by Adam L. Berger, Vincent J. Della Pietra, Stephen A. Della Pietra
- 1. Introduction
- 2. A Maximum Entropy Overview
- 3. Maximum Entropy Modeling
- 4. Feature Selection
- 5. Case Studies
- Computers have become powerful enough to apply maximum entropy concept to real world problems in statistical estimation and pattern recognition
- Statistical modeling addresses the problem of constructing a stochastic model to predict the behavior of a random process
- Given a sample of output from the process, the goal is to parlay this knowledge into a representation of the process that can be used for prediction
- Examples: baseball batting averages, stock price movements, natural language processing (e.g., speech recognition systems)
- Significant progress in increasing the predictive capacity of statistical models of natural language
- Tasks in statistical modeling: feature selection and model selection
Maximum Entropy Philosophy:
- Overview given in Section 2
- Maximum entropy models aim to capture all available information without making unnecessary assumptions
- The key idea is to maximize the probability (entropy) of the observed data, subject to constraints that reflect prior knowledge about the system
Maximum Entropy Models:
- Mathematical structure described in Section 3
- Efficient algorithm for estimating the parameters of such models presented
Feature Selection and Discovery:
- Feature selection is a task of determining a set of statistics that captures the behavior of the random process
- Automatic method for discovering facts about a process from a sample of output is discussed in Section 4
- Refinements are presented to make the method practical to implement
- Bilingual sense disambiguation, word reordering, and sentence segmentation are examples of applying maximum entropy ideas to stochastic language processing tasks.
Maximum Entropy Overview
- Maximum entropy introduced through a simple example: Modeling an expert's French word choice for English term "in" (in)
- Goal: Extract facts about decision-making process from sample and construct a model
- First constraint: p(dans) + p(en) + p(à) + p(au cours de) + p(pendant) = 1
Modeling Approaches:
- Uniform models assuming more than known: p(dans) = 1 or p(pendant) = 1/2, à = 1/2
- Most intuitively appealing model: Allocates probability evenly among allowed translations (1/5 for each)
Updating Model with New Clues:
- Expert chose either dans or en 30% of the time
- Constraints: p(dans) + p(en) = 3/10 and p(dans) + p(a) = 1/2
- Model with highest uniformity subject to constraints is not obvious
Maximum Entropy Principle:
- Model all known information and assume nothing about the unknown
- Choose model consistent with all facts, but as uniform as possible
- Maximum entropy concept has a long history: Occam's razor, Laplace's principle, and E. T. Jaynes' pioneering work
Maximum Entropy Modeling:
- Stochastic model for a random process producing output y from context x (in this case, translation of English word in)
- Goal: Construct a probabilistic model that accurately represents the behavior of the random process
- p(y|x): Conditional probability assigned by the model to y given context x.
Random Process Modeling
- Produces output value y, a member of finite set: {dans, en, il, au cours de, pendant}
- Influenced by contextual information x, a member of finite set X
- Task is to construct a stochastic model accurately representing random process behavior
- Model estimates conditional probabilities: p(y|x)
- Probability that model assigns to y given context x: p(y|x)
- Represents entire conditional probability distribution provided by the model
- Notation: p(y[x)] vs. specific instantiations of y and x for clarity.
- Model is an element of the set of all conditional probability distributions, denoted as ~v.
Training Data (Random Process)
- Observe behavior of random process for some time, collect samples: (x1, y1), (x2, y2), ... , (xN, YN)
- Each sample: phrase x containing words around "in", translation y produced by the process
- Imagined as generated by a human expert who chose good translations for each random phrase
- Summarize training sample in terms of its empirical probability distribution p(x,y)
- Goal: construct statistical model of the process that generated the training data
- Current example uses independent statistics like frequency of certain translations
- Could also consider context-dependent statistics (e.g., translation depends on conditioning information x)
- Introduce indicator function f(x,y) for useful statistics, require model to accord with expected value of feature functions p(f) = p()
- Given n feature functions fi representing important statistics in modeling the process
- Objective: select model p ∈ P that agrees with these statistics (p(fi) = p(fi) for i ∈ {1,2,...,n})
- Space of all probability distributions on three points called simplex, C is a subset of P defined by constraints
- Linear constraints extracted from training sample cannot be inconsistent and will not determine p uniquely
- Maximum entropy philosophy: select most uniform distribution in set C (p+) to minimize uncertainty
- Conditional entropy H(p) = -Σp(x)p(y|x) log p(y|x) or H(Y | X), bounded from below and above by 0 and log |V| respectively.
