}
- for group_value in data[group].unique():
- _new_data = new_data.copy()
- _new_data[group] = group_value
- predicted[group_value] = model.predict(_new_data)
- return pd.DataFrame(predicted)
diff --git a/src/thesis/analysis/task_analysis.py b/src/thesis/analysis/task_analysis.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1859c9e5..00000000
--- a/src/thesis/analysis/task_analysis.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-"""Tasks running the core analyses."""
-from pathlib import Path
-import pandas as pd
-import pytask
-from thesis.analysis.model import fit_logit_model, load_model
-from thesis.analysis.predict import predict_prob_by_age
-from thesis.config import BLD, GROUPS, SRC
-from thesis.utilities import read_yaml
-fit_model_deps = {
- "scripts": [Path("model.py"), Path("predict.py")],
- "data": BLD / "python" / "data" / "data_clean.csv",
- "data_info": SRC / "data_management" / "data_info.yaml",
-def task_fit_model_python(
- depends_on=fit_model_deps,
- produces=BLD / "python" / "models" / "model.pickle",
- """Fit a logistic regression model (Python version)."""
- data_info = read_yaml(depends_on["data_info"])
- data = pd.read_csv(depends_on["data"])
- model = fit_logit_model(data, data_info, model_type="linear")
- model.save(produces)
-for group in GROUPS:
- predict_deps = {
- "data": BLD / "python" / "data" / "data_clean.csv",
- "model": BLD / "python" / "models" / "model.pickle",
- }
- @pytask.task(id=group)
- def task_predict_python(
- group=group,
- depends_on=predict_deps,
- produces=BLD / "python" / "predictions" / f"{group}.csv",
- ):
- """Predict based on the model estimates (Python version)."""
- model = load_model(depends_on["model"])
- data = pd.read_csv(depends_on["data"])
- predicted_prob = predict_prob_by_age(data, model, group)
- predicted_prob.to_csv(produces, index=False)
diff --git a/src/thesis/bootstrap_kink/__init__.py b/src/thesis/bootstrap_kink/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3fe33ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/bootstrap_kink/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Bootstrap for non-differentiable or only directionally-differentiable functions."""
diff --git a/src/thesis/bootstrap_kink/funcs_kink.py b/src/thesis/bootstrap_kink/funcs_kink.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09690f06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/bootstrap_kink/funcs_kink.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+"""Functions for analyzing inference for simple kink model."""
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+def simulation(n_sim, n_obs, n_boot, theta_0, phi, alpha, rng):
+ """Simulation."""
+ return pd.concat(
+ [
+ _experiment(n_obs, n_boot, theta_0, phi, alpha, rng, return_boot=False)
+ for _ in range(n_sim)
+ ],
+ axis=1,
+ ).T
+def _experiment(n_obs, n_boot, theta_0, phi, alpha, rng, return_boot):
+ x = rng.normal(theta_0, 1, n_obs)
+ mle = phi(x.mean())
+ boot_mle = np.zeros(n_boot)
+ for i in range(n_boot):
+ boot_idx = rng.choice(n_obs, n_obs, replace=True)
+ boot_x = x[boot_idx]
+ boot_mle[i] = phi(boot_x.mean())
+ boot_distr = np.sqrt(n_obs) * (boot_mle - mle)
+ boot_cval_lo = np.percentile(boot_distr, 100 * alpha / 2)
+ boot_cval_hi = np.percentile(boot_distr, 100 * (1 - alpha / 2))
+ ci_lo = mle - boot_cval_hi / np.sqrt(n_obs)
+ ci_hi = mle - boot_cval_lo / np.sqrt(n_obs)
+ if return_boot:
+ return boot_distr
+ return pd.Series(
+ {
+ "ci_lo": ci_lo,
+ "ci_hi": ci_hi,
+ "theta_0": theta_0,
+ "alpha": alpha,
+ "n_obs": n_obs,
+ "n_boot": n_boot,
+ },
+ )
+def _phi_max(theta: float, cutoff: float = 0):
+ return np.maximum(theta, cutoff)
+def _phi_kink(
+ theta: float,
+ kink: float,
+ slope_left: float = 0.5,
+ slope_right: float = 1,
+ return slope_left * theta * (theta < kink) + slope_right * theta * (theta >= kink)
diff --git a/src/thesis/classes.py b/src/thesis/classes.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0eec08d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/classes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+"""Custom classes for thesis."""
+from collections.abc import Callable
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import NamedTuple
+import numpy as np
+class Estimand:
+ """Target estimand."""
+ esttype: str
+ u_lo: float | None = None
+ u_hi: float | None = None
+ dz_cross: tuple[int, int] | None = None
+class Instrument:
+ """Discrete instrument."""
+ support: np.ndarray
+ pmf: np.ndarray
+ pscores: np.ndarray
+class DGP:
+ """Data Generating Process."""
+ m0: Callable
+ m1: Callable
+ support_z: np.ndarray
+ pmf_z: np.ndarray
+ pscores: np.ndarray
+ joint_pmf_dz: dict[int, dict[int, float]]
+ @property
+ def expectation_z(self):
+ """Expectation of instrument Z."""
+ return np.sum(self.support_z * self.pmf_z)
+ @property
+ def expectation_d(self):
+ """Expectation of binary treatment D."""
+ return np.sum(self.pscores * self.pmf_z)
+ @property
+ def variance_d(self):
+ """Variance of binary treatment D."""
+ return self.expectation_d * (1 - self.expectation_d)
+ @property
+ def covariance_dz(self):
+ """Covariance of binary treatment D and instrument Z."""
+ return np.sum(
+ [
+ self.joint_pmf_dz[d][z]
+ * (d - self.expectation_d)
+ * (z - self.expectation_z)
+ for d in [0, 1]
+ for z in self.support_z
+ ],
+ )
+class MonteCarloSetup(NamedTuple):
+ """Setup for Monte Carlo simulations."""
+ sample_size: int
+ repetitions: int
+ u_hi_range: np.ndarray | None = None
+class LocalATEs(NamedTuple):
+ """LATEs for subpopulations: never-taker, complier, always-taker."""
+ always_taker: float
+ complier: float
+ never_taker: float
diff --git a/src/thesis/config.py b/src/thesis/config.py
index 5367091c..abd4f859 100644
--- a/src/thesis/config.py
+++ b/src/thesis/config.py
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
"""All the general configuration of the project."""
from pathlib import Path
+import numpy as np
SRC = Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
BLD = SRC.joinpath("..", "..", "bld").resolve()
@@ -10,3 +12,5 @@
GROUPS = ["marital_status", "qualification"]
__all__ = ["BLD", "SRC", "TEST_DIR", "GROUPS"]
+RNG = np.random.default_rng()
diff --git a/src/thesis/data/data.csv b/src/thesis/data/data.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index fb565254..00000000
--- a/src/thesis/data/data.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1692 +0,0 @@
-Male,38,Divorced,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,42,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"Under 2,600",The North,Yes,12.0,12.0,Packets
-Male,40,Married,Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,40,Married,Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,39,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,37,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,53,Married,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",The North,Yes,6.0,6.0,Packets
-Male,44,Single,Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,40,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,8.0,8.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,41,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,15.0,12.0,Packets
-Male,72,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,49,Married,No Qualification,British,White,Refused,The North,No,,,
-Male,29,Married,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,79,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,25,Single,Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,27,Single,Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,30,Single,Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,47,Divorced,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,69,Single,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Male,55,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,34,Married,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,6.0,12.0,Packets
-Female,36,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,5.0,2.0,Packets
-Female,56,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,71,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,Unknown,The North,No,,,
-Female,38,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,79,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,58,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,25.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,69,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,83,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,73,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,42,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,Refused,The North,Yes,40.0,15.0,Packets
-Female,31,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,Yes,15.0,15.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,26,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,27,Separated,Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,57,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,30,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,22,Single,A Levels,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,78,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,49,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,Mixed,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,74,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,85,Widowed,Degree,Scottish,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,75,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,Refused,The North,No,,,
-Female,80,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,37,Married,Degree,British,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,33,Single,Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,41,Divorced,A Levels,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,81,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,76,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,6.0,6.0,Packets
-Female,58,Married,A Levels,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,59,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,Yes,25.0,25.0,Packets
-Female,40,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,4.0,4.0,Packets
-Female,54,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,49,Married,Degree,Scottish,White,"Above 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,79,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,28,Married,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,44,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,42,Single,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,36,Single,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,89,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,64,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,76,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,76,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,61,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,81,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,20,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,20.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,82,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,23,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,20.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,41,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Above 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,31,Single,A Levels,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,44,Married,A Levels,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,Yes,5.0,0.0,Packets
-Female,42,Married,Degree,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,67,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,53,Married,Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,76,Married,No Qualification,English,Black,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,40,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,30.0,30.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,44,Married,A Levels,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,31,Separated,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,43,Divorced,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,20.0,20.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,36,Separated,A Levels,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,34,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,18,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,10.0,3.0,Packets
-Male,56,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,73,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,22,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,33,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,27,Single,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,Yes,10.0,0.0,Packets
-Female,33,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,63,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,64,Married,A Levels,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Male,54,Married,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,34,Married,Degree,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,78,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,54,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,56,Separated,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,78,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,37,Married,A Levels,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,54,Married,Degree,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,40,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,Yes,15.0,15.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,64,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,42,Married,GCSE/O Level,Other,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,34,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,64,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,50,Divorced,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,31,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,37,Married,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,81,Married,Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,57,Separated,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,10.0,10.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,59,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Male,66,Married,Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,57,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,78,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,49,Married,Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,62,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,17,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,36,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,31,Single,No Qualification,English,White,Refused,The North,Yes,7.0,7.0,Packets
-Female,61,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,Yes,25.0,25.0,Packets
-Male,71,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,Yes,40.0,40.0,Packets
-Female,75,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,12.0,12.0,Packets
-Female,43,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,68,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,Refused,The North,No,,,
-Female,65,Widowed,Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,85,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,35,Separated,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,20.0,20.0,Both/Mainly Hand-Rolled
-Female,52,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,28,Single,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,52,Single,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,67,Widowed,No Qualification,Irish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,25.0,25.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,35,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,30.0,30.0,Both/Mainly Hand-Rolled
-Female,68,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,34,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,Other,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,57,Divorced,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,20.0,12.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,37,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,Yes,8.0,8.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,37,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,43,Divorced,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,59,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,28,Single,Degree,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,60,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,16,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,37,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,40.0,40.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,34,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,73,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,24,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,36,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,39,Separated,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,20.0,20.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,74,Married,No Qualification,English,White,Refused,The North,No,,,
-Female,32,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Female,30,Married,Degree,Other,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,68,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,49,Married,No Qualification,Refused,Refused,Refused,The North,No,,,
-Female,47,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Male,30,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,30.0,30.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,60,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,15.0,8.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,72,Single,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,73,Married,Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,48,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,20.0,4.0,Packets
-Male,53,Divorced,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,17,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,Refused,The North,No,,,
-Female,58,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,34,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,44,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,23,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,49,Married,Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,30,Married,Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,61,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,38,Separated,A Levels,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,9.0,9.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,30,Single,Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,44,Married,A Levels,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,91,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,40,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"Above 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,63,Married,Degree,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,61,Divorced,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,30.0,30.0,Packets
-Female,40,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,57,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"Under 2,600",The North,Yes,15.0,15.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,41,Married,Degree,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,32,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,7.0,5.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,76,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,35,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,2.0,2.0,Packets
-Male,70,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,75,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,74,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Male,49,Married,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,56,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,60,Married,Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,72,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,17,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,23,Single,Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,79,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,65,Separated,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,57,Married,Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,37,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,79,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,71,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,87,Widowed,No Qualification,Refused,Refused,Unknown,The North,No,,,
-Male,59,Married,Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,Yes,40.0,40.0,Packets
-Male,21,Single,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,20.0,8.0,Packets
-Female,66,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,58,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,Welsh,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,38,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Above 36,400",The North,Yes,30.0,15.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,61,Widowed,Other/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,37,Separated,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,38,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,34,Married,Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,34,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,20,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,77,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,31,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,20.0,15.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,28,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,2.0,2.0,Packets
-Female,36,Married,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,16,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,12.0,12.0,Packets
-Male,42,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,47,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,42,Married,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,67,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,72,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,40,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,25.0,30.0,Packets
-Female,34,Single,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,75,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,35,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,40,Separated,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,46,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,23,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,42,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,63,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,33,Married,A Levels,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,31,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,54,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,33,Single,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,24,Single,Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,Yes,12.0,8.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,80,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,77,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Male,51,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,16,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,Refused,The North,No,,,
-Male,27,Single,ONC/BTEC,English,White,Refused,The North,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Female,75,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,24,Single,Degree,Other,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,78,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,50.0,50.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,20,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,18,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,25,Separated,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,55,Separated,No Qualification,English,Mixed,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,10.0,7.0,Both/Mainly Hand-Rolled
-Female,29,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,10.0,5.0,Packets
-Female,67,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,79,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,44,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,47,Married,Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,41,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,31,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,5.0,0.0,Packets
-Male,32,Married,Other/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,68,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,Refused,The North,No,,,
-Female,84,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,67,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,49,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,69,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,6.0,8.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,64,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,Yes,16.0,18.0,Packets
-Male,62,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,52,Divorced,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,45,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,28,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Female,36,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,73,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,48,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,67,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,10.0,10.0,Both/Mainly Hand-Rolled
-Female,38,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,40,Divorced,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,5.0,0.0,Packets
-Male,43,Single,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,30,Single,Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,70,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,82,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,78,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,21,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,Yes,20.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,67,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,16,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,Refused,The North,No,,,
-Female,21,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,40.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,68,Separated,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,8.0,8.0,Packets
-Male,41,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,20.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,33,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,28,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,75,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,5.0,5.0,Packets
-Female,21,Single,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,5.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,69,Divorced,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,38,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,33,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,10.0,4.0,Packets
-Female,47,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,44,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,35.0,35.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,74,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,29,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,23,Married,A Levels,Other,Asian,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,72,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,31,Widowed,No Qualification,English,Asian,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,10.0,8.0,Packets
-Female,48,Married,No Qualification,British,Asian,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,29,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,72,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,Black,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,52,Married,No Qualification,English,White,Unknown,The North,No,,,
-Female,68,Single,Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,48,Married,Other/Sub Degree,British,Chinese,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,Yes,40.0,40.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,55,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,23,Married,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,7.0,7.0,Packets
-Female,66,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,33,Single,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,37,Married,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"Under 2,600",The North,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,42,Married,Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,46,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,20.0,20.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,57,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,36,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,51,Married,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,18,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,Refused,The North,Yes,8.0,8.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,69,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,30,Single,Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,51,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,63,Married,No Qualification,British,Asian,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,31,Single,Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,58,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,50,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Female,67,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,20.0,20.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,20,Single,A Levels,English,White,Refused,The North,No,,,
-Female,45,Single,Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,26,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,30,Single,Degree,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,43,Married,Degree,Other,White,Refused,The North,No,,,
-Male,73,Widowed,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,52,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,18,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,15.0,10.0,Both/Mainly Hand-Rolled
-Male,52,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,33,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,56,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,65,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,30,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,40,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,10.0,1.0,Both/Mainly Hand-Rolled
-Female,26,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,74,Single,No Qualification,Refused,Refused,Refused,The North,No,,,
-Female,44,Married,Degree,Welsh,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,80,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,67,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,59,Married,No Qualification,British,White,Refused,The North,No,,,
-Female,28,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,15.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,31,Married,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,25,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,64,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,68,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,61,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,50,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,43,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,Chinese,"Above 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,19,Single,No Qualification,Other,Asian,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,21,Married,GCSE/O Level,Other,Asian,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,51,Divorced,Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Male,65,Single,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,50,Separated,No Qualification,Other,Asian,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,38,Single,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,78,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,74,Widowed,No Qualification,Other,Asian,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,22,Single,Degree,Other,Asian,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Male,66,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,48,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,59,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,69,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,Unknown,The North,No,,,
-Female,76,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,21,Single,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,47,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,77,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,25,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,71,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,24,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,90,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,41,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,69,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,35,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,32,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,12.0,7.0,Packets
-Female,48,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,34,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,28,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,Yes,10.0,4.0,Packets
-Male,66,Married,No Qualification,English,White,Unknown,The North,No,,,
-Male,56,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,51,Married,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,63,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Male,44,Married,Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,45,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,55,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,55,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,55,Married,A Levels,Scottish,White,Refused,The North,No,,,
-Female,57,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Male,76,Married,A Levels,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,59,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,46,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,56,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"Under 2,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,67,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,73,Single,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,82,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,Refused,The North,No,,,
-Male,75,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,Refused,The North,No,,,
-Female,41,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,40,Married,A Levels,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,37,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,53,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,35,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,39,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,31,Separated,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Male,38,Married,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"Above 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,34,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,25.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,36,Married,A Levels,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,31,Single,Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,31,Single,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"Under 2,600",The North,Yes,10.0,10.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,35,Married,Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,42,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,30,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,39,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,47,Married,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,38,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",The North,No,,,
-Female,29,Divorced,A Levels,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,75,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,47,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,Refused,The North,No,,,
-Male,55,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Male,42,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,Other,White,"Above 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,39,Married,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,64,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Female,84,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Female,49,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,24,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,38,Single,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,Yes,30.0,30.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,45,Married,Degree,Other,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,47,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,37,Divorced,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,59,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,25,Single,Degree,Other,White,"28,600 to 36,400",The North,No,,,
-Male,56,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",The North,No,,,
-Female,71,Divorced,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",The North,No,,,
-Male,81,Widowed,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",The North,No,,,
-Male,55,Married,A Levels,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,42,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,73,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,43,Married,A Levels,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,57,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,15.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,47,Married,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,29,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Female,30,Widowed,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,58,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,30.0,25.0,Packets
-Female,58,Married,Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,70,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,18,Single,A Levels,British,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,45,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,37,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,15.0,10.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,44,Separated,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,46,Married,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,29,Married,Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,50,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,51,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,80,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,85,Married,A Levels,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,49,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,52,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,58,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,49,Married,Degree,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,39,Single,Degree,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,53,Married,Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,15.0,15.0,Both/Mainly Hand-Rolled
-Female,71,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,29,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,66,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,75,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,45,Divorced,Degree,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,69,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,49,Divorced,Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,63,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,61,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,55,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,57,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,60,Married,Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,58,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,76,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,10.0,6.0,Packets
-Male,29,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,50,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,40,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,34,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,77,Widowed,No Qualification,Irish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,47,Married,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,68,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,31,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,41,Married,Degree,British,Asian,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,55,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,25.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,66,Married,A Levels,British,Asian,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,80,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,45,Married,Degree,British,Asian,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,63,Married,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,62,Married,Degree,Scottish,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,49,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,33,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,16,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,58,Married,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,33,Separated,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,65,Married,Degree,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,39,Single,Degree,Irish,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,57,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,6.0,4.0,Packets
-Female,31,Married,A Levels,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,79,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,16,Single,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,2.0,2.0,Packets
-Female,54,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,37,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,12.0,12.0,Packets
-Female,87,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,32,Single,Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,72,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,20,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,Mixed,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,30.0,15.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,77,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,63,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,56,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,34,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,10.0,5.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,24,Married,A Levels,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,42,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,10.0,3.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,71,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,48,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,38,Separated,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,55,Divorced,A Levels,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,50,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,30,Single,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,72,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,59,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,68,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,48,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,42,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,72,Divorced,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,54,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,53,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,White,Unknown,Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,7.0,12.0,Packets
-Female,86,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,57,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,15.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,30,Single,Degree,British,Chinese,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,35,Single,No Qualification,Other,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,20.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,25,Separated,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,67,Married,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,33,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,51,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,15.0,3.0,Packets
-Female,54,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,86,Married,No Qualification,English,White,Unknown,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,69,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,23,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,33,Single,Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,18.0,12.0,Packets
-Male,79,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,21,Single,A Levels,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,37,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,40,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,20.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,79,Single,No Qualification,English,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,34,Divorced,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,10.0,10.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,28,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,10.0,10.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,44,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,15.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,64,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,51,Separated,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,21,Single,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,40,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,1.0,2.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,42,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,47,Divorced,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,73,Widowed,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,18,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,24,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,69,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,61,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,83,Single,No Qualification,Refused,Refused,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,80,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,80,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,26,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,34,Separated,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,34,Married,Degree,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,39,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,10.0,7.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,33,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,40.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,36,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,39,Divorced,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,35,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,10.0,7.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,89,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,23,Married,Degree,British,Asian,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,32,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,Asian,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,32,Married,No Qualification,Other,Asian,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,10.0,6.0,Packets
