Upcoming meetings: ECR, HIMSS and SIIM
- Alex and Khaled going to SIIM
- Khaled presenting at ECR. Stephen Scotti is going.
- ECR taking place in Vienna, as always
- Attendance is smaller than RSNA, but still decent. 26k people in 2016.
- Preferreed by colleagues in areas like the Middle East, not just for Europeans. Even ASPAC, North Africa.
- 360 euro for speakers, day pass is 350 euros. Full-conference 1300 euros or so.
IHE Connectathon week of March 6th
- Has changed, pre-COVID NA Connectathon was typically 3rd week of January.
- No marketing people, all engineers, typically the best engineers.
- Walk across the room and arrange testing
- IT System called Gazelle
- European community embraced IHE profiles and testing more than North America
- Canada is starting to invest in Gazelle for FHIR testing
- How to marry IHE and FHIR Connectathon?
- Last connectathon was a unique concept, joint between NA and Europe
RSNA IAIP Demo kick-off
- If interested, please get in touch with Mohannad: mhussain@techiemaestro.com
- Khaled attended FHIR DevDays
- Not released yet, hoping for early adoption at the RSNA IAIP demo
- See https://github.com/HL7/fhircast-docs and http://www.hl7.org/fhir/stu3/
- Under the infrastructe and messaging workgroup (vs. DICOM integration group)
- Tie-in with IHE profiles, real-time bi-directional communication AND interactive multi-media reporting, IMR, (https://build.fhir.org/ig/IHE/RAD.IMR/branches/master/index.html). The former should be available for public comments by March
- Add support for advanced exchange, e.g. AI results
- Public comment perion: every comment is reviewed, either resolved or becomes an open-issue. The hope is to test in January.
- David to share with the group.
- Meeting are public knowledge, example minutes: https://wiki.ihe.net/index.php/Rad_Tech_Agenda_2022-11-07-11
- HL7 working on mapping DICOM SR to FHIR Resources. E.g. tracking measurements with a unique identifier, and which resources. See https://confluence.hl7.org/display/IMIN/Mapping+of+DICOM+SR+to+FHIR
- Enable sub-IGs (implementation guides)
- IMR implementations ran into interoperability issues
- Cannot keep extending FHIR for every implementation (becomess less interoperable)
HIMSS Interoperability Showcase
- David and Mohannad are technical project managers, managing a few teams
- See https://www.himss.org/what-we-do-initiatives/himss-interoperability-showcase