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File metadata and controls

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A list of reusable React UI components, will update weekly.


Instagram-Like web app for pets by React
Instagram-Like mobile app for pets by React Native


npm install thousanday-react --save

Components List

Waterfall: Responsive Pinterest-Style Image Gallery

Postimg: Post Panel to send message with image

Getlocation: Display/Get users' geolocation

Delmember: Disappear images with shake effect

Inputbox: Text input with characters counting and restriction

Inputarea: Textarea with characters counting and restriction

Updateprofile: Update profile image

Confirmdel: Require user to confirm delete action by input

Commentlist: Show and load a list of comments

Pickgender: Let user choose a gender

Like: Show/Collect like from users

Facebooklogin: Button for Facebook Login

Googlelogin: Button for Google Login

Progress: Show/Update the progress bar

Selectbox: Select members from several options

Urltoprofile: Turn image from url to canvas for upload

Rate: Show/Collect rate from users by stars

Random: Show random content from a list of options

Droplist: Use a drop down list to make decision

Responsive Pinterest-Stlye Image Gallery

import {Waterfall} from 'thousanday-react';
//Define an array
let images = [
    ["url/0.jpg", "message0", "http://href0"],
    ["url/1.jpg", "message1", "http://href1"],
    ["url/2.jpg", "message2", "http://href2"],
    ["url/3.jpg", "message3", "http://href3"],
    ["url/4.jpg", "message4", "http://href4"],
    ["url/5.jpg", "message5", "http://href5"],

//Init the component
<Waterfall column="5" image={images} />


  1. Automatically layout all the images based on the “column” param
  2. Show related message above each image when mouse hover.
Params Usage Default Example
image Mandatory. Provie an array contains urls, messages, or hrefs of all the images you want to show. [ ["url/0.jpg", "message0", "url0"], ["url/1.jpg", "message1", "url1"], ["url/2.jpg", "message2", "url2"], ... ]
column Mandatory. Define how many columns you want. "3"
height Optional. Dedine the height of each image "180px" "200px"
fontFamily Optional. Define the fontFamily. "Times New Roman" "Arial"

Post Panel to send message with image

import {Postimg} from 'thousanday-react';
//Init the component
<Postimg content="" max="150" title="New post" submitImg={this.submitImg.bind(this)} reset={this.state.reset} />
//Define this.state.reset as 0
this.state = {
    //use to trigger reset Postimg
    reset: 0,
//Get the new post content and img by a function
submitImg(message, img) {
    //Then send by ajax to backend
    //If success, update this.state.reset to clear message and image of this component
    let reset = this.state.reset + 1;
    this.setState({reset: reset});


  1. Automatically calc and restrict user's input according to "max" param
  2. Show error message when there's no content or no image or file type is not image.
  3. Preview selected image

This component used a GLYPHICONS png under CC BY 3.0 License


Params Usage Default Example
content Optional. Init text box with content. "" "New update"
max Mandatory. Define max number of characters users could input "100"
Title Optional. Show a title message above text box "" "Create a new post:"
submitImg Mandatory. Create a function to get the content and image. submitImg={this.submitImg.bind(this)}
reset Mandatory. Init a reset code, update this code to indicate post success and reset component. {this.state.reset}
fontFamily Optional. Define the fontFamily. "Times New Roman" "Arial"
width Optional. Define the width of this component. "100%" "80%"
border Optional. Define border style of the text box. "2px solid #f7d7b4" "1px solid black"
fontSize Optional. Define fontsize of the text box. "14px" "16px"

Display/Get users' geolocation. getlocation

import {Getlocation} from 'thousanday-react';
//Init the component for display location only by define display="true"
<Getlocation center={[0,0]} zoom="1" display="true" />
//Init the component to get users' location
<Getlocation center={[-79, 43]} saveLocation={this.saveLocation.bind(this)} />
//Get new coordinate stand for user's location by a function
saveLocation(coordinate) {
    //update db


  1. zoom in, zoom out, get location by GPS
  2. Preset zoom level for display
  3. Return coordinate ([lon, lat]) stand for user's location

The map service is depend on openlayers under BSD License
Chrome and android require https for GPS locate feature


Params Usage Default Example
center Optional. Set the center location at the starting point. [-147, -31] (somewhere in Pacific) [100, 30] (must be array)
zoom Optional. Set the zoom level at the starting point 15 (district level) "1" (global level)
setZoom Optional. Set the zoom level after users click save location 15 "10"
maxZoom Optional. Set the maximum zoom level when user click "+" button 15 "17"
display Optional. Set it as "true" to show map for display only. "false" "true"
width Optional. Width of the map 200 400
height Optional. Height of the map 200 400
id Optional. If you want to show more than one map in same page, must define each one with different id "thousandaymaplocation" "something"
saveLocation Optional. Mandatory to return the center of the map {this.saveLocation.bind(this)}
indicate Optional. The content show on the save location button. "Save" "Update location"
fontFamily Optional. Define the fontFamily. "Times New Roman" "Arial"

