中文 | English
- Instruction
- Requirement
- Compile swoole_orm in linux
- Create test table
- Start Coroutine MySQL / PostgreSQL
- Native SQL query
- Error Info
- Where statement
- Select statement
- Insert statement
- Replace statement
- Update statement
- Delete statement
- Whole Example
- Connection Pool
1、Fast : swoole_orm is an database ORM written in c, built in php extension, it can be use in Mysql and PostgreSQL and Other Database engine, as we known, database ORM is a very time-consuming operation, especially for interpretive languages such as PHP, and for a project, the proportion of ORM is very high,so here I will implement the database ORM operation in C language, and use the performance of C language to improve the performance of ORM.
2、Safe : swoole_orm return sql and bind value, you can solve SQL injection through parameter binding.
3、Powerful : concise and powerful usage , support any operation in database.
4、Easy : Extremely easy to learn and use, friendly construction.
5、Connection-pool : we can build connection pool by swoole channel and Coroutine MySQL
- PHP 7.0 +
## path to is your PHP install dir , dest lib: swoole_orm.so
$cd ~/ext-orm
$chmod +x ./configure
$./configure --with-php-config=/path/to/php-config
$make install
CREATE TABLE `user_info_test` (
`uid` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'userid' AUTO_INCREMENT,
`username` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT 'username',
`sexuality` varchar(8) DEFAULT 'male' COMMENT 'sexuality:male - 男性 female - 女性',
`age` int(11) DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'age',
`height` double(11,2) DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'height of a person, 身高',
`bool_flag` int(11) DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'flag',
`remark` varchar(11) DEFAULT NULL,
- new Swoole\Coroutine\MySQL();
$mysql = new Swoole\Coroutine\MySQL();
$options = array();
$options['host'] = '';
$options['port'] = 3306;
$options['user'] = 'root';
$options['password'] = 'hao123123';
$options['database'] = 'user';
$ret = $mysql->connect($options);
it alse can be used in PostgreSQL and other database.
- insert data
$ret = $mysql->query("insert into user_info_test(username, sexuality, age, height)
values('smallhow', 'male', 29, 180)");
if ($ret === false) {
echo $mysql->errno . "\n";
echo $mysql->error . "\n";
} else {
echo $mysql->insert_id . "\n";
- update data
$ret = $mysql->query("update user_info_test set remark='test' where height>=180");
if ($ret === false) {
echo $mysql->errno . "\n";
echo $mysql->error . "\n";
- select data
$ret = $mysql->query("select * from user_info_test where bool_flag=1");
if ($ret === false) {
echo $mysql->errno . "\n";
echo $mysql->error . "\n";
} else {
Error codes and error messages can be obtained through the errno and error params
$code = $mysql->errno;
$info = $mysql->error;
- Basic usage
//sql_stat is an array,
//sql_stat['sql'] : SELECT * FROM `user_info_test` WHERE `sexuality` = ?
//sql_stat['bind_value'] : array("male")
$sql_stat = swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*", ["sexuality" => "male"]);
if ($sql_stat !== false) {
$stmt = $mysql->prepare($sql_stat['sql']);
$ret = $stmt->execute($sql_stat['bind_value']);
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*", ["age" => 29]); // WHERE age = 29
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*", ["age[>]" => 29]); // WHERE age > 29
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*", ["age[>=]" => 29]); // WHERE age >= 29
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*", ["age[!]" => 29]); // WHERE age != 29
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*", ["age[<>]" => [28, 29]]); // WHERE age BETWEEN 28 AND 29
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*", ["age[><]" => [28, 29]]); // WHERE age NOT BETWEEN 28 AND 29
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*", ["username" => ["Tom", "Red", "carlo"]]); // WHERE username in ('Tom', 'Red', 'carlo')
//Multiple conditional query
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*", [
"uid[!]" => 10,
"username[!]" => "James",
"height[!]" => [165, 168, 172],
"bool_flag" => true,
"remark[!]" => null
// WHERE uid != 10 AND username != "James" AND height NOT IN ( 165, 168, 172) AND bool_flag = 1 AND remark IS NOT NULL
- Conditional Query
You can use "AND" or "OR" to make up very complex SQL statements.
