Sometimes a log is not particularly useful or an aspect of LME cloud prove overly verbose (e.g.: Dashboard spamming events. We try our best to make everything useful but cannot predict every possibility since all environments will be different. So to enable users to make LME more useful (and hopefully commit their own pull requests back with updates :) ),we document here how you can filter out logs in the:
- Dashboard
- Host logging utility (e.g. winlogbeat)
- Serverside (e.g. logstash)
Have fun reading and applying these concepts
The below example shows how users can apply a filter to a search, and saved with a dashboard to filter out unneeded windows event log 4624 with a TargetUserName field that has a $
"bool": {
"filter": [
"match_phrase": {
"event.code": "4624"
"must_not": [
"regexp": {
"winlog.event_data.TargetUserName": ".*$.*"
To Add:
- Click the
Add filter
: - Click
Edit as DSL
to add a regexp filter:
Users can find many resources here and more relevant examples on stackoverflow: