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File metadata and controls

146 lines (109 loc) · 4.43 KB


Cucumber is BDD framework which works for iOS, Android and more. For Android, we are going to use cucumber-jvm, java port of cucumber.

BDD's behavior text is written in a business-readable domain-specific language. It aims to communicate better between non-tech to tech over Software trueness and quality.
The readable behavior also serves as documentation.

As of 1/27/2015, there are not good cucumber support on Android Studio.
It would be a little bit of pain that you need to manually translate behavior into step definition annotation. Hopefully, Gherkin plugin (Cucumber plugin) ( is fixed soon to work with Android Studio 1.0.2. If Gherkin plugin starts to work with Android Studio, it should make BDD more fun.

###UPDATE (12/08/2015): Gherkin plugin is working with Android Studio 2.0. Manual translation is still required but .feature file has pretty syntax highlighting and any invalid cucumber syntax will be flagged with an error.

Install Plugin: Android Studio > Preferences > Plugins > Search "Gherkin" > Install & Restart Android Studio


  1. Create custom instrumentation runner

    public class Instrumentation extends MonitoringInstrumentation {
      private final CucumberInstrumentationCore mInstrumentationCore = new CucumberInstrumentationCore(this);
      public void onCreate(Bundle arguments) {
      public void onStart() {
  2. Application ID / Runner setup in app/build.gradle

    testApplicationId "com.emmasuzuki.cucumberespressodemo.test"
    testInstrumentationRunner "com.emmasuzuki.cucumberespressodemo.test.Instrumentation"
  3. Set assets directory for feature files in app/build.gradle

    sourceSets {
        androidTest {
            assets.srcDirs = ['src/androidTest/assets']
  4. Add dependencies

    androidTestCompile ''
    androidTestCompile ''
    androidTestCompile 'info.cukes:cucumber-android:1.2.0@jar'
    androidTestCompile 'info.cukes:cucumber-picocontainer:1.2.0'

##Write behavior

Feature: Login
Perform login on email and password are inputted

  Scenario Outline: Input email and password in correct format
    Given I have a LoginActivity
    When I input email <email>
    And I input password "<password>"
    And I press submit button
    Then I should <see> auth error

    | email              | password   | see   |
    | | bananacake | true  |
    | | lemoncake  | false |     <-- valid email and password
    |    | lemoncake  | true  |

##Write step definition

"Given I have a LoginActivity" in behavior translates to
@Given("^I have a LoginActivity")
public void I_have_a_LoginActivity(){}
in step definition
"Then I should see error on the <view>" in behavior translates to
@Then("^I should see error on the (\\S+)$")
public void I_should_see_error_on_the_editTextView(final String viewName) {}

##Write Espresso test in step definition

@When("^I input email (\\S+)$")
public void I_input_email(final String email) {
@Then("^I should (true|false) auth error$")
public void I_should_see_auth_error(boolean shouldSeeError) {
    if (shouldSeeError) {
    } else {

##Run On command line, run with $./gradlew connectedCheck

On Android Studio, take the following steps:

  1. Run > Edit Configurations
  2. Click "+" on left pane
  3. Select Android Tests
  4. Put any name at Name:
  5. Select "app" for module
  6. Add the created custom runner for specific instrumentation runner
  7. Hit Apply
  8. Choose the craeted Run configuration
  9. Click Run

##Write code to make the behavior pass

Write code and run test again. Observe the tests pass.

##Any Questions ? Please feel free to contact me at