What is market using for DICOM Gateway to get out of customer environment?
- e.g. 20 sites with DIMSE
- traditional way is to get data out via VPN
- https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/healthcare-dicom-dicomweb-adapter
- https://github.com/OsiriX-Foundation/karnak
- https://www.orthanc-server.com/
- https://github.com/knopkem/dicomweb-proxy
- https://github.com/dcmjs-org/dicomweb-server
- https://github.com/RSNA/dcmrs-broker
- https://github.com/Alvearie/imaging-ingestion
- https://www.ibm.com/watson-health/project-alvearie
SIIM 2022
- Mohannad Hussain
- very good
- great to see people and have one on one conversations
- "hallway education"
- great sessions
- sustainability in radiology
- Matt Hayes
- Great!
- Next year in Austin, Texas
- Simon Rascovsky
- Great!
- Being in person is really good
- Neil Tenenholtz
- Good virtual program
- Chris Hafey
- Exhibit hall open the whole time
- Earpeace/headset was great!
- Products have evolved a lot over the past 2-3 years - a lot of cloud
- Mohannad Hussain
How close are we to medical imaging in the cloud?
- Many/most hospitals have some cloud strategy
- Research using cloud
- Cloud requires different thinking