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A Maximum Entropy Approach to Natural Language Processing

by Adam L. Berger, Vincent J. Della Pietra, Stephen A. Della Pietra


1. Introduction


  • Computers have become powerful enough to apply maximum entropy concept to real world problems in statistical estimation and pattern recognition
  • Statistical modeling addresses the problem of constructing a stochastic model to predict the behavior of a random process
  • Given a sample of output from the process, the goal is to parlay this knowledge into a representation of the process that can be used for prediction
  • Examples: baseball batting averages, stock price movements, natural language processing (e.g., speech recognition systems)


  • Significant progress in increasing the predictive capacity of statistical models of natural language
  • Tasks in statistical modeling: feature selection and model selection

Maximum Entropy Philosophy:

  • Overview given in Section 2
  • Maximum entropy models aim to capture all available information without making unnecessary assumptions
  • The key idea is to maximize the probability (entropy) of the observed data, subject to constraints that reflect prior knowledge about the system

Maximum Entropy Models:

  • Mathematical structure described in Section 3
  • Efficient algorithm for estimating the parameters of such models presented

Feature Selection and Discovery:

  • Feature selection is a task of determining a set of statistics that captures the behavior of the random process
  • Automatic method for discovering facts about a process from a sample of output is discussed in Section 4
  • Refinements are presented to make the method practical to implement


  • Bilingual sense disambiguation, word reordering, and sentence segmentation are examples of applying maximum entropy ideas to stochastic language processing tasks.

2. A Maximum Entropy Overview

Maximum Entropy Overview


  • Maximum entropy introduced through a simple example: Modeling an expert's French word choice for English term "in" (in)
  • Goal: Extract facts about decision-making process from sample and construct a model
  • First constraint: p(dans) + p(en) + p(à) + p(au cours de) + p(pendant) = 1

Modeling Approaches:

  • Uniform models assuming more than known: p(dans) = 1 or p(pendant) = 1/2, à = 1/2
  • Most intuitively appealing model: Allocates probability evenly among allowed translations (1/5 for each)

Updating Model with New Clues:

  • Expert chose either dans or en 30% of the time
  • Constraints: p(dans) + p(en) = 3/10 and p(dans) + p(a) = 1/2
  • Model with highest uniformity subject to constraints is not obvious

Maximum Entropy Principle:

  • Model all known information and assume nothing about the unknown
  • Choose model consistent with all facts, but as uniform as possible
  • Maximum entropy concept has a long history: Occam's razor, Laplace's principle, and E. T. Jaynes' pioneering work

Maximum Entropy Modeling:

  • Stochastic model for a random process producing output y from context x (in this case, translation of English word in)
  • Goal: Construct a probabilistic model that accurately represents the behavior of the random process
  • p(y|x): Conditional probability assigned by the model to y given context x.

3. Maximum Entropy Modeling

Random Process Modeling

  • Produces output value y, a member of finite set: {dans, en, il, au cours de, pendant}
  • Influenced by contextual information x, a member of finite set X
  • Task is to construct a stochastic model accurately representing random process behavior
  • Model estimates conditional probabilities: p(y|x)
  • Probability that model assigns to y given context x: p(y|x)
    • Represents entire conditional probability distribution provided by the model
  • Notation: p(y[x)] vs. specific instantiations of y and x for clarity.
  • Model is an element of the set of all conditional probability distributions, denoted as ~v.

3.1 Training Data

Training Data (Random Process)

  • Observe behavior of random process for some time, collect samples: (x1, y1), (x2, y2), ... , (xN, YN)
  • Each sample: phrase x containing words around "in", translation y produced by the process
  • Imagined as generated by a human expert who chose good translations for each random phrase

3.2 Statistics, Features and Constraints

  • Summarize training sample in terms of its empirical probability distribution p(x,y)
  • Goal: construct statistical model of the process that generated the training data
  • Current example uses independent statistics like frequency of certain translations
  • Could also consider context-dependent statistics (e.g., translation depends on conditioning information x)
  • Introduce indicator function f(x,y) for useful statistics, require model to accord with expected value of feature functions p(f) = p()

3.3 Maximum Entropy Principle

  • Given n feature functions fi representing important statistics in modeling the process
  • Objective: select model p ∈ P that agrees with these statistics (p(fi) = p(fi) for i ∈ {1,2,...,n})
  • Space of all probability distributions on three points called simplex, C is a subset of P defined by constraints
  • Linear constraints extracted from training sample cannot be inconsistent and will not determine p uniquely
  • Maximum entropy philosophy: select most uniform distribution in set C (p+) to minimize uncertainty
  • Conditional entropy H(p) = -Σp(x)p(y|x) log p(y|x) or H(Y | X), bounded from below and above by 0 and log |V| respectively.