-Male,35,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,Asian,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,5.0,5.0,Packets
-Female,18,Single,A Levels,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,44,Divorced,Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,75,Married,GCSE/CSE,Other,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,65,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,54,Married,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,32,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,57,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,50,Married,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,15.0,Packets
-Female,58,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,30,Married,Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,57,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,60,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,15.0,15.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,78,Separated,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,44,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,32,Single,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,56,Separated,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,51,Married,Other/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,71,Married,Other/Sub Degree,British,Black,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,74,Widowed,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,56,Single,Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,35.0,25.0,Packets
-Female,80,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,51,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,53,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,80,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,42,Married,Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,0.0,2.0,Packets
-Female,82,Widowed,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,58,Married,A Levels,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,78,Married,Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,61,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,49,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,15.0,Packets
-Female,51,Divorced,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,48,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,37,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,51,Married,GCSE/CSE,British,Asian,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,5.0,5.0,Packets
-Male,55,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,48,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,82,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,56,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,71,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,30,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,73,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,35,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,10.0,8.0,Packets
-Male,79,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,75,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,2.0,1.0,Packets
-Female,49,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,74,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,33,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,81,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,63,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,78,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,68,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,18.0,18.0,Packets
-Male,73,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,34,Married,A Levels,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,36,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,15.0,15.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,16,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,72,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,66,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,41,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,49,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,42,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,54,Separated,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,70,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,29,Married,GCSE/CSE,British,Asian,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,43,Married,No Qualification,British,Asian,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,5.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,19,Single,A Levels,Refused,Chinese,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,44,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,27,Single,Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,68,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,80,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,85,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,65,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,88,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,76,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,Unknown,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,81,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,44,Separated,Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,1.0,1.0,Packets
-Female,34,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,55,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,77,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,33,Married,Degree,Refused,Chinese,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,82,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,77,Widowed,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,19,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,70,Widowed,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,74,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,57,Married,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,44,Divorced,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,38,Single,Degree,British,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,43,Married,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,57,Separated,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,54,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,Unknown,Chinese,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,20.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,17,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,60,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,50,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,24,Single,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,8.0,2.0,Packets
-Female,78,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,60,Single,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,85,Widowed,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,6.0,6.0,Packets
-Male,59,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,65,Married,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,55,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,32,Married,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,41,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,English,Mixed,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,31,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,45,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,20.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,30,Single,Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,19,Single,A Levels,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,76,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,73,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,19,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,5.0,2.0,Packets
-Male,34,Married,Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,59,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,22,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,40.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,27,Single,Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,45,Married,A Levels,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,69,Widowed,Other/Sub Degree,Other,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,76,Married,Degree,Other,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,54,Married,Degree,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,72,Married,Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,89,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,78,Widowed,No Qualification,Refused,Refused,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,6.0,6.0,Packets
-Female,60,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,39,Married,A Levels,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,28,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,5.0,5.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,23,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,30.0,10.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,26,Single,A Levels,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,52,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,54,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,20,Single,A Levels,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,59,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,30,Married,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,41,Married,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,26,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,27,Married,GCSE/O Level,Welsh,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,49,Married,No Qualification,Refused,Refused,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,29,Single,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,36,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,43,Divorced,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,29,Single,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,34,Separated,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,15.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,81,Married,No Qualification,Refused,Chinese,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,30,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,5.0,10.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,25,Single,Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,59,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,35.0,35.0,Packets
-Female,44,Widowed,No Qualification,British,Asian,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,64,Married,GCSE/O Level,Refused,Chinese,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,35,Married,A Levels,Refused,Chinese,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,40,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,65,Single,A Levels,Other,Black,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,17,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,Asian,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,72,Married,No Qualification,Other,Black,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,29,Married,Degree,British,Black,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,39,Married,No Qualification,British,Asian,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,70,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,73,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,46,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,59,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,77,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,42,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,41,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,49,Married,A Levels,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,67,Single,Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,65,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,40,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,49,Separated,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,34,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,64,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,44,Widowed,Degree,Other,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,72,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,32,Married,A Levels,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,53,Married,No Qualification,British,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,50,Married,A Levels,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,63,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,57,Married,Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,40,Married,Degree,English,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,88,Divorced,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,57,Married,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,54,Married,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,58,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,77,Divorced,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,45,Divorced,GCSE/CSE,Other,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,31,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,31,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,80,Widowed,Degree,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,67,Widowed,Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,30.0,30.0,Packets
-Male,40,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,70,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,28,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,30.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,30,Married,GCSE/CSE,Other,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,70,Divorced,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,57,Married,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,76,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,89,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,81,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,30,Single,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,39,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,73,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Female,39,Married,A Levels,Other,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,76,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,62,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,66,Married,A Levels,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,53,Separated,Degree,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,60,Married,Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,36,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,40,Single,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,57,Separated,No Qualification,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,16,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,25.0,20.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,25,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,58,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,49,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,48,Single,Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,76,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,88,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,35,Married,A Levels,British,Chinese,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,43,Married,Degree,British,Black,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,69,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,64,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,40,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,78,Married,Degree,British,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,58,Married,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,34,Married,Degree,British,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,3.0,0.0,Packets
-Female,46,Married,Degree,British,Mixed,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,65,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,34,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,10.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,40,Separated,GCSE/CSE,British,Asian,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,79,Married,No Qualification,English,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,36,Married,No Qualification,British,Asian,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,39,Married,No Qualification,Other,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,24,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,28,Single,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,10.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,26,Single,A Levels,English,Asian,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,45,Widowed,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,24,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,18.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,77,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,78,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,Welsh,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,25,Single,Degree,Scottish,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,36,Married,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,17,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,55,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,70,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,43,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,15.0,8.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,59,Divorced,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,32,Married,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,34,Married,Degree,British,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,58,Single,Degree,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,44,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,64,Married,No Qualification,British,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,0.0,0.0,Packets
-Female,34,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,32,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,38,Married,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,28,Single,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,42,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,34,Single,Degree,Other,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,23,Single,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,15.0,5.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,55,Separated,Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,65,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,62,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,66,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,73,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,34,Single,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,33,Married,Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,76,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,55,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,1.0,0.0,Packets
-Female,39,Married,Degree,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,26,Single,Degree,British,Asian,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,61,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,25.0,25.0,Packets
-Female,78,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,42,Married,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,72,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,62,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,30.0,30.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,46,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,24,Single,A Levels,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,27,Single,Degree,British,Black,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,6.0,4.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,64,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,86,Married,Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,46,Married,Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,20,Single,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,15.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,35,Divorced,Higher/Sub Degree,Other,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,46,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,Irish,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,30.0,30.0,Packets
-Female,39,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,Irish,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,28,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Above 36,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,33,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,Refused,Refused,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,39,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,45,Divorced,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,37,Separated,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,29,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,10.0,5.0,Packets
-Male,76,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,26,Married,Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,47,Divorced,Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Midlands & East Anglia,Yes,20.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,72,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,72,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,65,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,69,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,61,Married,A Levels,English,White,Unknown,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,63,Married,No Qualification,English,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,16,Single,No Qualification,British,White,Refused,Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,61,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,18,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,76,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,65,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,52,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,64,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Female,42,Married,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"Under 2,600",Midlands & East Anglia,No,,,
-Male,40,Married,Degree,Other,White,"Above 36,400",London,No,,,
-Female,28,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,Mixed,"20,800 to 28,600",London,No,,,
-Male,40,Married,Degree,Welsh,White,"Above 36,400",London,No,,,
-Male,48,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",London,No,,,
-Male,35,Separated,Degree,Other,White,"20,800 to 28,600",London,No,,,
-Female,30,Single,Degree,British,Black,"5,200 to 10,400",London,Yes,3.0,3.0,Packets
-Female,26,Single,Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Male,81,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Male,77,Divorced,A Levels,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",London,No,,,
-Female,25,Single,Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",London,No,,,
-Female,66,Married,No Qualification,British,Asian,"Under 2,600",London,No,,,
-Male,18,Single,A Levels,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,43,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,Black,"15,600 to 20,800",London,No,,,
-Male,49,Divorced,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,Yes,20.0,6.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,29,Married,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",London,No,,,
-Female,20,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,75,Widowed,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"Under 2,600",London,Yes,25.0,25.0,Packets
-Male,40,Married,No Qualification,Other,Chinese,"20,800 to 28,600",London,No,,,
-Female,64,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,Irish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,34,Single,Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,76,Divorced,Degree,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",London,No,,,
-Male,30,Married,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",London,Yes,1.0,0.0,Packets
-Male,55,Married,Degree,Other,Mixed,"Above 36,400",London,No,,,
-Female,49,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Male,38,Separated,Degree,English,Chinese,"10,400 to 15,600",London,No,,,
-Male,23,Single,A Levels,Other,Refused,Refused,London,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,77,Married,Degree,Welsh,White,"15,600 to 20,800",London,No,,,
-Male,46,Single,Degree,Other,White,"10,400 to 15,600",London,Yes,8.0,8.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,26,Separated,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"Under 2,600",London,No,,,
-Female,26,Single,Degree,Other,White,"28,600 to 36,400",London,Yes,10.0,8.0,Packets
-Male,45,Single,Degree,Irish,White,"Above 36,400",London,Yes,7.0,2.0,Packets
-Female,45,Single,No Qualification,Other,Black,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Female,61,Married,No Qualification,English,White,Refused,London,No,,,
-Female,47,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,75,Widowed,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",London,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,36,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,Yes,30.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,26,Single,Degree,British,Chinese,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Male,71,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,Yes,25.0,25.0,Packets
-Male,69,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,Yes,10.0,10.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,38,Single,A Levels,Irish,White,"28,600 to 36,400",London,Yes,10.0,6.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,21,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,Black,Refused,London,No,,,
-Male,26,Single,No Qualification,British,Chinese,"10,400 to 15,600",London,No,,,
-Female,83,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,Unknown,London,No,,,
-Female,56,Divorced,No Qualification,Other,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Male,34,Single,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",London,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,66,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,32,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,Yes,3.0,3.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,77,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,70,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",London,No,,,
-Male,24,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Under 2,600",London,Yes,10.0,10.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,81,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Male,37,Separated,Other/Sub Degree,Other,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Male,90,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Female,29,Single,GCSE/O Level,Other,Black,"5,200 to 10,400",London,Yes,6.0,0.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,24,Single,A Levels,Other,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Male,81,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Female,38,Separated,ONC/BTEC,Other,Black,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Male,22,Single,GCSE/O Level,Irish,White,"20,800 to 28,600",London,Yes,0.0,7.0,Packets
-Male,31,Married,GCSE/CSE,British,Asian,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,77,Widowed,No Qualification,Other,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Female,61,Divorced,No Qualification,Other,White,"10,400 to 15,600",London,Yes,5.0,4.0,Packets
-Male,54,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Female,72,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Male,66,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,Yes,30.0,30.0,Packets
-Male,47,Single,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",London,No,,,
-Female,76,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Male,41,Married,A Levels,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",London,No,,,
-Female,80,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,63,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Male,29,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",London,No,,,
-Female,40,Single,GCSE/O Level,Other,White,"15,600 to 20,800",London,No,,,
-Female,54,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",London,No,,,
-Male,66,Married,Degree,British,Asian,"10,400 to 15,600",London,Yes,5.0,55.0,Packets
-Male,69,Married,Other/Sub Degree,Other,Asian,"10,400 to 15,600",London,No,,,
-Male,51,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",London,No,,,
-Male,70,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,36,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,Yes,10.0,1.0,Packets
-Female,73,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",London,No,,,
-Male,72,Married,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Female,18,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Under 2,600",London,No,,,
-Female,57,Married,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"Under 2,600",London,No,,,
-Male,21,Single,A Levels,British,White,Refused,London,No,,,
-Male,64,Married,Degree,British,Asian,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,39,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",London,No,,,
-Female,37,Divorced,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,36,Married,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"Under 2,600",London,Yes,5.0,1.0,Packets
-Female,37,Married,Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",London,No,,,
-Male,79,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Female,49,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,30,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,27,Single,Degree,Welsh,White,"20,800 to 28,600",London,No,,,
-Male,16,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Under 2,600",London,No,,,
-Male,40,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Above 36,400",London,No,,,
-Female,45,Separated,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",London,No,,,
-Female,78,Widowed,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,59,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,93,Widowed,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,Yes,0.0,3.0,Packets
-Female,33,Married,A Levels,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",London,No,,,
-Female,57,Divorced,No Qualification,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",London,No,,,
-Female,53,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,Yes,4.0,4.0,Packets
-Female,54,Divorced,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Female,33,Married,A Levels,Irish,White,"Above 36,400",London,No,,,
-Female,52,Single,Other/Sub Degree,Irish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Male,31,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",London,No,,,
-Female,54,Married,Degree,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",London,No,,,
-Female,41,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",London,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,23,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",London,No,,,
-Female,81,Widowed,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"Under 2,600",London,No,,,
-Female,17,Single,A Levels,British,White,Refused,London,No,,,
-Male,73,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"Above 36,400",London,No,,,
-Male,62,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",London,No,,,
-Female,73,Married,Degree,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",London,Yes,16.0,16.0,Packets
-Male,22,Single,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",London,Yes,15.0,15.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,18,Single,A Levels,English,White,"Under 2,600",London,No,,,
-Female,86,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,Irish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",London,Yes,7.0,7.0,Packets
-Female,54,Married,Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",London,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,55,Married,Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",London,No,,,
-Female,22,Single,Degree,English,Mixed,"20,800 to 28,600",London,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Female,30,Married,ONC/BTEC,British,Asian,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,25,Single,Degree,Other,Black,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Female,54,Divorced,Other/Sub Degree,British,Chinese,"Under 2,600",London,Yes,15.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,36,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",London,No,,,
-Female,40,Married,Other/Sub Degree,Other,White,"Under 2,600",London,No,,,
-Female,51,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,Yes,10.0,2.0,Packets
-Male,44,Married,Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",London,No,,,
-Female,26,Single,Degree,Other,White,"Under 2,600",London,Yes,5.0,0.0,Packets
-Male,73,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,36,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",London,No,,,
-Male,69,Widowed,No Qualification,Irish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,41,Married,Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",London,No,,,
-Male,40,Married,Degree,Other,White,"Above 36,400",London,No,,,
-Male,82,Married,Other/Sub Degree,Other,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,Yes,3.0,3.0,Packets
-Male,27,Single,Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",London,No,,,
-Female,35,Single,Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",London,No,,,
-Male,35,Married,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",London,No,,,
-Male,33,Married,Other/Sub Degree,Other,White,"28,600 to 36,400",London,No,,,
-Female,41,Divorced,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,26,Separated,Other/Sub Degree,British,Black,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,55,Married,No Qualification,English,White,Refused,London,No,,,
-Male,18,Single,GCSE/O Level,Other,Black,"Under 2,600",London,No,,,
-Female,68,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,Black,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,43,Single,GCSE/O Level,Other,Black,"10,400 to 15,600",London,No,,,
-Male,58,Married,No Qualification,English,Mixed,"20,800 to 28,600",London,No,,,
-Female,39,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,54,Separated,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Female,62,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",London,No,,,
-Female,40,Married,A Levels,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",London,Yes,2.0,0.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,59,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Female,57,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",London,No,,,
-Female,42,Single,GCSE/O Level,Other,Black,"5,200 to 10,400",London,Yes,25.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,48,Separated,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"20,800 to 28,600",London,Yes,25.0,25.0,Packets
-Female,45,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,British,Black,"20,800 to 28,600",London,Yes,15.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,24,Single,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Female,66,Widowed,GCSE/CSE,British,Black,"10,400 to 15,600",London,No,,,
-Male,63,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",London,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,28,Single,GCSE/O Level,Refused,Refused,Refused,London,No,,,
-Male,59,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",London,No,,,
-Male,50,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,Other,Black,"20,800 to 28,600",London,No,,,
-Female,41,Separated,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",London,No,,,
-Female,76,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Male,24,Single,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",London,Yes,15.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,25,Single,Other/Sub Degree,British,Chinese,"20,800 to 28,600",London,Yes,5.0,2.0,Packets
-Female,33,Widowed,Degree,Other,Chinese,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Male,31,Single,ONC/BTEC,Other,Black,"28,600 to 36,400",London,No,,,
-Female,33,Single,Degree,British,Black,"5,200 to 10,400",London,Yes,10.0,8.0,Packets
-Female,37,Single,No Qualification,Other,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Male,81,Divorced,No Qualification,British,Black,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,36,Single,No Qualification,Other,Black,"20,800 to 28,600",London,No,,,
-Female,64,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",London,Yes,15.0,7.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,51,Married,Other/Sub Degree,British,Asian,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Female,19,Single,A Levels,British,Mixed,"10,400 to 15,600",London,No,,,
-Female,18,Single,A Levels,British,Black,Refused,London,No,,,
-Male,31,Married,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",London,Yes,10.0,5.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,24,Single,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",London,No,,,
-Male,18,Single,No Qualification,Other,Chinese,"Under 2,600",London,Yes,20.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,22,Single,Degree,Other,Asian,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Female,26,Single,Other/Sub Degree,Other,Black,"10,400 to 15,600",London,No,,,
-Female,33,Single,Degree,British,Black,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Male,17,Single,GCSE/CSE,British,Asian,"Under 2,600",London,Yes,20.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,37,Single,ONC/BTEC,British,Black,"10,400 to 15,600",London,Yes,20.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,60,Married,No Qualification,British,Chinese,"2,600 to 5,200",London,No,,,
-Male,80,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Male,68,Married,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,Yes,7.0,7.0,Packets
-Female,65,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,42,Married,No Qualification,British,Chinese,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,48,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,No,,,
-Male,46,Married,A Levels,Scottish,White,"Above 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,44,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,29,Married,A Levels,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,Yes,10.0,5.0,Packets
-Male,38,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,No,,,
-Female,52,Married,No Qualification,Irish,White,Refused,South East,No,,,
-Male,48,Divorced,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,65,Married,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,27,Single,Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,37,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Female,42,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"Under 2,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,53,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,66,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,Refused,South East,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,20,Single,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,No,,,
-Female,62,Married,No Qualification,Refused,Refused,Refused,South East,No,,,
-Male,18,Single,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Male,69,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,63,Divorced,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"Above 36,400",South East,Yes,2.0,1.0,Packets
-Male,41,Married,Degree,British,Chinese,"28,600 to 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,74,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,20,Single,Other/Sub Degree,Other,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Female,18,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Male,28,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,Black,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,Yes,10.0,10.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,49,Married,Degree,British,Chinese,"Above 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,64,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,69,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,33,Separated,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,22,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,Yes,15.0,7.0,Packets
-Female,63,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,93,Widowed,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Female,65,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,33,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,Yes,20.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,38,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Female,29,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Under 2,600",South East,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,59,Married,A Levels,British,White,"Above 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,37,Single,Degree,English,Mixed,"Above 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,51,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,33,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,Refused,South East,No,,,
-Female,80,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Male,49,Married,A Levels,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,No,,,
-Female,38,Married,Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,45,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Above 36,400",South East,Yes,10.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,58,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,63,Married,Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Female,69,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Male,86,Widowed,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,66,Widowed,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,61,Married,No Qualification,British,Unknown,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,62,Separated,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,No,,,
-Female,89,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Female,72,Widowed,Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,64,Married,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,58,Married,A Levels,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,80,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,61,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,34,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,Irish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,36,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"Under 2,600",South East,Yes,5.0,3.0,Packets
-Female,34,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,Yes,20.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,40,Single,A Levels,English,White,"Above 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,53,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,31,Single,Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,86,Separated,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Female,46,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,34,Single,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,No,,,
-Female,44,Single,Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,69,Widowed,A Levels,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,56,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,No,,,
-Male,79,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Female,41,Separated,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,Yes,30.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,34,Divorced,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"Above 36,400",South East,Yes,30.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,47,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,Yes,40.0,40.0,Packets
-Male,46,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,No,,,
-Female,30,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,19,Single,A Levels,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,45,Married,Degree,Welsh,White,"28,600 to 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,24,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,Other,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,42,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,32,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,No,,,
-Male,32,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,28,Single,A Levels,British,White,"Under 2,600",South East,Yes,5.0,5.0,Packets
-Female,78,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,42,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,Yes,20.0,20.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,27,Married,Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,57,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,Refused,South East,No,,,
-Female,24,Single,Degree,Refused,Refused,Refused,South East,No,,,
-Female,71,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Male,51,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,66,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,73,Separated,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Male,18,Single,No Qualification,Refused,Refused,Refused,South East,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,50,Divorced,A Levels,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,Yes,10.0,5.0,Packets
-Female,79,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,Yes,5.0,5.0,Packets
-Female,22,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Under 2,600",South East,Yes,10.0,5.0,Packets
-Male,45,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,53,Married,No Qualification,English,White,Refused,South East,No,,,
-Male,77,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Female,64,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,39,Married,A Levels,British,White,"Under 2,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,54,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,Yes,10.0,20.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,17,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,Refused,South East,No,,,
-Male,78,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,50,Single,Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,Yes,12.0,6.0,Packets
-Male,41,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,48,Divorced,No Qualification,Irish,Mixed,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,Yes,40.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,25,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,No,,,
-Male,18,Married,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Female,58,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,79,Widowed,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,62,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,Yes,10.0,10.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,36,Married,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"Under 2,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,38,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,19,Single,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,45,Separated,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,54,Married,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,69,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,No,,,
-Female,65,Widowed,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,31,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,31,Married,Degree,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Female,46,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,37,Single,ONC/BTEC,Other,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,72,Married,No Qualification,English,White,Unknown,South East,No,,,
-Male,59,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,82,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,English,White,Refused,South East,No,,,
-Male,81,Widowed,Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,65,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Female,48,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,Yes,5.0,5.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,49,Divorced,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"Above 36,400",South East,Yes,15.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,35,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,Yes,60.0,40.0,Packets
-Female,73,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,80,Divorced,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,55,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,78,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,Refused,South East,No,,,
-Female,45,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,Refused,South East,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,39,Married,A Levels,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,Yes,20.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,75,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,65,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,Chinese,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,79,Divorced,No Qualification,Refused,Refused,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Male,75,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,Chinese,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,69,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,57,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,No,,,
-Female,29,Single,Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,54,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,Yes,30.0,30.0,Packets
-Male,29,Married,Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,42,Divorced,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,28,Single,Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,Yes,5.0,5.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,65,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,No,,,
-Male,37,Married,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",South East,Yes,0.0,4.0,Packets
-Female,35,Single,Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,33,Single,Degree,English,Mixed,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,Yes,10.0,6.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,52,Married,Degree,Other,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,Yes,40.0,40.0,Packets
-Male,57,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,31,Single,Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,No,,,
-Male,73,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,43,Married,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,38,Single,Degree,English,Black,"28,600 to 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,43,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"Above 36,400",South East,Yes,12.0,12.0,Packets
-Female,55,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,59,Married,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,33,Married,Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,41,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,46,Married,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,57,Married,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",South East,Yes,35.0,35.0,Packets
-Male,40,Single,A Levels,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,No,,,
-Male,57,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,39,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,Yes,10.0,7.0,Packets
-Male,67,Married,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,Yes,5.0,5.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,46,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Male,39,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,55,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,Refused,South East,No,,,
-Male,50,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,Yes,15.0,10.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,70,Widowed,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,44,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,Other,White,"Under 2,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,33,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"Under 2,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,69,Divorced,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,70,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",South East,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,62,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,Refused,South East,No,,,
-Female,31,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"Under 2,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,70,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,32,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,75,Divorced,A Levels,British,White,Refused,South East,No,,,
-Male,47,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,57,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,86,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,32,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Male,46,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,51,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",South East,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,69,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,73,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Female,32,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,75,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,Unknown,South East,No,,,
-Female,54,Widowed,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,Yes,25.0,25.0,Packets
-Female,51,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,35,Married,Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,38,Married,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,72,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,66,Married,A Levels,English,White,Refused,South East,No,,,
-Female,59,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Male,70,Married,Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,44,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,Refused,South East,No,,,
-Female,67,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,35,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,33,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,17,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Female,45,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"Under 2,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,57,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,18,Single,A Levels,British,White,"Under 2,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,68,Separated,A Levels,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,No,,,
-Female,27,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,Other,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,Yes,12.0,15.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,40,Married,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"Under 2,600",South East,Yes,30.0,18.0,Packets
-Male,77,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,77,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Male,75,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"Above 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,39,Married,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Female,21,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Female,59,Divorced,Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,27,Single,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,67,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Female,50,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,64,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,79,Widowed,No Qualification,English,Chinese,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,31,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,Yes,10.0,20.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,19,Single,A Levels,British,Chinese,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,42,Married,Degree,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,36,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,36,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,64,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Female,53,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,39,Married,GCSE/CSE,Irish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,39,Married,Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,28,Married,Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,Yes,7.0,7.0,Packets
-Male,81,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,79,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",South East,No,,,
-Female,72,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,18,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,Yes,25.0,25.0,Both/Mainly Hand-Rolled
-Female,76,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Female,68,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,Yes,8.0,8.0,Packets
-Female,28,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South East,Yes,20.0,15.0,Packets
-Female,42,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,No,,,
-Female,26,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,Yes,15.0,15.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,19,Single,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South East,Yes,5.0,5.0,Packets
-Female,41,Divorced,Other/Sub Degree,Welsh,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,Yes,30.0,30.0,Packets
-Female,82,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Male,36,Married,Degree,British,Asian,"15,600 to 20,800",South East,No,,,
-Male,47,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,Yes,25.0,25.0,Both/Mainly Hand-Rolled
-Male,77,Widowed,Other/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,66,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",South East,No,,,
-Male,50,Divorced,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,Yes,15.0,15.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,55,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South East,No,,,
-Female,36,Married,A Levels,English,White,"Under 2,600",South West,Yes,10.0,0.0,Packets
-Male,79,Married,No Qualification,Irish,White,Unknown,South West,No,,,
-Female,67,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,No,,,
-Female,42,Single,A Levels,British,White,Refused,South West,No,,,
-Female,76,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"Under 2,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,44,Married,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South West,No,,,
-Female,75,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,No,,,
-Female,24,Married,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Male,78,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,38,Married,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,22,Single,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,62,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,No,,,
-Female,40,Divorced,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,Yes,10.0,5.0,Packets
-Male,35,Married,Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,45,Married,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,66,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,No,,,
-Female,53,Divorced,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,43,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,Yes,5.0,0.0,Packets
-Female,72,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,Yes,3.0,3.0,Packets
-Female,72,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,67,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,37,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,38,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,39,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,Yes,10.0,6.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,64,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,72,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,No,,,
-Male,54,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,59,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,50,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Male,33,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Above 36,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,45,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,73,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,68,Married,Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South West,No,,,
-Female,33,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,21,Single,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,No,,,
-Female,32,Married,Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South West,No,,,
-Male,37,Married,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South West,No,,,
-Female,48,Single,Degree,English,White,Refused,South West,Yes,10.0,10.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,25,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South West,Yes,40.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,61,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,Yes,30.0,10.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,86,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,No,,,
-Female,45,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,60,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,40,Single,Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South West,No,,,
-Male,55,Married,No Qualification,British,White,Refused,South West,No,,,
-Male,53,Separated,GCSE/O Level,Welsh,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Male,41,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,No,,,
-Female,17,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Under 2,600",South West,Yes,20.0,10.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,42,Divorced,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South West,No,,,
-Male,44,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,43,Married,A Levels,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,39,Married,Other/Sub Degree,Other,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,67,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,73,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"Under 2,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,16,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,No,,,
-Female,73,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Male,52,Married,Degree,Scottish,White,"Above 36,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,72,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,79,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,90,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,No,,,
-Male,27,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South West,Yes,30.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,32,Divorced,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,38,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,21,Single,Degree,British,White,"Under 2,600",South West,No,,,
-Male,40,Married,A Levels,British,White,"Above 36,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,28,Married,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,47,Married,A Levels,English,White,"Above 36,400",South West,Yes,40.0,40.0,Packets
-Female,45,Married,Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,95,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,18,Single,A Levels,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,No,,,
-Female,89,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,English,White,Unknown,South West,No,,,
-Female,82,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,65,Married,A Levels,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,87,Widowed,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,30,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South West,Yes,4.0,1.0,Packets
-Female,77,Widowed,Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,55,Divorced,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,33,Married,Degree,British,Asian,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,56,Married,No Qualification,British,Black,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,68,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,Yes,15.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,73,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,No,,,
-Female,66,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,73,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,42,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South West,Yes,12.0,0.0,Packets
-Male,41,Single,No Qualification,Welsh,White,Refused,South West,No,,,
-Female,35,Married,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,53,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,No,,,
-Female,74,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,46,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,Yes,25.0,25.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,22,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,No,,,
-Male,27,Married,A Levels,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South West,No,,,
-Female,71,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,78,Widowed,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,38,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,31,Married,A Levels,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,54,Married,Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,No,,,
-Female,31,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Male,53,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,Mixed,"Above 36,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,36,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,Yes,20.0,20.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,41,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South West,No,,,
-Male,78,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,Yes,15.0,12.0,Packets
-Female,54,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,72,Divorced,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,No,,,
-Male,28,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South West,Yes,20.0,20.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,41,Separated,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,Yes,20.0,15.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,78,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",South West,No,,,
-Male,71,Widowed,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,57,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,31,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South West,Yes,1.0,5.0,Packets
-Female,64,Widowed,No Qualification,Irish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,65,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,61,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,33,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,60,Married,ONC/BTEC,English,White,Refused,South West,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,40,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South West,No,,,
-Female,68,Married,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,36,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South West,No,,,
-Female,35,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"Under 2,600",South West,No,,,
-Male,22,Single,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South West,Yes,20.0,5.0,Packets
-Female,43,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,No,,,
-Male,84,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,24,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,68,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,Yes,25.0,12.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,35,Single,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"Under 2,600",South West,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,51,Divorced,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,Unknown,South West,Yes,25.0,25.0,Packets
-Male,45,Married,ONC/BTEC,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,45,Single,No Qualification,English,White,Refused,South West,Yes,5.0,5.0,Packets
-Male,71,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,47,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,Yes,20.0,15.0,Packets
-Female,39,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Male,62,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,No,,,
-Female,37,Single,Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South West,No,,,
-Female,71,Married,No Qualification,English,White,Refused,South West,No,,,
-Male,49,Divorced,Degree,English,White,"28,600 to 36,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,22,Single,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,Yes,30.0,20.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,61,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",South West,No,,,
-Male,34,Single,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South West,Yes,10.0,5.0,Packets
-Female,40,Separated,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,27,Separated,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,Yes,20.0,20.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,28,Single,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,Yes,12.0,12.0,Packets
-Female,28,Single,A Levels,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Male,36,Married,GCSE/CSE,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",South West,Yes,20.0,30.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,34,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,Yes,20.0,20.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,19,Single,A Levels,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,31,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"15,600 to 20,800",South West,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,49,Divorced,No Qualification,English,White,Refused,South West,Yes,20.0,20.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,42,Divorced,A Levels,Irish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,Yes,50.0,50.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,38,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",South West,No,,,
-Male,16,Single,No Qualification,English,White,"Under 2,600",South West,Yes,6.0,6.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,73,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Male,36,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,Asian,"15,600 to 20,800",South West,No,,,
-Female,81,Married,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"Under 2,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,97,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Male,38,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",South West,No,,,
-Female,46,Married,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,Yes,12.0,7.0,Packets
-Male,79,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",South West,No,,,
-Female,76,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",South West,Yes,4.0,4.0,Packets
-Female,54,Widowed,No Qualification,Irish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Wales,No,,,
-Male,59,Married,Degree,English,White,"Above 36,400",Wales,No,,,
-Male,52,Separated,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",Wales,No,,,
-Male,58,Divorced,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,Yes,20.0,20.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,69,Divorced,Degree,Welsh,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Wales,No,,,
-Male,67,Widowed,Degree,Welsh,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,No,,,
-Female,76,Married,Other/Sub Degree,Welsh,White,Refused,Wales,No,,,
-Male,33,Married,No Qualification,British,Asian,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,No,,,
-Male,61,Separated,No Qualification,Welsh,White,Refused,Wales,Yes,30.0,30.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,82,Widowed,No Qualification,Welsh,White,Refused,Wales,No,,,
-Male,62,Married,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,No,,,
-Male,66,Divorced,No Qualification,Welsh,White,Refused,Wales,No,,,
-Female,69,Widowed,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"Under 2,600",Wales,No,,,
-Female,25,Married,No Qualification,Other,Asian,Refused,Wales,No,,,
-Male,29,Single,Degree,Welsh,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Wales,No,,,
-Male,28,Married,Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Wales,No,,,
-Female,52,Single,Degree,Other,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Wales,No,,,
-Female,81,Widowed,No Qualification,Welsh,White,Refused,Wales,No,,,
-Female,44,Married,GCSE/O Level,Welsh,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Wales,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,62,Married,GCSE/O Level,Welsh,White,Refused,Wales,No,,,
-Male,45,Married,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Wales,No,,,
-Female,71,Widowed,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,No,,,
-Female,72,Married,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Wales,No,,,
-Female,69,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,Unknown,Wales,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Female,72,Widowed,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Wales,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,61,Married,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,No,,,
-Female,29,Married,A Levels,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Wales,Yes,5.0,2.0,Packets
-Female,37,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,Yes,30.0,30.0,Packets
-Male,29,Single,GCSE/O Level,Welsh,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Wales,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,57,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Wales,No,,,
-Male,60,Married,GCSE/O Level,Welsh,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,No,,,
-Male,38,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,Welsh,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Wales,No,,,
-Male,74,Married,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,No,,,
-Male,38,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,Welsh,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Wales,No,,,
-Female,51,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,Welsh,White,Refused,Wales,No,,,
-Male,68,Married,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Wales,Yes,15.0,15.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,67,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,Welsh,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Wales,No,,,
-Male,32,Single,GCSE/O Level,Welsh,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Wales,No,,,
-Female,25,Married,ONC/BTEC,British,Asian,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,No,,,
-Male,53,Married,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Wales,No,,,
-Female,52,Divorced,No Qualification,Welsh,Unknown,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,Yes,5.0,5.0,Packets
-Female,21,Single,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Wales,No,,,
-Female,71,Divorced,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,No,,,
-Female,30,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"Under 2,600",Wales,No,,,
-Male,23,Single,GCSE/O Level,Welsh,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Wales,No,,,
-Female,28,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,Welsh,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Wales,Yes,0.0,1.0,Packets
-Female,37,Married,GCSE/O Level,Welsh,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,No,,,
-Female,84,Widowed,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Wales,No,,,
-Female,61,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Wales,No,,,
-Female,18,Single,GCSE/O Level,Welsh,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Wales,No,,,
-Female,55,Married,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,No,,,
-Male,52,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Wales,No,,,
-Female,46,Married,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Wales,Yes,25.0,25.0,Packets
-Female,46,Married,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Wales,No,,,
-Male,23,Single,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Wales,No,,,
-Male,58,Married,Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Wales,No,,,
-Male,16,Single,GCSE/O Level,Welsh,White,"Under 2,600",Wales,No,,,
-Male,71,Married,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Wales,No,,,
-Female,47,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Wales,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,34,Married,Degree,Welsh,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Wales,No,,,
-Female,55,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"Above 36,400",Wales,No,,,
-Female,78,Widowed,Other/Sub Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Wales,No,,,
-Male,35,Single,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Wales,Yes,40.0,40.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,68,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Wales,No,,,
-Male,76,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,No,,,
-Male,28,Single,GCSE/CSE,Welsh,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Wales,No,,,
-Female,36,Divorced,GCSE/CSE,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,Yes,20.0,20.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,57,Divorced,ONC/BTEC,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,No,,,
-Female,29,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,Welsh,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Wales,Yes,20.0,10.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Female,27,Single,GCSE/O Level,Welsh,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,Yes,5.0,5.0,Packets
-Female,64,Widowed,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Wales,No,,,
-Female,89,Single,No Qualification,Welsh,White,Refused,Wales,No,,,
-Female,26,Single,GCSE/CSE,Welsh,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Wales,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,27,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,Welsh,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Wales,No,,,
-Male,66,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Wales,No,,,
-Female,84,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Wales,No,,,
-Male,41,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Wales,Yes,20.0,12.0,Packets
-Male,27,Single,Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Wales,No,,,
-Female,40,Divorced,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Wales,No,,,
-Female,79,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Wales,No,,,
-Male,49,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Wales,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,79,Widowed,No Qualification,British,White,Unknown,Wales,No,,,
-Female,54,Married,No Qualification,Welsh,White,"Under 2,600",Wales,No,,,
-Male,25,Single,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,45,Single,Degree,Scottish,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Scotland,Yes,5.0,5.0,Packets
-Female,24,Single,Degree,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,Yes,5.0,5.0,Packets
-Female,54,Divorced,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,Yes,20.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,78,Widowed,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,50,Married,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,Yes,25.0,25.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,42,Married,Degree,Scottish,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,32,Single,A Levels,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,Yes,10.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,75,Single,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,25,Single,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"Under 2,600",Scotland,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,50,Separated,Higher/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,24,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Scotland,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,35,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,52,Married,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,42,Married,Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,44,Separated,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,67,Widowed,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,Yes,20.0,12.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,69,Widowed,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,91,Single,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,61,Divorced,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,50,Single,Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,37,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,35,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,24,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,Yes,20.0,15.0,Packets
-Female,39,Single,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,79,Divorced,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,40,Married,Degree,Scottish,White,"Above 36,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,60,Married,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,42,Married,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,64,Widowed,Other/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,55,Married,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,Yes,2.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,54,Married,Other/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,61,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,62,Divorced,Higher/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,37,Married,Degree,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,55,Married,Other/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Scotland,Yes,12.0,8.0,Packets
-Female,88,Widowed,Higher/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,39,Divorced,Degree,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,34,Single,Degree,British,White,"Above 36,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,42,Married,Degree,Scottish,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,45,Married,Degree,British,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,59,Married,ONC/BTEC,Scottish,White,"Above 36,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,58,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,Yes,30.0,30.0,Packets
-Male,74,Widowed,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,45,Married,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,64,Married,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,53,Single,Higher/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,40,Married,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,30,Married,ONC/BTEC,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,Yes,10.0,10.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,70,Married,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,28,Separated,ONC/BTEC,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,78,Widowed,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,41,Married,A Levels,Scottish,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Scotland,Yes,24.0,24.0,Packets
-Female,69,Divorced,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,54,Married,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,59,Married,ONC/BTEC,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,Yes,20.0,20.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,23,Single,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,Yes,15.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,40,Married,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,Yes,30.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,17,Single,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,Yes,15.0,6.0,Packets
-Male,54,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,49,Divorced,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,55,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,Yes,45.0,45.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,51,Widowed,ONC/BTEC,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,73,Married,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"Under 2,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,41,Married,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,70,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,44,Separated,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,Yes,15.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,51,Divorced,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"Under 2,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,68,Married,Degree,Irish,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Scotland,Yes,1.0,0.0,Packets
-Female,75,Separated,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,60,Married,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,Yes,20.0,15.0,Packets
-Male,56,Married,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,64,Widowed,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,27,Single,Degree,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,73,Widowed,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,Yes,20.0,12.0,Packets
-Male,34,Single,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,Yes,10.0,2.0,Packets
-Male,47,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,Yes,15.0,10.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,32,Single,A Levels,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,63,Married,No Qualification,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,23,Single,Degree,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,63,Married,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,46,Divorced,A Levels,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,48,Single,A Levels,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,68,Married,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,52,Separated,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Female,29,Separated,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,Yes,10.0,6.0,Packets
-Female,16,Single,No Qualification,Scottish,White,Refused,Scotland,No,,,
-Male,41,Divorced,A Levels,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,48,Widowed,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,24,Single,A Levels,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,72,Widowed,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,Yes,40.0,40.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,45,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,28,Married,Degree,British,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,20,Single,A Levels,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,69,Widowed,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,70,Married,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"Under 2,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,50,Married,GCSE/CSE,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,Yes,25.0,20.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,63,Married,A Levels,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,44,Married,GCSE/O Level,British,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,83,Widowed,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,17,Single,GCSE/CSE,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,Yes,20.0,15.0,Packets
-Female,61,Married,Other/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,47,Married,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,Yes,15.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,57,Married,Degree,Scottish,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,44,Married,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,Yes,15.0,10.0,Packets
-Male,52,Single,GCSE/CSE,Irish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,Yes,25.0,20.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,82,Married,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,63,Married,A Levels,Scottish,White,"28,600 to 36,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,72,Separated,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,39,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"Above 36,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,16,Single,No Qualification,Scottish,White,Refused,Scotland,No,,,
-Female,35,Divorced,Degree,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,39,Married,Degree,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,56,Separated,No Qualification,Scottish,White,Refused,Scotland,Yes,10.0,10.0,Hand-Rolled
-Female,31,Single,Other/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,Yes,60.0,30.0,Packets
-Male,61,Married,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"Under 2,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,23,Separated,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"Under 2,600",Scotland,Yes,5.0,0.0,Packets
-Male,34,Single,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,Yes,35.0,18.0,Both/Mainly Hand-Rolled
-Male,24,Single,Degree,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,82,Single,Other/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,27,Married,A Levels,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,62,Divorced,GCSE/CSE,Scottish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Scotland,Yes,18.0,18.0,Packets
-Male,39,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,British,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,44,Separated,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,43,Single,No Qualification,British,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,Yes,25.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,31,Single,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Scotland,Yes,20.0,15.0,Both/Mainly Packets
-Male,77,Divorced,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,Yes,20.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,20,Single,GCSE/O Level,English,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,81,Widowed,Other/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,31,Single,GCSE/O Level,Scottish,White,"15,600 to 20,800",Scotland,Yes,20.0,10.0,Packets
-Female,78,Married,Other/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,35,Married,A Levels,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,67,Widowed,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"Under 2,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,65,Divorced,Other/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,61,Married,Higher/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,24,Single,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"Under 2,600",Scotland,Yes,15.0,15.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,53,Single,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"20,800 to 28,600",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,63,Married,No Qualification,British,White,Refused,Scotland,No,,,
-Male,35,Married,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,Yes,3.0,12.0,Packets
-Male,78,Widowed,No Qualification,Scottish,White,Refused,Scotland,No,,,
-Female,31,Single,Other/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Male,22,Single,No Qualification,Scottish,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,49,Divorced,Other/Sub Degree,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Scotland,Yes,20.0,20.0,Hand-Rolled
-Male,45,Married,Other/Sub Degree,Scottish,White,"5,200 to 10,400",Scotland,No,,,
-Female,51,Married,No Qualification,English,White,"2,600 to 5,200",Scotland,Yes,20.0,20.0,Packets
-Male,31,Married,Degree,Scottish,White,"10,400 to 15,600",Scotland,No,,,
diff --git a/src/thesis/data_management/__init__.py b/src/thesis/data_management/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c61fcadb..00000000
--- a/src/thesis/data_management/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-"""Functions for managing data."""
