A bookmark is a combination of an Outline and one of either an Action or Destination. A Bookmark in a PDF document is a link list type data structure, adding links to pages, external sources or scripts.
let doc = new npdf.Document()
doc.load('/path/to/file', e => {
if (e) {/*handle error*/}
else {
let outline: IOutline = doc.getOutlines(true, 'Test') as any
let dest = new npdf.Destination(doc.getPage(0), NPDFDestinationFit.Fit)
let first = outline.createChild('First', dest);
let sec = new npdf.Destination(doc.getPage(1), NPDFDestinationFit.Fit)
first.createNext('Second', sec)
doc.write((err, data) => {
if (err) {/*handle error*/}
else {
let inn = new npdf.Document()
inn.load(data, e => {
let outlines: IOutline = inn.getOutlines() as any
// walk bookmark chain with Outline next, fist, last, prev.