AWS HealthImaging Events
- Anthem Breach
Providers are more willing to share data with Richard once he had various secrutiy/privacy certifications
- HIPAA certification
- Standard research certifications
- MIT Physio.Net DB - when you request data, they give you list of courses which grant certifications
SIIM Recap
- 12-13 Teams
- 5 teams were high school or college teams (mentored by high Terri Sippel-Schmidt)
- Presented well!
- Very impressive
AI was the main topic at SIIM
- The way nVidia is doing their modules "NIMS"
- Microservices in a containerized environment, wrap it and put an API on it
- Deployable module that utilizes AI
- https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/ai/#referrer=ai-subdomain?ncid=pa-srch-goog-833453&_bt=697697695189&_bk=nvidia%20ai&_bm=b&_bn=g&_bg=160950281705&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwp4m0BhBAEiwAsdc4aDk-pfgFQkcLAl3VYmxvJx-BXwI8Fbp4ekNiQTC2luSx0_NPPhGpsBoCh7EQAvD_BwE
- The way nVidia is doing their modules "NIMS"
Pre-conference (ACR data science summit)
AI Safety: Tested, Trustworthy and Transparent Models
AI companies are competing on the reporting reimbursement which is small relative to the other costs
Lots of vendors in exhibition hall
Cool apple vision pro demos
- Sirona
- Visage
Lots of interest in reporting