Disapear images with shake effect

import {Delmember} from 'thousanday-react';
//Init components with clickDel function and index
<Delmember profile={"0.jpg"} index={0} clickDel={this.clickDel.bind(this)} />
<Delmember profile={"1.jpg"} index={1} clickDel={this.clickDel.bind(this)} />
//Create clickDel function to get index of the image has been clicked by users
clickDel(index) {
    //update db according to index


  1. Show a delete button on top-right corner of the image
  2. Image shakes after users click it then diaspear
  3. Return index to indicate which image has been clicked


Params Usage Default Example
profile Mandatory. Define img src. "0.jpg"
index Mandatory. An index to indicate current image 0
clickDel Mandatory. Use a function to receive the index of the image has been clicked {this.clickDel.bind(this)}
width Optinal. Define the width of the image 100 (will turn into 100 px) 300 (will turn into 300 px)
height Optinal. Define the height of the image 100 (will turn into 100 px) 300 (will turn into 300 px)
marginLR Optional. Define the margin-left and margin-right 10 (will turn into 10 px) 30 (will turn into 30 px)
fontFamily Optional. Define the font family of the button "Times New Roman" "Arial"

Text input with characters couting and restriction
Simple Example

import {Inputbox} from 'thousanday-react';
//Init component with ref name
<Inputbox ref="newInput" content="" max="150" />
//Get the content from any function
    console.log(this.refs.newInput.state.content);//this is users new input
<button onClick={this.submitInput.bind(this)} />


  1. Counting input characters
  2. Restrict input after reaching maximun characters


Params Usage Default Example
content Mandatory. Define the input value at the starting point. Inital Empty by "" "Initial content"
max Mandatory. Define the maximun number of characters users could input "20"
hint Optional. Define the placehold attribute for input tag "Your name here"
font Optional. Define the font size of the input "15px" "17px"
width Optional. Define the width of this component "100%" "150px"
border Optional. Define the border style "2px solid #f7d7b4" "1px dashed black"
fontFamily Optional. Define the fontFamily. "Times New Roman" "Arial"

Textarea with characters couting and restriction
Simple Example

import {Inputarea} from 'thousanday-react';
//Init this component with ref name
<Inputarea ref="newInput" content="" max="300" />
//Get the input content from any function
<button onClick={this.submitInput.bind(this)} />


  1. Counting inputarea characters
  2. Restrict input after reaching maximun characters


Params Usage Default Example
content Mandatory. Textarea value at the starting point. Inital Empty one by "" "Initial content"
max Mandatory. Define the maximun number of characters users could input "50"
fontSize Optional. Define the font size of the input "14px" "15px"
fontFamily Optional. Define the font family of the input "Times New Roman" "Arial"
width Optional. Define the width of this component "100%" "150px"
height Optional. Define the height of this component "50px" "30px"
border Optional. Define the border style "2px solid #f7d7b4" "1px dashed black"

Update profile image.

import {Updateprofile} from 'thousanday-react';
//Init component with saveProfile function
<Updateprofile src="url/profile.png" width="200" saveProfile={this.saveProfile.bind(this)} />
saveProfile(finalUrl) {
    let formData = new FormData();
	formData.append('file', finalUrl, "profile_name.png");
		url: "/upateProfile",
		method: "POST",
		data: formData,
		contentType: false,
		processData: false


  1. Show new profile image
  2. Return new profile image information which could send and save to backend
    The image crop function is realized by react-avatar-editor under MIT
Params Usage Default Example
src Mandatory. The image src at the starting point. "/img/0/profile.png"
width Mandatory. Define the width and height of the profile image "200" (Return into 200px)
saveProfile Mandatory. Use a function to send the new image {this.saveProfile.bind(this)}
indicate Optional. Content show on the upload button. "Upload new" "Upload profile"
fontFamily Optional. Define the fontFamily. "Times New Roman" "Arial"

Require user to confirm delete action by input

import {Confirmdel} from 'thousanday-react';
//init component with a confirm message and confirmDel function
<Confirmdel message="End Relationship" confirmDel={this.confirmDel.bind(this)} />
//Whenever user inputed the same confirm message and click confirm delete
conformDel() {
   //any follow up actions


  1. Require users to input the preset confirm message
  2. Confirm button only available after the input is the same
  3. Get call back when users click confirm button


