Lawn* newLawn(void);
Create a new Lawn timer store.
void freeLawn(Lawn* dehy);
Free all data and memory of a Lawn data store
size_t ttl_count(Lawn* dehy);
Return the number of uniqe ttl entries in the lawn
mstime_t next_at(Lawn* dehy);
Return the closest element expiration datetime (in milliseconds), or -1 if DS is empty
int set_element_ttl(Lawn* dehy, char* element, size_t len, mstime_t ttl_ms);
Insert ttl for a new element or update an existing one. Returns LAWN_OK on success, LAWN_ERR on error.
mstime_t get_element_exp(Lawn* dehy, char* element);
Get the expiration value for the given element. Returns datetime of expiration (in milliseconds) on success, -1 on error
int del_element_exp(Lawn* dehy, char* element);
Remove TTL from the lawn for the given element. Returns LAWN_OK
ElementQueueNode* pop_next(Lawn* dehy);
Remove and return the node for the element with the closest expiration datetime
ElementQueue* pop_expired(Lawn* dehy);
return a queue of all exired element nodes.
void freeQueue(ElementQueue* queue);
Free all data and memory of a queue retuned from the pop_expired
void queuePush(ElementQueue* queue, ElementQueueNode* node);
Add a given ElementQueueNode
to a queue retuned from the pop_expired
ElementQueueNode* queuePop(ElementQueue* queue);
Remove and return the first ElementQueueNode
from a queue retuned from the pop_expired
ElementQueueNode* NewNode(char* element, size_t element_len, mstime_t ttl);
Create an ElementQueueNode
void freeNode(ElementQueueNode* node);
Free all data and memory of an ElementQueueNode