-from thesis.data_management.clean_data import clean_data
-__all__ = [clean_data]
diff --git a/src/thesis/data_management/clean_data.py b/src/thesis/data_management/clean_data.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e4612408..00000000
--- a/src/thesis/data_management/clean_data.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-"""Function(s) for cleaning the data set(s)."""
-import pandas as pd
-def clean_data(data, data_info):
- """Clean data set.
- Information on data columns is stored in ``data_management/data_info.yaml``.
- Args:
- data (pandas.DataFrame): The data set.
- data_info (dict): Information on data set stored in data_info.yaml. The
- following keys can be accessed:
- - 'outcome': Name of dependent variable column in data
- - 'outcome_numerical': Name to be given to the numerical version of outcome
- - 'columns_to_drop': Names of columns that are dropped in data cleaning step
- - 'categorical_columns': Names of columns that are converted to categorical
- - 'column_rename_mapping': Old and new names of columns to be renamend,
- stored in a dictionary with design: {'old_name': 'new_name'}
- - 'url': URL to data set
- Returns:
- pandas.DataFrame: The cleaned data set.
- """
- data = data.drop(columns=data_info["columns_to_drop"])
- data = data.dropna()
- for cat_col in data_info["categorical_columns"]:
- data[cat_col] = data[cat_col].astype("category")
- data = data.rename(columns=data_info["column_rename_mapping"])
- numerical_outcome = pd.Categorical(data[data_info["outcome"]]).codes
- data[data_info["outcome_numerical"]] = numerical_outcome
- return data
diff --git a/src/thesis/data_management/data_info.yaml b/src/thesis/data_management/data_info.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e5aea16b..00000000
--- a/src/thesis/data_management/data_info.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-data_name: data.csv
- - nationality
- - ethnicity
- - region
- - amt_weekends
- - amt_weekdays
- - type
- - gross_income
-categorical_columns: [gender, marital_status, highest_qualification, smoke]
- highest_qualification: qualification
-outcome: smoke
-outcome_numerical: smoke_numerical # created during the clean_data step
diff --git a/src/thesis/data_management/task_data_management.py b/src/thesis/data_management/task_data_management.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1de5e902..00000000
--- a/src/thesis/data_management/task_data_management.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-"""Tasks for managing the data."""
-from pathlib import Path
-import pandas as pd
-from thesis.config import BLD, SRC
-from thesis.data_management import clean_data
-from thesis.utilities import read_yaml
-clean_data_deps = {
- "scripts": Path("clean_data.py"),
- "data_info": SRC / "data_management" / "data_info.yaml",
- "data": SRC / "data" / "data.csv",
-def task_clean_data_python(
- depends_on=clean_data_deps,
- produces=BLD / "python" / "data" / "data_clean.csv",
- """Clean the data (Python version)."""
- data_info = read_yaml(depends_on["data_info"])
- data = pd.read_csv(depends_on["data"])
- data = clean_data(data, data_info)
- data.to_csv(produces, index=False)
diff --git a/src/thesis/final/__init__.py b/src/thesis/final/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f33f1cf1..00000000
--- a/src/thesis/final/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-"""Functions for formatting results."""
-from thesis.final.plot import plot_regression_by_age
-__all__ = [plot_regression_by_age]
diff --git a/src/thesis/final/plot.py b/src/thesis/final/plot.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 53a9ebda..00000000
--- a/src/thesis/final/plot.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-"""Functions plotting results."""
-import plotly.express as px
-import plotly.graph_objects as go
-def plot_regression_by_age(data, data_info, predictions, group):
- """Plot regression results by age.
- Args:
- data (pandas.DataFrame): The data set.
- data_info (dict): Information on data set stored in data_info.yaml. The
- following keys can be accessed:
- - 'outcome': Name of dependent variable column in data
- - 'outcome_numerical': Name to be given to the numerical version of outcome
- - 'columns_to_drop': Names of columns that are dropped in data cleaning step
- - 'categorical_columns': Names of columns that are converted to categorical
- - 'column_rename_mapping': Old and new names of columns to be renamend,
- stored in a dictionary with design: {'old_name': 'new_name'}
- - 'url': URL to data set
- predictions (pandas.DataFrame): Model predictions for different age values.
- group (str): Categorical column in data set. We create predictions for each
- unique value in column data[group]. Cannot be 'age' or 'smoke'.
- Returns:
- plotly.graph_objects.Figure: The figure.
- """
- plot_data = predictions.melt(
- id_vars="age",
- value_vars=predictions.columns,
- value_name="prediction",
- var_name=group,
- )
- outcomes = data[data_info["outcome_numerical"]]
- fig = px.line(
- plot_data,
- x="age",
- y="prediction",
- color=group,
- labels={"age": "Age", "prediction": "Probability of Smoking"},
- )
- fig.add_traces(
- go.Scatter(
- x=data["age"],
- y=outcomes,
- mode="markers",
- marker_color="black",
- marker_opacity=0.1,
- name="Data",
- ),
- )
- return fig
diff --git a/src/thesis/final/task_final.py b/src/thesis/final/task_final.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 71356701..00000000
--- a/src/thesis/final/task_final.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-"""Tasks running the results formatting (tables, figures)."""
-import pandas as pd
-import pytask
-from thesis.analysis.model import load_model
-from thesis.config import BLD, GROUPS, SRC
-from thesis.final import plot_regression_by_age
-from thesis.utilities import read_yaml
-for group in GROUPS:
- deps = {
- "predictions": BLD / "python" / "predictions" / f"{group}.csv",
- "data_info": SRC / "data_management" / "data_info.yaml",
- "data": BLD / "python" / "data" / "data_clean.csv",
- }
- @pytask.task(id=group)
- def task_plot_results_by_age_python(
- group=group,
- depends_on=deps,
- produces=BLD / "python" / "figures" / f"smoking_by_{group}.png",
- ):
- """Plot the regression results by age (Python version)."""
- data_info = read_yaml(depends_on["data_info"])
- data = pd.read_csv(depends_on["data"])
- predictions = pd.read_csv(depends_on["predictions"])
- fig = plot_regression_by_age(data, data_info, predictions, group)
- fig.write_image(produces)
-def task_create_results_table_python(
- depends_on=BLD / "python" / "models" / "model.pickle",
- produces=BLD / "python" / "tables" / "estimation_results.tex",
- """Store a table in LaTeX format with the estimation results (Python version)."""
- model = load_model(depends_on)
- table = model.summary().as_latex()
- with open(produces, "w") as f:
- f.writelines(table)
diff --git a/src/thesis/imbens_manski/__init__.py b/src/thesis/imbens_manski/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4919f5df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/imbens_manski/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Code for simulations related to Imbens and Manski (2004) ECMA paper."""
diff --git a/src/thesis/imbens_manski/_task_plot_imbens_manski.py b/src/thesis/imbens_manski/_task_plot_imbens_manski.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d32cacd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/imbens_manski/_task_plot_imbens_manski.py
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+"""Run simulations for Imbens and Manski (2004) ECMA."""
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Annotated
+import pandas as pd # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+import plotly.graph_objects as go # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from pytask import Product
+from thesis.config import BLD
+from thesis.imbens_manski._task_sim_imbens_manski import (
+ _Arguments,
+ "analytical": BLD / "imbens_manski" / "imbens_manski_analytical.png",
+ "bootstrap": BLD / "imbens_manski" / "imbens_manski_bootstrap.png",
+def task_plot_sim_results(
+ id_to_kwargs: dict[str, _Arguments] = ID_TO_KWARGS,
+ paths_plots: Annotated[dict[str, Path], Product] = PATHS_PLOTS,
+) -> None:
+ """Plot simulation results."""
+ # Combine all results
+ datasets = []
+ for res in id_to_kwargs.values():
+ _df = pd.read_pickle(res.path_to_results) # noqa: S301
+ _df["p"] = res.p
+ _df["n_obs"] = res.n_obs
+ _df["ci_type"] = res.ci_type
+ _df["alpha"] = res.alpha
+ datasets.append(_df)
+ data = pd.concat(datasets)
+ alpha = data["alpha"].unique()
+ # Compute mean coverage probability
+ cols_groupby = ["p", "n_obs", "ci_type", "alpha"]
+ mean_coverage_probability = data.groupby(cols_groupby).mean().reset_index()
+ n_obs_to_line_type = {100: "solid", 250: "dash", 1000: "dot"}
+ for ci_type in ["analytical", "bootstrap"]:
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ for n_obs in data["n_obs"].unique():
+ query = f"n_obs == {n_obs} and ci_type == '{ci_type}'"
+ sub_df = mean_coverage_probability.query(query)
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=sub_df["p"],
+ y=sub_df["ci_idset_covers"],
+ mode="lines+markers",
+ name=f"n_obs = {n_obs}",
+ legendgroup="idset_ci",
+ legendgrouptitle={"text": "CI for Identified Set"},
+ line_dash=n_obs_to_line_type.get(n_obs, "solid"),
+ line={"color": "blue"},
+ ),
+ )
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=sub_df["p"],
+ y=sub_df["ci_param_covers"],
+ mode="lines+markers",
+ name=f"n_obs = {n_obs}",
+ legendgroup="param_ci",
+ legendgrouptitle={"text": "CI for Parameter"},
+ line_dash=n_obs_to_line_type.get(n_obs, "solid"),
+ line={"color": "red"},
+ ),
+ )
+ fig.update_layout(
+ title=(
+ "CI for Parameter is not Uniformly Valid over p"
+ f"
CI Type: {ci_type}, alpha: {alpha}, "
+ f"Number of simulations: {N_SIMS} "
+ ),
+ xaxis_title="p",
+ yaxis_title="Coverage probability",
+ )
+ if ci_type == "bootstrap":
+ fig.add_annotation(
+ x=1,
+ y=-0.1,
+ xref="paper",
+ yref="paper",
+ text=f"Number of bootstrap samples: {N_BOOT}",
+ showarrow=False,
+ )
+ fig.write_image(paths_plots[ci_type])
diff --git a/src/thesis/imbens_manski/_task_sim_imbens_manski.py b/src/thesis/imbens_manski/_task_sim_imbens_manski.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b195540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/imbens_manski/_task_sim_imbens_manski.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+"""Run simulations for Imbens and Manski (2004) ECMA."""
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Annotated, NamedTuple
+import numpy as np
+import pytask
+from pytask import Product, task
+from thesis.config import BLD, RNG
+from thesis.imbens_manski.im_funcs import simulation
+class _Arguments(NamedTuple):
+ p: float
+ n_obs: int
+ n_sims: int
+ path_to_results: Path
+ ci_type: str
+ alpha: float = 0.95
+ beta_params: tuple[float, float] = (0.5, 0.5)
+P_VALUES = np.linspace(0.9, 0.99, 25)
+N_OBS_VALUES = [100, 250, 1000]
+N_SIMS = 1_000
+N_BOOT = 1_000
+ "analytical",
+ "bootstrap",
+ f"p_{p}_n_obs_{n_obs}_{ci_type}": _Arguments(
+ p=p,
+ n_obs=n_obs,
+ n_sims=N_SIMS,
+ ci_type=ci_type,
+ path_to_results=BLD
+ / "imbens_manski"
+ / "results"
+ / f"p_{p}_n_obs_{n_obs}_{ci_type}.pkl",
+ )
+ for p in P_VALUES
+ for n_obs in N_OBS_VALUES
+ for ci_type in CI_TYPES
+for id_, kwargs in ID_TO_KWARGS.items():
+ @pytask.mark.skip()
+ @task(id=id_, kwargs=kwargs) # type: ignore[arg-type]
+ def task_manski_imbens_sims(
+ p: float,
+ n_obs: int,
+ n_sims: int,
+ alpha: float,
+ ci_type: str,
+ beta_params: tuple[float, float],
+ path_to_results: Annotated[Path, Product],
+ ) -> None:
+ """Run simulations for Imbens and Manski (2004) ECMA."""
+ res = simulation(
+ n_sims,
+ n_obs,
+ p,
+ alpha=alpha,
+ ci_type=ci_type,
+ beta_params=beta_params,
+ n_boot=N_BOOT,
+ rng=RNG,
+ )
+ res.to_pickle(path_to_results)
diff --git a/src/thesis/imbens_manski/im_funcs.py b/src/thesis/imbens_manski/im_funcs.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c47ba07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/imbens_manski/im_funcs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+"""Functions for Imbens and Manski (2004) ECMA simulations."""
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from scipy.stats import norm # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from thesis.config import RNG
+def simulation(
+ n_sims: int,
+ n_obs: int,
+ p: float,
+ alpha: float,
+ ci_type: str,
+ rng: np.random.Generator = RNG,
+ beta_params: tuple[float, float] = (1, 1),
+ n_boot: int = 1_000,
+) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ """Run simulation."""
+ columns = [
+ "cilo_idset",
+ "cihi_idset",
+ "cilo_param",
+ "cihi_param",
+ "mu_bar",
+ "sigma_sq_bar",
+ ]
+ res = pd.DataFrame(
+ [
+ _experiment(
+ n_obs,
+ p,
+ alpha,
+ beta_params=beta_params,
+ rng=rng,
+ ci_type=ci_type,
+ n_boot=n_boot,
+ )
+ for _ in range(n_sims)
+ ],
+ columns=columns,
+ )
+ mean = beta_params[0] / (beta_params[0] + beta_params[1])
+ res["ci_idset_covers"] = (res["cilo_idset"] <= mean) & (mean <= res["cihi_idset"])
+ res["ci_param_covers"] = (res["cilo_param"] <= mean) & (mean <= res["cihi_param"])
+ return res
+def _experiment(
+ n_obs,
+ p: float,
+ alpha: float,
+ beta_params: tuple[float, float],
+ ci_type: str,
+ n_boot: int = 1_000,
+ rng: np.random.Generator = RNG,
+ y, w = _draw_data(n_obs, p, beta_params=beta_params, rng=rng)
+ n1 = np.sum(w)
+ if n1 == 0:
+ return 0, 1
+ mu_bar = np.sum(y * w) / n1
+ sigma_sq_bar = np.sum(w * (y - mu_bar) ** 2) / np.clip(
+ (n1 - 1),
+ a_min=1,
+ a_max=None,
+ )
+ if ci_type == "analytical":
+ cilo_idset, cihi_idset = _compute_ci(
+ alpha,
+ p,
+ mu_bar,
+ sigma_sq_bar,
+ n_obs,
+ target="idset",
+ )
+ cilo_param, cihi_param = _compute_ci(
+ alpha,
+ p,
+ mu_bar,
+ sigma_sq_bar,
+ n_obs,
+ target="param",
+ )
+ elif ci_type == "bootstrap":
+ cilo_idset, cihi_idset = _compute_bootstrap_ci(
+ n_boot=n_boot,
+ y=y,
+ w=w,
+ alpha=alpha,
+ p=p,
+ target="idset",
+ )
+ cilo_param, cihi_param = _compute_bootstrap_ci(
+ n_boot=n_boot,
+ y=y,
+ w=w,
+ alpha=alpha,
+ p=p,
+ target="param",
+ )
+ return cilo_idset, cihi_idset, cilo_param, cihi_param, mu_bar, sigma_sq_bar
+def _draw_data(
+ n_obs: int,
+ p: float,
+ beta_params: tuple[float, float],
+ rng: np.random.Generator = RNG,
+) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
+ """Draw data."""
+ y = rng.beta(beta_params[0], beta_params[1], n_obs)
+ w = rng.binomial(1, p, n_obs)
+ return y, w
+def _compute_ci(
+ alpha: float,
+ p: float,
+ mu_bar: float,
+ sigma_sq_bar: float,
+ n_obs: int,
+ target: str,
+) -> tuple[float, float]:
+ if target == "idset":
+ z = norm.ppf((alpha + 1) / 2)
+ elif target == "param":
+ z = norm.ppf(alpha)
+ lower = (mu_bar - z * (np.sqrt(sigma_sq_bar) / np.sqrt(p * n_obs))) * p
+ upper = (mu_bar + z * (np.sqrt(sigma_sq_bar) / np.sqrt(p * n_obs))) * p + 1 - p
+ return lower, upper
+def _compute_bootstrap_ci(
+ n_boot: int,
+ y: np.ndarray,
+ w: np.ndarray,
+ alpha: float,
+ p: float,
+ target: str,
+ rng: np.random.Generator = RNG,
+) -> tuple[float, float]:
+ boot_mu_bar = np.zeros(n_boot)
+ y_nomiss = y[w == 1]
+ for b in range(n_boot):
+ boot_y_nomiss = rng.choice(y_nomiss, size=len(y_nomiss), replace=True)
+ boot_mu_bar[b] = np.mean(boot_y_nomiss)
+ if target == "idset":
+ mu_lo, mu_hi = np.quantile(boot_mu_bar, [(1 - alpha) / 2, 1 - (1 - alpha) / 2])
+ elif target == "param":
+ mu_lo, mu_hi = np.quantile(boot_mu_bar, [1 - alpha, alpha])
+ lower = mu_lo * p
+ upper = mu_hi * p + 1 - p
+ return lower, upper
diff --git a/src/thesis/misc/__init__.py b/src/thesis/misc/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cdaaa2e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/misc/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Miscaellaneaous scripts and notebooks for the thesis."""
diff --git a/src/thesis/misc/estimate_avars.py b/src/thesis/misc/estimate_avars.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d180047c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/misc/estimate_avars.py
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+"""Estimate asymptotic variances for some key estimators."""
