🛠Lite.Ai.ToolKit: 一个轻量级的C++
AI模型工具箱,用户友好(还行吧),开箱即用。已经包括 100+ 流行的开源模型。这是一个根据个人兴趣整理的C++工具箱,, 涵盖目标检测、人脸检测、人脸识别、语义分割、抠图等领域。详见 Model Zoo 和 ONNX Hub 、MNN Hub 、TNN Hub 、NCNN Hub. [若是有用,❤️不妨给个⭐️🌟支持一下吧,感谢支持~]
English | 中文文档 | MacOS | Linux | Windows
中文简体:本项目将不再频繁更新,更优的部署体验请尝试⚡️PaddlePaddle/FastDeploy : ⚡️一款简单易用的推理部署工具箱。覆盖业界主流优质预训练模型并提供开箱即用的开发体验,包括图像分类、目标检测、图像分割、人脸检测、人体关键点识别、文字识别等多任务,满足开发者多场景,多硬件、多平台的快速部署需求,并同时支持 C++ 和 Python 两种语言。lite.ai.toolkit 中的核心模型未来将会以contrib的方式集成到⚡️PaddlePaddle/FastDeploy 中。欢迎同学们使用 ✋👉⚡️PaddlePaddle/FastDeploy.
English: This project will no longer be updated frequently. For a better deployment experience, please try ⚡️PaddlePaddle/FastDeploy: ⚡️An Easy-to-use and Fast Deep Learning Model Deployment Toolkit. Covering the industry's mainstream high-quality pre-training models and providing out-of-the-box development experience, including image classification, object detection, image segmentation, face detection, human key point detection, text recognition and so on, to meet the needs of developers in multiple scenarios and multiple hardware, multi-platform deployment requirements. Furthermore, FastDeploy supports both C++ and Python languages. The core models in lite.ai.toolkit will be integrated into ⚡️PaddlePaddle/FastDeploy in a contrib way in the future. Welcome to use ✋👉⚡️PaddlePaddle/FastDeploy.
⚡️PaddlePaddle/FastDeploy 近期更新 🔥🔥🔥
- 🔥 2022.8.18:发布FastDeploy release/v0.2.0
- 服务端全新升级:一套SDK,覆盖全量模型
- 端侧继ARM CPU后,延伸至瑞芯微、晶晨、恩智浦等NPU能力
- 发布轻量化目标检测 Picodet-NPU部署Demo ,提供低门槛INT8全量化能力
- 同时支持Python和C++两种语言
- 支持
pip install
一行命令安装,Linux/Mac/Windows 快速使用 - 提供 Linux/Mac/Windows,CPU/GPU 等多平台多硬件支持的C++预编译库
- 支持
- 🔥 2022.8.18:发布FastDeploy release/v0.2.0
更多详情请跳转✋👉⚡️PaddlePaddle/FastDeploy 🎉🎉
- 用户友好,开箱即用。 使用简单一致的调用语法,如lite::cv::Type::Class,详见examples.
- 少量依赖,构建容易。 目前, 默认只依赖 OpenCV 和 ONNXRuntime,详见build。
- 众多的算法模块,且持续更新。 目前,包括将近 300+ C++实现以及 500+ 权重文件
title={lite.ai.toolkit: A lite C++ toolkit of awesome AI models.},
note={Open-source software available at https://github.com/DefTruth/lite.ai.toolkit},
author={Yan Jun},
目前,有一些预编译的MacOS(x64)和Linux(x64)下的lite.ai.toolkit动态库,可以直接从以下链接进行下载。Windows(x64)和Android下的预编译库,也会在最近发布出来。更多详情请参考issues#48 . 更多可下载的的预编译库,请跳转到releases 查看。
- lite0.1.1-osx10.15.x-ocv4.5.2-ffmpeg4.2.2-onnxruntime1.8.1.zip
- lite0.1.1-osx10.15.x-ocv4.5.2-ffmpeg4.2.2-onnxruntime1.9.0.zip
- lite0.1.1-osx10.15.x-ocv4.5.2-ffmpeg4.2.2-onnxruntime1.10.0.zip
- lite0.1.1-ubuntu18.04-ocv4.5.2-ffmpeg4.2.2-onnxruntime1.8.1.zip
- lite0.1.1-ubuntu18.04-ocv4.5.2-ffmpeg4.2.2-onnxruntime1.9.0.zip
- lite0.1.1-ubuntu18.04-ocv4.5.2-ffmpeg4.2.2-onnxruntime1.10.0.zip
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=YOUR-PATH-TO/lite.ai.toolkit/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LIBRARY_PATH=YOUR-PATH-TO/lite.ai.toolkit/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH # (may need)
set(LITE_AI_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lite.ai.toolkit)
set(TOOLKIT_LIBS lite.ai.toolkit onnxruntime)
set(OpenCV_LIBS opencv_core opencv_imgcodecs opencv_imgproc opencv_video opencv_videoio)
add_executable(lite_yolov5 examples/test_lite_yolov5.cpp)
target_link_libraries(lite_yolov5 ${TOOLKIT_LIBS} ${OpenCV_LIBS})
#include "lite/lite.h"
static void test_default()
std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/yolov5s.onnx";
std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_yolov5_1.jpg";
std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_yolov5_1.jpg";
auto *yolov5 = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV5(onnx_path);
std::vector<lite::types::Boxf> detected_boxes;
cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
yolov5->detect(img_bgr, detected_boxes);
lite::utils::draw_boxes_inplace(img_bgr, detected_boxes);
cv::imwrite(save_img_path, img_bgr);
delete yolov5;
Click here to see details of Important Updates!
