Base project using Ash and Phoenix, with authentication, authorization, email sending, security for apis, error tracking and more.
- Github actions setup for all checks and deployment to
- Formatters configured
- Authentication and authorization samples
- Protected admin
- Simple User roles
- Automatic version update, tag and release creation.
- Dependabot and Renovate setup for all dependencies (pick 1)
- Honeybadger and Sentry and in project error tracking
mix deps.get
mix ash.setup
pre-commit run --all-files
mix phx.server
- Home: http://localhost:4000
- Sign in: http://localhost:4000/sign-in
- After registering or requesting the magic link, you will see in the terminal the link to login.
- Admin: http://localhost:4000/admin
- You have to update the user you registered to have the role
in the database.
- You have to update the user you registered to have the role
- Swagger: http://localhost:4000/swagger
- Dialyzer
- Sobelow
- mix format
- credo
- mix tests, with bash script to only run tests related to modifications we have done
Other features:
- Oban for background jobs, and ObanLiveDashboard for monitoring.
- Error tracking / reporting using Tower.
- Email sending with Swoosh.
- Auth using AshAuthentication.
- Security for APIs with OpenApiSpex and Plug.Cors.
- Error reporting with TowerErrorTracker.
- Testing with ExUnit, Mneme, Mox, and Smokestack.
- Code quality with Credo, Styler.
- Security scanning with Sobelow, Hammer and MixAudit.