3.4 Parametric Form The maximum entropy principle presents us with a problem in constrained optimization: find the p
Maximum Entropy Principal: Parametric Form
- Maximize entropy H(p) subject to certain constraints C
- Primal problem: original optimization problem
- Lagrange multipliers: method for addressing general problem
- Lagrangian A(p,A): function defined as H(p) + Σi A_i E_x [p_k f_i] - p_l f_h)
- Unconstrained optimization of Lagrangian A(p,A): find p_A that achieves maximum and denote w(A) as its value
- Dual problem: find A* = argmax W(A), where W(A) is the dual function
Primal vs Dual Framework
Primal Framework:
- Maximum Likelihood (ML)
- Log-likelihood of empirical distribution p as predicted by a model p: Lp(p) = log [[P(Ylx) P(X'y)]/H(p(ylx))]
- The dual function W(A) is the log-likelihood for exponential model p\n.
- Result: Maximum entropy model in parametric form p(ylx) maximizes likelihood of training sample.
Dual Framework:
- Maximum Entropy (ME)
- Finding a distribution p with maximum entropy that best fits the data.
- Dual Function W(A):
- The negative of free energy, measuring how well an assumed distribution p matches the true one.
- Maximizing this function leads to the solution for the ME principle.
- Relation between Primal and Dual:
- Result: The maximum entropy model is also the model with maximum likelihood from among all models in its parametric form.
Computing the Parameters
- A that maximize V(A) cannot be found analytically
- Resort to numerical methods
- Function V(A) is smooth and convex, allowing use of various optimization techniques: coordinate-wise ascent (Brown algorithm), gradient ascent, conjugate gradient, iterative scaling algorithm by Darroch and Ratcliff
- Iterative Scaling Algorithm designed for maximum entropy problem
- Applicable when feature functions are nonnegative (fA(x,y) > 0 for all i, x, y)
- Algorithm:
- Initialize Ai = 0 for all i
- For each i in {1, 2, ..., n}: a. Update A according to equation (16), either explicitly or numerically using Newton's method b. Update hi accordingly c. Converge until all A and ~i have converged
- Key step: computing increments AAi in step (2a)
- If f"(x,y) is constant, given by 4Ai -- ft. log P,(fi)M / log plf
- For non-constant functions, compute numerically using Newton's method
Feature Selection
- Two steps in statistical modeling: finding appropriate facts about the data and incorporating them into a model
- Previously assumed first task was performed by assuming constraints were selected appropriately
- Principle of maximum entropy does not directly address feature selection, but critical since universe of possible constraints is large (thousands or millions)
- Introducing method for automatically selecting features in maximum entropy models and computational refinements.
Maximum Entropy Modeling Approach
- Divided into two steps: finding appropriate facts about data and incorporating them into the model
- First task assumed to be performed by assuming that certain constraints are selected
- Principle of maximum entropy does not directly address feature selection problem
- Critical as universe of possible constraints can be in thousands or millions
Feature Selection Method
- Introduced method for automatically selecting features
- Offered refinements to ease computational burden
Assumptions about Data:
- First task assumed to be performed (selecting important facts)
- No explicit statement on how these facts are chosen from the data
Maximum Entropy Model:
- Principle provides a recipe for combining constraints into a model
- Does not directly concern itself with feature selection problem
Critical Nature of Feature Selection:
- Universe of possible constraints can be extensive (thousands or millions)
- Important to select relevant features for accurate modeling results.