Date | Model | C++ | Paper | Code | Awesome | Type |
【2022/04/03】 | MODNet | link | AAAI 2022 | code | matting | |
【2022/03/23】 | PIPNtet | link | CVPR 2021 | code | face::align | |
【2022/01/19】 | YOLO5Face | link | arXiv 2021 | code | face::detect | |
【2022/01/07】 | SCRFD | link | CVPR 2021 | code | face::detect | |
【2021/12/27】 | NanoDetPlus | link | blog | code | detection | |
【2021/12/08】 | MGMatting | link | CVPR 2021 | code | matting | |
【2021/11/11】 | YoloV5_V_6_0 | link | doi | code | detection | |
【2021/10/26】 | YoloX_V_0_1_1 | link | arXiv 2021 | code | detection | |
【2021/10/02】 | NanoDet | link | blog | code | detection | |
【2021/09/20】 | RobustVideoMatting | link | WACV 2022 | code | matting | |
【2021/09/02】 | YOLOP | link | arXiv 2021 | code | detection |
- / = 暂不支持.
- ✅ = 可以运行,且官方支持.
- ✔️ = 可以运行,但非官方支持.
- ❔ = 计划中,但不会很快实现,也许几个月后.
Class | Size | Type | Demo | ONNXRuntime | MNN | NCNN | TNN | MacOS | Linux | Windows | Android |
YoloV5 | 28M | detection | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
YoloV3 | 236M | detection | demo | ✅ | / | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
TinyYoloV3 | 33M | detection | demo | ✅ | / | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
YoloV4 | 176M | detection | demo | ✅ | / | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
SSD | 76M | detection | demo | ✅ | / | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
SSDMobileNetV1 | 27M | detection | demo | ✅ | / | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
YoloX | 3.5M | detection | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
TinyYoloV4VOC | 22M | detection | demo | ✅ | / | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
TinyYoloV4COCO | 22M | detection | demo | ✅ | / | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
YoloR | 39M | detection | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
ScaledYoloV4 | 270M | detection | demo | ✅ | / | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
EfficientDet | 15M | detection | demo | ✅ | / | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
EfficientDetD7 | 220M | detection | demo | ✅ | / | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
EfficientDetD8 | 322M | detection | demo | ✅ | / | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
YOLOP | 30M | detection | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
NanoDet | 1.1M | detection | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
NanoDetPlus | 4.5M | detection | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
NanoDetEffi... | 12M | detection | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
YoloX_V_0_1_1 | 3.5M | detection | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
YoloV5_V_6_0 | 7.5M | detection | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
GlintArcFace | 92M | faceid | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
GlintCosFace | 92M | faceid | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
GlintPartialFC | 170M | faceid | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
FaceNet | 89M | faceid | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
FocalArcFace | 166M | faceid | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
FocalAsiaArcFace | 166M | faceid | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
TencentCurricularFace | 249M | faceid | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
TencentCifpFace | 130M | faceid | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
CenterLossFace | 280M | faceid | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
SphereFace | 80M | faceid | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
PoseRobustFace | 92M | faceid | demo | ✅ | / | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
NaivePoseRobustFace | 43M | faceid | demo | ✅ | / | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
MobileFaceNet | 3.8M | faceid | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
CavaGhostArcFace | 15M | faceid | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
CavaCombinedFace | 250M | faceid | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
MobileSEFocalFace | 4.5M | faceid | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
RobustVideoMatting | 14M | matting | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
MGMatting | 113M | matting | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
MODNet | 24M | matting | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
MODNetDyn | 24M | matting | demo | ✅ | / | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
BackgroundMattingV2 | 20M | matting | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
BackgroundMattingV2Dyn | 20M | matting | demo | ✅ | / | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
UltraFace | 1.1M | face::detect | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
RetinaFace | 1.6M | face::detect | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
FaceBoxes | 3.8M | face::detect | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
FaceBoxesV2 | 3.8M | face::detect | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
SCRFD | 2.5M | face::detect | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
YOLO5Face | 4.8M | face::detect | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
PFLD | 1.0M | face::align | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
PFLD98 | 4.8M | face::align | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
MobileNetV268 | 9.4M | face::align | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
MobileNetV2SE68 | 11M | face::align | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
PFLD68 | 2.8M | face::align | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
FaceLandmark1000 | 2.0M | face::align | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
PIPNet98 | 44.0M | face::align | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
PIPNet68 | 44.0M | face::align | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
PIPNet29 | 44.0M | face::align | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
PIPNet19 | 44.0M | face::align | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
FSANet | 1.2M | face::pose | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
AgeGoogleNet | 23M | face::attr | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
GenderGoogleNet | 23M | face::attr | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
EmotionFerPlus | 33M | face::attr | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
VGG16Age | 514M | face::attr | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
VGG16Gender | 512M | face::attr | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
SSRNet | 190K | face::attr | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
EfficientEmotion7 | 15M | face::attr | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
EfficientEmotion8 | 15M | face::attr | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
MobileEmotion7 | 13M | face::attr | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