+import numpy as np
+from thesis.classes import Instrument, LocalATEs
+from thesis.config import RNG
+from thesis.simple_model.funcs import (
+ _estimate_pscores,
+ _late,
+from thesis.utilities import draw_data
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Parameters
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+n_obs = 100_000
+n_sim = 10_000
+late_complier = -0.5
+u_hi = 0.2
+rn = np.sqrt(n_obs)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Preliminary calculations
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+local_ates = LocalATEs(
+ always_taker=0,
+ complier=late_complier,
+ never_taker=np.min((1, 1 + late_complier)),
+instrument = Instrument(
+ support=np.array([0, 1]),
+ pmf=np.array([0.5, 0.5]),
+ pscores=np.array([0.4, 0.6]),
+true_w = (instrument.pscores[1] - instrument.pscores[0]) / (
+ instrument.pscores[1] + u_hi - instrument.pscores[0]
+true_late = late_complier
+true_idset = true_w * late_complier + (1 - true_w) * local_ates.always_taker
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Asymptotic variance of LATE, w * LATE, w_hat * LATE and id_set
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sim_late = np.zeros(n_sim)
+sim_hat_w = np.zeros(n_sim)
+sim_late_true_w = np.zeros(n_sim)
+sim_late_hat_w = np.zeros(n_sim)
+sim_id_set = np.zeros(n_sim)
+sim_id_set_slope_1 = np.zeros(n_sim)
+for i in range(n_sim):
+ data = draw_data(
+ n_obs=n_obs,
+ local_ates=local_ates,
+ instrument=instrument,
+ rng=RNG,
+ )
+ _pscores = _estimate_pscores(data)
+ hat_w = (_pscores[1] - _pscores[0]) / (_pscores[1] + u_hi - _pscores[0])
+ sim_hat_w[i] = hat_w
+ sim_late[i] = _late(data)
+ sim_late_true_w[i] = _late(data) * true_w
+ sim_late_hat_w[i] = _late(data) * hat_w
+ sim_id_set[i] = _late(data) * hat_w + (1 - hat_w)
+ sim_id_set_slope_1[i] = _late(data) + (1 - hat_w)
+avar_late = (rn * (sim_late - true_late)).var()
+avar_late_true_w = (rn * (sim_late_true_w - true_late * true_w)).var()
+avar_late_hat_w = (rn * (sim_late_hat_w - true_late * true_w)).var()
+avar_id_set = (rn * (sim_id_set - (true_late * true_w + (1 - true_w)))).var()
+avar_id_set_slope_1 = (rn * (sim_id_set_slope_1)).var()
+avar_hat_w = (rn * sim_hat_w).var()
+cov_hat_w_late = np.cov(rn * sim_hat_w, rn * sim_late_hat_w)[0, 1]
+avar_id_set_2 = avar_late_hat_w + avar_hat_w - 2 * cov_hat_w_late
+assert np.isclose(avar_id_set, avar_id_set_2, rtol=1e-3)
diff --git a/src/thesis/pyvmte/__init__.py b/src/thesis/pyvmte/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6254b9a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/pyvmte/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Using pyvmte package for simple model."""
diff --git a/src/thesis/pyvmte/task_plot_simple_model_sharp.py b/src/thesis/pyvmte/task_plot_simple_model_sharp.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ebbde7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/pyvmte/task_plot_simple_model_sharp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+"""Plot the simple model for a specification resulting in sharp bounds."""
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Annotated, NamedTuple
+import pandas as pd # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+import plotly.graph_objects as go # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from pytask import Product, task
+from thesis.config import BLD
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Task definitions
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class _Arguments(NamedTuple):
+ param_to_vary: str
+ path_to_plot: Annotated[Path, Product]
+ shape_constraint: tuple[str, str] = ("decreasing", "decreasing")
+ path_to_data: Path = BLD / "data" / "solutions_simple_model_sharp.pkl"
+ "y1_c": _Arguments(
+ param_to_vary="y1_c",
+ path_to_plot=BLD / "figures" / "simple_model_sharp_by_y1_ct.png",
+ ),
+ "y0_c": _Arguments(
+ param_to_vary="y0_c",
+ path_to_plot=BLD / "figures" / "simple_model_sharp_by_y0_ct.png",
+ ),
+for kwargs in ID_TO_KWARGS.values():
+ @task(kwargs=kwargs) # type: ignore[arg-type]
+ def task_plot_simple_model_solution_sharp(
+ param_to_vary: str,
+ path_to_plot: Annotated[Path, Product],
+ shape_constraint: tuple[str, str],
+ path_to_data: Path,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Plot solution to the simple model over a grid of parameter values."""
+ # Solve the program for a range of y1_c values from 0 to 1
+ results = pd.read_pickle(path_to_data) # noqa: S301
+ results = results[results["shape_constraint"] == shape_constraint]
+ y1_at = results["y1_at"][0]
+ y0_at = results["y0_at"][0]
+ y1_nt = results["y1_nt"][0]
+ y0_nt = results["y0_nt"][0]
+ # Get value of y1_c and y0_c closest to 0.5
+ if param_to_vary == "y1_c":
+ _idx_closest = results["y0_c"].sub(0.5).abs().idxmin()
+ _closest = results["y0_c"][_idx_closest]
+ results = results[results["y0_c"] == _closest]
+ elif param_to_vary == "y0_c":
+ _idx_closest = results["y1_c"].sub(0.5).abs().idxmin()
+ _closest = results["y1_c"][_idx_closest]
+ results = results[results["y1_c"] == _closest]
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Plot the results
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=results[param_to_vary],
+ y=results["upper_bound"],
+ mode="lines",
+ name="Upper bound",
+ ),
+ )
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=results[param_to_vary],
+ y=results["lower_bound"],
+ mode="lines",
+ name="Lower bound",
+ ),
+ )
+ # Add nan as red crosses
+ _idx_nan = results["upper_bound"].isna()
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=results[param_to_vary][_idx_nan],
+ y=results[param_to_vary][_idx_nan] * 0,
+ mode="markers",
+ marker={"color": "red", "symbol": "x", "opacity": 0.1},
+ name="Empty identified set",
+ ),
+ )
+ fig.update_layout(
+ title=(
+ f"Bounds on the LATE for different values of {param_to_vary}"
+ f"
Other at 0.5, y1 at = {y1_at}, "
+ f"y0 at = {y0_at}, y1 nt = {y1_nt}, y0 nt = {y0_nt}
+ ),
+ xaxis_title=f"{param_to_vary}",
+ yaxis_title="Bounds on Target",
+ )
+ fig.write_image(path_to_plot)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Plot for changing both parameters simultaneously
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def task_plot_simple_model_solution_sharp_both(
+ path_to_plot_upper: Annotated[Path, Product] = BLD
+ / "figures"
+ / "simple_model_sharp_by_y0_y1_ct_upper.png",
+ path_to_plot_lower: Annotated[Path, Product] = BLD
+ / "figures"
+ / "simple_model_sharp_by_y0_y1_ct_lower.png",
+ path_to_data: Path = BLD / "data" / "solutions_simple_model_sharp.pkl",
+) -> None:
+ """Plot solution to the simple model over a meshgrid of parameter values."""
+ results = pd.read_pickle(path_to_data) # noqa: S301
+ y1_at = results["y1_at"][0]
+ y0_at = results["y0_at"][0]
+ y1_nt = results["y1_nt"][0]
+ y0_nt = results["y0_nt"][0]
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Plot the results
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for bound in ["upper_bound", "lower_bound"]:
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ _idx_nan = results[bound].isna()
+ # Make scatter with coloring by res_upper but only for non-nan values
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=results["y1_c"][~_idx_nan],
+ y=results["y0_c"][~_idx_nan],
+ mode="markers",
+ marker={
+ "color": results[bound][~_idx_nan],
+ "colorscale": "Viridis",
+ "colorbar": {
+ "title": f"ID set: {bound.replace('_', ' ').capitalize()}",
+ },
+ },
+ name="Solution region",
+ ),
+ )
+ # Plot the nan values
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=results["y1_c"][_idx_nan],
+ y=results["y0_c"][_idx_nan],
+ mode="markers",
+ marker={"color": "red", "symbol": "x", "opacity": 0.1},
+ name="Empty identified set",
+ ),
+ )
+ fig.update_layout(
+ legend={
+ "x": 0.8, # Position the legend at the right side
+ "y": -0.2, # Center the legend vertically
+ "traceorder": "normal",
+ },
+ )
+ # Title the axes
+ fig.update_layout(
+ title=(
+ f"Bounds on the LATE for different values of complier outcomes"
+ f"
Decreasing MTR functions. y1 at = {y1_at}, "
+ f"y0 at = {y0_at}, y1 nt = {y1_nt}, y0 nt = {y0_nt}
+ ),
+ xaxis_title="$E[Y(1)|complier]$",
+ yaxis_title="$E[Y(0)|complier]$",
+ )
+ if bound == "upper_bound":
+ fig.write_image(path_to_plot_upper)
+ else:
+ fig.write_image(path_to_plot_lower)
diff --git a/src/thesis/pyvmte/task_solve_simple_model_sharp.py b/src/thesis/pyvmte/task_solve_simple_model_sharp.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c0a81e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/pyvmte/task_solve_simple_model_sharp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+"""Solve the simple model for a specification resulting in sharp bounds."""
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Annotated
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from pytask import Product
+from pyvmte.classes import Estimand, Instrument # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from pyvmte.identification import identification # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from thesis.config import BLD
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Preliminary parameters
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+num_gridpoints = 25
+u_hi = 0.2
+target = Estimand(
+ "late",
+ u_lo=0.4,
+ u_hi=0.6 + u_hi,
+identified = [
+ Estimand(esttype="cross", dz_cross=(d, z)) for d in [0, 1] for z in [0, 1]
+pscore_lo = 0.4
+pscore_hi = 0.6
+instrument = Instrument(
+ support=np.array([0, 1]),
+ pmf=np.array([0.5, 0.5]),
+ pscores=np.array([pscore_lo, pscore_hi]),
+bfunc_1 = {"type": "constant", "u_lo": 0.0, "u_hi": pscore_lo}
+bfunc_2 = {"type": "constant", "u_lo": pscore_lo, "u_hi": pscore_hi}
+bfunc_3 = {"type": "constant", "u_lo": pscore_hi, "u_hi": pscore_hi + u_hi}
+bfunc_4 = {"type": "constant", "u_lo": pscore_hi + u_hi, "u_hi": 1.0}
+bfuncs = [bfunc_1, bfunc_2, bfunc_3, bfunc_4]
+u_partition = np.array([0, pscore_lo, pscore_hi, pscore_hi + u_hi, 1])
+def _at(u: float) -> bool:
+ return u <= pscore_lo
+def _c(u: float) -> bool:
+ return pscore_lo <= u and pscore_hi > u
+def _nt(u: float) -> bool:
+ return u >= pscore_hi
+# The following MTR functions are decreasing and imply a decreasing MTE function.
+y1_at = 0.9
+y0_at = 0
+y1_nt = 0.5
+y0_nt = 0.4
+# Define function factories to avoid late binding
+# See https://stackoverflow.com/a/3431699
+def _make_m0(y0_c):
+ def _m0(u):
+ return y0_at * _at(u) + y0_c * _c(u) + y0_nt * _nt(u)
+ return _m0
+def _make_m1(y1_c):
+ def _m1(u):
+ return y1_at * _at(u) + y1_c * _c(u) + y1_nt * _nt(u)
+ return _m1
+def task_solve_simple_model_sharp(
+ num_gridpoints: int = num_gridpoints,
+ path_to_data: Annotated[Path, Product] = BLD
+ / "data"
+ / "solutions_simple_model_sharp.pkl",
+ shape_constraint: tuple[str, str] = ("decreasing", "decreasing"),
+) -> None:
+ """Solve the simple model for a range of parameter values."""
+ param_grid = np.linspace(0, 1, num_gridpoints)
+ # Generate solution for a meshgrid of parameter values
+ y1_c, y0_c = np.meshgrid(param_grid, param_grid)
+ # Flatten the meshgrid
+ y1_c_flat = y1_c.flatten()
+ y0_c_flat = y0_c.flatten()
+ results = []
+ for y1_c_val, y0_c_val in zip(y1_c_flat, y0_c_flat, strict=True):
+ _m1 = _make_m1(y1_c_val)
+ _m0 = _make_m0(y0_c_val)
+ # The identified set might be empty for some parameter value combinations.
+ try:
+ res = identification(
+ target=target,
+ identified_estimands=identified,
+ basis_funcs=bfuncs,
+ instrument=instrument,
+ u_partition=u_partition,
+ m0_dgp=_m0,
+ m1_dgp=_m1,
+ shape_constraints=shape_constraint,
+ )
+ except TypeError:
+ res = {"upper_bound": np.nan, "lower_bound": np.nan}
+ results.append(res)
+ # Put into pandas DataFrame and save to disk
+ df_res = pd.DataFrame(
+ {
+ "y1_c": y1_c_flat,
+ "y0_c": y0_c_flat,
+ "upper_bound": [r["upper_bound"] for r in results],
+ "lower_bound": [r["lower_bound"] for r in results],
+ "shape_constraint": [shape_constraint for _ in results],
+ "y1_at": y1_at,
+ "y0_at": y0_at,
+ "y1_nt": y1_nt,
+ "y0_nt": y0_nt,
+ },
+ )
+ df_res.to_pickle(path_to_data)
diff --git a/src/thesis/r_ivmte/.Rhistory b/src/thesis/r_ivmte/.Rhistory
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d209f554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/r_ivmte/.Rhistory
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+knitr::kable(head(AE, n = 10))
+lm(data = AE, worked ~ morekids)
+lm(data = AE, morekids ~ samesex)
+ivreg(data = AE, worked ~ morekids | samesex )
+# Simple bounds for ATT using moment approach
+results <- ivmte(data = AE,
+target = "att",
+m0 = ~ u + yob,
+m1 = ~ u + yob,
+ivlike = worked ~ morekids + samesex + morekids*samesex,
+propensity = morekids ~ samesex + yob,
+noisy = TRUE)
+# Simple bounds for ATT using moment approach
+results <- ivmte(data = AE,
+target = "att",
+m0 = ~ u + yob,
+m1 = ~ u + yob,
+ivlike = worked ~ morekids + samesex + morekids*samesex,
+propensity = morekids ~ samesex + yob,
+noisy = TRUE)
+# install.packages("ivmte")
+# install.packages("splines2 ")
+install.packages("lpSolveAPI ")
+knitr::kable(head(AE, n = 10))
+lm(data = AE, worked ~ morekids)
+lm(data = AE, morekids ~ samesex)
+ivreg(data = AE, worked ~ morekids | samesex )
+# Simple bounds for ATT using moment approach
+results <- ivmte(data = AE,
+target = "att",
+m0 = ~ u + yob,
+m1 = ~ u + yob,
+ivlike = worked ~ morekids + samesex + morekids*samesex,
+propensity = morekids ~ samesex + yob,
+noisy = TRUE)
+# install.packages("ivmte")
+# install.packages("splines2 ")
+install.packages("lpSolveAPI ")
+# install.packages("ivmte")
+# install.packages("splines2 ")
+# install.packages("ivmte")
+knitr::kable(head(AE, n = 10))
+lm(data = AE, worked ~ morekids)
+lm(data = AE, morekids ~ samesex)
+ivreg(data = AE, worked ~ morekids | samesex )
+# Simple bounds for ATT using moment approach
+results <- ivmte(data = AE,
+target = "att",
+m0 = ~ u + yob,
+m1 = ~ u + yob,
+ivlike = worked ~ morekids + samesex + morekids*samesex,
+propensity = morekids ~ samesex + yob,
+noisy = TRUE)
+# Simple bounds for ATT using moment approach
+results <- ivmte(data = AE,
+target = "att",
+m0 = ~ u + yob,
+m1 = ~ u + yob,
+ivlike = worked ~ morekids + samesex + morekids*samesex,
+propensity = morekids ~ samesex + yob,
+noisy = TRUE)
+# Parametric restrictions on m0, m1
+args <- list(data = AE,
+ivlike = worked ~ morekids + samesex + morekids*samesex,
+target = "att",
+m0 = ~ u + I(u^2) + yob + u*yob,
+m1 = ~ u + I(u^2) + I(u^3) + yob + u*yob,
+propensity = morekids ~ samesex + yob)
+r <- do.call(ivmte, args)
+a = AE
+# Parametric restrictions on m0, m1
+args <- list(data = AE,
+ivlike = worked ~ morekids + samesex + morekids*samesex,
+target = "att",
+m0 = ~ u + I(u^2) + yob + u*yob,
+m1 = ~ u + I(u^2) + I(u^3) + yob + u*yob,
+propensity = morekids ~ samesex + yob)
+r <- do.call(ivmte, args)
diff --git a/src/thesis/r_ivmte/__init__.py b/src/thesis/r_ivmte/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bbdbc89b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/r_ivmte/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Explore R ivmte package: https://github.com/jkcshea/ivmte/."""
diff --git a/src/thesis/r_ivmte/ivmte_simple_model.r b/src/thesis/r_ivmte/ivmte_simple_model.r
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3ab010f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/r_ivmte/ivmte_simple_model.r
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# install.packages("ivmte")
+# install.packages("splines2")
+# install.packages("lpSolveAPI")
+# install.packages("lsei ")
+# install.packages("AER")
+knitr::kable(head(AE, n = 10))
+lm(data = AE, worked ~ morekids)
+lm(data = AE, morekids ~ samesex)
+ivreg(data = AE, worked ~ morekids | samesex )
+# Simple bounds for ATT using moment approach
+results <- ivmte(data = AE,
+ target = "att",
+ m0 = ~ u + yob,
+ m1 = ~ u + yob,
+ ivlike = worked ~ morekids + samesex + morekids*samesex,
+ propensity = morekids ~ samesex + yob,
+ noisy = TRUE)
+# Parametric restrictions on m0, m1
+args <- list(data = AE,
+ ivlike = worked ~ morekids + samesex + morekids*samesex,
+ target = "att",
+ m0 = ~ u + I(u^2) + yob + u*yob,
+ m1 = ~ u + I(u^2) + I(u^3) + yob + u*yob,
+ propensity = morekids ~ samesex + yob)
+r <- do.call(ivmte, args)
diff --git a/src/thesis/simple_model/__init__.py b/src/thesis/simple_model/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad905c7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/simple_model/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Code demonstrating the failure of the bootstrap in simple examples."""
diff --git a/src/thesis/simple_model/funcs.py b/src/thesis/simple_model/funcs.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2088088f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/simple_model/funcs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+"""Functions for bootstrap sampling experiment."""
+from collections.abc import Callable
+from functools import partial
+from math import comb
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from statsmodels.api import add_constant # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from statsmodels.sandbox.regression.gmm import IV2SLS # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from thesis.classes import Instrument, LocalATEs
+from thesis.utilities import draw_data
+def simulation_bootstrap(
+ n_sims: int,
+ n_obs: int,
+ n_boot: int,
+ u_hi: float,
+ local_ates: LocalATEs,
+ instrument: Instrument,
+ alpha: float,
+ constraint_mtr: str,
+ bootstrap_method: str,
+ rng: np.random.Generator,
+ bootstrap_params: dict[str, Callable] | None = None,
+) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ """Simulate the bootstrap experiment.
+ Args:
+ n_sims: Number of simulations.
+ n_obs: Number of observations.
+ n_boot: Number of bootstrap samples.
+ local_ates: Local average treatment effects by complier type.
+ u_hi: Upper bound of target parameter.
+ instrument: Instrument object containing properties of the instrument.
+ alpha: Bootstrap percentile for confidence interval (1-alpha for upper).
+ constraint_mtr: Constraint on the marginal treatment response functions.
+ rng: Random number generator.
+ bootstrap_method: Method to compute the bootstrap confidence interval.
+ bootstrap_params: Additional parameters for the bootstrap method depending on
+ the bootstrap_method.
+ Returns:
+ DataFrame with the results of the simulation.
+ """
+ if bootstrap_params is None:
+ bootstrap_params = {}
+ _check_constraint_supported(constraint_mtr)
+ _check_bootsrap_method_supported(bootstrap_method)
+ _check_instrument_and_u_hi_consistent(u_hi, instrument)
+ _check_complier_never_taker_consistent(local_ates, constraint_mtr)
+ _check_bootstrap_params_supplied(bootstrap_method, bootstrap_params)
+ results = np.zeros((n_sims, 2))
+ # TODO(@buddejul): Remove after debugging.