3.4 Parametric Form The maximum entropy principle presents us with a problem in constrained optimization: find the p

Maximum Entropy Principal: Parametric Form


  • Maximize entropy H(p) subject to certain constraints C


  1. Primal problem: original optimization problem
  2. Lagrange multipliers: method for addressing general problem
  3. Lagrangian A(p,A): function defined as H(p) + Σi A_i E_x [p_k f_i] - p_l f_h)
  4. Unconstrained optimization of Lagrangian A(p,A): find p_A that achieves maximum and denote w(A) as its value
  5. Dual problem: find A* = argmax W(A), where W(A) is the dual function

3.5 Relation to Maximum Likelihood

Primal vs Dual Framework

Primal Framework:

  • Maximum Likelihood (ML)
    • Log-likelihood of empirical distribution p as predicted by a model p: Lp(p) = log [[P(Ylx) P(X'y)]/H(p(ylx))]
    • The dual function W(A) is the log-likelihood for exponential model p\n.
    • Result: Maximum entropy model in parametric form p(ylx) maximizes likelihood of training sample.

Dual Framework:

  • Maximum Entropy (ME)
    • Finding a distribution p with maximum entropy that best fits the data.
  • Dual Function W(A):
    • The negative of free energy, measuring how well an assumed distribution p matches the true one.
    • Maximizing this function leads to the solution for the ME principle.
  • Relation between Primal and Dual:
    • Result: The maximum entropy model is also the model with maximum likelihood from among all models in its parametric form.

3.6 Computing the Parameters

Computing the Parameters

  • A that maximize V(A) cannot be found analytically
  • Resort to numerical methods
  • Function V(A) is smooth and convex, allowing use of various optimization techniques: coordinate-wise ascent (Brown algorithm), gradient ascent, conjugate gradient, iterative scaling algorithm by Darroch and Ratcliff
  • Iterative Scaling Algorithm designed for maximum entropy problem
  • Applicable when feature functions are nonnegative (fA(x,y) > 0 for all i, x, y)
  • Algorithm:
    1. Initialize Ai = 0 for all i
    2. For each i in {1, 2, ..., n}: a. Update A according to equation (16), either explicitly or numerically using Newton's method b. Update hi accordingly c. Converge until all A and ~i have converged
  • Key step: computing increments AAi in step (2a)
    • If f"(x,y) is constant, given by 4Ai -- ft. log P,(fi)M / log plf
    • For non-constant functions, compute numerically using Newton's method

Feature Selection

  • Two steps in statistical modeling: finding appropriate facts about the data and incorporating them into a model
  • Previously assumed first task was performed by assuming constraints were selected appropriately
  • Principle of maximum entropy does not directly address feature selection, but critical since universe of possible constraints is large (thousands or millions)
  • Introducing method for automatically selecting features in maximum entropy models and computational refinements.

4. Feature Selection

Maximum Entropy Modeling Approach

  • Divided into two steps: finding appropriate facts about data and incorporating them into the model
  • First task assumed to be performed by assuming that certain constraints are selected
  • Principle of maximum entropy does not directly address feature selection problem
    • Critical as universe of possible constraints can be in thousands or millions

Feature Selection Method

  • Introduced method for automatically selecting features
  • Offered refinements to ease computational burden

Assumptions about Data:

  • First task assumed to be performed (selecting important facts)
  • No explicit statement on how these facts are chosen from the data

Maximum Entropy Model:

  • Principle provides a recipe for combining constraints into a model
  • Does not directly concern itself with feature selection problem

Critical Nature of Feature Selection:

  • Universe of possible constraints can be extensive (thousands or millions)
  • Important to select relevant features for accurate modeling results.