Params Usage Default Example
message Mandatory. The confirm message the users need to input. "Confirm delete it"
confirmDel Mandatory. Use a function to know when users click confirm delete button {this.confirmDel.bind(this)}
fontFamily Optional. Font family of this component "Times new roman" "Arial"

Show and load a list of comments

import {Commentlist} from 'thousanday-react';
//prepare nested array contains comment information
let comments = [
    ["content 1", "avatar src 1", "avatar href 1", "comment time 1"],
    ["content 2", "avatar src 2", "avatar href 2", "comment time 2"],
    ["content 3", "avatar src 3", "avatar href 3", "comment time 3"],
this.state = {comments: comments}
//Leave load more locker as on
this.state = {locker: "off"}
//init component width comments
<Commentlist data={this.state.comments} locker={} loadMore={this.loadComment.bind(this)} />
//use a function to load more comment
loadComment() {
    //get new comments from ajax
    let newComments = this.state.comments.concat(ajaxResult);
    this.setState({comments: newComments});
    //To disable load more function
    this.setState({locker: "on"});


  1. Show a list of comments based on init data
  2. Catch load more events


Params Usage Default Example
data Mandatory. Init a list of comments [["content 1", "avatar src 1", "avatar href 1", "comment time 1"],...]
locker Mandatory. Determine user could load more comment or not "off" "on"
fontFamily Optional. Font family of this component "Times new roman" "Arial"
loadMore Optional. Use a function to create load more effect loadMore={this.loadComment.bind(this)}

Let user pick a gender

import {Pickgender} from 'thousanday-react';
//init component with chooseGender function
 <Pickgender chooseGender={this.chooseGender.bind(this)} />
//Get user's choice by chooseGender function
chooseGender(choice) {
  //0 for male, 1 for female, 2 for no choice


  1. Display male and female symbol
  2. Return user's choice after click


Params Usage Default Example
chooseGender Mandatory. Use a function to catch user's choice {this.chooseGender.bind(this)}

Show/Collect like from users

import {Like} from 'thousanday-react';
//init component with newTotal function
<Like agree={} newTotal={this.updateLike.bind(this)}/>
//Get +1 or -1 based on users action
updateLike(change) {
  let like =;
  this.setState({like: like + change});


  1. Show total like numbers
  2. Change total like numbers based on users action


Params Usage Default Example
agree Mandatory. Initial total like numbers. "0"
liked Optional. Indicate current user liked it before or not. "false" "true"
interact Optional. Indicate accept click action or not. "true" "false"
newTotal Mandatory. Use a function to update total like numbers after users clicked the like button {this.updateLike.bind(this)}

Button for Facebook Login

import {Facebooklogin} from 'thousanday-react';
//Get your google client id
let id = "Your facebook client id";
//init component
<Facebooklogin clientId={id} fLogin={this.fLogin.bind(this)}/>
//Get users info by fLogin Function
fLogin(user, token) {


  1. Show Facebook Login button
  2. Get users information, and token after login successfully


Params Usage Default Example
clientId Mandatory. Define your own client Id. "string from Facebook"
fLogin Mandatory. Use a function to get user's info from Facebook {this.fLogin.bind(this)}
width Optional. Define the with of the button image 100% "200px"

Button for Google Login

import {Googlelogin} from 'thousanday-react';
//Get your google client id
let id = "Your google client id";
//init component
<Googlelogin clientId={id} gLogin={this.gLogin.bind(this)}/>
//Get users info by gLogin Function
gLogin(user) {
  //,, user.firstname, user.lastname, user.imageUrl,, user.token


  1. Show Google Login button
  2. Get users information after login successfully


Params Usage Default Example
clientId Mandatory. Define your own client Id. "string from Google"
gLogin Mandatory. Use a function to get user's info from Google {this.googleLogin.bind(this)}
width Optional. Define the with of the button image 100% "200px"

Show/Update the progress bar

import {Progress} from 'thousanday-react';
//Init progress bar show progress by percentage
<Progress progress={this.state.progress} max="100" />
//Init progress bar set percentage="false" show progress by value
<Progress progress={this.state.progress} max="100" percentage="false" />


  1. Show progress by percentage or value


Params Usage Default Example
progress Mandatory. Provie a number to stand for the default progress. "20"
max Mandatory. Provide a number to stand for the maximum progress. "100"
percentage Optional. Show the progress as percentage or value. true "false"
height Optional. Define the height of this component. "18px" "false"
width Optional. Define the width of the component. "100%" "200px"
fontFamily Optional. Define the fontFamily. "Times New Roman" "Arial"
fontSize Optional. Define the fontSize. "9px" "7px"
fontColor Optional. Define the color of the font. "black" "blue"