+ beta_lo = np.zeros(n_sims)
+ beta_hi = np.zeros(n_sims)
+ for i in range(n_sims):
+ data = draw_data(n_obs, local_ates=local_ates, instrument=instrument, rng=rng)
+ beta_lo[i], beta_hi[i] = _idset(
+ b_late=_late(data),
+ u_hi=u_hi,
+ pscores_hat=_estimate_pscores(data),
+ constraint_mtr=constraint_mtr,
+ )
+ results[i] = _bootstrap_ci(
+ n_boot=n_boot,
+ bootstrap_method=bootstrap_method,
+ bootstrap_params=bootstrap_params,
+ alpha=alpha,
+ u_hi=u_hi,
+ data=data,
+ constraint_mtr=constraint_mtr,
+ rng=rng,
+ )
+ out = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=["lo", "hi"])
+ out["true"] = _true_late(u_hi, instrument=instrument, local_ates=local_ates)
+ out["beta_lo"] = beta_lo
+ out["beta_hi"] = beta_hi
+ return out
+def _bootstrap_ci(
+ bootstrap_method: str,
+ alpha: float,
+ u_hi: float,
+ data: np.ndarray,
+ n_boot: int,
+ constraint_mtr: str,
+ rng: np.random.Generator,
+ bootstrap_params: dict[str, Callable] | None = None,
+) -> tuple[ArrayLike, ...]:
+ """Compute bootstrap confidence interval.
+ The function allows for different type of bootstrap confidence intervals:
+ - standard: Calculates phi(beta_s) for every bootstrap drawn. Then it returns the
+ quantiles of the bootstrap distribution.
+ - numerical delta: Separately bootstraps the distribution of beta_s and estimates a
+ a derivative phi'(beta_s) using a numerical approximation.
+ Based on Hong and Li (2018).
+ - analytical delta: Separately bootstraps the distribution of beta_s and estimates a
+ a derivative phi'(beta_s) utilizing the analytical structure of the derivative.
+ Based on Fang and Santos (2017).
+ """
+ # Note that we currently implement this by separately bootstrapping the data for
+ # each method. This is not the most efficient way to do this, but keeps the code
+ # easy to organize. If it turns we out we spend a significant time on resampling
+ # we might want to consider a more efficient implementation.
+ if bootstrap_params is None:
+ bootstrap_params = {}
+ if bootstrap_method == "standard":
+ return _ci_standard_bootstrap(
+ n_boot=n_boot,
+ data=data,
+ alpha=alpha,
+ u_hi=u_hi,
+ constraint_mtr=constraint_mtr,
+ rng=rng,
+ )
+ if bootstrap_method == "numerical_delta":
+ return _ci_numerical_delta_bootstrap(
+ n_boot=n_boot,
+ data=data,
+ alpha=alpha,
+ u_hi=u_hi,
+ constraint_mtr=constraint_mtr,
+ rng=rng,
+ eps_fun=bootstrap_params["eps_fun"],
+ )
+ if bootstrap_method == "analytical_delta":
+ return _ci_analytical_delta_bootstrap(
+ n_boot=n_boot,
+ data=data,
+ alpha=alpha,
+ u_hi=u_hi,
+ constraint_mtr=constraint_mtr,
+ rng=rng,
+ kappa_fun=bootstrap_params["kappa_fun"],
+ )
+ # In principle, this should not be needed because we check the supported methods
+ # after input. However, mypy does not seem to recognize this. Or maybe this function
+ # is called from somewhere else.
+ msg = f"Bootstrap method '{bootstrap_method}' not supported."
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+def _ci_standard_bootstrap(
+ n_boot: int,
+ data: np.ndarray,
+ alpha: float,
+ u_hi: float,
+ constraint_mtr: str,
+ rng: np.random.Generator,
+) -> tuple[float, float]:
+ """Compute the standard bootstrap confidence interval.
+ The standard, non-parametric approach calculates phi(X_hat) for each bootstrap. In
+ our case this amounts to computing the identified set based on the bootstrap sample.
+ Then quantiles of this bootstrap distribution are used to construct CIs.
+ """
+ boot_lo = np.zeros(n_boot)
+ boot_hi = np.zeros(n_boot)
+ n_obs = data.shape[0]
+ for i in range(n_boot):
+ boot_data, pscores_boot = _draw_bootstrap_data(data=data, n_obs=n_obs, rng=rng)
+ # TODO(@buddejul): This might be more efficiently implemented by vectorizing the
+ # _idset call on the _late and _estimate_pscores bootstrap estimates.
+ boot_lo[i], boot_hi[i] = _idset(
+ b_late=_late(boot_data),
+ u_hi=u_hi,
+ pscores_hat=pscores_boot,
+ constraint_mtr=constraint_mtr,
+ )
+ # Explicitly make this a float to avoid static typing issues. np.quantile returns a
+ # np.float64 type, which is not compatible with the float type hint, although this
+ # seems to be addressed in https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/27334.
+ # Note we also take (1 - ) alpha/2 quantiles. This is to keep to code consistent.
+ # Following the usual Imbens and Manski argument, when covering the parameter we
+ # would only use (1 - ) alpha quantiles.
+ return float(np.quantile(boot_lo, alpha / 2)), float(
+ np.quantile(boot_hi, 1 - alpha / 2),
+ )
+def _ci_numerical_delta_bootstrap(
+ n_boot: int,
+ data: np.ndarray,
+ alpha: float,
+ u_hi: float,
+ constraint_mtr: str,
+ rng: np.random.Generator,
+ eps_fun: Callable = lambda n: n ** (-1 / 6),
+) -> tuple[float, float]:
+ """Compute the numerical delta bootstrap confidence interval.
+ Based on Hong and Li (2018), for details see p. 382.
+ The stepsize is set to n^(-1/6) by default, which is at least theoretically
+ consistent with eps -> zero and rn * eps -> infty, i.e. eps converges more slowly.
+ """
+ n_obs = data.shape[0]
+ eps = eps_fun(n_obs)
+ rn = np.sqrt(n_obs)
+ late = _late(data)
+ _id_data = _idset(late, u_hi, _estimate_pscores(data), constraint_mtr)
+ boot_delta_lo = np.zeros(n_boot)
+ boot_delta_hi = np.zeros(n_boot)
+ for i in range(n_boot):
+ # Step 1: Draw Z_s from the bootstrap distribution.
+ boot_data, pscores_boot = _draw_bootstrap_data(data=data, n_obs=n_obs, rng=rng)
+ z_s = rn * (_late(boot_data) - late)
+ # Step 2: Compute the numerical derivative.
+ # Note that in our case we need to do this for both the lower and upper bound.
+ _id_plus_eps_boot = _idset(
+ b_late=late + eps * z_s,
+ u_hi=u_hi,
+ pscores_hat=pscores_boot,
+ constraint_mtr=constraint_mtr,
+ )
+ boot_delta_lo[i], boot_delta_hi[i] = (1 / eps) * (_id_plus_eps_boot - _id_data)
+ # Construct 1 - alpha two-sided equal-tailed confidence interval for phi(beta_s).
+ # Note: Based on the Imbens and Manski argument for covering the parameter - instead
+ # of the identified set - we might only need to take "alpha" critical values here,
+ # instead of alpha. To achieve this, the user may supply alpha * 2 as the alpha.
+ # Compute the lower CI bound for the lower bound of the identified set.
+ ci_lo = _id_data[0] - (1 / rn) * np.quantile(boot_delta_lo, 1 - alpha / 2)
+ # Compute the upper CI bound for the upper bound of the identified set.
+ ci_hi = _id_data[1] - (1 / rn) * np.quantile(boot_delta_hi, alpha / 2)
+ return ci_lo, ci_hi
+def _ci_analytical_delta_bootstrap(
+ n_boot: int,
+ data: np.ndarray,
+ alpha: float,
+ u_hi: float,
+ constraint_mtr: str,
+ rng: np.random.Generator,
+ kappa_fun: Callable,
+) -> tuple[float, float]:
+ """Compute the analytical delta bootstrap confidence interval.
+ Based on Fang and Santos (2017), adapted from Example 2.1 equation (26). kappa_fun
+ is the tuning parameter used for the pretest to estimate the derivative.
+ """
+ n_obs = data.shape[0]
+ kappa_n = kappa_fun(n_obs)
+ rn = np.sqrt(n_obs)
+ # Estimate late using 2SLS to get the standard error for estimating the derivative.
+ late, se_late = _late_2sls(data)
+ # Note se_late is the standard error of the LATE estimate, i.e. the estimate of the
+ # asymptotic variance divided by rn. Hence we rescale to the asymptotic variance.
+ sigma_hat = rn * se_late
+ pscores = _estimate_pscores(data)
+ boot_late_scaled = np.zeros(n_boot)
+ boot_w_scaled = np.zeros(n_boot)
+ w = (pscores[1] - pscores[0]) / (u_hi + pscores[1] - pscores[0])
+ # Step 1: Bootstrap quantiles for the identified parameter beta_s.
+ for i in range(n_boot):
+ # Step 1: Draw Z_s from the bootstrap distribution of beta_s.
+ boot_data, _ = _draw_bootstrap_data(data=data, n_obs=n_obs, rng=rng)
+ boot_pscores = _estimate_pscores(boot_data)
+ boot_late_scaled[i] = rn * (_late(boot_data) - late)
+ boot_w = (boot_pscores[1] - boot_pscores[0]) / (
+ u_hi + boot_pscores[1] - boot_pscores[0]
+ )
+ boot_w_scaled[i] = rn * (boot_w - w)
+ # Step 2: Estimate the derivative.
+ # We need two separate derivatives, since the upper and lower bound have
+ # different solutions.
+ # We apply the derivative also to the bootstrapped w, since this is a nuisance
+ # parameter. Otherwise, we understate the variance.
+ _kwargs = {
+ "b": boot_late_scaled,
+ "w": boot_w_scaled,
+ "beta_late": late,
+ "sigma_hat": sigma_hat,
+ "kappa_n": kappa_n,
+ "rn": rn,
+ }
+ _d_phi = partial(_d_phi_kink, **_kwargs)
+ # Note the solution for the upper bound has a "+(1-w)" and for the lower bound a
+ # "-(1-w)" term. Hence the slopes are -1 and 1, respectively.
+ if constraint_mtr == "none":
+ boot_d_phi_upper = _d_phi(
+ slope_left=boot_w,
+ slope_right=boot_w,
+ slope_w=-1,
+ )
+ boot_d_phi_lower = _d_phi(
+ slope_left=boot_w,
+ slope_right=boot_w,
+ slope_w=1,
+ )
+ elif constraint_mtr == "increasing":
+ boot_d_phi_upper = _d_phi(slope_left=1, slope_right=boot_w, slope_w=-1)
+ boot_d_phi_lower = _d_phi(slope_left=boot_w, slope_right=1, slope_w=1)
+ # Step 3: Construct confidence intervals
+ id_lo, id_hi = _idset(
+ b_late=late,
+ u_hi=u_hi,
+ pscores_hat=pscores,
+ constraint_mtr=constraint_mtr,
+ )
+ _c_1_minus_alpha_half = np.quantile(boot_d_phi_lower, 1 - alpha / 2)
+ boot_ci_lo = id_lo - _c_1_minus_alpha_half / rn
+ _c_alpha_half = np.quantile(boot_d_phi_upper, alpha / 2)
+ boot_ci_hi = id_hi - _c_alpha_half / rn
+ return boot_ci_lo, boot_ci_hi
+def _idset(
+ b_late: float,
+ u_hi: float,
+ pscores_hat: tuple[float, float],
+ constraint_mtr: str,
+) -> np.ndarray:
+ w = (pscores_hat[1] - pscores_hat[0]) / (u_hi + pscores_hat[1] - pscores_hat[0])
+ if constraint_mtr == "none":
+ lo = w * b_late - (1 - w)
+ hi = w * b_late + (1 - w)
+ # Restricting the MTRs to be increasing changes the solution to have a kink when
+ # viewed as a function of the identified parameter.
+ elif constraint_mtr == "increasing":
+ lo = _phi_kink(theta=b_late, kink=0, slope_left=w, slope_right=1) - (1 - w)
+ hi = _phi_kink(theta=b_late, kink=0, slope_left=1, slope_right=w) + (1 - w)
+ return np.array([lo, hi])
+def _late(data: np.ndarray) -> float:
+ """Estimate the LATE using the Wald estimator."""
+ yz1 = data[data[:, 2] == 1, 0].mean()
+ yz0 = data[data[:, 2] == 0, 0].mean()
+ dz1 = data[data[:, 2] == 1, 1].mean()
+ dz0 = data[data[:, 2] == 0, 1].mean()
+ return (yz1 - yz0) / (dz1 - dz0)
+def _late_2sls(data: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float, float]:
+ """Estimate the LATE using 2SLS; also returns standard error."""
+ # Data order is y, d, z, u.
+ # In Statsmodels endog refers to the dependent variable, while exog refers to the
+ # explanatory variables, including all controls and the - endogenous - treatment
+ # variable.
+ model = IV2SLS(
+ endog=data[:, 0],
+ exog=add_constant(data[:, 1]),
+ instrument=add_constant(data[:, 2]),
+ )
+ res = model.fit()
+ return res.params[1], res.bse[1]
+def _draw_bootstrap_data(
+ data: np.ndarray,
+ n_obs: int,
+ rng: np.random.Generator,
+ max_iter: int = 100,
+) -> tuple[np.ndarray, tuple[float, float]]:
+ """Draw data for the bootstrap; redraw if propensity scores are equal."""
+ boot_data = data[rng.choice(n_obs, size=n_obs, replace=True)]
+ pscores_boot = _estimate_pscores(boot_data)
+ if pscores_boot[0] != pscores_boot[1]:
+ return boot_data, pscores_boot
+ # If the pscores are not the same we redraw the data. We set a maximum number of
+ # iterations to avoid infinite loops.
+ i = 0
+ while pscores_boot[0] == pscores_boot[1]:
+ boot_data = data[rng.choice(n_obs, size=n_obs, replace=True)]
+ pscores_boot = _estimate_pscores(boot_data)
+ i = i + 1
+ if i == max_iter:
+ msg = (
+ f"Bootstrap failed to generate different propensity scores"
+ f"({max_iter} draws)."
+ )
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ return boot_data, pscores_boot
+def _m0(u: float | np.ndarray) -> float | np.ndarray:
+ """Compute the m0 function."""
+ return 0.6 * _bern(0, 2, u) + 0.4 * _bern(1, 2, u) + 0.3 * _bern(2, 2, u)
+def _m1(u: float | np.ndarray) -> float | np.ndarray:
+ """Compute the m1 function."""
+ return 0.75 * _bern(0, 2, u) + 0.5 * _bern(1, 2, u) + 0.25 * _bern(2, 2, u)
+def _bern(v: int, n: int, x: float | np.ndarray) -> float | np.ndarray:
+ """Compute the Bernstein polynomial of degree n and index i at x."""
+ return comb(n, v) * x**v * (1 - x) ** (n - v)
+def _true_late(u_hi: float, instrument: Instrument, local_ates: LocalATEs) -> float:
+ _target_pop_size = u_hi + instrument.pscores[1] - instrument.pscores[0]
+ _complier_share = (instrument.pscores[1] - instrument.pscores[0]) / _target_pop_size
+ return (
+ _complier_share * local_ates.complier
+ + (1 - _complier_share) * local_ates.never_taker
+ )
+def _estimate_pscores(data: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float, float]:
+ """Estimate the propensity score."""
+ return (data[data[:, 2] == 0, 1].mean(), data[data[:, 2] == 1, 1].mean())
+def _phi_max(theta: float, cutoff: float = 0):
+ return np.maximum(theta, cutoff)
+def _phi_kink(
+ theta: float,
+ kink: float,
+ slope_left: float,
+ slope_right: float,
+) -> float:
+ return slope_left * theta * (theta < kink) + slope_right * theta * (theta >= kink)
+def _d_phi_kink(
+ b: float,
+ w: float,
+ beta_late: float,
+ sigma_hat: float,
+ kappa_n: float,
+ rn: float,
+ slope_left: float,
+ slope_right: float,
+ slope_w: float,
+ kink: float = 0,
+) -> float:
+ """Estimator for the derivative of the identified set."""
+ # TODO(@buddejul): Wrifte more general version allowing for different kink point.
+ # Currently we do this for a kink at zero; this should show up in the pre-test.
+ cond_right = rn * (beta_late - kink) / sigma_hat > kappa_n
+ cond_left = rn * (beta_late - kink) / sigma_hat < -kappa_n
+ cond_mid = (not cond_right) & (not cond_left)
+ # Note we need to add the variability resulting from estimating the propensity score
+ # in the derivative of the function: w * b +- (1 - w)
+ # TODO(@buddejul): This should probably also include a product-rule term.
+ return (
+ cond_right * b * slope_right
+ + cond_left * b * slope_left
+ + cond_mid * ((b < 0) * b * slope_left + (b >= 0) * b * slope_right)
+ + w * slope_w
+ + beta_late * w * (b >= 0)
+ )
+def _check_constraint_supported(constraint_mtr: str) -> None:
+ supported = ["none", "increasing"]
+ if constraint_mtr not in supported:
+ msg = (
+ f"Constraint '{constraint_mtr}' not supported.\n"
+ f"Supported constraints: {supported}"
+ )
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+def _check_bootsrap_method_supported(bootstrap_method: str) -> None:
+ supported = ["standard", "numerical_delta", "analytical_delta"]
+ if bootstrap_method not in supported:
+ msg = (
+ f"Bootstrap method '{bootstrap_method}' not supported.\n"
+ f"Supported bootstrap methods: {supported}"
+ )
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+def _check_instrument_and_u_hi_consistent(u_hi: float, instrument: Instrument) -> None:
+ if u_hi + instrument.pscores[1] > 1:
+ msg = (
+ f"Upper bound u_hi + pscores[1] = {u_hi + instrument.pscores[1]} "
+ f"exceeds 1. This is not allowed."
+ )
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+def _check_complier_never_taker_consistent(local_ates, constraint_mtr):
+ if constraint_mtr == "increasing" and (
+ local_ates.complier < 0 and local_ates.never_taker >= 1
+ ):
+ # To be consistent with increasing MTR funcs, the never-taker ATE can be at
+ # most min(1, 1 + complier ate). Hence, if the complier ATE is negative, the
+ # never-taker ATE needs to be smaller than 1.
+ msg = (
+ "Whenever late_complier < 0, the largest possible never-taker ATE is "
+ "1 + later_complier < 1."
+ )
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+def _check_bootstrap_params_supplied(
+ bootstrap_method: str,
+ bootstrap_params: dict[str, Callable],
+) -> None:
+ if bootstrap_method == "numerical_delta" and "eps_fun" not in bootstrap_params:
+ msg = (
+ "Numerical delta bootstrap method requires the user to supply an epsilon "
+ "function via bootstrap_params under key 'eps_fun'."
+ )
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ if bootstrap_method == "analytical_delta" and "kappa_fun" not in bootstrap_params:
+ msg = (
+ "Analytical delta bootstrap method requires the user to supply a kappa "
+ "function via bootstrap_params under key 'kappa_fun'."
+ )
+ raise ValueError(msg)
diff --git a/src/thesis/simple_model/task_combine_sim_results.py b/src/thesis/simple_model/task_combine_sim_results.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e06c07e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/simple_model/task_combine_sim_results.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+"""Task for combining simulation results into dataset."""
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Annotated
+import pandas as pd # type: ignore[import-untyped] # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from pytask import Product
+from thesis.config import BLD
+from thesis.simple_model.task_simple_model_sims import (
+ _Arguments,
+from thesis.utilities import get_func_as_string
+EPS_FUNS_STRINGS = [get_func_as_string(eps_fun) for eps_fun in EPS_FUNS_NUMERICAL_DELTA]
+ get_func_as_string(kappa_fun) for kappa_fun in EPS_FUNS_NUMERICAL_DELTA
+def task_combine_sim_results(
+ id_to_kwargs: dict[str, _Arguments] = ID_TO_KWARGS,
+ path_to_data: Annotated[Path, Product] = Path(
+ BLD / "simple_model" / "sim_results_combined.pkl",
+ ),
+) -> None:
+ """Combine all simulation results into single dataframe."""