- Begin by specifying a large collection F of candidate features
- Do not require relevance or usefulness of these features initially
- Ultimately, only a small subset S (active features) will be used in the final model
Determining Active Features
- Cannot rely on small training sample to represent the process fully
- Aim to include as much information about the random process as possible
- Infinite sample size: true expected value for a feature is the fraction of events with that feature = 1
- Real-life applications: provided with only a small sample N events
- S: set of active features, must capture information but reliably estimate expected values
Growing Decision Trees
- Build up S by successively adding features
- Each addition imposes another linear constraint on the space of models allowed
- Narrows the model space C(S), hopefully improving representation
- Alternatively, represent it as a series of nested subsets C(Si) of P
Basic Feature Selection Algorithm
- Start with empty S; initial model PS is uniform
- For each candidate feature f:
- Compute the model PSUf using Algorithm 1
- Compute the gain in log-likelihood from adding this feature: ΔL(S, f) = L(PSUf) - L(PS)
- Check termination condition (e.g., cross-validation on withheld sample)
- Select the feature f with maximal gain ΔL(S, f)
- Adjoin f to S, update model PS using Algorithm 1
- Repeat from step 2 until a stopping condition is met
Approximate Gains Algorithm
Greedy Feature Selection:
- Replace computation of gain AL(S,f) with an approximation ΔAL(S,f)
- This approximation assumes the optimal values for the new feature f do not change the parameters associated with existing features
- Computing approximate gain reduces problem to a one-dimensional optimization over the single parameter θ
Notational Breakdown:
- pS: model containing set S of features
- pS,f: best model containing both S and the new feature f
- Za(x): sum of probability distribution over Y given x for model pS
- Lp(x): log-likelihood of a parameter in model p
Approximation Assumptions:
- Optimal values of all parameters change when a new constraint is imposed
- Approximate gain assumes the best model with S ∪ f has the same structure as pS, with only θ changing
- Inevitably underestimates the actual gain AL(S,f)
Savings in Computational Complexity:
- Reduces problem from n-dimensional to a one-dimensional line search over parameter θ
- Faster than exact computation but may pass over features with higher true gains
Comparison of Optimization Problems:
- Exact answer requires searching both A and a dimensions (Figure 3a)
- Approximate method simplifies problem to a line search over a (Figure 3b)
Case Studies: Application of Maximum Entropy Modeling in Candide (French-to-English Machine Translation System)
- Review of statistical translation theory
- Bayes' theorem application
- Components: language model, translation model, search strategy
- Focus on French sentence generation using a generative process and alignment concept
- General theory of statistical translation
- Candide's task: find most probable English sentence given French sentence F
- Parameters for calculating p(F | E)
- Language model: estimates p(E), probability of well-formed English sentence
- Translation model: generates p(F | E) through understanding two steps of translation process and its association with alignment A between E and F
- Components of the generative process
- Each word in E independently generates zero or more French words
- Words are then ordered to create a French sentence F
- Probability p(F, A | E) calculation for basic translation model
- Sum over all possible alignments between E and F
- Limitations of the basic translation model
- Ignores English context (surrounding words) when predicting appropriate French rendering
- Challenges: errors in context blind model
- Examples: incorrect translations for "dans" vs."pendant", resulting in potential errors during Candide's call upon to translate a French sentence.
- Description of basic translation model components
- English word generates zero or more French words
- Ordering of words in F determines the probability distribution over alignments between E and F
- Probability p(F, A | E) calculation for basic translation model equation (31)
- Unwieldy due to summation over all possible alignments between E and F
- Methods of estimating parameters: EM algorithm, maximizing likelihood of bilingual corpus, and using Hansard corpus as an example.
Basic Translation Model Parameters (Table 2): Most frequent French translations for "in"
Translation | Probability |
dans | 0.3004 |
dans | 0.2275 |
de | 0.1428 |
en | 0.1361 |
pour | 0.0349 |
(OTHER) | 0.0290 |
au cours de | 0.0233 |
(OTHER) | 0.0290 |
au cours de | 0.0154 |
sur | 0.0123 |
par | 0.0101 |
pendant | 0.0044 |
pendant | 0.0044 |
Basic Translation Model Shortcomings: one major limitation - lack of context consideration. Blind to surrounding English words when predicting appropriate French rendering.
Errors Encountered with EM-based model in French-to-English translation system (Figure 5): examples of incorrect translations.
- Superior vs Greater or Higher:
- System chose "superior" instead of a more suitable translation based on context
- He vs Il:
- Incorrect rendering of "Il" could have been avoided if the model considered the following word "appears."