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*", [
"OR" => [
"uid[>]" => 3,
"age[<>]" => [28, 29],
"sexuality" => "female"
// WHERE uid > 3 OR age BETWEEN 29 AND 29 OR sexuality = 'female'
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*", [
"AND" => [
"OR" => [
"age" => 29,
"sexuality" => "female"
"height" => 177
// WHERE (age = 29 OR sexuality='female') AND height = 177
//Attention: Because mysql uses array arguments, the first OR is overwritten, the following usage is wrong,
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*", [
"AND" => [
"OR" => [
"age" => 29,
"sexuality" => "female"
"OR" => [
"uid[!]" => 3,
"height[>=]" => 170
// [X] SELECT * FROM user_info_test WHERE (uid != 3 OR height >= 170)
//We can use # and comments to distinguish between two diffrents OR
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*", [
"AND" => [
"OR #1" => [
"age" => 29,
"sexuality" => "female"
"OR #2" => [
"uid[!]" => 3,
"height[>=]" => 170
// [√] SELECT * FROM user_info_test WHERE (age = 29 OR sexuality = 'female') AND (uid != 3 OR height >= 170)
- Fuzzy Matching Like
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*", [ "username[~]" => "%ide%" ]);
// WHERE username LIKE '%ide%'
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*", ["username[~]" => ["%ide%", "Jam%", "%ace"]]);
// WHERE username LIKE '%ide%' OR username LIKE 'Jam%' OR username LIKE '%ace'
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*", [ "username[!~]" => "%ide%" ]);
// WHERE username NOT LIKE '%ide%'
- Use of wildcards
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*", [ "username[~]" => "Londo_" ]); // London, Londox, Londos...
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "id", [ "username[~]" => "[BCR]at" ]); // Bat, Cat, Rat
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "id", [ "username[~]" => "[!BCR]at" ]); // Eat, Fat, Hat...
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*", [
'sexuality' => 'male',
'ORDER' => [
"height" => "DESC",
"uid" => "ASC"
'LIMIT' => 100, //Get the first 100 of rows (overwritten by next LIMIT)
'LIMIT' => [20, 100] //Started from the top 20 rows, and get the next 100
//SELECT * FROM `user_info_test` WHERE `sexuality` = 'male' ORDER BY `age`, `height` DESC, `uid` ASC LIMIT 100 OFFSET 20
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "sexuality,age,height", [
'GROUP' => 'sexuality',
// GROUP by array of values
'GROUP' => [
// Must have to use it with GROUP together
'HAVING' => [
'age[>]' => 30
//SELECT uid FROM `user_info_test` GROUP BY sexuality,age,height HAVING `age` > 30
- usage
select($table, $columns, $where)
table name
Columns to be queried.
The conditions of the query.
select($table, $join, $columns, $where)
table name
Multi-table query, can be ignored if not used.
Columns to be queried.
The conditions of the query.
Fail if false is returned, otherwise an array with select sql and bind value.
- example
You can use * to match all fields, but if you specify columns you can improve performance.
$sql_stat = swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", ["uid", "username"], ["age[>]" => 31]);
if ($sql_stat !== false) {
$stmt = $mysql->prepare($sql_stat['sql']);
$ret = $stmt->execute($sql_stat['bind_value']);
// $ret = array(
// [0] => array(
// "uid" => 6,
// "username" => "Aiden"
// ),
// [1] => array(
// "uid" => 11,
// "username" => "smallhow"
// )
// )
// Select all columns
swoole_orm::select("user_info_test", "*");
- Table join
Multi-table query SQL is more complicated, and it can be easily solved with mysql.
// [>] == RIGH JOIN
// [<] == LEFT JOIN
// [<>] == FULL JOIN
// [><] == INNER JOIN
[ // Table Join Info
"[>]account" => ["uid" => "userid"], // RIGHT JOIN `account` ON `user_info_test`.`uid`= `account`.`userid`
// This is a shortcut to declare the relativity if the row name are the same in both table.
"[>]album" => "uid", //RIGHT JOIN `album` USING (`uid`)
// Like above, there are two row or more are the same in both table.
"[<]detail" => ["uid", "age"], // LEFT JOIN `detail` USING (`uid`,`age`)
// You have to assign the table with alias.
"[<]address(addr_alias)" => ["uid" => "userid"], //LEFT JOIN `address` AS `addr_alias` ON `user_info_test`.`uid`=`addr_alias`.`userid`
// You can refer the previous joined table by adding the table name before the column.
