Description from the Meetup:
Ain't no lie, baby, Pi Pi Pi day is here. We'll be celebrating with some fun Raspberry Pi* (and Actual Pie 🥧) activities. Whether you like learning electronics with tiny credit-card-sized computers OR eating delicious pie, mark your calendars for this special event. If you have your own Raspberry Pi, go ahead and bring it! Please bring a laptop, too, if you have one. We'll be bringing microSD cards pre-loaded with PiBakery images, and we'll have 5-6 Raspberry Pi computers on hand, plus jumper wires and breadboards, so attendees can
• work together in groups to set up a Pi,
• hook it to a breadboard with a physical button, and
• make some Fun Things happen. 🔊🚨📡
Yes, there was delicious pie. ✨🥧:sparkles:
If you are here, you probably already know what a Raspberry Pi is!
To reiterate: Raspberry Pi is a small credit-card-sized (or smaller) computer, that costs no more than $35. Like most other computers, you can hook up a keyboard, mouse, and monitor to it. Unlike most computers, it has a set of GPIO pins ("General Purpose Input/Output"), similar to a microcontroller like an Arduino. These pins let you connect it to electronic sensors and lights and motors, and THAT IS WHERE THE FUN HAPPENS. The latest Pi models also have onboard WiFi and Bluetooth, meaning that there's a lot you can do with such a tiny circuitboard.
Today, we've brought a bunch of breadboards and electronic components for you to connect to your Pi. We'll be setting up our Raspberry Pi computers to run "headless" (without a monitor), and log into them from our laptops. We'll use the Python scripting language to program them to light up an LED, react to a physical button press, play sounds on these tiny greeting-card speakers, and more. (And we'll also eat pie. Because PIE.)
A Raspberry Pi uses a microSD card for onboard storage—like a hard disk, but one that you can swap out. Since it's a tiny computer, it has an operating system (OS), and we're using the default Raspbian, which is a flavor of the Linux distribution Debian that's optimized for the Pi.
The latest versions of Raspbian OS require just over 4GB, so we've brought a bunch of 8GB class 10 microSD cards. You don't need much more storage, but it's harder to find cards with only 8GB on them; we recommend class 10 because they read/write much faster and perform better than the typical class 4 cards.
A few years back, installing the OS was a painful process that would take hours and hours; now, thankfully, there's a great free tool called PiBakery, which installs the Raspbian OS, and then follows a recipe of instructions on "first boot," "next boot," or "every boot."
Here's the recipe we used to set up the Pi computers for this workshop:
Download the recipe: pi-pi-pi-recipe.xml
This recipe...
- sets the hostname
- changes the password
- enables the VNC server
- sets up autoloading of SPI and I2C
- sets up the wifi
- installs a bunch of packages, whether individually, or from install scripts like Adafruit's, including
, a runtime/webserver that lets you program the Pi with JavaScript (comes in handy for other projects)mpg321
, an application to play MP3sfbi
, an application to show full-screen images from the command line (comes in handy for other projects)samba
, a way to let Windows and MacOS computers share files with the Piavahi
, a service for Bonjour / zeroconf, which is a way to let other computers see the Pi by a local name (likeapplepi.local
) without needing to know it's IP address numbers (like10.0.1.18
, or AppleTalk drivers, which let a Mac see the Pi as a shared drive in the Finder
- creates a
folder in the home directory for userpi
, which we'll use to hold our creative projects' code and assets
PiBakery will run these installation scripts on first boot, and it could take around 20 minutes. When it's done, it will shut down. If the red light is steady and the green light is not flickering (and has not lit up for a full count of 60 seconds), it's off and you can disconnect it from power.
Like any computer, you don't want to disconnect a Pi from power without properly shutting it down. You may luck out, but in our experience, doing this can sometimes corrupt the SD card, and you may need to reformat it. We'll talk about proper shutdown when we talk about remote controlling your Pi with SSH later in this workshop.
(Yes, Raspbian/Debian versions are named after Toy Story characters.)
You should have a ziploc bag with the following components:
- 1 x plastic speaker
- 1 x screw-terminal TRRS headphone jack
- 1 x red LED
- 1 x 10KΩ resistor
- 1 x mini-breadboard
- 3 black wires of different lengths (22AWG)
- 3 male-to-female jumper cables (red, white, black)
We bought a bunch of these $1.75 plastic speakers and $2.50 screw-terminal TRRS headphone jacks on Adafruit.
TRRS means tip, ring, ring, sleeve—which just means that the headphone jack has three bands on it, splitting it into four sections. One is for the left audio, one is for the right audio, and the other two are for the microphone (or composite video) and a common ground.
