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File metadata and controls

46 lines (22 loc) · 2.62 KB

:octocat: GitHubApiApp-MVVM-Retrofit-Hilt-Dagger-Livedata :octocat:

🎈 I built this project to demonstrate integration of Hilt-Dagger and Retrofit with MVVM architecture.

📱 This app ;

✅ Allows us to search GitHub users' repositories by typing their names.

✅ Allows us to go to the repo link by clicking the repo names on the list.

✅ Checks the edit text if it's emty or not. And if it's empty, gives a warning message with Snackbars

✅ If the user typed in edit text does not exist, gives a error message with Snackbars

📹 Here is the video of this app ;


Built with 🚩

🔻 MVVM - Modern android architecture pattern.

🔻 Hilt-Dagger - Library that provides a standard way to incorporate Dagger dependency injection into an Android application.

🔻 LiveData - Observable data holder class

🔻 Retrofit - A type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java.

🔻 Glide - Image loading framework

🔻 GitHub Api - Api used in this project

🔻 View Binding - Feature that allows you to more easily write code that interacts with views

🔻 CircleImageView - To show users' avatars in circle imageview

🔻 Snackbars - To gives error and warning messages.