"[<>]album" => ["account.userid" => "userid"], //FULL JOIN `album` ON `account`.`userid` = `album`.`userid`
// Multiple condition
"[><]account" => [
"uid" => "userid",
"album.userid" => "userid"
], [ // columns
], [ // where condition
"user_info_test.uid[>]" => 3,
"ORDER" => ["user_info_test.uid" => "DESC"],
"LIMIT" => 50
// user_info_test.uid,
// user_info_test.age,
// addr_alias.country,
// addr_alias.city
// FROM `user_info_test`
// RIGHT JOIN `account` ON `user_info_test`.`uid`= `account`.`userid`
// RIGHT JOIN `album` USING (`uid`)
// LEFT JOIN `detail` USING (`uid`,`age`)
// LEFT JOIN `address` AS `addr_alias` ON `user_info_test`.`uid`=`addr_alias`.`userid`
// FULL JOIN `album` ON `account`.`userid` = `album`.`userid`
// INNER JOIN `account` ON `user_info_test`.`uid`= `account`.`userid`
// AND `album`.`userid` = `account`.`userid`
// WHERE `user_info_test`.`uid` > 3
// ORDER BY `user_info_test`.`uid` DESC
// LIMIT 50
- alias
You can use aliases to prevent field conflicts
$data = swoole_orm::select("user_info_test(uinfo)", [
"[<]account(A)" => "userid",
], [
// SELECT uinfo.uid AS `uid`, A.userid
// FROM `user_info_test` AS `uinfo`
// LEFT JOIN `account` AS `A` USING (`userid`)
insert($table, $data)
table name
insert data
Fail if false is returned, otherwise an array with insert sql and bind value.
$data = array('username' => 'smallhow','sexuality' => 'male','age' => 35, 'height' => '168');
$sql_stat = swoole_orm::insert("user_info_test", $data);
if ($sql_stat !== false) {
$stmt = $mysql->prepare($sql_stat['sql']);
if($stmt === false) {
echo $mysql->errno . "\n";
echo $mysql->error . "\n";
} else {
$ret = $stmt->execute($sql_stat['bind_value']);
echo $mysql->insert_id . "\n";
replace($table, $data)
table name
replace data
Fail if false is returned, otherwise an array with replace sql and bind value.
$data = array('uid' => 35, 'username' => 'smallhow','sexuality' => 'male','age' => 35, 'height' => '168');
$sql_stat = swoole_orm::replace("user_info_test", $data);
if ($sql_stat !== false) {
$stmt = $mysql->prepare($sql_stat['sql']);
if($stmt === false) {
echo $mysql->errno . "\n";
echo $mysql->error . "\n";
} else {
$ret = $stmt->execute($sql_stat['bind_value']);
update($table, $data, $where)
table name
update data
where condition [可选]
Fail if false is returned, otherwise an array with select sql and bind value.
$data = array('height' => 185,'age' => 32);
$where = array('username' => 'smallhow');
$sql_stat = swoole_orm::update("user_info_test", $data, $where);
if ($sql_stat !== false) {
$stmt = $mysql->prepare($sql_stat['sql']);
if($stmt === false) {
echo $mysql->errno . "\n";
echo $mysql->error . "\n";
} else {
$ret = $stmt->execute($sql_stat['bind_value']);
delete($table, $where)
table name
where condition [可选]
Fail if false is returned, otherwise an array with select sql and bind value.
