diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 00cbbdf..a8556d5 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -57,3 +57,5 @@ typings/ # dotenv environment variables file .env +# Docs +docs/ diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5c8573b..0000000 --- a/docs/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1260 +0,0 @@ - - - - - cucumber-forge-report-generator - January 3, 2021 - - - - -

All Scenarios

travis - January 3, 2021
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Icons courtesy of - licensed under .

- Settings Cog - Cucumber Forge -
- -

- Feature: Report Generation - - - -

<In order to> record or communicate feature documentation
-<As a> consumer of cucumber-forge-report-generator
-<I want> to generate HTML reports directly from feature files
- -



Given there is a file named 'dog_care.feature' in the 'feature/dog' directory with the following contents:

      @pet_care @dogs
-      Feature: Dog Care
-        <In order to> care for and enjoy my pet
-        <As a> dog owner
-        <I want> interact with my dog
-        Background:
-          Given I have a dog
-        @feeding
-        Scenario: Feeding the Dog
-          Given the dog is hungery
-          When I give dog food to the dog
-          Then the dog will eat it
-        # Do not need examples for left to right and right to left petting directions
-        @petting
-        Scenario Outline: Petting the Dog
-          Dog's do not like to be pet in the wrong direction.
-          When I pet the dog's hair <direction:>
-          Then the dog will <result>
-          Examples:
-            | direction: | result       |
-            | backwards  | lick my hand |
-            | forwards   | growl        |

And there is a file named 'cat_care.feature' in the 'feature/cat' directory with the following contents:

      @pet_care @cats
-      Feature: Cat Care
-        <In order to> care for and enjoy my pet
-        <As a> cat owner
-        <I want> interact with my cat
-        Background:
-          Given I have a cat
-        @feeding
-        Scenario: Feeding the Cat
-          Given the cat is hungery
-          When I give the following food to the cat:
-            | fish  |
-            | steak |
-          Then the cat will eat it
-        @petting
-        Scenario Outline: Petting the Cat
-          Cat's do not like to be pet in the wrong direction.
-          When I pet the cat's hair <direction:>
-          Then the cat will hiss
-          Examples:
-            | direction: |
-            | backwards  |
-            | forwards   |

And the variable 'dogCarePath' contains the path to the 'feature/dog' directory


And the variable 'catCarePath' contains the path to the 'feature/cat' directory


And the variable 'allFeaturesPath' contains the path to the 'feature' directory

- -

- Scenario: Generating an HTML report for a feature file - - - -


Given the current date is {current_date}


And the username of the current user is {username}


When a report is generated with the code "new Generator().generate(this.dogCarePath)"


Then the title on the report will be "Feature documentation - {current_date}"


And the report will include CSS styling


And the report will include a favicon


And the report will contain 1 feature


And the report will contain 2 scenarios


And the report name on the sidebar will be "All Scenarios"


And the report will not contain gherkin comments


And the project title on the sidebar will be "Feature documentation"


And the header on the sidebar will be "{username} - {current_date}"


And the footer on the sidebar will be "Cucumber Forge"


And the sidebar will contain 1 directory button


And the sidebar will contain 1 feature button


And the sidebar will contain 2 scenario buttons


- Scenario: Generating an HTML report for multiple feature files in different directories - - - -


When a report is generated with the code "new Generator().generate(this.allFeaturesPath)"


Then the report will contain 2 features


And the report will contain 4 scenarios


And the sidebar will contain 2 directory buttons


And the sidebar will contain 2 feature buttons


And the sidebar will contain 4 scenario buttons


- Scenario: Generating an HTML report when the project name is provided - - - -


Given the current date is {current_date}


When a report is generated with the code "new Generator().generate(this.dogCarePath, 'Pet Project')"


Then the title on the report will be "Pet Project - {current_date}"


And the project title on the sidebar will be "Pet Project"


- Scenario Outline: Generating an HTML report with scenarios filtered by a tag - - - -

The features and scenarios included in a report can be filtered based on their tags.
-The provided tag can optionally be prefixed with '@'.