+ coverage = []
+ for kwargs in id_to_kwargs.values():
+ res = pd.read_pickle(kwargs.path_to_data) # noqa: S301
+ res["ci_covers_true_param"] = (res["lo"] <= res["true"]) & (
+ res["hi"] >= res["true"]
+ )
+ res["ci_length"] = res["hi"] - res["lo"]
+ coverage.append(
+ (
+ kwargs.u_hi,
+ kwargs.n_obs,
+ kwargs.local_ates.complier,
+ kwargs.bootstrap_method,
+ get_func_as_string(kwargs.bootstrap_params["eps_fun"]),
+ get_func_as_string(kwargs.bootstrap_params["kappa_fun"]),
+ kwargs.constraint_mtr,
+ res["true"].mean(),
+ res["ci_covers_true_param"].mean(),
+ res["ci_length"].mean(),
+ res["lo"].mean(),
+ res["hi"].mean(),
+ ),
+ )
+ cols = [
+ "u_hi",
+ "n_obs",
+ "late_complier",
+ "bootstrap_method",
+ "eps_fun",
+ "kappa_fun",
+ "constraint_mtr",
+ "true",
+ "coverage",
+ "length",
+ "ci_lo",
+ "ci_hi",
+ ]
+ data = pd.DataFrame(coverage, columns=cols)
+ data.to_pickle(path_to_data)
diff --git a/src/thesis/simple_model/task_plot_simple_model_sims.py b/src/thesis/simple_model/task_plot_simple_model_sims.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..82cdc394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/simple_model/task_plot_simple_model_sims.py
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+"""Task for running bootstrap simulations."""
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Annotated
+import pandas as pd # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+import plotly.graph_objects as go # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from pytask import Product
+from thesis.config import BLD
+from thesis.simple_model.task_simple_model_sims import (
+from thesis.utilities import get_func_as_string
+EPS_FUNS_STRINGS = [get_func_as_string(eps_fun) for eps_fun in EPS_FUNS_NUMERICAL_DELTA]
+ get_func_as_string(kappa_fun) for kappa_fun in EPS_FUNS_NUMERICAL_DELTA
+# TODO(@buddejul): Put graphs below in a loop, currently there is a lot of copy/paste.
+# TODO(@buddejul): Include true parameters in plots.
+# TODO(@buddejul): Split tasks, function is too complex, see noqa below.
+def task_plot_simple_model_sims( # noqa: C901, PLR0912
+ path_to_data: Path = BLD / "simple_model" / "sim_results_combined.pkl",
+ path_to_plot_coverage: Annotated[Path, Product] = Path(
+ BLD / "simple_model" / "figures" / "coverage.png",
+ ),
+ path_to_plot_length: Annotated[Path, Product] = Path(
+ BLD / "simple_model" / "figures" / "length.png",
+ ),
+ path_to_plot_means_hi: Annotated[Path, Product] = Path(
+ BLD / "simple_model" / "figures" / "means_hi.png",
+ ),
+ path_to_plot_means_lo: Annotated[Path, Product] = Path(
+ BLD / "simple_model" / "figures" / "means_lo.png",
+ ),
+ path_to_plot_coverage_by_eps_fun: Annotated[Path, Product] = Path(
+ BLD / "simple_model" / "figures" / "coverage_eps_fun.png",
+ ),
+ path_to_plot_coverage_by_kappa_fun: Annotated[Path, Product] = Path(
+ BLD / "simple_model" / "figures" / "coverage_kappa_fun.png",
+ ),
+) -> None:
+ """Plot the coverage probability of the confidence interval."""
+ data = pd.read_pickle(path_to_data) # noqa: S301
+ # TODO(@buddejul): Do this properly and loop over mtr constraints.
+ data = data[data.constraint_mtr == "increasing"]
+ data = data.sort_values("late_complier")
+ color_by_bootstrap_method = {
+ "standard": "blue",
+ "numerical_delta": "red",
+ "analytical_delta": "green",
+ }
+ color_by_eps_fun = {
+ "npow(-1div1)": "black",
+ "npow(-1div2)": "blue",
+ "npow(-1div3)": "red",
+ "npow(-1div4)": "green",
+ "npow(-1div5)": "orange",
+ "npow(-1div6)": "purple",
+ }
+ color_by_kappa_fun = {
+ "npow(1div2)": "blue",
+ "npow(1div3)": "red",
+ "npow(1div6)": "purple",
+ "np.log(n)pow(1div2)": "green",
+ "(2xnp.log(np.log(n)))pow(1div2)": "orange",
+ }
+ line_type_by_n_obs = {
+ 250: "solid",
+ 1_000: "dash",
+ 10_000: "dot",
+ }
+ for col_to_plot in ["coverage", "length"]:
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ for n_obs in data.n_obs.unique():
+ for bootstrap_method in ["standard", "numerical_delta", "analytical_delta"]:
+ data_sub = data[
+ (data.n_obs == n_obs) & (data.bootstrap_method == bootstrap_method)
+ ]
+ if bootstrap_method == "numerical_delta":
+ data_sub = data_sub[data_sub["eps_fun"] == "npow(-1div2)"]
+ if bootstrap_method == "analytical_delta":
+ data_sub = data_sub[data_sub["kappa_fun"] == "np.log(n)pow(1div2)"]
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=data_sub.late_complier,
+ y=data_sub[col_to_plot],
+ name=f"n_obs={n_obs}",
+ legendgroup=f"{bootstrap_method}",
+ legendgrouptitle_text=(
+ f"{bootstrap_method.replace('_', ' ').capitalize()} "
+ "Bootstrap"
+ ),
+ line={
+ "color": color_by_bootstrap_method[bootstrap_method],
+ "dash": line_type_by_n_obs[int(n_obs)],
+ "width": 2,
+ },
+ ),
+ )
+ fig.update_layout(
+ title=f"{col_to_plot.capitalize()} of CI for true parameter",
+ xaxis_title="LATE Complier",
+ yaxis_title=f"{col_to_plot.capitalize()}",
+ )
+ if col_to_plot == "coverage":
+ path_to_plot = path_to_plot_coverage
+ elif col_to_plot == "length":
+ path_to_plot = path_to_plot_length
+ fig.write_image(path_to_plot)
+ # ==================================================================================
+ # Plot Means
+ # ==================================================================================
+ params_to_stat = {
+ "ci_lo": {"title": "Means of CI Lower Bounds", "path": path_to_plot_means_lo},
+ "ci_hi": {"title": "Means of CI Upper Bounds", "path": path_to_plot_means_hi},
+ }
+ for stat in ["ci_hi", "ci_lo"]:
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ for n_obs in data.n_obs.unique():
+ for bootstrap_method in ["standard", "numerical_delta", "analytical_delta"]:
+ data_sub = data[
+ (data.n_obs == n_obs) & (data.bootstrap_method == bootstrap_method)
+ ]
+ if bootstrap_method == "numerical_delta":
+ data_sub = data_sub[data_sub["eps_fun"] == "npow(-1div2)"]
+ if bootstrap_method == "analytical_delta":
+ data_sub = data_sub[data_sub["kappa_fun"] == "npow(1div2)"]
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=data_sub.late_complier,
+ y=data_sub[stat],
+ name=f"n_obs={n_obs}",
+ legendgroup=f"{bootstrap_method}",
+ legendgrouptitle_text=(
+ f"{bootstrap_method.replace('_', ' ').capitalize()}"
+ "Bootstrap"
+ ),
+ line={
+ "color": color_by_bootstrap_method[bootstrap_method],
+ "dash": line_type_by_n_obs[int(n_obs)],
+ },
+ ),
+ )
+ fig.update_layout(
+ title=params_to_stat[stat]["title"],
+ xaxis_title="late_complier",
+ yaxis_title="Mean CI Bounds",
+ )
+ fig.write_image(params_to_stat[stat]["path"])
+ # ==================================================================================
+ # Plot coverage by eps_fun
+ # ==================================================================================
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ for eps_fun in data.eps_fun.unique():
+ eps_fun_to_print = (
+ eps_fun.replace("npow", "n^")
+ .replace("div", "/")
+ .replace("(", "")
+ .replace(")", "")
+ )
+ for n_obs in data.n_obs.unique():
+ data_sub = data[data.eps_fun == eps_fun]
+ data_sub = data_sub[data_sub.n_obs == n_obs]
+ data_sub = data_sub[data_sub["bootstrap_method"] == "numerical_delta"]
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=data_sub.late_complier,
+ y=data_sub.coverage,
+ name=f"n_obs={n_obs}",
+ legendgroup=f"{eps_fun}",
+ legendgrouptitle_text=(f"eps(n) = {eps_fun_to_print}"),
+ line={
+ "dash": line_type_by_n_obs[int(n_obs)],
+ "width": 2,
+ "color": color_by_eps_fun[eps_fun],
+ },
+ ),
+ )
+ fig.update_layout(
+ title="Coverage by eps_fun",
+ xaxis_title="late_complier",
+ yaxis_title="Coverage",
+ )
+ fig.write_image(path_to_plot_coverage_by_eps_fun)
+ # ==================================================================================
+ # Plot coverage by kappa_fun
+ # ==================================================================================
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ for kappa_fun in data.kappa_fun.unique():
+ kappa_fun_to_print = (
+ kappa_fun.replace("npow", "n^")
+ .replace("div", "/")
+ .replace("(", "")
+ .replace(")", "")
+ )
+ for n_obs in data.n_obs.unique():
+ data_sub = data[data.kappa_fun == kappa_fun]
+ data_sub = data_sub[data_sub.n_obs == n_obs]
+ data_sub = data_sub[data_sub["bootstrap_method"] == "analytical_delta"]
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=data_sub.late_complier,
+ y=data_sub.coverage,
+ name=f"n_obs={n_obs}",
+ legendgroup=f"{kappa_fun}",
+ legendgrouptitle_text=(f"eps(n) = {kappa_fun_to_print}"),
+ line={
+ "dash": line_type_by_n_obs[int(n_obs)],
+ "width": 2,
+ "color": color_by_kappa_fun[kappa_fun],
+ },
+ ),
+ )
+ fig.update_layout(
+ title="Coverage by kappa_fun",
+ xaxis_title="late_complier",
+ yaxis_title="Coverage",
+ )
+ fig.write_image(path_to_plot_coverage_by_kappa_fun)
diff --git a/src/thesis/simple_model/task_plot_solution.py b/src/thesis/simple_model/task_plot_solution.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..458bedf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/simple_model/task_plot_solution.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+"""Plot the true solution for the simple model setting."""
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Annotated, NamedTuple
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+import plotly.graph_objects as go # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from pytask import Product, task
+from thesis.config import BLD
+from thesis.simple_model.funcs import _idset
+class _Arguments(NamedTuple):
+ constraint_mtr: str
+ path_to_plot: Annotated[Path, Product]
+ u_hi: float = 0.2
+ grid_points: int = 250
+ endpoints: tuple[float, float] = (-0.1, 0.1)
+ pscores: tuple[float, float] = (0.4, 0.6)
+constr_mtr_to_plot = ["none", "increasing"]
+ f"plot_constraint_mtr_{constraint_mtr}": _Arguments(
+ constraint_mtr=constraint_mtr,
+ path_to_plot=Path(
+ / "simple_model"
+ / "solutions"
+ / f"solution_constraint_mtr_{constraint_mtr}.png",
+ ),
+ )
+ for constraint_mtr in constr_mtr_to_plot
+for id_, kwargs in ID_TO_KWARGS.items():
+ @task(id=id_, kwargs=kwargs) # type: ignore[arg-type]
+ def task_plot_solution(
+ u_hi: float,
+ grid_points: int,
+ endpoints: tuple[float, float],
+ pscores: tuple[float, float],
+ constraint_mtr: str,
+ path_to_plot: Annotated[Path, Product],
+ ) -> None:
+ """Plot the solution for the simple model."""
+ beta_grid = np.linspace(endpoints[0], endpoints[1], grid_points)
+ solutions = np.zeros((grid_points, 2))
+ for i, beta in enumerate(beta_grid):
+ solutions[i, :] = _idset(
+ b_late=beta,
+ u_hi=u_hi,
+ pscores_hat=pscores,
+ constraint_mtr=constraint_mtr,
+ )
+ data = pd.DataFrame(solutions, columns=["lower_bound", "upper_bound"])
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=beta_grid,
+ y=data["lower_bound"],
+ mode="lines",
+ name="Lower Bound",
+ ),
+ )
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=beta_grid,
+ y=data["upper_bound"],
+ mode="lines",
+ name="Upper Bound",
+ ),
+ )
+ fig.update_layout(
+ title=(
+ "Solution for the Simple Model: "
+ f"MTR Constraint = {constraint_mtr.capitalize()}"
+ ),
+ xaxis_title="Beta",
+ yaxis_title="Value",
+ )
+ # Add a note with all parameters
+ fig.add_annotation(
+ text=f"u_hi = {u_hi}, pscores = {pscores}",
+ xref="paper",
+ yref="paper",
+ x=0.5,
+ y=-0.1,
+ showarrow=False,
+ )
+ fig.write_image(path_to_plot)
diff --git a/src/thesis/simple_model/task_simple_model_sims.py b/src/thesis/simple_model/task_simple_model_sims.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ffdcd7b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thesis/simple_model/task_simple_model_sims.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+"""Task for running bootstrap simulations."""
+from collections.abc import Callable
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Annotated, NamedTuple
+import numpy as np
+import pytask
+from pytask import Product, task
+from thesis.classes import Instrument, LocalATEs
+from thesis.config import BLD, RNG
+from thesis.simple_model.funcs import simulation_bootstrap
+class _Arguments(NamedTuple):
+ u_hi: float
+ pscore_low: float
+ n_obs: int
+ local_ates: LocalATEs
+ constraint_mtr: str
+ bootstrap_method: str
+ bootstrap_params: dict[str, Callable]
+ path_to_data: Path | None = None
+ pscore_hi: float = 0.6
+ alpha: float = 0.05
+ n_boot: int = 500
+ n_sims: int = 2_000
+ rng: np.random.Generator = RNG
+U_HI = [0.2]
+N_OBS = [1_000, 10_000]
+PSCORES_LOW = [0.4]
+CONSTRAINTS_MTR = ["increasing"]
+BOOTSTRAP_METHODS = ["standard", "numerical_delta", "analytical_delta"]
+LATES_COMPLIER = np.concat((np.linspace(-0.4, 0.4, num=20), np.zeros(1)))
+ lambda n: n ** (-1 / 2),
+ lambda n: np.log(n) ** (1 / 2),
+# TODO(@buddejul): An alternative way to do this would be to simply give this a
+# non-meaningful name (e.g. simple_models_sims_`i`) and store all params in the dataset
+# or a separate dict (probably more efficient). We can then retrieve the params from the
+# dataset or dict after saving. We can then query the settings dict before merging.
+ _Arguments(
+ u_hi=u_hi,
+ n_obs=n_obs,
+ pscore_low=pscore_low,
+ local_ates=LocalATEs(
+ always_taker=0,
+ complier=late_complier,
+ # The following ensures that the model is always correctly specified under
+ # increasing MTR functions: Whenever late_complier < 0, the largest possible
+ # never-taker ATE is 1 + later_complier < 1.
+ never_taker=np.min((1, 1 + late_complier)),
+ ),
+ constraint_mtr=constraint_mtr,
+ bootstrap_method=bootstrap_method,
+ bootstrap_params={"eps_fun": eps_fun, "kappa_fun": kappa_fun},
+ )
+ for u_hi in U_HI
+ for n_obs in N_OBS
+ for pscore_low in PSCORES_LOW
+ for late_complier in LATES_COMPLIER
+ for constraint_mtr in CONSTRAINTS_MTR
+ for bootstrap_method in BOOTSTRAP_METHODS
+ # For standard bootstrap, we only need to run the simulation once
+ if not (
+ bootstrap_method == "standard"
+ and (
+ eps_fun is not EPS_FUNS_NUMERICAL_DELTA[0]
+ or kappa_fun is not KAPPA_FUNS_ANALYTICAL_DELTA[0]
+ )
+ )
+ # For the analytical delta method, we only need to run the simulation once for each
+ # kappa_fun, but not for different eps_fun
+ if not (
+ bootstrap_method == "analytical_delta"
+ and eps_fun is not EPS_FUNS_NUMERICAL_DELTA[0]
+ )
+ # For the numerical delta method, we only need to run the simulation once for each
+ # eps_fun, but not for different kappa_fun
+ if not (
+ bootstrap_method == "numerical_delta"
+ and kappa_fun is not KAPPA_FUNS_ANALYTICAL_DELTA[0]
+ )
+ID_TO_KWARGS = {str(id_): kwargs for id_, kwargs in enumerate(KWARGS)}
+for id_, kwargs in ID_TO_KWARGS.items():
+ ID_TO_KWARGS[id_] = kwargs._replace(
+ path_to_data=BLD / "simple_model" / kwargs.bootstrap_method / f"{id_}.pkl",
+ )
+for id_, kwargs in ID_TO_KWARGS.items():
+ @pytask.mark.skip()
+ @task(id=id_, kwargs=kwargs) # type: ignore[arg-type]
+ def task_bootstrap_sims(
+ n_sims: int,
+ n_obs: int,
+ n_boot: int,
+ u_hi: float,
+ alpha: float,
+ pscore_low: float,
+ pscore_hi: float,
+ local_ates: LocalATEs,
+ constraint_mtr: str,
+ bootstrap_method: str,
+ bootstrap_params: dict[str, Callable],
+ rng: np.random.Generator,
+ path_to_data: Annotated[Path, Product],
+ ) -> None:
+ """Task for running bootstrap simulations."""
+ instrument = Instrument(
+ support=np.array([0, 1]),
+ pmf=np.array([0.5, 0.5]),
+ pscores=np.array([pscore_low, pscore_hi]),
+ )
+ res = simulation_bootstrap(
+ n_sims=n_sims,
+ n_obs=n_obs,
+ n_boot=n_boot,
+ u_hi=u_hi,
+ local_ates=local_ates,
+ alpha=alpha,
+ instrument=instrument,
+ constraint_mtr=constraint_mtr,
+ rng=rng,
+ bootstrap_method=bootstrap_method,
+ bootstrap_params=bootstrap_params,
+ )
+ res.to_pickle(path_to_data)
diff --git a/src/thesis/utilities.py b/src/thesis/utilities.py
index 3ef10780..c2b83a55 100644
--- a/src/thesis/utilities.py
+++ b/src/thesis/utilities.py
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
"""Utilities used in various parts of the project."""
-import yaml
+import inspect
+from collections.abc import Callable
+from pathlib import Path
+import numpy as np
+import yaml # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from thesis.classes import Instrument, LocalATEs
def read_yaml(path):
@@ -13,7 +20,7 @@ def read_yaml(path):
dict: The parsed YAML file.
- with open(path) as stream:
+ with Path.open(path) as stream:
out = yaml.safe_load(stream)
except yaml.YAMLError as error:
@@ -23,3 +30,45 @@ def read_yaml(path):
raise ValueError(info) from error
return out
+def get_func_as_string(func: Callable) -> str:
+ """Inspects a function and converts the first body line into a string."""
+ func_str = str(inspect.getsourcelines(func)[0])
+ func_str = func_str.split(":")[1].strip()
+ func_str = func_str.removesuffix(")\\n']")
+ func_str = func_str.removesuffix(",\\n']")
+ func_str = func_str.replace(" ", "")
+ func_str = func_str.replace("**", "pow")
+ func_str = func_str.replace("*", "x")
+ return func_str.replace("/", "div")
+def draw_data(
+ n_obs: int,
+ local_ates: LocalATEs,
+ instrument: Instrument,
+ rng: np.random.Generator,
+) -> np.ndarray:
+ """Draw data for given local ates and instrument."""
+ z = rng.choice(instrument.support, size=n_obs, p=instrument.pmf)
+ u = rng.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=n_obs)
+ d = np.where(z == 1, u <= instrument.pscores[1], u <= instrument.pscores[0])
+ _never_takers = u <= instrument.pscores[0]
+ _compliers = (u > instrument.pscores[0]) & (u <= instrument.pscores[1])
+ _always_takers = u > instrument.pscores[1]
+ y0 = np.zeros(n_obs)
+ y1 = (
+ _never_takers * local_ates.never_taker
+ + _compliers * local_ates.complier
+ + _always_takers * local_ates.always_taker
+ )
+ y = d * y1 + (1 - d) * y0 + rng.normal(scale=0.1, size=n_obs)
+ return np.column_stack((y, d, z, u))
diff --git a/tests/analysis/__init__.py b/tests/analysis/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f03a7a4..00000000
--- a/tests/analysis/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-"""Tests for the analysis module."""
diff --git a/tests/analysis/test_model.py b/tests/analysis/test_model.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 80625614..00000000
--- a/tests/analysis/test_model.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-"""Tests for the regression model."""