ReXNetEmotion7 | 30M | face::attr | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
EfficientNetLite4 | 49M | classification | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
ShuffleNetV2 | 8.7M | classification | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
DenseNet121 | 30.7M | classification | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
GhostNet | 20M | classification | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
HdrDNet | 13M | classification | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
IBNNet | 97M | classification | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
MobileNetV2 | 13M | classification | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
ResNet | 44M | classification | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
ResNeXt | 95M | classification | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
DeepLabV3ResNet101 | 232M | segmentation | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
FCNResNet101 | 207M | segmentation | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
FastStyleTransfer | 6.4M | style | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
Colorizer | 123M | colorization | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | / |
SubPixelCNN | 234K | resolution | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
SubPixelCNN | 234K | resolution | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
InsectDet | 27M | detection | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
InsectID | 22M | classification | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
PlantID | 30M | classification | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
YOLOv5BlazeFace | 3.4M | face::detect | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
YoloV5_V_6_1 | 7.5M | detection | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
HeadSeg | 31M | segmentation | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
FemalePhoto2Cartoon | 15M | style | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
FastPortraitSeg | 400k | segmentation | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
PortraitSegSINet | 380k | segmentation | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
PortraitSegExtremeC3Net | 180k | segmentation | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
FaceHairSeg | 18M | segmentation | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
HairSeg | 18M | segmentation | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
MobileHumanMatting | 3M | matting | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
MobileHairSeg | 14M | segmentation | demo | ✅ | ✅ | / | / | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
YOLOv6 | 17M | detection | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
FaceParsingBiSeNet | 50M | segmentation | demo | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
FaceParsingBiSeNetDyn | 50M | segmentation | demo | ✅ | / | / | / | / | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❔ |
- MacOS: 从Lite.Ai.ToolKit 源码编译MacOS下的动态库。需要注意的是Lite.Ai.ToolKit 使用onnxruntime作为默认的后端,因为onnxruntime支持大部分onnx的原生算子,具有更高的易用性。如何编译Linux和Windows版本?点击
▶️ 查看。
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/DefTruth/lite.ai.toolkit.git # 最新源码
cd lite.ai.toolkit && sh ./build.sh # 对于MacOS, 你可以直接利用本项目包含的OpenCV, ONNXRuntime, MNN, NCNN and TNN依赖库,无需重新编译
💡️ Linux 和 Windows
- lite.ai.toolkit/opencv2
cp -r you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-opencv/include/opencv4/opencv2 lite.ai.toolkit/opencv2
- lite.ai.toolkit/onnxruntime
cp -r you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-onnxruntime/include/onnxruntime lite.ai.toolkit/onnxruntime
- lite.ai.toolkit/MNN
cp -r you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-MNN/include/MNN lite.ai.toolkit/MNN
- lite.ai.toolkit/ncnn
cp -r you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-ncnn/include/ncnn lite.ai.toolkit/ncnn
- lite.ai.toolkit/tnn
cp -r you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-TNN/include/tnn lite.ai.toolkit/tnn
然后把各个依赖库拷贝到lite.ai.toolkit/lib/(linux|windows) 文件夹。 请参考依赖库的编译文档1。
- lite.ai.toolkit/lib/(linux|windows)
cp you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-opencv/lib/*opencv* lite.ai.toolkit/lib/(linux|windows)/ cp you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-onnxruntime/lib/*onnxruntime* lite.ai.toolkit/lib/(linux|windows)/ cp you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-MNN/lib/*MNN* lite.ai.toolkit/lib/(linux|windows)/ cp you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-ncnn/lib/*ncnn* lite.ai.toolkit/lib/(linux|windows)/ cp you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-TNN/lib/*TNN* lite.ai.toolkit/lib/(linux|windows)/
注意,你还需要安装ffmpeg(<=4.2.2),因为opencv的videoio模块依赖ffmpeg进行mp4的编解码。参考issue#203 . 在MacOS下,ffmpeg4.2.2已经作为一个自定义依赖库被我打包进lite.ai.toolkit,不需要再从HomeBrew安装为系统库,因此lite.ai.toolkit是单体的,你可以把它移植到app里面,不用心另一台运行app的机器没有ffmpeg,MacOS版本的lite.ai.toolkit已经包含ffmpeg. 在Windows下,opencv官方团队已经提供了用于opencv的ffmpeg预编译库。在Linux下编译opencv时,请确保-DWITH_FFMPEG=ON,并检查是否链接到ffmpeg.
- 先编译ffmpeg,注意必须是低版本的,高于4.4的,opencv会不兼容。
git clone --depth=1 https://git.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git -b n4.2.2
cd ffmpeg
./configure --enable-shared --disable-x86asm --prefix=/usr/local/opt/ffmpeg --disable-static
make -j8
make install
- 然后,编译带ffmpeg支持的OpenCV,指定-DWITH_FFMPEG=ON
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. \
-D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=your-path-to-custom-dir \
-D BUILD_opencv_python3=OFF \
-D BUILD_opencv_python2=OFF \
-D BUILD_opencv_apps=OFF \
make -j8
make install
cd ..
Windows: 你可以参考issue#6 ,讨论了常见的编译问题。
Linux: 参考MacOS下的编译,替换Linux版本的依赖库即可。Linux下的发行版本将会在近期添加 ~ issue#2
令人开心的消息!!! : 🚀 你可以直接下载最新的ONNXRuntime官方构建的动态库,包含Windows, Linux, MacOS and Arm的版本!!! CPU和GPU的版本均可获得。不需要再从源码进行编译了,nice。可以从v1.8.1 下载最新的动态库. 我目前在Lite.Ai.ToolKit中用的是1.7.0,你可以从v1.7.0 下载, 但1.8.1应该也是可行的。对于OpenCV,请尝试从源码构建(Linux) 或者 直接从OpenCV 4.5.3 下载官方编译好的动态库(Windows). 然后把头文件和依赖库放入上述的文件夹中.
Windows GPU 兼容性: 详见issue#10.
Linux GPU 兼容性: 详见issue#97.
🔑️ 如何链接Lite.Ai.ToolKit动态库?
- 你可参考以下的CMakeLists.txt设置来链接动态库.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.17)
# setting up lite.ai.toolkit
set(LITE_AI_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lite.ai.toolkit)
# add your executable
add_executable(lite_rvm examples/test_lite_rvm.cpp)
MNN # need, if built lite.ai.toolkit with ENABLE_MNN=ON, default OFF
ncnn # need, if built lite.ai.toolkit with ENABLE_NCNN=ON, default OFF
TNN # need, if built lite.ai.toolkit with ENABLE_TNN=ON, default OFF
${OpenCV_LIBS}) # link lite.ai.toolkit & other libs.
cd ./build/lite.ai.toolkit/lib && otool -L liblite.ai.toolkit.0.0.1.dylib
@rpath/liblite.ai.toolkit.0.0.1.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.1, current version 0.0.1)
@rpath/libopencv_highgui.4.5.dylib (compatibility version 4.5.0, current version 4.5.2)
@rpath/libonnxruntime.1.7.0.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 1.7.0)
cd ../ && tree .