When a report is generated with the code "new Generator().generate(this.allFeaturesPath, null, <tag:>)"


Then the report will contain 2 features


And the report will contain 2 scenarios


And the report name on the sidebar will be <tag:>


And the sidebar will contain 2 feature buttons


And the sidebar will contain 2 scenario buttons



- - - - - - - - - - -

- Scenario: Generating an HTML report with features filtered by a tag - - - -

The features and scenarios included in a report can be filtered based on their tags.

When a report is generated with the code "new Generator().generate(this.allFeaturesPath, null, '@cats')"


Then the report will contain 1 feature


And the report will contain 2 scenarios


And the report name on the sidebar will be '@cats'


And the sidebar will contain 1 feature button


And the sidebar will contain 2 scenario buttons


- Scenario: Generating a report when the directory contains an empty feature file - - - -


Given there is a file named 'empty.feature' in the 'feature/dog' directory with the following contents:


When a report is generated with the code "new Generator().generate(this.dogCarePath)"


Then the report will contain 2 features


- Scenario: Generating a report when the directory contains a feature file without the feature header - - - -


Given there is a file named 'invalid.feature' in the 'feature/dog' directory with the following contents:

-          Given I have a dog
-        @feeding
-        Scenario: Feeding the Dog
-          Given the dog is hungery
-          When I give dog food to the dog
-          Then the dog will eat it

When a report is generated with the code "new Generator().generate(this.dogCarePath)"


Then the report will contain 2 features


- Scenario: Generating a report when the directory contains a feature file without a scenario header - - - -


Given there is a file named 'invalid.feature' in the 'feature/dog' directory with the following contents:

      Feature: Dog Care
-          Given the dog is hungery
-          When I give dog food to the dog
-          Then the dog will eat it

When a report is generated with the code "new Generator().generate(this.dogCarePath)"


Then the report will contain 2 features


- Scenario: Generating a report when the directory contains a feature file that has only Cucumber steps - - - -


Given there is a file named 'invalid.feature' in the 'feature/dog' directory with the following contents:

          Given the dog is hungery
-          When I give dog food to the dog
-          Then the dog will eat it

When a report is generated with the code "new Generator().generate(this.dogCarePath)"


Then the report will contain 2 features


- Scenario: Generating a report when the directory contains a feature file without Cucumber keywords - - - -


Given there is a file named 'invalid.feature' in the 'feature/dog' directory with the following contents:

      This is an invalid feature file

When a report is generated with the code "new Generator().generate(this.dogCarePath)"


Then the report will contain 2 features


- Scenario: Generating a report when no path is provided - - - -


When a report is generated with the code "new Generator().generate()"


Then an error will be thrown with the message "A feature directory path must be provided."


- Scenario: Generating a report when no feature files are provided - - - -


Given the variable 'noFeaturesPath' contains the path to a directory with no feature files


When a report is generated with the code "new Generator().generate(this.noFeaturesPath)"


Then an error will be thrown with the message "No feature files were found in the given directory."


- Scenario: Generating an HTML report for a feature file with an alternative Gherkin dialect when the dialect is provided - - - -


Given there is a file named 'afrikaans.feature' in the 'feature/dialect' directory with the following contents:

      Besigheid Behoefte: Hondsorg
-        Agtergrond:
-          Gegewe Ek het 'n hond
-        Situasie: Die hond voed
-          Gegewe die hond is honger
-          Wanneer I give dog food to the dog
-          Dan Ek gee hondekos vir die hond
-        Situasie Uiteensetting: Die hondjie klapper
-          Wanneer Ek troeteldier van die hond se hare <direction:>
-          Dan die hond sal <result>
-          Maar die hond sal my nie byt nie
-          En die hond sal kalmeer
-          Voorbeelde:
-            | direction:  | result      |
-            | agteruit    | lek my hand |
-            | voorspelers | grom        |

And the variable 'dialectPath' contains the path to the 'feature/dialect' directory


When a report is generated with the code "new Generator().generate(this.dialectPath, null, null, 'af')"