$where = array('username' => 'smallhow');
$sql_stat = swoole_orm::delete("user_info_test", $where);
if ($sql_stat !== false) {
$stmt = $mysql->prepare($sql_stat['sql']);
if($stmt === false) {
echo $mysql->errno . "\n";
echo $mysql->error . "\n";
} else {
$ret = $stmt->execute($sql_stat['bind_value']);
$table = "table_a(a)";
$join = [
"[>]AAAA(a1)" => "id",
"[<]BBBB" => ["E1", "E2", "E3"],
"[>]CCCC(c1)" => [ "GG" => "HH", "II.KK" => "LL"]
$columns = ["name(a)", "avatar(b)", "age"];
$where = [
"user.email[!]" => ["foo@bar.com", "cat@dog.com", "admin@mysql.in"],
"user.uid[<]" => 11111,
"uid[>=]" => 222,
"uid[!]" => null,
"count[!]" => [36, 57, 89],
"id[!]" => true,
"int_num[!]" => 3,
"double_num[!]" => 3.76,
"AA[~]" => "%saa%",
"BB[!~]" => "%sbb",
"CC[~]" => ["11%", "22_", "33%"],
"DD[!~]" => ["%44%", "55%", "66%"],
"EE[~]" => ["AND" => ["%E11", "E22"]],
"FF[~]" => ["OR" => ["%F33", "F44"]],
"GG[!~]" => ["AND" => ["%G55", "G66"]],
"HH[!~]" => ["OR" => ["H77", "H88"]],
"II[<>]" => ["1", "12"],
"LL[><]" => ["1", "12"],
"AND #1" => [
"OR #1" => [
"user_name" => null,
"email" => "foo@bar.com",
"OR #2" => [
"user_name" => "bar",
"email" => "bar@foo.com"
"OR" => [
"user_name[!]" => "foo",
"promoted[!]" => true
'GROUP' => 'userid',
'GROUP' => ['type', 'age', 'gender'],
'HAVING' => [
"uid.num[>]" => 111,
"type[>]" => "smart",
"id[!]" => false,
"god3[!]" => 9.86,
"uid[!]" => null,
"AA[~]" => "SSA%",
"CC[~]" => ["11%", "22%", "%33"],
'ORDER' => [
"user.uid" => "ASC",
"time" => "DESC",
"LIMIT" => 33,
$sql_stat = swoole_orm::select($table, $join, $columns, $where);
it also can be used in PostgreSQL , and other database engine.
$table = 'user_info_test';
$join = array("[>]account" => ["uid" => "userid"]);
$columns = "uid,username";
$where = ["uid[<]" => 10, "age" => 31];
$ret = MySQLPool::instance('collect')->query("select * from $table where bool_flag=1");
$ret = MySQLPool::instance('collect')->select("user_info_test", $where, $columns, $join);
$ret = MySQLPool::instance('collect')->select_row($table, $where, $columns);
$data = array('username' => 'smallhow','sexuality' => 'male','age' => 35, 'height' => '168');
$insert_id = MySQLPool::instance('collect')->insert($table, $data);
$data['uid'] = 12;
$ret = MySQLPool::instance('collect')->replace($table, $data);
$update_data = array('height' => 186,'age' => 29);
$where = array('username' => 'smallhow');
$ret = MySQLPool::instance('collect')->update($table, $update_data, $where);
$ret = MySQLPool::instance('collect')->delete($table, $where);
$util_db_config['default']['host'] = '';
$util_db_config['default']['username'] = 'root';
$util_db_config['default']['password'] = 'hao123123';
$util_db_config['default']['dbname'] = 'caihongqiu';
$util_db_config['default']['char_set'] = 'utf8';
$util_db_config['default']['dbcollat'] = 'utf8_general_ci';
$util_db_config['default']['pool_size'] = 10;
$util_db_config['collect']['host'] = '';
$util_db_config['collect']['username'] = 'root';
$util_db_config['collect']['password'] = 'hao123123';
$util_db_config['collect']['dbname'] = 'shine_light';
$util_db_config['collect']['char_set'] = 'utf8';
$util_db_config['collect']['dbcollat'] = 'utf8_general_ci';
$util_db_config['collect']['pool_size'] = 15;
class MySQLPool {
const POOL_SIZE = 10;
protected $pool;
static private $instances;
var $host = '';
var $username = '';
var $password = '';
var $dbname = '';
var $port = 3306;
var $char_set = 'utf8';
var $dbcollat = 'utf8_general_ci';
static public function instance($params) {
if (!isset(self::$instances[$params])) {
$params = empty($params) ? 'default' : $params;
global $util_db_config;
if (! isset($util_db_config[$params])) {
throw new RuntimeException("You have specified an invalid database connection group.");
$config = $util_db_config[$params];
$pool_size = isset($config['pool_size']) ? intval($config['pool_size']) : MySQLPool::POOL_SIZE;
$pool_size = $pool_size <= 0 ? MySQLPool::POOL_SIZE : $pool_size;
self::$instances[$params] = new MySQLPool($config, $pool_size);
return self::$instances[$params];
* MySQLPool constructor.