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-import pytest
-from thesis.analysis.model import fit_logit_model
-def data():
- np.random.default_rng(seed=0)
- x = np.random.Generator.normal(size=100_000)
- coef = 2.0
- prob = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-coef * x))
- return pd.DataFrame(
- {"outcome_numerical": np.random.Generator.binomial(1, prob), "covariate": x},
- )
-def data_info():
- return {"outcome": "outcome", "outcome_numerical": "outcome_numerical"}
-def test_fit_logit_model_recover_coefficients(data, data_info):
- model = fit_logit_model(data, data_info, model_type="linear")
- params = model.params
- assert np.abs(params["Intercept"]) < DESIRED_PRECISION
- assert np.abs(params["covariate"] - 2.0) < DESIRED_PRECISION
-def test_fit_logit_model_error_model_type(data, data_info):
- with pytest.raises(ValueError): # noqa: PT011
- assert fit_logit_model(data, data_info, model_type="quadratic")
diff --git a/tests/analysis/test_predict.py b/tests/analysis/test_predict.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c8070ec..00000000
--- a/tests/analysis/test_predict.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-"""Tests for the prediction model."""
-import pandas as pd
-import pytest
-from pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal
-from thesis.analysis.predict import predict_prob_by_age
-def data():
- out = pd.DataFrame([1, 2, 3], columns=["age"])
- out["education"] = ["high-school", "high-school", "university"]
- out["income"] = ["high", "low", "low"]
- return out
-def model():
- class ModelClass:
- @staticmethod
- def predict(data):
- if "high-school" in data["education"].to_numpy():
- prob = 0.1 if "low" in data["income"].to_numpy() else 0.2
- else:
- prob = 0.3 if "low" in data["income"].to_numpy() else 0.4
- return prob * data["age"]
- return ModelClass
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("group", ["education", "income"])
-def test_predict_prob_over_age(data, model, group):
- got = predict_prob_by_age(data, model, group)
- if group == "education":
- expected = pd.DataFrame(
- [[1, 0.1, 0.3], [2, 0.2, 0.6], [3, 0.3, 0.9]],
- columns=["age", "high-school", "university"],
- )
- else:
- expected = pd.DataFrame(
- [[1, 0.2, 0.1], [2, 0.4, 0.2], [3, 0.6, 0.3]],
- columns=["age", "high", "low"],
- )
- assert_frame_equal(got, expected)
diff --git a/tests/bootstrap/__init__.py b/tests/bootstrap/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ec0c327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/bootstrap/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Tests for bootstrap procedures."""
diff --git a/tests/bootstrap/test_bootstrap_off_kink.py b/tests/bootstrap/test_bootstrap_off_kink.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d37a54a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/bootstrap/test_bootstrap_off_kink.py
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+"""Test bootstrap confidence intervals have right coverage far off the kink."""
+import numpy as np
+import pytest
+from thesis.classes import Instrument, LocalATEs
+from thesis.config import RNG
+from thesis.simple_model.funcs import simulation_bootstrap
+def setup():
+ complier_late = -0.5
+ local_ates = LocalATEs(
+ always_taker=0,
+ complier=complier_late,
+ never_taker=np.min((1, 1 + complier_late)),
+ )
+ instrument = Instrument(
+ support=np.array([0, 1]),
+ pmf=np.array([0.5, 0.5]),
+ pscores=np.array([0.4, 0.6]),
+ )
+ return local_ates, instrument, complier_late
+def _bic(n):
+ """BIC."""
+ return np.sqrt(np.log(n))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["numerical_delta"])
+def test_bootstrap_coverage(setup, method):
+ local_ates, instrument, complier_late = setup
+ expected = 0.95
+ n_obs = 10_000
+ n_boot = 500
+ n_sims = 100
+ bootstrap_params = {
+ "eps_fun": np.sqrt,
+ "kappa_fun": _bic,
+ }
+ res = simulation_bootstrap(
+ n_sims=n_sims,
+ n_obs=n_obs,
+ n_boot=n_boot,
+ u_hi=0.2,
+ local_ates=local_ates,
+ instrument=instrument,
+ alpha=0.05,
+ constraint_mtr="increasing",
+ bootstrap_method=method,
+ rng=RNG,
+ bootstrap_params=bootstrap_params,
+ )
+ res["covers"] = (res["lo"] <= res["true"]) & (res["hi"] >= res["true"])
+ res["covers_hi"] = res["hi"] >= res["true"]
+ res["covers_lo"] = res["lo"] <= res["true"]
+ # Calculate critical values of CI
+ res["c_hi"] = res["hi"] - res["beta_hi"]
+ res["c_lo"] = res["lo"] - res["beta_lo"]
+ # Assert they are always >= 0
+ assert np.all(res["c_hi"] >= 0)
+ assert np.all(res["c_lo"] <= 0)
+ # Coverage should be determined by upper bound
+ assert res["covers_lo"].mean() == 1
+ assert np.all(res["covers_hi"] == res["covers"])
+ actual = res.mean()["covers"]
+ assert actual == pytest.approx(expected, abs=0.051)
diff --git a/tests/data_management/__init__.py b/tests/data_management/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 90c3ffa0..00000000
--- a/tests/data_management/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-"""Tests for the data management module."""
diff --git a/tests/data_management/data_fixture.csv b/tests/data_management/data_fixture.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 99a2bd2f..00000000
--- a/tests/data_management/data_fixture.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tests/data_management/data_info_fixture.yaml b/tests/data_management/data_info_fixture.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c26773cb..00000000
--- a/tests/data_management/data_info_fixture.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-columns_to_drop: [col2]
-categorical_columns: [col0, col1]
- col1: column_1
-outcome: col0
-outcome_numerical: col0_numerical
diff --git a/tests/data_management/test_clean_data.py b/tests/data_management/test_clean_data.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 419cc3bc..00000000
--- a/tests/data_management/test_clean_data.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-import pytest
-from thesis.config import TEST_DIR
-from thesis.data_management import clean_data
-from thesis.utilities import read_yaml
-def data():
- return pd.read_csv(TEST_DIR / "data_management" / "data_fixture.csv")
-def data_info():
- return read_yaml(TEST_DIR / "data_management" / "data_info_fixture.yaml")
-def test_clean_data_drop_columns(data, data_info):
- data_clean = clean_data(data, data_info)
- assert not set(data_info["columns_to_drop"]).intersection(set(data_clean.columns))
-def test_clean_data_dropna(data, data_info):
- data_clean = clean_data(data, data_info)
- assert not data_clean.isna().any(axis=None)
-def test_clean_data_categorical_columns(data, data_info):
- data_clean = clean_data(data, data_info)
- for cat_col in data_info["categorical_columns"]:
- renamed_col = data_info["column_rename_mapping"].get(cat_col, cat_col)
- assert data_clean[renamed_col].dtype == "category"
-def test_clean_data_column_rename(data, data_info):
- data_clean = clean_data(data, data_info)
- old_names = set(data_info["column_rename_mapping"].keys())
- new_names = set(data_info["column_rename_mapping"].values())
- assert not old_names.intersection(set(data_clean.columns))
- assert new_names.intersection(set(data_clean.columns)) == new_names
-def test_convert_outcome_to_numerical(data, data_info):
- data_clean = clean_data(data, data_info)
- outcome_name = data_info["outcome"]
- outcome_numerical_name = data_info["outcome_numerical"]
- assert outcome_numerical_name in data_clean.columns
- assert data_clean[outcome_name].dtype == "category"
- assert data_clean[outcome_numerical_name].dtype == np.int8
diff --git a/tests/imbens_manski/__init__.py b/tests/imbens_manski/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..85a77a1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/imbens_manski/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Tests for Imbens Manski simulations."""
diff --git a/tests/imbens_manski/test_im_funcs.py b/tests/imbens_manski/test_im_funcs.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c319140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/imbens_manski/test_im_funcs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+"""Tests for Imbens Manski simulations."""
+from thesis.config import RNG
+def test_compute_bootstrap_ci() -> None:
+ """Test compute_bootstrap_ci."""
+ RNG.normal(0, 1, 100)
diff --git a/tests/simple_model/__init__.py b/tests/simple_model/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..461f7e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/simple_model/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Tests for the simple_model functions."""
diff --git a/tests/simple_model/test_debug_sm_cis.py b/tests/simple_model/test_debug_sm_cis.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abfd78d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/simple_model/test_debug_sm_cis.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+"""Tests for debugging simple model CIs."""
+import numpy as np
+from thesis.classes import Instrument, LocalATEs
+from thesis.config import RNG
+from thesis.simple_model.funcs import simulation_bootstrap
+def test_debug_sm():
+ n_sims = 2
+ n_obs = 10_000
+ n_boot = 2_000
+ u_hi = 0.2
+ alpha = 0.05
+ constraint_mtr = "none"
+ bootstrap_method = "standard"
+ instrument = Instrument(
+ support=np.array([0, 1]),
+ pmf=np.array([0.5, 0.5]),
+ pscores=np.array([0.4, 0.6]),
+ )
+ local_ates = LocalATEs(
+ always_taker=0,
+ complier=-0.1,
+ never_taker=1,
+ )
+ simulation_bootstrap(
+ n_sims=n_sims,
+ n_obs=n_obs,
+ n_boot=n_boot,
+ u_hi=u_hi,
+ alpha=alpha,
+ rng=RNG,
+ constraint_mtr=constraint_mtr,
+ bootstrap_method=bootstrap_method,
+ instrument=instrument,
+ local_ates=local_ates,
+ )
diff --git a/tests/simple_model/test_funcs.py b/tests/simple_model/test_funcs.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2ded3f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/simple_model/test_funcs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+"""Test functions for simple_model."""
+from functools import partial
+import numpy as np
+import pytest
+from thesis.classes import Instrument, LocalATEs
+from thesis.config import RNG
+from thesis.simple_model.funcs import (
+ _estimate_pscores,
+ _idset,
+ _late,
+ _late_2sls,
+ _true_late,
+ simulation_bootstrap,
+from thesis.utilities import draw_data
+def instrument() -> Instrument:
+ return Instrument(
+ support=np.array([0, 1]),
+ pmf=np.array([0.5, 0.5]),
+ pscores=np.array([0.4, 0.6]),
+ )
+def local_ates_zero() -> LocalATEs:
+ return LocalATEs(
+ always_taker=0,
+ complier=0,
+ never_taker=0,
+ )
+def local_ates_nonzero() -> LocalATEs:
+ return LocalATEs(
+ always_taker=0,
+ complier=0.5,
+ never_taker=1,
+ )
+# Setting where true parameter is at upper boundary of ID set and at kink of solution
+def local_ates_boundary_hi() -> LocalATEs:
+ return LocalATEs(
+ always_taker=0,
+ complier=0,
+ never_taker=1,
+ )
+# Setting where true parameter is at lower boundary of ID set and at kink of solution
+def local_ates_boundary_lo() -> LocalATEs:
+ return LocalATEs(
+ always_taker=0,
+ complier=0,
+ never_taker=-1,
+ )
+def local_ates_complier_negative() -> LocalATEs:
+ return LocalATEs(
+ always_taker=0,
+ complier=-0.5,
+ never_taker=1,
+ )
+def sim_boot():
+ return partial(
+ simulation_bootstrap,
+ n_sims=2,
+ n_obs=10_000,
+ n_boot=2_000,
+ u_hi=0.1,
+ alpha=0.05,
+ rng=RNG,
+ )
+def test_compute_pscores(instrument, local_ates_nonzero) -> None:
+ n_obs = 1_000_000
+ data = draw_data(
+ n_obs,
+ rng=RNG,
+ instrument=instrument,
+ local_ates=local_ates_nonzero,
+ )
+ expected = (0.4, 0.6)
+ actual = _estimate_pscores(data)
+ assert expected == pytest.approx(actual, abs=3 / np.sqrt(n_obs))
+def test_simulation_runs(local_ates_boundary_hi, instrument, sim_boot) -> None:
+ for boot_met in ["analytical_delta", "standard", "numerical_delta"]:
+ for const_mtr in ["increasing", "none"]:
+ if boot_met == "numerical_delta":
+ bootstrap_params = {"eps_fun": lambda n: n ** (-1 / 3)}
+ elif boot_met == "analytical_delta":
+ bootstrap_params = {"kappa_fun": lambda n: n ** (1 / 3)}
+ else:
+ bootstrap_params = {}
+ sim_boot(
+ local_ates=local_ates_boundary_hi,
+ instrument=instrument,
+ constraint_mtr=const_mtr,
+ bootstrap_method=boot_met,
+ bootstrap_params=bootstrap_params,
+ )
+def test_check_invalid_constraint_mtr(instrument, local_ates_nonzero, sim_boot) -> None:
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Constraint 'invalid' not supported."):
+ sim_boot(
+ local_ates=local_ates_nonzero,
+ instrument=instrument,
+ constraint_mtr="invalid",
+ bootstrap_method="standard",
+ )
+def test_check_invalid_bootstrap_method(
+ instrument,
+ local_ates_nonzero,
+ sim_boot,
+) -> None:
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Bootstrap method 'invalid' not supported."):
+ sim_boot(
+ local_ates=local_ates_nonzero,
+ instrument=instrument,
+ constraint_mtr="increasing",
+ bootstrap_method="invalid",
+ )
+def test_true_late():
+ instrument = Instrument(
+ support=np.array([0, 1]),
+ pmf=np.array([0.5, 0.5]),
+ pscores=np.array([0.4, 0.6]),
+ )
+ u_hi = 0.2
+ complier_lates = np.linspace(-0.1, 0.1, num=10)
+ # With u_hi = 0.2, the weights are 0.5 (both relevant populations have mass 0.2).
+ expected = 0.5 * complier_lates + 0.5 * 1
+ local_ates = [
+ LocalATEs(
+ always_taker=0,
+ complier=cp_late,
+ never_taker=1,
+ )
+ for cp_late in complier_lates
+ ]
+ actual = [
+ _true_late(instrument=instrument, local_ates=la, u_hi=u_hi) for la in local_ates
+ ]
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(actual, expected, atol=1e-10)
+def test_id_set_consistent() -> None:
+ instrument = Instrument(
+ support=np.array([0, 1]),
+ pmf=np.array([0.5, 0.5]),
+ pscores=np.array([0.4, 0.6]),
+ )
+ u_hi = 0.2
+ local_ates = LocalATEs(
+ always_taker=0,
+ complier=-0.1,
+ never_taker=1,
+ )
+ constraint_mtr = "none"
+ n_obs = 10_000
+ n_sims = 1_000
+ res = np.zeros((n_sims, 2))
+ for i in range(n_sims):
+ data = draw_data(
+ n_obs=n_obs,
+ local_ates=local_ates,
+ instrument=instrument,
+ rng=RNG,
+ )
+ res[i] = _idset(
+ b_late=_late(data),
+ u_hi=u_hi,
+ pscores_hat=_estimate_pscores(data),
+ constraint_mtr=constraint_mtr,
+ )
+ # Take means over columns
+ actual = res.mean(axis=0)
+ actual[0]
+ mean_hi = actual[1]
+ expected_hi = 0.45
+ assert mean_hi == pytest.approx(expected_hi, abs=3 / np.sqrt(n_obs))
+def test_inconsistent_complier_and_never_taker_ate(
+ sim_boot,
+ local_ates_complier_negative,
+ instrument,
+) -> None:
+ # In settings with no constraint on the MTR functions it is possible to have a
+ # negative complier ATE and a never-taker ATE of 1.
+ sim_boot(
+ local_ates=local_ates_complier_negative,
+ instrument=instrument,
+ constraint_mtr="none",
+ bootstrap_method="standard",
+ )
+ # With increasing MTR functions this is not possible, as the largest possible value
+ # given a negative complier ATE is 1 + complier ATE < 1.
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="largest possible never-taker ATE"):
+ sim_boot(
+ local_ates=local_ates_complier_negative,
+ instrument=instrument,
+ constraint_mtr="increasing",
+ bootstrap_method="standard",
+ )
+def test_bootstrap_params_supplied(sim_boot, local_ates_nonzero, instrument) -> None:
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Numerical delta bootstrap method requires"):
+ sim_boot(
+ local_ates=local_ates_nonzero,
+ instrument=instrument,
+ constraint_mtr="increasing",
+ bootstrap_method="numerical_delta",
+ bootstrap_params={},
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Analytical delta bootstrap method requires"):
+ sim_boot(
+ local_ates=local_ates_nonzero,
+ instrument=instrument,
+ constraint_mtr="increasing",
+ bootstrap_method="analytical_delta",
+ bootstrap_params={},
+ )
+def test_late_and_late_2sls_equivalent(local_ates_nonzero, instrument) -> None:
+ data = draw_data(
+ n_obs=10_000,
+ local_ates=local_ates_nonzero,
+ instrument=instrument,
+ rng=RNG,
+ )
+ late = _late(data)
+ late_2sls, _ = _late_2sls(data)
+ assert late == pytest.approx(late_2sls)
diff --git a/tests/utilities/__init__.py b/tests/utilities/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..874535a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utilities/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Tests for utilities."""
diff --git a/tests/utilities/test_utilities.py b/tests/utilities/test_utilities.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..845dbe28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utilities/test_utilities.py
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+"""Tests for the utilities module."""
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+import pytest
+from thesis.classes import Instrument, LocalATEs
+from thesis.config import RNG
+from thesis.simple_model.funcs import _late, _true_late
+from thesis.utilities import draw_data
+def instrument() -> Instrument:
+ return Instrument(
+ support=np.array([0, 1]),
+ pmf=np.array([0.5, 0.5]),
+ pscores=np.array([0.4, 0.6]),
+ )
+def local_ates_zero() -> LocalATEs:
+ return LocalATEs(
+ always_taker=0,
+ complier=0,
+ never_taker=0,
+ )
+def local_ates_nonzero() -> LocalATEs:
+ return LocalATEs(
+ always_taker=0,
+ complier=0.5,
+ never_taker=1,
+ )
+# Setting where true parameter is at upper boundary of ID set and at kink of solution
+def local_ates_boundary_hi() -> LocalATEs:
+ return LocalATEs(
+ always_taker=0,
+ complier=0,
+ never_taker=1,
+ )
+# Setting where true parameter is at lower boundary of ID set and at kink of solution
+def local_ates_boundary_lo() -> LocalATEs:
+ return LocalATEs(
+ always_taker=0,
+ complier=0,
+ never_taker=-1,
+ )
+def local_ates_complier_negative() -> LocalATEs:
+ return LocalATEs(
+ always_taker=0,
+ complier=-0.5,
+ never_taker=1,
+ )
+def test_data_moments_boundary(instrument, local_ates_zero) -> None:
+ n_obs = 100_000
+ expected = pd.DataFrame(
+ {
+ "y_given_z": [0.0, 0.0],
+ "d_given_z": instrument.pscores,
+ },
+ index=[0, 1],
+ )
+ data = pd.DataFrame(
+ draw_data(n_obs, rng=RNG, instrument=instrument, local_ates=local_ates_zero),
+ columns=["y", "d", "z", "u"],
+ )
+ actual = pd.DataFrame(
+ {
+ "y_given_z": data.groupby("z")["y"].mean(),
+ "d_given_z": data.groupby("z")["d"].mean(),
+ },
+ index=[0, 1],
+ )
+ pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected, atol=0.01)
+def test_generate_late(instrument):
+ n_obs = 1_000_000
+ complier_lates = [-1, -0.75, -0.5, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]
+ actual = np.zeros(len(complier_lates))
+ expected = np.zeros(len(complier_lates))
+ for i, complier_late in enumerate(complier_lates):
+ local_ates = LocalATEs(
+ always_taker=0,
+ complier=complier_late,
+ never_taker=np.min((1, 1 + complier_late)),
+ )
+ data = draw_data(
+ n_obs=n_obs,
+ local_ates=local_ates,
+ instrument=instrument,
+ rng=RNG,
+ )
+ actual[i] = _late(data)
+ expected[i] = _true_late(u_hi=0, instrument=instrument, local_ates=local_ates)
+ assert actual == pytest.approx(expected, abs=20 / np.sqrt(n_obs))