Then the report will contain 1 features


And the report will contain 2 scenarios


And the sidebar will contain 1 directory buttons


And the sidebar will contain 1 feature buttons


And the sidebar will contain 2 scenario buttons


- Scenario: Generating an HTML report for a feature file with an alternative Gherkin dialect when the language header is present in the feature - - - -


Given there is a file named 'panjabi.feature' in the 'feature/dialect' directory with the following contents:

      # language: pa
-      ਨਕਸ਼ ਨੁਹਾਰ: ਕੁੱਤੇ ਦੀ ਦੇਖਭਾਲ
-        ਪਿਛੋਕੜ:
-          ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ ਮੇਰੇ ਕੋਲ ਇੱਕ ਕੁੱਤਾ ਹੈ
-        ਪਟਕਥਾ: ਕੁੱਤੇ ਨੂੰ ਖੁਆਉਣਾ
-          ਜੇਕਰ ਕੁੱਤਾ ਭੁੱਖਾ ਹੈ
-          ਜਦੋਂ ਮੈਂ ਕੁੱਤੇ ਨੂੰ ਖਾਣਾ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਹਾਂ
-          ਤਦ ਕੁੱਤਾ ਇਹ ਖਾਵੇਗਾ
-        ਪਟਕਥਾ ਰੂਪ ਰੇਖਾ: ਕੁੱਤਾ ਪਾਲ ਰਹੇ
-          ਜਦੋਂ ਮੈਂ ਕੁੱਤੇ ਦੇ ਵਾਲ ਪਾਲਤੂ ਹਾਂ <direction:>
-          ਤਦ ਕੁੱਤਾ ਕਰੇਗਾ <result>
-          ਪਰ ਕੁੱਤਾ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਨਹੀਂ ਡੰਗੇਗਾ
-          ਅਤੇ ਕੁੱਤਾ ਸ਼ਾਂਤ ਹੋ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ
-          ਉਦਾਹਰਨਾਂ:
-            | direction: | result     |
-            | ਪਿੱਛੇ ਵੱਲ     | ਮੇਰਾ ਹੱਥ ਚੱਟੋ |
-            | ਅੱਗੇ        | ਫੁੱਟ         |

And the variable 'dialectPath' contains the path to the 'feature/dialect' directory


When a report is generated with the code "new Generator().generate(this.allFeaturesPath)"


Then the report will contain 3 features


And the report will contain 6 scenarios


And the sidebar will contain 3 directory buttons


And the sidebar will contain 3 feature buttons


And the sidebar will contain 6 scenario buttons


- Scenario: Generating an HTML report when the provided Gherkin dialect is not supported - - - -


When a report is generated with the code "new Generator().generate(this.allFeaturesPath, null, null, 'invalid')"


Then an error will be thrown with the message "The provided dialect [invalid] is not supported."


- Scenario: Generating an HTML report for a feature file with an alternative Gherkin dialect when the language header in the feature is not supported - - - -


Given there is a file named 'american.feature' in the 'feature/dialect' directory with the following contents:

      # language: american
-      Feature: Dog Care
-        Scenario: Feeding the Dog
-          Given the dog is hungery
-          When I give dog food to the dog
-          Then the dog will eat it

When a report is generated with the code "new Generator().generate(this.allFeaturesPath)"


Then an error will be thrown with a message that matches "The language \[american\] configured for the feature file \[(.*)american.feature\] is not supported."

- -

- Feature: Report Usage - - - -

<In order to> navigate the feature documentation report
-<As a> someone viewing the HTML report in a web browser
-<I want> to be able to navigate the report with the built-in functionality
- -



Given there is a file named 'dog_care.feature' in the 'feature/dog' directory with the following contents:

      @pet_care @dogs
-      Feature: Dog Care
-        <In order to> care for and enjoy my pet
-        <As a> dog owner
-        <I want> interact with my dog
-        Background:
-          Given I have a dog
-        @feeding 
-        Scenario: Feeding the Dog
-          Given the dog is hungery
-          When I give dog food to the dog
-          Then the dog will eat it
-        # Do not need examples for left to right and right to left petting directions
-        @petting
-        Scenario Outline: Petting the Dog
-          Dog's do not like to be pet in the wrong direction.
-          When I pet the dog's hair <direction:>
-          Then the dog will <result>
-          Examples:
-            | direction: | result       |
-            | backwards  | lick my hand |
-            | forwards   | growl        |

