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ACM ICN 2020 Information-Centric Economic, Societal and Governance Workshop |
ICE-SoGo 2020 |
Workshops |
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The organizing committee invites you to contribute to the Information-Centric Economic, Societal and Governance Workshop (ICE-SoGo), held in conjunction with the ACM ICN'2020 Conference. The workshop strives to offer a forum for discussion of all aspects related to the economic, societal and governance implications of deploying Information Centric concepts within the Internet.
The emergence and deployment of information-centricity on an Internet scale will have a dramatic impact on various economic, societal and governance aspects of Internet operations. It will change how networks interconnect, how traffic is managed and charged, as well as how regulators approach governance matters. Wider concerns related to things like data ownership, user privacy and law enforcement may also emerge. The precise implications are difficult to predict, particularly as any deployments will involve multiple stakeholders with potentially divergent or even competing interests. A lack of foresight on these matters may severely hamper the success of any future efforts.
The aim of ICE-SoGo is to foster discussions regarding economic, social and governance factors involved in deploying, operating and regulating information-centricity within the Internet. The workshop encourages a broad interpretation of "information-centricity", and would welcome research related to Information Centric Networks (ICNs), Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), Cloud Storage, and even the Web more generally. We refer to these collectively as Information-Centric Systems.
Submissions could, for example, cover how information-centricity may impact the concept of transit pricing; how it may trigger the emergence of new business models and stakeholders; the implications for law formulational and enforcement activities (e.g. GDPR); and how these paradigms could disrupt existing practices. Due to the nature of the topic, we would particularly welcome cross-disciplinary investigations.
We invite the submission of papers up to six pages in length (ACM SIGCOMM format), describing original research with both theoretical and applied contributions. We also welcome position papers that explore the area more conceptually. Note that we also welcome shorter paper submissions (below 6 pages) where appropriate and well justified.
Topics of interest include:
- Economic factors impacting Information Centric System deployment, operation and management;
- Regulation of Information Centric Systems;
- Law enforcement activities within Information Centric Systems (e.g., blocking of illegal content);
- Content moderation in Information Centric Systems;
- Trust management and data access control in Information Centric Systems;
- Economic fairness in Information Centric Systems;
- New economic models for Information Centric Systems;
- Resource, transit and information pricing;
- Deployment incentives for Information Centric Systems;
- Incentive-aware design of Information Centric Systems;
- Economic Models for an Internet of Open Content Replication;
- User Perspectives on Liability and Trust in an Internet of Secured Content Objects;
- Applications and Operations of Sessionless Open Content Distribution;
- Data Ownership, Access Rights, and Rights Management in Emerging Data-centric Domains (e.g., IoT).
- Open Content Distribution Infrastructure versus Internet Consolidation.
[Contact workshop co-chairs](mailto:{% for i in page.committees %}{% if i.role == "Workshop Co-Chairs" %}{% assign needComma=0 %}{% for p in i.people %}{% if and != "" %}{% if needComma==1 %},{% endif %}{% assign needComma=1 %}{{ }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}?subject=[{{ page.short }}]){: data-role="button" class="button" }.
Submissions must be original, unpublished work, and not under consideration at another conference or journal.
Submitted papers must be at most six (6) pages long, including all figures, tables, references, and appendices in two-column ACM conference format (10pt font, sigconf
option for acmart
Papers must include authors names and affiliations for single-blind peer reviewing by the PC.
Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at the workshop.
Link for the submissions will be posted soon. Please submit your paper via
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The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to TWO WEEKS prior to the first day of your conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.
Due to uncertainty about international travel in the Fall of 2020, the Conference will offer a remote attendance/presentation opportunity. Details are still being worked out, but further information will be made available as soon as possible.
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