4.1 Motivation


  • Begin by specifying a large collection F of candidate features
  • Do not require relevance or usefulness of these features initially
  • Ultimately, only a small subset S (active features) will be used in the final model

Determining Active Features

  • Cannot rely on small training sample to represent the process fully
  • Aim to include as much information about the random process as possible
  • Infinite sample size: true expected value for a feature is the fraction of events with that feature = 1
  • Real-life applications: provided with only a small sample N events
  • S: set of active features, must capture information but reliably estimate expected values

Growing Decision Trees

  • Build up S by successively adding features
  • Each addition imposes another linear constraint on the space of models allowed
  • Narrows the model space C(S), hopefully improving representation
  • Alternatively, represent it as a series of nested subsets C(Si) of P

4.2 Basic Feature Selection

Basic Feature Selection Algorithm

  1. Start with empty S; initial model PS is uniform
  2. For each candidate feature f:
    • Compute the model PSUf using Algorithm 1
    • Compute the gain in log-likelihood from adding this feature: ΔL(S, f) = L(PSUf) - L(PS)
  3. Check termination condition (e.g., cross-validation on withheld sample)
  4. Select the feature f with maximal gain ΔL(S, f)
  5. Adjoin f to S, update model PS using Algorithm 1
  6. Repeat from step 2 until a stopping condition is met

4.3 Approximate Gains

Approximate Gains Algorithm

Greedy Feature Selection:

  • Replace computation of gain AL(S,f) with an approximation ΔAL(S,f)
  • This approximation assumes the optimal values for the new feature f do not change the parameters associated with existing features
  • Computing approximate gain reduces problem to a one-dimensional optimization over the single parameter θ

Notational Breakdown:

  • pS: model containing set S of features
  • pS,f: best model containing both S and the new feature f
  • Za(x): sum of probability distribution over Y given x for model pS
  • Lp(x): log-likelihood of a parameter in model p

Approximation Assumptions:

  • Optimal values of all parameters change when a new constraint is imposed
  • Approximate gain assumes the best model with S ∪ f has the same structure as pS, with only θ changing
  • Inevitably underestimates the actual gain AL(S,f)

Savings in Computational Complexity:

  • Reduces problem from n-dimensional to a one-dimensional line search over parameter θ
  • Faster than exact computation but may pass over features with higher true gains

Comparison of Optimization Problems:

  • Exact answer requires searching both A and a dimensions (Figure 3a)
  • Approximate method simplifies problem to a line search over a (Figure 3b)

5. Case Studies

Case Studies: Application of Maximum Entropy Modeling in Candide (French-to-English Machine Translation System)


  • Review of statistical translation theory
    • Bayes' theorem application
    • Components: language model, translation model, search strategy
  • Focus on French sentence generation using a generative process and alignment concept

5.1 Review of Statistical Translation

  1. General theory of statistical translation
    • Candide's task: find most probable English sentence given French sentence F
  2. Parameters for calculating p(F | E)
    • Language model: estimates p(E), probability of well-formed English sentence
    • Translation model: generates p(F | E) through understanding two steps of translation process and its association with alignment A between E and F
  3. Components of the generative process
    • Each word in E independently generates zero or more French words
    • Words are then ordered to create a French sentence F
  4. Probability p(F, A | E) calculation for basic translation model
    • Sum over all possible alignments between E and F
  5. Limitations of the basic translation model
    • Ignores English context (surrounding words) when predicting appropriate French rendering
  6. Challenges: errors in context blind model
    • Examples: incorrect translations for "dans" vs."pendant", resulting in potential errors during Candide's call upon to translate a French sentence.
  7. Description of basic translation model components
    • English word generates zero or more French words
    • Ordering of words in F determines the probability distribution over alignments between E and F
  8. Probability p(F, A | E) calculation for basic translation model equation (31)
  9. Unwieldy due to summation over all possible alignments between E and F
  10. Methods of estimating parameters: EM algorithm, maximizing likelihood of bilingual corpus, and using Hansard corpus as an example.

Basic Translation Model Parameters (Table 2): Most frequent French translations for "in"

Translation Probability
dans 0.3004
dans 0.2275
de 0.1428
en 0.1361
pour 0.0349
(OTHER) 0.0290
au cours de 0.0233
(OTHER) 0.0290
au cours de 0.0154
sur 0.0123
par 0.0101
pendant 0.0044
pendant 0.0044

Basic Translation Model Shortcomings: one major limitation - lack of context consideration. Blind to surrounding English words when predicting appropriate French rendering.

Errors Encountered with EM-based model in French-to-English translation system (Figure 5): examples of incorrect translations.

  1. Superior vs Greater or Higher:
    • System chose "superior" instead of a more suitable translation based on context
  2. He vs Il:
    • Incorrect rendering of "Il" could have been avoided if the model considered the following word "appears."