├── bin
├── include
│ ├── lite
│ │ ├── backend.h
│ │ ├── config.h
│ │ └── lite.h
│ └── ort
└── lib
└── liblite.ai.toolkit.0.0.1.dylib
- 运行已经编译好的examples:
cd ./build/lite.ai.toolkit/bin && ls -lh | grep lite
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root staff 301K Jun 26 23:10 liblite.ai.toolkit.0.0.1.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root staff 196K Jun 26 23:10 lite_yolov4
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root staff 196K Jun 26 23:10 lite_yolov5
LITEORT_DEBUG LogId: ../../../hub/onnx/cv/yolov5s.onnx
=============== Input-Dims ==============
detected num_anchors: 25200
generate_bboxes num: 66
Default Version Detected Boxes Num: 5
and onnxruntime
也被正确地链接。你可以在CMakeLists.txt 中找到一个简单且完整的,关于如何正确地链接Lite.AI.ToolKit动态库的应用案例。
Lite.Ai.ToolKit 目前包括将近 100+ 流行的开源模型以及 500+ 文件,大部分文件是我自己转换的。你可以通过lite::cv::Type::Class 语法进行调用,如 lite::cv::detection::YoloV5。更多的细节见Examples for Lite.Ai.ToolKit。注意,由于Google Driver(15G)的存储限制,我无法上传所有的模型文件,国内的小伙伴请使用百度云盘。
File | Baidu Drive | Google Drive | Docker Hub | Hub (Docs) |
ONNX | Baidu Drive code: 8gin | Google Drive | ONNX Docker v0. (28G), v0. (400M) | ONNX Hub |
MNN | Baidu Drive code: 9v63 | ❔ | MNN Docker v0. (11G), v0. (213M) | MNN Hub |
NCNN | Baidu Drive code: sc7f | ❔ | NCNN Docker v0. (9G), v0. (197M) | NCNN Hub |
TNN | Baidu Drive code: 6o6k | ❔ | TNN Docker v0. (11G), v0. (217M) | TNN Hub |
docker pull qyjdefdocker/lite.ai.toolkit-onnx-hub:v0. # (28G)
docker pull qyjdefdocker/lite.ai.toolkit-mnn-hub:v0. # (11G)
docker pull qyjdefdocker/lite.ai.toolkit-ncnn-hub:v0. # (9G)
docker pull qyjdefdocker/lite.ai.toolkit-tnn-hub:v0. # (11G)
docker pull qyjdefdocker/lite.ai.toolkit-onnx-hub:v0. # (400M) + YOLO5Face
docker pull qyjdefdocker/lite.ai.toolkit-mnn-hub:v0. # (213M) + YOLO5Face
docker pull qyjdefdocker/lite.ai.toolkit-ncnn-hub:v0. # (197M) + YOLO5Face
docker pull qyjdefdocker/lite.ai.toolkit-tnn-hub:v0. # (217M) + YOLO5Face
❇️ 命名空间和Lite.Ai.ToolKit算法模块的对应关系
Namespace | Details |
lite::cv::detection | Object Detection. one-stage and anchor-free detectors, YoloV5, YoloV4, SSD, etc. ✅ |
lite::cv::classification | Image Classification. DensNet, ShuffleNet, ResNet, IBNNet, GhostNet, etc. ✅ |
lite::cv::faceid | Face Recognition. ArcFace, CosFace, CurricularFace, etc. ❇️ |
lite::cv::face | Face Analysis. detect, align, pose, attr, etc. ❇️ |
lite::cv::face::detect | Face Detection. UltraFace, RetinaFace, FaceBoxes, PyramidBox, etc. ❇️ |
lite::cv::face::align | Face Alignment. PFLD(106), FaceLandmark1000(1000 landmarks), PRNet, etc. ❇️ |
lite::cv::face::align3d | 3D Face Alignment. FaceMesh(468 3D landmarks), IrisLandmark(71+5 3D landmarks), etc. ❇️ |
lite::cv::face::pose | Head Pose Estimation. FSANet, etc. ❇️ |
lite::cv::face::attr | Face Attributes. Emotion, Age, Gender. EmotionFerPlus, VGG16Age, etc. ❇️ |
lite::cv::segmentation | Object Segmentation. Such as FCN, DeepLabV3, etc. ❇️ ️ |
lite::cv::style | Style Transfer. Contains neural style transfer now, such as FastStyleTransfer. |
lite::cv::matting | Image Matting. Object and Human matting. ❇️ ️ |
lite::cv::colorization | Colorization. Make Gray image become RGB. |
lite::cv::resolution | Super Resolution. |
Lite.AI.ToolKit的类与权重文件对应关系说明,可以在lite.ai.toolkit.hub.onnx.md 中找到。比如, lite::cv::detection::YoloV5 和 lite::cv::detection::YoloX 的权重文件为:
Class | Pretrained ONNX Files | Rename or Converted From (Repo) | Size |
lite::cv::detection::YoloV5 | yolov5l.onnx | yolov5 (🔥🔥💥↑) | 188Mb |
lite::cv::detection::YoloV5 | yolov5m.onnx | yolov5 (🔥🔥💥↑) | 85Mb |
lite::cv::detection::YoloV5 | yolov5s.onnx | yolov5 (🔥🔥💥↑) | 29Mb |
lite::cv::detection::YoloV5 | yolov5x.onnx | yolov5 (🔥🔥💥↑) | 351Mb |
lite::cv::detection::YoloX | yolox_x.onnx | YOLOX (🔥🔥!!↑) | 378Mb |
lite::cv::detection::YoloX | yolox_l.onnx | YOLOX (🔥🔥!!↑) | 207Mb |
lite::cv::detection::YoloX | yolox_m.onnx | YOLOX (🔥🔥!!↑) | 97Mb |
lite::cv::detection::YoloX | yolox_s.onnx | YOLOX (🔥🔥!!↑) | 34Mb |
lite::cv::detection::YoloX | yolox_tiny.onnx | YOLOX (🔥🔥!!↑) | 19Mb |
lite::cv::detection::YoloX | yolox_nano.onnx | YOLOX (🔥🔥!!↑) | 3.5Mb |
,如 YoloV5, YoloX等.
