Want to know all tasks/times for workflow from begininng (admission) to (labs/procedires/radiology) to end (discharge)
- Average mean time
- Want to apply lean / six sigman to it
- Is there any de-identified HL7 data sets for this out there?
- Difficult to get this data from hospitals
- CareQuality.org
- AWS OpenData: https://aws.amazon.com/opendata/?wwps-cards.sort-by=item.additionalFields.sortDate&wwps-cards.sort-order=desc
- Canadian Institute for Health Information:
- https://openmrs.org/
- https://chat.fhir.org/
- Syntheic data: https://synthea.mitre.org/
- https://www.mohawkcollege.ca/ideaworks/medical-technologies-innovation-centre-mtic
SIIM/RSNA Updates from Mohannad
- SIIM Hackathon
- https://imaginginformatics.github.io/hackathon-docs/whats-new/2023/
- Preformed teams in advance
- hybrid
- https://imaginginformatics.github.io/hackathon-docs/whats-new/2023/
- RSNA Imaging in practice AI demo
- Integration demo
- https://www.rsna.org/education/ai-resources-and-training/ai-imaging-in-practice
- Interesting Use Cases
- MSK Case
- RadPath Correlation
- Product that does second opinions of chest x-rays
- AI Model evaluation
- RSNA Imaging in practice AI demo
- SIIM Hackathon
Which AI Has had the most success/most popular?
- viz.ai
- RapidAI
- Rad.ai
- Vendors have similar quality
- Biggest issue is clinical workflow integration and deploying at scale
IHE-RIA - based on HL7 FHIRcast
AI Monitoring - hot topic at HIMSS *
Next week controversial Topic: What happens when there are more procedures than rads to read them?