5.2 Context-Dependent Word Models

Context-Dependent Word Models

Problem Statement: The goal is to develop a context-sensitive maximum entropy model for English word translation into French, called pe(ylx).

Data Collection:

  • Training sample of English-French sentence pairs (E, F) from Hansard corpus
  • Use basic translation model to compute Viterbi alignment A between E and F
  • Construct (x, y) training event: context x containing six words around the target word "in" and its future translation y

Feature Definition:

  • Employ indicator functions of sets, considering French word y and English word e
  • Template 1 feature: size of English vocabulary (|Ve|) or French vocabulary (|V|)
  • Templates 2 to 5 consider various parts of context


  • Equality between the probability of a French translation y according to the model and its empirical probability
  • Example: p(y = dans) = p(y = dans) if e+1 is "speech" or "area"

Template 1 Model: Predicts each French translation y based on the empirical data without considering context

Template 2 Constraints: Require joint probability of English word following in and its French rendering to be equal to their empirical probability

Context-Dependent Model: Includes constraints derived from templates 2, 3, 4, and 5 for a window of six words around the target word "e0"

Automatic Feature Selection Algorithm: Selects features using iterative model-growing method to improve log-likelihood on the data

Maximum Entropy Models: Predict French translations using probabilities p(y|x) conditioned on context information.

5.3 Segmentation

Segmentation in Machine Translation


  • Ideal system could handle sentences of unrestricted length
  • Typical stochastic system requires safe segmentation for efficient processing
  • Segmenting reduces computation scale, especially for large sentences

Definition of Safe Segmentation:

  • Rift: position in French sentence without alignment to more than one English word
  • Dependent on Viterbi alignment between French and English sentences
  • Boundaries located only at rifts result in "safe" segmentation
  • Does not guarantee semantically coherent segments

Modeling Safe Segmentations:

  • Trained on English-French sentence pairs with Viterbi alignments and POS tags
  • Constructed event pair (x,y) for each position j: x = context information, y = rift or no-rift
  • Maximum entropy model assigns score p(rift|x) based on training data log-likelihood Lp
  • Iterative model-growing procedure selects constraints to increase objective function
  • Terminate when expert knowledge is extracted to avoid overfitting

Segmentation in Machine Translation System:

  • Assigns score p(rift | x) per position in French sentence
  • Dynamic programming algorithm selects optimal (or reasonable) splitting of the sentence based on scores and segment length constraints.

5.4 Word Reordering

Word Reordering in Translation from French to English:

  • Translating involves selecting appropriate English words and ordering them based on English language conventions, often different from French word order
  • Candide allows for alignments with crossing lines during preprocessing stage to capture differences in word orders between languages
  • Reordering step shuffles words in input French sentence into more English-like order
  • NOUN de NOUN phrases may require interchanging nouns for best translation: conflict of interest vs. conflit d'intérêt, interest rate vs. taux d'intérêt Maximum Entropy Model for NOUN de NOUN Phrases:
  • Data set of English-French sentence pairs with NOUN de NOUN phrases extracted from Hansard corpus
  • Use basic translation model to compute Viterbi alignment between words in English and French sentences
  • Construct training events based on pair of French nouns (NOUNL, NOUNR) and their corresponding translations
  • Define candidate features using templates 1, 2, and 3 for interchange decision sensitivity to left or both nouns
  • Use feature selection algorithm to construct maximum entropy model with 358 constraints from candidate features Performance:
  • Compared against a baseline NOUN de NOUN reordering module that never swaps word order
  • Higher accuracy rate for maximum entropy model: 80.4% vs. 70.2% on test data

Table 9: Performance Comparison |Test Data|Simple Model Accuracy|Maximum Entropy Model Accuracy| |----------------------|---------------|------------------------------| |Total|71,555|80.4%| |Not Interchanged|50,229|100%| |Interchanged|21,326|49.2%|

Figure 12: Predictions of the NOUN de NOUN interchange model on phrases from unseen corpus.

Table 12: Examples of NOUN de NOUR Phrases and Model Probabilities for Interchange:

French Phrase p(interchange) English Translation if interchange is applied
saison d'hiver 0.95 winter season or season of winter
somme d'argent 0.1 sum of money
abus de privilège 0.1 privilege abuse or misuse of privilege
chambre de commerce 0.2 commerce chamber or business chamber
taux d'inflation 0.5 inflation rate or rate of inflation