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Model-runner API


Model-runner takes a JSON input file whose structure is described by the RequestInput type in api/src/index.ts (or alternatively, the RequestInput JSON schema in api/schema/input.json). See those files for comments about the each field. This section gives a high-level overview of the inputs.

The RequestInput object contains callbackURL and id fields which allow it to notify the website when simulation runs start and end. The remainder of the input data is contained within the nested configuration object.


Some models such as CovidSim require you to provide some information about recorded cases in the region, in order to calibrate the model. Model-runner takes this information in the form of three fields: calibrationDate, calibrationCaseCount, and calibrationDeathCount. The website provides this information automatically, based on recorded case data downloaded daily from data sources like, and the John Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering.

Reproduction Number (R0)

The virus's reproduction number (R0) can be specified explicitly or left unspecified. If it is left unspecified, each model will use its own default value of R0.


Policy interventions are specified as a series of intervention periods, each with a certain set of interventions that are in place. For example, case isolation and social distancing may be instituted first, followed by school closure a week later, followed by a relaxation of all guidelines after several months.

Each of these intervention periods is specified by a startDate, a set of interventions (socialDistancing, caseIsolation, voluntaryHomeQuarantine, and schoolClosure), and an estimate of the overall effect of these interventions (reductionPopulationContact). This overall estimate is needed because some models do not simulate the effects of individual interventions.

The strictness of each intervention is specified roughly, as one of mild, moderate, or aggressive. Each model connector is responsible for interpreting this distinction in a way that works for the particular model.

Note - In order to specify that all interventions end on a certain date, there should be a final intervention period that starts on that date, has no interventions specified, and has reductionPopulationContact set to zero.


When a simulation completes, Model-runner creates a JSON file whose structure is described by the ModelOutput type in api/src/model-output.ts (or the ModelOutput JSON schema in api/schema/output.json).


Models may differ in how long of a time period they simulate, and how fine-grained their metrics are. The output JSON contains fields that indicate the times that each predicted metric corresponds to. The t0 field indicates the start date for the simulation, and the timestamps field indicates the dates that each metrics timeseries refers to. Each value in timestamps is a number of days since t0.


The output contains a number of time series which represent predicted metrics about the epidemic. Three kinds of metrics are reported:

  • Current values - These metrics (e.g. Mild, Critical) represent the current number of patients in a given condition, on a particular date. For example, the Critical value at a given timestamp represents the number of patients in critical condition on that day.
  • Cumulative values - These metrics (e.g. cumMild, cumCritical) represent the total number of people who have been afflicted with a given condition since the beginning of the epidemic. For example, the cumCritical value at a given timestamp represents the total number of people who had been in critical condition due to the virus any time leading up to that day.
  • Incidence values - The incDeath metric represents the number of patients who died of the virus on a given day.