* @param int $size 连接池的尺寸
function __construct($params, $size) {
foreach ($params as $key => $val) {
$this->$key = $val;
$this->pool = new Swoole\Coroutine\Channel($size);
for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
$mysql = new Swoole\Coroutine\MySQL();
$ret = $this->connect($mysql);
if ($ret) {
$this->query("SET NAMES '".$this->char_set."' COLLATE '".$this->dbcollat."'");
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("MySQL connect error host={$this->host}, port={$this->port}, user={$this->username}, database={$this->dbname}, errno=[" . $mysql->errno . "], error=[" . $mysql->error . "]");
function insert($table = '', $data = NULL) {
if (empty($table) || empty($data) || !is_array($data)) {
throw new RuntimeException("insert_table_or_data_must_be_set");
$sql_stat = swoole_orm::insert($table, $data);
if ($sql_stat === false) {
throw new RuntimeException("insert_sql error [$table][".json_encode($data)."]");
$ret = $this->query($sql_stat['sql'], $sql_stat['bind_value'], $mysql);
if (!empty($ret)) {
return $mysql->insert_id;
} else {
return intval($ret);
function replace($table = '', $data = NULL) {
if (empty($table) || empty($data) || !is_array($data)) {
throw new RuntimeException("replace_table_or_data_must_be_set");
$sql_stat = swoole_orm::replace($table, $data);
if ($sql_stat === false) {
throw new RuntimeException("replace_sql error [$table][".json_encode($data)."]");
$ret = $this->query($sql_stat['sql'], $sql_stat['bind_value']);
return $ret;
function update($table = '', $data = NULL, $where = NULL) {
if (empty($table) || empty($data) || !is_array($data)) {
throw new RuntimeException("update_table_or_data_must_be_set");
$sql_stat = swoole_orm::update($table, $data, $where);
if ($sql_stat === false) {
throw new RuntimeException("update_sql error [$table][".json_encode($data)."][".json_encode($where)."]");
$ret = $this->query($sql_stat['sql'], $sql_stat['bind_value']);
return $ret;
function delete($table = '', $where = NULL) {
if (empty($table)) {
throw new RuntimeException("delete_table_must_be_set");
$sql_stat = swoole_orm::delete($table, $where);
if ($sql_stat === false) {
throw new RuntimeException("replace_sql error [$table][".json_encode($where)."]");
$ret = $this->query($sql_stat['sql'], $sql_stat['bind_value']);
return $ret;
function select($table = '', $where = array(), $columns = "*", $join = null) {
if (empty($table)) {
throw new RuntimeException("select_table_or_columns_must_be_set");
if (empty($join)) {
$sql_stat = swoole_orm::select($table, $columns, $where);
} else {
$sql_stat = swoole_orm::select($table, $join, $columns, $where);
if ($sql_stat === false) {
throw new RuntimeException("select_sql error [$table][".json_encode($where)."][".json_encode($columns)."]");
$ret = $this->query($sql_stat['sql'], $sql_stat['bind_value']);
return $ret;
function select_row($table = '', $where = array(), $columns = "*") {
$where['LIMIT'] = 1;
$ret = $this->select($table, $where, $columns);
if (empty($ret) || !is_array($ret)) {
return array();
return $ret[0];
private function connect(& $mysql, $reconn = false) {
if ($reconn) {
$options = array();
$options['host'] = $this->host;
$options['port'] = intval($this->port) == 0 ? 3306 : intval($this->port);
$options['user'] = $this->username;
$options['password'] = $this->password;
$options['database'] = $this->dbname;
$ret = $mysql->connect($options);
return $ret;
private function real_query(& $mysql, & $sql, & $map) {
if (empty($map)) {
return $mysql->query($sql);
} else {
$stmt = $mysql->prepare($sql);
if ($stmt == false) {
return false;
} else {
return $stmt->execute($map);
function query($sql, $map = null, & $mysql = null) {
if (empty($sql)) {
throw new RuntimeException("input_empty_query_sql");
try {
$mysql = $this->pool->pop();
$ret = $this->real_query($mysql, $sql, $map);
if ($ret === false) {
echo "MySQL QUERY FAIL [".$mysql->errno."][".$mysql->error."], sql=[{$sql}], map=[".json_encode($map)."]";
if ($mysql->errno == 2006 || $mysql->errno == 2013) {
//reconnect MySQL
$ret = $this->connect($mysql, true);
if ($ret) {
$ret = $this->real_query($mysql, $sql, $map);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("reconnect fail: [" . $mysql->errno . "][" . $mysql->error . "], host={$this->host}, port={$this->port}, user={$this->username}, database={$this->dbname}");
if ($ret === false) {
throw new RuntimeException($mysql->errno . "|" . $mysql->error);
return $ret;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new RuntimeException("MySQL catch exception [".$e->getMessage()."], sql=[{$sql}], map=".json_encode($map));