SECURITY NOTICE: If you have found a security problem in the UAA, please do not file a public github issue. Instead, please send an email to
Thanks for taking the time to file an issue. You'll minimize back and forth and help us help you more effectively by answering all of the following questions as specifically and completely as you can.
What output do you see from curl <YOUR_UAA>/info -H'Accept: application/json'
I am deploying the UAA
- locally only using gradlew
- using a bosh release I downloaded from
- using cf-release
- using cf-deployment
- as part of a commercial Cloud Foundry distribution
- other (please explain)
If possible, provide a recipe for reproducing the error. Exact curl
or uaac
commands with verbose output are helpful. If your problem is configuration-related, please include portions of your uaa.yml or bosh deployment manifest that you believe may be relevant (but do not divulge secrets!)
Please include UAA logs if available.