auto *yolov5 = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV5("yolov5x.onnx"); // for server
auto *yolov5 = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV5("yolov5l.onnx");
auto *yolov5 = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV5("yolov5m.onnx");
auto *yolov5 = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV5("yolov5s.onnx"); // for mobile device
auto *yolox = new lite::cv::detection::YoloX("yolox_x.onnx");
auto *yolox = new lite::cv::detection::YoloX("yolox_l.onnx");
auto *yolox = new lite::cv::detection::YoloX("yolox_m.onnx");
auto *yolox = new lite::cv::detection::YoloX("yolox_s.onnx");
auto *yolox = new lite::cv::detection::YoloX("yolox_tiny.onnx");
auto *yolox = new lite::cv::detection::YoloX("yolox_nano.onnx"); // 3.5Mb only !
🔑️ 如何从通过Docker Hub下载Model Zoo?
- Firstly, pull the image from docker hub.
docker pull qyjdefdocker/lite.ai.toolkit-mnn-hub:v0. # (11G) docker pull qyjdefdocker/lite.ai.toolkit-ncnn-hub:v0. # (9G) docker pull qyjdefdocker/lite.ai.toolkit-tnn-hub:v0. # (11G) docker pull qyjdefdocker/lite.ai.toolkit-onnx-hub:v0. # (28G)
- Secondly, run the container with local
dir usingdocker run -idt xxx
. A minimum example will show you as follows.- make a
dir in your local device.
mkdir share # any name is ok.
- write
script like:
#!/bin/bash PORT1=6072 PORT2=6084 SERVICE_DIR=/Users/xxx/Desktop/your-path-to/share CONRAINER_DIR=/home/hub/share CONRAINER_NAME=mnn_docker_hub_d docker run -idt -p ${PORT2}:${PORT1} -v ${SERVICE_DIR}:${CONRAINER_DIR} --shm-size=16gb --name ${CONRAINER_NAME} qyjdefdocker/lite.ai.toolkit-mnn-hub:v0.
- make a
- Finally, copy the model weights from
to your localshare
dir.# activate mnn docker. sh ./run_mnn_docker_hub.sh docker exec -it mnn_docker_hub_d /bin/bash # copy the models to the share dir. cd /home/hub cp -rf mnn/cv share/
lite.ai.toolkit提供大量的预训练模型的ONNX文件. 同时, 更多的模型权重文件详见 Model Zoo and ONNX Hub, MNN Hub, TNN Hub, NCNN Hub.
更多的应用案例详见examples 。点击
#include "lite/lite.h"
static void test_default()
std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/yolov5s.onnx";
std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_yolov5_1.jpg";
std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_yolov5_1.jpg";
auto *yolov5 = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV5(onnx_path);
std::vector<lite::types::Boxf> detected_boxes;
cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
yolov5->detect(img_bgr, detected_boxes);
lite::utils::draw_boxes_inplace(img_bgr, detected_boxes);
cv::imwrite(save_img_path, img_bgr);
delete yolov5;
或者你可以使用最新的 🔥🔥 ! YOLO 系列检测器YOLOX 或 YoloR ,它们会获得接近的结果。
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YoloX(onnx_path); // Newest YOLO detector !!! 2021-07
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV4(onnx_path);
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV3(onnx_path);
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::TinyYoloV3(onnx_path);
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::SSD(onnx_path);
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV5(onnx_path);
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YoloR(onnx_path); // Newest YOLO detector !!! 2021-05
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::TinyYoloV4VOC(onnx_path);
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::TinyYoloV4COCO(onnx_path);
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::ScaledYoloV4(onnx_path);
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::EfficientDet(onnx_path);
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::EfficientDetD7(onnx_path);
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::EfficientDetD8(onnx_path);
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YOLOP(onnx_path);
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::NanoDet(onnx_path); // Super fast and tiny!
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::NanoDetPlus(onnx_path); // Super fast and tiny! 2021/12/25
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::NanoDetEfficientNetLite(onnx_path); // Super fast and tiny!
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV5_V_6_0(onnx_path);
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV5_V_6_1(onnx_path);
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YoloX_V_0_1_1(onnx_path); // Newest YOLO detector !!! 2021-07
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YOLOv6(onnx_path); // Newest 2022 YOLO detector !!!
案例1: 使用RobustVideoMatting2021🔥🔥🔥 进行视频抠图。请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。
#include "lite/lite.h"
static void test_default()
std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/rvm_mobilenetv3_fp32.onnx";
std::string video_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_rvm_0.mp4";
std::string output_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_rvm_0.mp4";
std::string background_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_matting_bgr.jpg";
auto *rvm = new lite::cv::matting::RobustVideoMatting(onnx_path, 16); // 16 threads
std::vector<lite::types::MattingContent> contents;
// 1. video matting.
cv::Mat background = cv::imread(background_path);
rvm->detect_video(video_path, output_path, contents, false, 0.4f,
20, true, true, background);
delete rvm;
auto *matting = new lite::cv::matting::RobustVideoMatting:(onnx_path); // WACV 2022.
auto *matting = new lite::cv::matting::MGMatting(onnx_path); // CVPR 2021
auto *matting = new lite::cv::matting::MODNet(onnx_path); // AAAI 2022
auto *matting = new lite::cv::matting::MODNetDyn(onnx_path); // AAAI 2022 Dynamic Shape Inference.
auto *matting = new lite::cv::matting::BackgroundMattingV2(onnx_path); // CVPR 2020
auto *matting = new lite::cv::matting::BackgroundMattingV2Dyn(onnx_path); // CVPR 2020 Dynamic Shape Inference.
auto *matting = new lite::cv::matting::MobileHumanMatting(onnx_path); // 3Mb only !!!