And there is a file named 'cat_care.feature' in the 'feature/cat' directory with the following contents:

      @pet_care @cats
-      Feature: Cat Care
-        <In order to> care for and enjoy my pet
-        <As a> cat owner
-        <I want> interact with my cat
-        Background:
-          Given I have a cat
-        @feeding
-        Scenario: Feeding the Cat
-          Given the cat is hungery
-          When I give the following food to the cat:
-            | fish  |
-            | steak |
-          Then the cat will eat it
-        @petting
-        Scenario Outline: Petting the Cat
-          Cat's do not like to be pet in the wrong direction.
-          When I pet the cat's hair <direction:>
-          Then the cat will hiss
-          Examples:
-            | direction: |
-            | backwards  |
-            | forwards   |
- -

- Scenario: Clicking the directory buttons - - - -


Given there is a report for the 'feature' directory


And the feature button for the first directory is expanded in the sidebar


And the feature button for the second directory is not expanded in the sidebar


When the second directory button is clicked


Then the feature button for the second directory will be expanded in the sidebar


And the feature button for the first directory is expanded in the sidebar


When the first directory button is clicked


Then the feature button for the first directory will not be expanded in the sidebar


And the feature button for the second directory is expanded in the sidebar


- Scenario: Clicking the feature buttons - - - -


Given there is a report for the 'feature' directory


And the first feature is displayed


And the scenario buttons for the first feature are expanded in the sidebar


And the scenario buttons for the second feature are not expanded in the sidebar


When the second feature button is clicked


Then the second feature will be displayed


And the scenario buttons for the second feature will be expanded in the sidebar


And the scenario buttons for the first feature are expanded in the sidebar


When the first feature button is clicked


Then the second feature will be displayed


And the scenario buttons for the first feature will not be expanded in the sidebar


And the scenario buttons for the second feature are expanded in the sidebar


- Scenario: Clicking the scenario buttons - - - -


Given there is a report for the 'feature/dog' directory


And the report will contain 2 scenarios


When the first scenario button is clicked


Then the first scenario button will be highlighted


And the first scenario will be scrolled into view


When the second scenario button is clicked


Then the second scenario button will be highlighted


And the second scenario will be scrolled into view


- Scenario: Scrolling through the scenarios in a feature - - - -


Given there is a report for the 'feature/dog' directory


When the first scenario is scrolled into view


Then the first scenario button will be highlighted


When the second scenario is scrolled into view


Then the second scenario button will be highlighted


- Scenario: Opening the settings drawer - - - -


Given there is a report for the 'feature/dog' directory


When the settings button is clicked


Then the settings drawer will be displayed


When the settings button is clicked


Then the settings drawer will be hidden


- Scenario: Showing the tags in the report - - - -


Given there is a report for the 'feature/dog' directory


And the settings button is clicked


When the box is checked to show tags


Then the tags displayed for the feature will be '@pet_care @dogs'


Then the tags displayed for the first scenario will be '@feeding'


Then the tags displayed for the second scenario will be '@petting'


- Scenario: Opening a report with a feature title link - - - -


Given there is a report for the 'feature' directory


When the report is opened with a link for the second feature title


Then the second feature will be displayed


And the scenario buttons for the second feature will be expanded in the sidebar


When the report is opened with a link for the first feature title


Then the first feature will be displayed


And the scenario buttons for the first feature will be expanded in the sidebar


- Scenario: Opening a report with a scenario title link - - - -


Given there is a report for the 'feature' directory


When the report is opened with a link for the second scenario title in the second feature


Then the second feature will be displayed


And the scenario buttons for the second feature will be expanded in the sidebar


And the second scenario button will be highlighted


When the report is opened with a link for the first scenario title in the first feature


Then the first feature will be displayed


And the scenario buttons for the first feature will be expanded in the sidebar


And the first scenario button will be highlighted

- -
- - -