diff --git a/content/release_notes_360.md b/content/release_notes_360.md index 76cbffbb38..ca27ec510a 100644 --- a/content/release_notes_360.md +++ b/content/release_notes_360.md @@ -40,6 +40,21 @@ product = [""] ## Chef 360 Platform 1.1 +## Chef 360 Platform 1.1.1 + +### New features + +- We replaced Mailhog, a local email testing service, with [Mailpit](https://mailpit.axllent.org/), which is a more secure service. + + If you've been using Mailhog for email testing, update the port number to `31101` to use Mailpit. + +### Improvements + +- You can now select saved node lists and node filters to target Courier jobs using the Courier Job Wizard in the Chef 360 Platform UI. +- You can now reuse job templates from existing Courier jobs to create a new Courier job in the Chef 360 Platform UI. + +## Chef 360 Platform 1.1.0 + ### New features - RabbitMQ used for Chef Courier jobs now supports TLS-based communication.