weiv.js - A home-brew UI view library for modern component-oriented web development.
is the reverse of the word View
or 微V
in Chinese which means micro-view literally.
This is an era of front-end evolution with tons of front-end frameworks: React, Angular, Vue, Preact, Ractive, Svelte. Probably like me, you also feel tired to follow this one or another one. So I choose to reinvent the wheel and eat my own dog food.
For developers: Guide for developers
import { Component, observable, action } from 'weivjs'
template: `
<span>TODO: {{a}}</span>
<button onclick="changeProp" style="height: 30px">Try to change props?</button>
<p>show when no slot</p>
<input type="text" oninput="onInput" />
<button onclick="onSave" style="height: 30px">Save</button>
<input type="text" disabled @bind:value="input" />
<slot name="item">show when no item slot</slot>
props: {
a: {type: 'number', required: true}
events: {
save: {}
export class Todo {
changeProp() {
try {
this.a = 0
} catch (err) {
onSave() {
this.$emit('save', this.input, '')
input = ''
onInput(e) {
this.input = e.target.value
console.log('on input %o', e)
template: `
<div @var:i="100">
<h1 @bind:title="counter">{{firstName}} {{lastName}}</h1><p>{{blogURL}}</p>
<div @if="counter < 5">Location: {{location.city}} - {{location.country}}</div>
<p>Countdown: {{counter}}</p>
<button onclick="minus" style="width: 80px">➖</button>
<button @on:click="plus" style="width: 80px">➕</button>
<p>Tip: When counter is less than 5, location will be shown.</p>
<li @for:i="[1,2,3]">
{{i}} - {{$super.i}}
<todo @bind:a="counter" @on:save="onSave">
<div>this is a default slot</div>
<li slot="item">item1</li>
<li slot="item">item2</li>
<span>another default slot</span>
<p>show var value: {{i}}</p>
components: {'todo': Todo}
export class App {
firstName = 'Chao'
lastName = 'Yang'
blogURL = 'http://chaoyang.nz'
location = {
city: 'Auckland',
country: 'New Zealand'
@observable counter = 10
@action plus() {
if (this.counter === 10) return
this.counter += 1
@action minus() {
if (this.counter === 0) return
this.counter -= 1
onSave(a, b) {
alert(`Are you sure to save: ${a} ${b}?`)
new App().$mount('#app')
- Add slots support
- Refine directive structure
- Add scope to support
directive likefor ... in
- Enhance events support
- A lot of built-in directives:
- Add lifecycle hooks
- Optimise: cache subtree via vdom-trunk
- Optimise: batch update via main-loop
- Optimise: try to use zone.js intead of mobx
- Write a UI component library like ElementUI