案例2: 使用FaceLandmarks1000 进行人脸1000关键点检测。请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。
#include "lite/lite.h"
static void test_default()
std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/FaceLandmark1000.onnx";
std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_face_landmarks_0.png";
std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_face_landmarks_1000.jpg";
auto *face_landmarks_1000 = new lite::cv::face::align::FaceLandmark1000(onnx_path);
lite::types::Landmarks landmarks;
cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
face_landmarks_1000->detect(img_bgr, landmarks);
lite::utils::draw_landmarks_inplace(img_bgr, landmarks);
cv::imwrite(save_img_path, img_bgr);
delete face_landmarks_1000;
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::PFLD(onnx_path); // 106 landmarks, 1.0Mb only!
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::PFLD98(onnx_path); // 98 landmarks, 4.8Mb only!
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::PFLD68(onnx_path); // 68 landmarks, 2.8Mb only!
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::MobileNetV268(onnx_path); // 68 landmarks, 9.4Mb only!
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::MobileNetV2SE68(onnx_path); // 68 landmarks, 11Mb only!
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::FaceLandmark1000(onnx_path); // 1000 landmarks, 2.0Mb only!
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::PIPNet98(onnx_path); // 98 landmarks, CVPR2021!
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::PIPNet68(onnx_path); // 68 landmarks, CVPR2021!
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::PIPNet29(onnx_path); // 29 landmarks, CVPR2021!
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::PIPNet19(onnx_path); // 19 landmarks, CVPR2021!
案例3: 使用colorization 进行图像着色。请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。
#include "lite/lite.h"
static void test_default()
std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/eccv16-colorizer.onnx";
std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_colorizer_1.jpg";
std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_eccv16_colorizer_1.jpg";
auto *colorizer = new lite::cv::colorization::Colorizer(onnx_path);
cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
lite::types::ColorizeContent colorize_content;
colorizer->detect(img_bgr, colorize_content);
if (colorize_content.flag) cv::imwrite(save_img_path, colorize_content.mat);
delete colorizer;
auto *colorizer = new lite::cv::colorization::Colorizer(onnx_path);
#include "lite/lite.h"
static void test_default()
std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/ms1mv3_arcface_r100.onnx";
std::string test_img_path0 = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_faceid_0.png";
std::string test_img_path1 = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_faceid_1.png";
std::string test_img_path2 = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_faceid_2.png";
auto *glint_arcface = new lite::cv::faceid::GlintArcFace(onnx_path);
lite::types::FaceContent face_content0, face_content1, face_content2;
cv::Mat img_bgr0 = cv::imread(test_img_path0);
cv::Mat img_bgr1 = cv::imread(test_img_path1);
cv::Mat img_bgr2 = cv::imread(test_img_path2);
glint_arcface->detect(img_bgr0, face_content0);
glint_arcface->detect(img_bgr1, face_content1);
glint_arcface->detect(img_bgr2, face_content2);
if (face_content0.flag && face_content1.flag && face_content2.flag)
float sim01 = lite::utils::math::cosine_similarity<float>(
face_content0.embedding, face_content1.embedding);
float sim02 = lite::utils::math::cosine_similarity<float>(
face_content0.embedding, face_content2.embedding);
std::cout << "Detected Sim01: " << sim << " Sim02: " << sim02 << std::endl;
delete glint_arcface;
Detected Sim01: 0.721159 Sim02: -0.0626267
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::GlintCosFace(onnx_path); // DeepGlint(insightface)
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::GlintArcFace(onnx_path); // DeepGlint(insightface)
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::GlintPartialFC(onnx_path); // DeepGlint(insightface)
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::FaceNet(onnx_path);
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::FocalArcFace(onnx_path);
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::FocalAsiaArcFace(onnx_path);
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::TencentCurricularFace(onnx_path); // Tencent(TFace)
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::TencentCifpFace(onnx_path); // Tencent(TFace)
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::CenterLossFace(onnx_path);
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::SphereFace(onnx_path);
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::PoseRobustFace(onnx_path);
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::NaivePoseRobustFace(onnx_path);
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::MobileFaceNet(onnx_path); // 3.8Mb only !
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::CavaGhostArcFace(onnx_path);
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::CavaCombinedFace(onnx_path);
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::MobileSEFocalFace(onnx_path); // 4.5Mb only !
案例5: 使用SCRFD 2021 进行人脸检测。请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。
#include "lite/lite.h"
static void test_default()
std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/scrfd_2.5g_bnkps_shape640x640.onnx";
std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_face_detector.jpg";
std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_scrfd.jpg";
auto *scrfd = new lite::cv::face::detect::SCRFD(onnx_path);
std::vector<lite::types::BoxfWithLandmarks> detected_boxes;
cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
scrfd->detect(img_bgr, detected_boxes);
lite::utils::draw_boxes_with_landmarks_inplace(img_bgr, detected_boxes);
cv::imwrite(save_img_path, img_bgr);
delete scrfd;
auto *detector = new lite::face::detect::UltraFace(onnx_path); // 1.1Mb only !
auto *detector = new lite::face::detect::FaceBoxes(onnx_path); // 3.8Mb only !
auto *detector = new lite::face::detect::FaceBoxesv2(onnx_path); // 4.0Mb only !
auto *detector = new lite::face::detect::RetinaFace(onnx_path); // 1.6Mb only ! CVPR2020
auto *detector = new lite::face::detect::SCRFD(onnx_path); // 2.5Mb only ! CVPR2021, Super fast and accurate!!
auto *detector = new lite::face::detect::YOLO5Face(onnx_path); // 2021, Super fast and accurate!!
auto *detector = new lite::face::detect::YOLOv5BlazeFace(onnx_path); // 2021, Super fast and accurate!!
