Releases: cloudfoundry/loggregator-release
Loggregator 73
Important Notices
We are deprecating the use of the following debug flags. These flags use the gosteno library and produce debug logs for every single log and metric event. this hides useful debug information produced without a flag. The deprecated flags are
- traffic_controller.debug
- doppler.debug
- metron_agent.debug
- syslog_drain_binder.debug
This version of Loggregator restricts ciphers to use only the following 4 ciphers. This is a breaking change for some operators and a configurable property for opting into more cipher suites was introduced in Loggregator 85
New Features
- Improved deploy time by using precompiled blobs
Loggregator 72
Important Notice - New Certificates Required for gRPC Transport
In order to secure the transport of log messages going forward Loggregator will require Metron cert & key as well as the Loggregator CA cert. You won't be able to deploy the this and future versions of Loggregator if you don't have these configured. See our README with specifics for generating and setting up your certs.
Important Notice - Cipher Suite Restrictions
This version of Loggregator restricts ciphers to use only the following 4 ciphers. This is a breaking change for some operators and a configurable property for opting into more cipher suites was introduced in Loggregator 85
Important Notice - ETCD Removal
This release removes etcd from metron. You no longer need to include etcd in your release if you are colocating metron.
New Features
- Improved service discovery for Dopplers by removing etcd from metron
- Encrypted log transport Metron->Doppler (via gRPC)
- Pooled connections from Metron->Doppler (via gRPC)
- Changed retry strategy for connecting to with etcd in doppler
Loggregator 70
Note: This version of Loggregator restricts ciphers to use only the following 4 ciphers. This is a breaking change for some operators and a configurable property for opting into more cipher suites was introduced in Loggregator 85
- Updated to golang 1.7.4
- Updated ciphers suites to more secure ciphers.