An engine to help make cellular automata creation easy.
Lua 5
LÖVE 11.2 -
Engine Controls
ctrl: Toggle showing extra data
spacebar or p: Toggle pause
right or d: Step forward, update
s: Open save file prompt
1. Enter filename
2. Press enter to save, escape to quit
3. Save filename = save_directory(set in conf.lua) .. filename entered
drop file on window: load file
Create a game file(use game_template.lua as template)
In engine.lua set import_filename = game_filename
Override any of the following values in game file
Use basic functionality from game_helper.lua by adding require "game_helper" at top of the game file
Setting defaults
Engine.cell_size = 25
Engine.states = {}
function Engine:mousepressed(normalized_x, normalized_y, button) end
function Engine:mousereleased(normalized_x, normalized_y, button) end
function Engine:keypressed(key) end
function Engine:keyreleased(key) end
-- In conf.lua
update_delay: Delay in seconds between updates, false = No delay
Engine.save_directory: Directory to save files to by default
-- In game file
Engine.cell_size: Side length of cell
All cell states are stored as tables in Engine.states.
Create state as so
Engine.states[id] = {name="", color={255, 255, 255}, func=state_function}
Default state id = 1
State settings
name='': Name of state
color={255, 255, 255}: Color of state
func=stay same state: Function to call on each cell of state, returns new state
Can add state functionality or UI functionality.
Below is a list of all engine variables & functions to interact with, past that is function templates
Engine.cells = {{number}} -- Table of columns of cell states
Engine.update_delay = seconds -- Delay inbetween updates
paused = bool -- If game is paused
player_pause = bool -- If player command triggered pause, refocusing game wont trigger change
show_data = bool -- Whether or not to show cell data
save_prompt = bool -- Whether save prompt is showing or not
get_text_intput = bool -- Whether or not to enable text input controls
input_buffer = "" -- For logging text input when get_text_intput is true
last_time = love.timer.getTime() -- Last update time(seconds)
Engine:create_cells() -- Create new, empty cell matrix
Engine:update_states() -- Update all cell states on matrix
Engine:get_color(state) -- Get color associated with specific state
Engine:show_data() -- Shows various game data in top
Engine:normalize_coords(x, y) -- Converts screen pos coords to cell matrix indices
Engine:load_file(filename) -- Load old cell matrix
Engine:save_file(filename) -- Save current cell matrix
Engine:start_save_prompt() -- Starts prompt for entering save name, then saves if can
Set a state function in its table with func=state_function
function state_function(x, y, cell_matrix)
-- Update command for all cells of state
-- @param {number} x X coord of cell
-- @param {number} y Y coord of cell
-- @param {table{table{number}}} cell_matrix 2d matrix of cell states
-- @returns {number} New cell state
return new_state_id
On Mouse Click
function Engine:mousepressed(normalized_x, normalized_y, button)
-- Action to take on click
-- @param {number} normalized_x Normalized x pos of mouse
-- @param {number} normalized_y Normalized y pos of mouse
-- @param {left=1, right=2, middle=3} button Mouse button pressed
return nil
On Mouse Unclick
function Engine:mousereleased(normalized_x, normalized_y, button)
-- Action to take on unclick
-- @param {number} normalized_x Normalized x pos of mouse
-- @param {number} normalized_y Normalized y pos of mouse
-- @param {left=1, right=2, middle=3} button Mouse button released
return nil
On Keypress
function Engine:keypress(key)
-- On key press take action
-- @param {love keyconstant} key Keyboard key pressed
return nil
On Keyrelease
function Engine:keyreleased(key)
-- On key release take action
-- @param {love keyconstant} key Keyboard key released
return nil