案例6: 使用 DeepLabV3ResNet101 进行语义分割. 请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。
#include "lite/lite.h"
static void test_default()
std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/deeplabv3_resnet101_coco.onnx";
std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_deeplabv3_resnet101.png";
std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_deeplabv3_resnet101.jpg";
auto *deeplabv3_resnet101 = new lite::cv::segmentation::DeepLabV3ResNet101(onnx_path, 16); // 16 threads
lite::types::SegmentContent content;
cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
deeplabv3_resnet101->detect(img_bgr, content);
if (content.flag)
cv::Mat out_img;
cv::addWeighted(img_bgr, 0.2, content.color_mat, 0.8, 0., out_img);
cv::imwrite(save_img_path, out_img);
if (!content.names_map.empty())
for (auto it = content.names_map.begin(); it != content.names_map.end(); ++it)
std::cout << it->first << " Name: " << it->second << std::endl;
delete deeplabv3_resnet101;
auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::FCNResNet101(onnx_path);
auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::DeepLabV3ResNet101(onnx_path);
#include "lite/lite.h"
static void test_default()
std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/ssrnet.onnx";
std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_ssrnet.jpg";
std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_ssrnet.jpg";
auto *ssrnet = new lite::cv::face::attr::SSRNet(onnx_path);
lite::types::Age age;
cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
ssrnet->detect(img_bgr, age);
lite::utils::draw_age_inplace(img_bgr, age);
cv::imwrite(save_img_path, img_bgr);
delete ssrnet;
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::AgeGoogleNet(onnx_path);
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::GenderGoogleNet(onnx_path);
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::EmotionFerPlus(onnx_path);
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::VGG16Age(onnx_path);
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::VGG16Gender(onnx_path);
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::EfficientEmotion7(onnx_path); // 7 emotions, 15Mb only!
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::EfficientEmotion8(onnx_path); // 8 emotions, 15Mb only!
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::MobileEmotion7(onnx_path); // 7 emotions, 13Mb only!
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::ReXNetEmotion7(onnx_path); // 7 emotions
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::SSRNet(onnx_path); // age estimation, 190kb only!!!
#include "lite/lite.h"
static void test_default()
std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/densenet121.onnx";
std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_densenet.jpg";
auto *densenet = new lite::cv::classification::DenseNet(onnx_path);
lite::types::ImageNetContent content;
cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
densenet->detect(img_bgr, content);
if (content.flag)
const unsigned int top_k = content.scores.size();
if (top_k > 0)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < top_k; ++i)
std::cout << i + 1
<< ": " << content.labels.at(i)
<< ": " << content.texts.at(i)
<< ": " << content.scores.at(i)
<< std::endl;
delete densenet;
auto *classifier = new lite::cv::classification::EfficientNetLite4(onnx_path);
auto *classifier = new lite::cv::classification::ShuffleNetV2(onnx_path); // 8.7Mb only!
auto *classifier = new lite::cv::classification::GhostNet(onnx_path);
auto *classifier = new lite::cv::classification::HdrDNet(onnx_path);
auto *classifier = new lite::cv::classification::IBNNet(onnx_path);
auto *classifier = new lite::cv::classification::MobileNetV2(onnx_path); // 13Mb only!
auto *classifier = new lite::cv::classification::ResNet(onnx_path);
auto *classifier = new lite::cv::classification::ResNeXt(onnx_path);
#include "lite/lite.h"
static void test_default()
std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/fsanet-var.onnx";
std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_fsanet.jpg";
std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_fsanet.jpg";
auto *fsanet = new lite::cv::face::pose::FSANet(onnx_path);
cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
lite::types::EulerAngles euler_angles;
fsanet->detect(img_bgr, euler_angles);
if (euler_angles.flag)
lite::utils::draw_axis_inplace(img_bgr, euler_angles);
cv::imwrite(save_img_path, img_bgr);
std::cout << "yaw:" << euler_angles.yaw << " pitch:" << euler_angles.pitch << " row:" << euler_angles.roll << std::endl;
delete fsanet;
auto *pose = new lite::cv::face::pose::FSANet(onnx_path); // 1.2Mb only!
案例10: 使用 FastStyleTransfer 进行风格迁移. 请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。
#include "lite/lite.h"
static void test_default()
std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/style-candy-8.onnx";
std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_fast_style_transfer.jpg";
std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_fast_style_transfer_candy.jpg";
auto *fast_style_transfer = new lite::cv::style::FastStyleTransfer(onnx_path);
lite::types::StyleContent style_content;
cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
fast_style_transfer->detect(img_bgr, style_content);
if (style_content.flag) cv::imwrite(save_img_path, style_content.mat);
delete fast_style_transfer;
auto *transfer = new lite::cv::style::FastStyleTransfer(onnx_path); // 6.4Mb only
#include "lite/lite.h"
static void test_default()
std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/minivision_head_seg.onnx";
std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_head_seg.png";
std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_head_seg.jpg";
auto *head_seg = new lite::cv::segmentation::HeadSeg(onnx_path, 4); // 4 threads
lite::types::HeadSegContent content;
cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
head_seg->detect(img_bgr, content);
if (content.flag) cv::imwrite(save_img_path, content.mask * 255.f);
delete head_seg;
auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::HeadSeg(onnx_path); // 31Mb
auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::FastPortraitSeg(onnx_path); // <= 400Kb !!!
auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::PortraitSegSINet(onnx_path); // <= 380Kb !!!
auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::PortraitSegExtremeC3Net(onnx_path); // <= 180Kb !!! Extreme Tiny !!!
auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::FaceHairSeg(onnx_path); // 18M
auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::HairSeg(onnx_path); // 18M
auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::MobileHairSeg(onnx_path); // 14M
Example12: 使用 Photo2Cartoon 进行人像卡通风格化。请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。
#include "lite/lite.h"
static void test_default()
std::string head_seg_onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/minivision_head_seg.onnx";
std::string cartoon_onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/minivision_female_photo2cartoon.onnx";
std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_female_photo2cartoon.jpg";
std::string save_mask_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_female_photo2cartoon_seg.jpg";
std::string save_cartoon_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_female_photo2cartoon_cartoon.jpg";
auto *head_seg = new lite::cv::segmentation::HeadSeg(head_seg_onnx_path, 4); // 4 threads
auto *female_photo2cartoon = new lite::cv::style::FemalePhoto2Cartoon(cartoon_onnx_path, 4); // 4 threads
lite::types::HeadSegContent head_seg_content;
cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
head_seg->detect(img_bgr, head_seg_content);
if (head_seg_content.flag && !head_seg_content.mask.empty())
cv::imwrite(save_mask_path, head_seg_content.mask * 255.f);
// Female Photo2Cartoon Style Transfer
lite::types::FemalePhoto2CartoonContent female_cartoon_content;
female_photo2cartoon->detect(img_bgr, head_seg_content.mask, female_cartoon_content);
if (female_cartoon_content.flag && !female_cartoon_content.cartoon.empty())
cv::imwrite(save_cartoon_path, female_cartoon_content.cartoon);
delete head_seg;
delete female_photo2cartoon;
auto *transfer = new lite::cv::style::FemalePhoto2Cartoon(onnx_path);
Example13: 使用 FaceParsing 进行五官分割. 请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。
#include "lite/lite.h"
static void test_default()
std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/face_parsing_512x512.onnx";
std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_face_parsing.png";
std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_face_parsing_bisenet.jpg";
auto *face_parsing_bisenet = new lite::cv::segmentation::FaceParsingBiSeNet(onnx_path, 8); // 8 threads
lite::types::FaceParsingContent content;
cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
face_parsing_bisenet->detect(img_bgr, content);
if (content.flag && !content.merge.empty())
cv::imwrite(save_img_path, content.merge);
delete face_parsing_bisenet;
更多的进行五官分割的模型 (hair, eyes, nose, mouth, others):
auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::FaceParsingBiSeNet(onnx_path); // 50Mb
auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::FaceParsingBiSeNetDyn(onnx_path); // Dynamic Shape Inference.
Lite.Ai.ToolKit 的代码采用GPL-3.0协议。
- RobustVideoMatting (🔥🔥🔥new!!↑)
- nanodet (🔥🔥🔥↑)
- YOLOX (🔥🔥🔥new!!↑)
- YOLOP (🔥🔥new!!↑)
- YOLOR (🔥🔥new!!↑)
- ScaledYOLOv4 (🔥🔥🔥↑)
- insightface (🔥🔥🔥↑)
- yolov5 (🔥🔥💥↑)
- TFace (🔥🔥↑)
- YOLOv4-pytorch (🔥🔥🔥↑)
- Ultra-Light-Fast-Generic-Face-Detector-1MB (🔥🔥🔥↑)
- headpose-fsanet-pytorch (🔥↑)
- pfld_106_face_landmarks (🔥🔥↑)
- onnx-models (🔥🔥🔥↑)
- SSR_Net_Pytorch (🔥↑)
- colorization (🔥🔥🔥↑)
- torchvision (🔥🔥🔥↑)
- facenet-pytorch (🔥↑)
- face.evoLVe.PyTorch (🔥🔥🔥↑)
- center-loss.pytorch (🔥🔥↑)
- sphereface_pytorch (🔥🔥↑)
- DREAM (🔥🔥↑)
- MobileFaceNet_Pytorch (🔥🔥↑)
- cavaface.pytorch (🔥🔥↑)
- CurricularFace (🔥🔥↑)
- face-emotion-recognition (🔥↑)
- face_recognition.pytorch (🔥🔥↑)
- PFLD-pytorch (🔥🔥↑)
- pytorch_face_landmark (🔥🔥↑)
- FaceLandmark1000 (🔥🔥↑)
- Pytorch_Retinaface (🔥🔥🔥↑)
- FaceBoxes (🔥🔥↑)
未来会增加一些模型的MNN 、NCNN 和 TNN 支持,但由于算子兼容等原因,也无法确保所有被ONNXRuntime C++ 支持的模型能够在MNN 、NCNN 和 TNN 下跑通。所以,如果您想使用本项目支持的所有模型,并且不在意1~2ms的性能差距的话,请使用ONNXRuntime版本的实现。ONNXRuntime 是本仓库默认的推理引擎。但是如果你确实希望编译支持MNN 、NCNN 和 TNN 支持的Lite.Ai.ToolKit动态库,你可以按照以下的步骤进行设置。
- 在
cd build && cmake \
-DINCLUDE_OPENCV=ON \ # 是否打包OpenCV进lite.ai.toolkit,默认ON;否则,你需要单独设置OpenCV
-DENABLE_MNN=ON \ # 是否编译MNN版本的模型, 默认OFF,目前只支持部分模型
-DENABLE_NCNN=OFF \ # 是否编译NCNN版本的模型,默认OFF,目前只支持部分模型
-DENABLE_TNN=OFF \ # 是否编译TNN版本的模型, 默认OFF,目前只支持部分模型
.. && make -j8
- 使用MNN、NCNN或TNN版本的接口,详见案例demo ,比如
auto *nanodet = new lite::mnn::cv::detection::NanoDet(mnn_path);
auto *nanodet = new lite::tnn::cv::detection::NanoDet(proto_path, model_path);
auto *nanodet = new lite::ncnn::cv::detection::NanoDet(param_path, bin_path);
如何添加您自己的模型以及成为贡献者?具体步骤请参考 CONTRIBUTING.zh.md .