Select members from several options

import {Selectbox} from 'thousanday-react';
//Prepare an array of members you want to display as options
let members = [
    ["member name 1", "image_src_1.jpg", "message1"],
    ["member name 2", "image_src_2.jpg", "message2"],
    ["member name 3", "image_src_3.jpg", "message3"],
//init component, which allow users choose 2 members
<Selectbox options={members} max="2" closeBox={this.closeTeam.bind(this)}  />
//init component with preset choice (members with index 0, 1 in the members array)
<Selectbox options={members} max="2" decisions={[0,1]} closeBox={this.closeBox.bind(this)}  />

//Catch user's closebox action
closeBox(newDecision, changed) {
    //newDecision is the array which contains users choice
    if (newDecision.length > 0) {
		firstChoice = members[newDecision[0]][3];
	if (newDecision.length > 1) {
		secondChoice = members[newDecision[1]][3];
    //changed stand for if users changed their choice
    if (changed) {
        //update db, close box
    } else {
        //do nothing, close box


  1. Show list of options with name, profile, message from an array
  2. Return index of members in the option array, after users confirm choice
  3. Know if users changed their default choice
Params Usage Default Example
options Mandatory. A nested array contains name, profile src, message. [["name1","src1","message1"],["name2","src2","message2"]...]
max Optional. Maxinum choices from the list. 1 "2"
decisions Optional. An array contain index of default choices. {[0,1]}
closeBox Mandatory. Use a function to catch users confirm choice action {this.closeBox.bind(this)}
height Optional. Define the height of this component. "380px" "400px"
width Optional. Define the width of the component. "100%" "200px"
fontFamily Optional. Define the fontFamily. "Times New Roman" "Arial"
scroll Optional. Show scroll bar on the right or not "on" "off"

Turn image url into canvas for upload

import {Urltoprofile} from 'thousanday-react';
//Get user image url from social website
let url = "http://..........";
//Display user's image
<Urltoprofile ref="image" url={url} />
//use a function to send image to backend
saveProfile() {
    let file =;


  1. Display user image from social website
  2. Turn image from url into data could be send and save to backend


Params Usage Default Example
url Mandatory. Provide image url from a web link. "http://....."
width Optional. Adjust width of the canvas. 200 "100"
height Optional. Adjust height of the canvas. 200 "100"

Show/Collect rate form users by stars

import {Rate} from 'thousanday-react';
//Init component by define interact="true" with rateChange function
<Rate rate={this.state.currentRate} max="5" interact="true" rateChange={this.rateChange.bind(this)} />
//Update to new rate by rateChange function
//Init a display only rate
<Rate rate = "3" max = "5" />


  1. Show rate by stars
  2. Update rate after user add/update a new rate


Params Usage Default Example
rate Mandatory. Define the default rates. 0 for unrated. "4"
max Mandatory. Define the maximum number of stars "5" "6"
interact Optinal. Define as "true" if users are allowed to change the rate false "true"
font Optional. Adjust size of this component "18px" "14px"
color Optional. Define color of this component "orange" "black"
rateChange Optinal. Use a function to receive new rate from users {this.rateChange.bind(this)}

Show random content from a list of options

import {Random} from 'thousanday-react';
//Define a list of content in array
let randomContent = ["Slogan 1", "Slogan 2", "Slogan 3"];
//Init the component with the array
<Random content={randomContent} font="h3" />


  1. Randomly show content based on list of options
  2. Insert content into a desired html tag


Params Usage Default Example
content Mandatory. Provide list of contents to show randomly. ["123", "234", "345"]
font Mandatory. Provide a tag name to hold the output. "h3"
style Optional. Define a style name could be used to styling this component in CSS. "randomStyle"

Use drop-down list to make decision

import {Droplist} from 'thousanday-react';
//Define a list of options in array
let options = ["Choice 1", "Choice 2", "Choice 3"];
//Init the component with the array
<Droplist options={options} title="Choose your option" showTitle="true" changeValue={this.getDecision.bind(this)}  
//get users' decision by function
getDecision(value) {


  1. Show a list of options in drop-down list
  2. Return choice chosen by users


Params Usage Default Example
options Mandatory. Provide list of choice. ["option1", "option2", "option3"]
showTitle Optional. Display a title in drop-down list or not. "false" "true"
title Optional. Define the content to show for the title. "Please choose" "Choose one option here"
default Optional. Make one value chosen by default. "option1"
changeValue Optinal. Use a function to receive new choice from users {this.getValue.bind(this)}
width Optinal. Define the width of this component "100%" "300px"
fontFamily Optinal. Define the font family of this component "Arial" "Times New Roman"