Context-Dependent Word Models
Problem Statement: The goal is to develop a context-sensitive maximum entropy model for English word translation into French, called pe(ylx).
Data Collection:
- Training sample of English-French sentence pairs (E, F) from Hansard corpus
- Use basic translation model to compute Viterbi alignment A between E and F
- Construct (x, y) training event: context x containing six words around the target word "in" and its future translation y
Feature Definition:
- Employ indicator functions of sets, considering French word y and English word e
- Template 1 feature: size of English vocabulary (|Ve|) or French vocabulary (|V|)
- Templates 2 to 5 consider various parts of context
- Equality between the probability of a French translation y according to the model and its empirical probability
- Example: p(y = dans) = p(y = dans) if e+1 is "speech" or "area"
Template 1 Model: Predicts each French translation y based on the empirical data without considering context
Template 2 Constraints: Require joint probability of English word following in and its French rendering to be equal to their empirical probability
Context-Dependent Model: Includes constraints derived from templates 2, 3, 4, and 5 for a window of six words around the target word "e0"
Automatic Feature Selection Algorithm: Selects features using iterative model-growing method to improve log-likelihood on the data
Maximum Entropy Models: Predict French translations using probabilities p(y|x) conditioned on context information.
Segmentation in Machine Translation
- Ideal system could handle sentences of unrestricted length
- Typical stochastic system requires safe segmentation for efficient processing
- Segmenting reduces computation scale, especially for large sentences
Definition of Safe Segmentation:
- Rift: position in French sentence without alignment to more than one English word
- Dependent on Viterbi alignment between French and English sentences
- Boundaries located only at rifts result in "safe" segmentation
- Does not guarantee semantically coherent segments
Modeling Safe Segmentations:
- Trained on English-French sentence pairs with Viterbi alignments and POS tags
- Constructed event pair (x,y) for each position j: x = context information, y = rift or no-rift
- Maximum entropy model assigns score p(rift|x) based on training data log-likelihood Lp
- Iterative model-growing procedure selects constraints to increase objective function
- Terminate when expert knowledge is extracted to avoid overfitting
Segmentation in Machine Translation System:
- Assigns score p(rift | x) per position in French sentence
- Dynamic programming algorithm selects optimal (or reasonable) splitting of the sentence based on scores and segment length constraints.
Word Reordering in Translation from French to English:
- Translating involves selecting appropriate English words and ordering them based on English language conventions, often different from French word order
- Candide allows for alignments with crossing lines during preprocessing stage to capture differences in word orders between languages
- Reordering step shuffles words in input French sentence into more English-like order
- NOUN de NOUN phrases may require interchanging nouns for best translation: conflict of interest vs. conflit d'intérêt, interest rate vs. taux d'intérêt Maximum Entropy Model for NOUN de NOUN Phrases:
- Data set of English-French sentence pairs with NOUN de NOUN phrases extracted from Hansard corpus
- Use basic translation model to compute Viterbi alignment between words in English and French sentences
- Construct training events based on pair of French nouns (NOUNL, NOUNR) and their corresponding translations
- Define candidate features using templates 1, 2, and 3 for interchange decision sensitivity to left or both nouns
- Use feature selection algorithm to construct maximum entropy model with 358 constraints from candidate features Performance:
- Compared against a baseline NOUN de NOUN reordering module that never swaps word order
- Higher accuracy rate for maximum entropy model: 80.4% vs. 70.2% on test data
Table 9: Performance Comparison |Test Data|Simple Model Accuracy|Maximum Entropy Model Accuracy| |----------------------|---------------|------------------------------| |Total|71,555|80.4%| |Not Interchanged|50,229|100%| |Interchanged|21,326|49.2%|
Figure 12: Predictions of the NOUN de NOUN interchange model on phrases from unseen corpus.
Table 12: Examples of NOUN de NOUR Phrases and Model Probabilities for Interchange:
French Phrase | p(interchange) | English Translation if interchange is applied |
saison d'hiver | 0.95 | winter season or season of winter |
somme d'argent | 0.1 | sum of money |
abus de privilège | 0.1 | privilege abuse or misuse of privilege |
chambre de commerce | 0.2 | commerce chamber or business chamber |
taux d'inflation | 0.5 | inflation rate or rate of inflation |