You're going to want to connect the positive wire from the speaker to the L
(left) terminal, and the negative wire to ground—which for the Pi is not the terminal with the ground symbol, but the unmarked third terminal.
ℹ️ Side note: We were too strapped for time to make amplifier circuits for this workshop, but you can physically amplify the speaker by making a cardstock cone around it. Even an old toilet-paper tube makes it louder!
A breadboard is used for prototyping circuits, and it has a grid of holes into which you can stick wires.
In the tiny mini-breadboards we're using, all of the holes in a row (on each side) are connected, but the two sides are not connected.
We're going to plug in a button, a resistor, and an LED, and then we're going to plug in the circuit to the GPIO pins on the Pi. Here's a schematic of what it will look like:
…and here's a Fritzing drawing.
Fritzing source file: pi-pi-pi-day.fzz
The LED has a short leg and a long leg; the short leg goes to ground, like it's leaning back. Also, note that the pushbutton is a switch that connects diagonal corners.
Don't connect the jumper cables to the Pi quite yet, because we first need to explain something important about the GPIO pins.
Here's the one part where it gets a bit confusing: pin numbers.
The physical pins have numbers just so you know which one we're talking about. They're numbered by row and column.
However the addresses for these pins—the numbers by which your code and your fellow Pi hackers refer to them—are different from the physical pin numbers. So if someone tells you to connect to GPIO pin 2 (or Broadcom pin 2, or BCM 2) …that's actually physical pin 3.
(This gets even MORE confusing if you're using a library called "WiringPi," which gives the pins a third number address, but we're not going to go there today.)
Some of the pins have double purposes: besides being general purpose, they have a special purpose as well. This is where pinout guides are handy.
Some pins (as you see above) are ground, some are power. Some are digital only, some are PWM
-capable (pulse width modulation). You'll see that BCM 2 (physical pin 3) is marked as an I2C
pin. (I2C
and SPI
are ways that you can talk to fancy sensors with fewer pins …so that you don't have to use up most of your pins.)
Connect the circuit as shown:
Black jumper wire to ground. White jumper wire to GPIO pin 2. Red jumper wire to GPIO pin 17.
We're not hooking a screen or keyboard or mouse to the Pi so how do we tell it what to do?
- SSH (Secure SHell) lets us issue text commands to it.
- Filesharing lets us move files to it and edit files on it.
- Alternately, screensharing (or VNC, Virtual Network Computing) lets us remotely connect to a graphical user interface.
You can use SSH by using the built-in Terminal app on MacOS (/Applications/Utilities/
) or PuTTY on Windows (
Terminal and PuTTY are command line interfaces. We type a command to use ssh to connect to (and log into) the Pi, and then use commands to control the Pi.
If we named our Pi computer applepi
, then to connect to it, you'd type:
ssh pi@applepi.local
For a tutorial on how to navigate the Pi and we recommend this free PDF zine on how to use the command line.
That said, here are some commands you may find handy:
= get the path of the working directory (where am I?)cd
= change directoryls -al
= list all of the files in the current directorytouch something.txt
= create an empty text file called something.txt in the current directoryraspi-config
= open a program to change system settings for the Raspberry Pi.sudo
= do as a superuser—while logged in as the userpi
, you're restricted to certain things, unless you ask for permission.sudo
will ask for your (pi
's) password to run the command.sudo shutdown -h now
= shut down the Pi now, halting all running programs
If everything was set up correctly by PiBakery, you should be able to see the Pi in the MacOS Finder (under SHARED in the sidebar, or by Go > Connect to Server (⌘+K)
and typing smb://applepi.local
) or in the Windows Explorer (under Network, or by typing smb://applepi.local
in the address bar).
You'll need to log in as a registered user with the credentials you set earlier in PiBakery: user pi
and password (whatever you set in PiBakery).
You should see the home directory, and a Projects folder inside that (which our PiBakery recipe created).
ℹ️ Let's put all of our files for this workshop inside a folder called ~/Projects/doorbell
. You can make this folder now, via SSH (with mkdir ~/Projects/doorbell
) or via filesharing.
One of the great things about filesharing is that you can now use a text editor (or IDE) on your laptop to edit and save code on the Pi itself.
The newer versions of Raspbian have a VNC server (RealVNC Connect) pre-installed. To screenshare with them, you'll need to download and install the free RealVNC Viewer on your computer.
We're using the Python programming language (which is where the Pi gets its name). If you're already familiar with programming languages like JavaScript, Python is a bit different: it has no semicolons (;
), but whitespace—particularly indentation—does matter.
We're also taking advantage of a GPIO library in Python called gpiozero
which is very well-documented with circuit diagrams and sample code for many basic circuits.
