These are some features I'd like to have in the future. There's no timeline on when these would be implemented, just kind of a checklist of stuff I want to work on.
- [-] Base App
- [-] The Game Table
- Allow the states of various table cells to be toggled and changed by the user
- [-] Guess Structure
- User can initiate a guess
- The Guess cycles through each Player, highlighting the necessary column
- [-] The user can state whether a Guess is Refuted or not, and the app automatically fills in the data for each column and row accordingly
- [-] User can choose 1 Suspect, Item, and Location for the Guess
- User can choose which Player the Guess starts with, and the Guess wraps around when starting on a different Player
- User can initiate a guess
- [-] Deduction
- Automatically deduce which card a Player has when they Refute a Guess, based on previously known cards that they don't have
- Retroactively deduce which card a Player has when they cannot Refute a Guess, based on a previous Refutation
- Once a player's entire hand is known, mark that they don't have all of the other cards
- Customizability
- User can Create a New Game, and Enter names for any number of players
- User can create custom game sheets, with any number of Suspects, Items, and Locations
- User's custom game sheets are accounted for when deducing each Player's Hand
- [-] The Game Table
- [-] Frameworks
- [-] Browser
- [-] Base Javascript
- React
- Angular
- Vue
- Desktop
- Electron
- Neutralino
- Tauri
- Mobile
- React Native
- [-] Browser