Lighting up an LED is the "hello world" of physical computing!
Create a file in the ~/Projects/doorbell
folder called
and type the following inside.
from gpiozero import LED
from time import sleep
red = LED(17)
while True:
Run it via SSH by typing python
while inside the doorbell
folder where this python file is found.
sudo python
ℹ️ To stop the python program, use the key combination Ctrl
Let's create
and test out the button. This program should write text to the screen when the button is pressed.
from gpiozero import Button
from signal import pause
def say_hello():
button = Button(2)
button.when_pressed = say_hello
. Now we're going to use functions (which begin with def
to define the function), and light up the LED while the button is pressed.
from gpiozero import Button,LED
from signal import pause
red = LED(17)
button = Button(2)
def say_hello():
def say_goodbye():
button.when_pressed = say_hello
button.when_released = say_goodbye
Can you get it to print a goodbye message when the button is released?
Copy a doorbell sound over to your Pi, to the doorbell
folder, using filesharing. If you don't have an MP3 handy to use, or don't want to record your own, we recommend looking for free doorbell sounds on...
Here's an example sound.
Connect to the Pi via SSH, if you haven't already.
Make sure the volume is turned up all the way by running alsamixer
and using the up and down arrows to change the volume (and Esc
to quit).
Plug in the speaker you wired up. Did you make an amplifying cone for it? Use that.
Now play a sound (such as doorbellA.mp3
), like so: mpg321 doorbellA.mp3
Do you hear anything??
Create the python script file
, which will build on your previous scripts.
from gpiozero import Button,LED
from signal import pause
from subprocess import call
import sys
red = LED(17)
button = Button(2)
def say_hello():
def say_goodbye():
button.when_pressed = say_hello
button.when_released = say_goodbye
from the subprocess
library will run a command line app and then waits for it to finish before it continues with the next line of code.
ℹ️ Does your LED turn on for the duration of audio file? If not, how would you rewrite the code above to make it do that?
PiBakery is your friend here for the easiest way to set up a program to run on boot.
When everything is all working in your code, shut down the Pi, eject the microSD card, put it into your computer with Pi Bakery already running, and modify the recipe.
Under the On Every Boot
block, put a block to run the python script
ℹ️ We didn't get to this activity in the workshop, but if you want to have further fun with the same circuit and some new code, have at it!
You can run a web server from a Raspberry Pi, and that server can interact with the GPIO pins on the Pi, so we can use a web page to control physical things. One of the fastest ways to do this is with websockets!
We'll build upon this tutorial to light up an LED with websockets using a Python webserver called Tornado.
sudo apt-get install python-tornado
We've adapted the code to use gpiozero
, and the two files we'll be changing are
from gpiozero import Button,LED
from subprocess import call
red = LED(17)
button = Button(2)
# def toggle_led(isOn):
# if(isOn):
# red.on()
# else:
def toggle_led(isOn):
and client.js
/*global WebSocket, $, window, console, alert, Blob, saveAs*/
"use strict";
* Function calls across the background TCP socket. Uses JSON RPC + a queue.
var client = {
queue: {},
led_on: false,
// Connects to Python through the websocket
connect: function (port) {
var self = this;
this.socket = new WebSocket("ws://" + window.location.hostname + ":" + port + "/websocket");
this.socket.onopen = function () {
this.socket.onmessage = function (messageEvent) {
var router, current, updated, jsonRpc;
jsonRpc = JSON.parse(;
router = self.queue[];
delete self.queue[];
self.result = jsonRpc.result;
// Alert on error
if (jsonRpc.error) {
// If the server returns, change the LED message. Note that this
// is unnecessary complexity, but I want to show off how to extend
// server response handling.
} else if (router === "toggle_led") {
$(".answer").html("LED is currently " + (self.led_on ?
"on" : "off") + ".");
// No other functions should exist
} else {
alert("Unsupported function: " + router);
// Generates a unique identifier for request ids
// Code from
// how-to-create-a-guid-uuid-in-javascript/2117523#2117523
uuid: function () {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
var r = Math.random()*16|0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8);
return v.toString(16);
// Sends a message to toggle the LED
toggle_led: function () {
this.led_on = !this.led_on;
var uuid = this.uuid();
this.socket.send(JSON.stringify({method: "toggle_led", id: uuid, params: {isOn: this.led_on}}));
this.queue[uuid] = "toggle_led";
and don't forget to change the index.html
, line 11:
<button class="submit" onclick="javascript:client.toggle_led()">Toggle LED</button>
Big thanks to Sandbox for hosting us!
Workshop conducted by @surfincolin & @jasonalderman on 3/14/2018.