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3. Consent Document Tutorial
First you have to create your consent document model using Research Package classes.
As a first step you have to create the sections which your Consent Document will contain. Research Package provides 8 pre defined section (RPConsentSectionType) type with corresponding images and animation and a "Custom" option to build you own:
- Overview,
- DataGathering,
- Privacy,
- DataUse,
- TimeCommitment,
- StudyTasks,
- StudySurvey,
- Withdrawing,
- Custom
To create a section just instantiate RPConsentSection with a type and then specify the summary (short text under the title) and the content which can be accessed after tapping on the "Learn more" button). The content
attribute is very important because at the end the user has to agree to all sections content
RPConsentSection overviewSection = RPConsentSection(RPConsentSectionType.Overview)
..summary = "Welcome to this survey"
..content = "Overview dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.";
RPConsentSection dataGatheringSection = RPConsentSection(RPConsentSectionType.DataGathering)
..summary = "This is a summary for Data Gathering."
..content = "Data Gathering dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.";
A consent document in Research Package is represented by RPConsentDocument. Create one by specifying the Title and the previously created sections.
RPConsentDocument myConsentDocument = RPConsentDocument("Title", [overviewSection, dataGatheringSection]);
An important part of obtaining the consent document is collecting signatures. Research Package comes with a built-in support for that.
First, you have to specify the signature you want to collect by creating a RPConsentSignature object with a unique id. The default one collects the user's full name and an image of their signature.
As the next step you have to add this previously created signature to your consent document.
RPConsentSignature mySignature = RPConsentSignature("uniqueSignatureID");
As stated in About Research Package page, Research Package uses Task as its core organizational unit. An RPOrderedTask is a sequence of steps where the sequence can not be changed.
To create a Consent Task you need two steps:
- RPVisualConsentStep, which is responsible to guide the user through the different content sections in the Consent Document
- RPReviewConsentStep, which is responsible to present the whole Consent Document to the user for review and then collect the signature.
Create these two steps! Both of them need a Consent Document object which they will be connected to.
RPVisualConsentStep consentVisualStep = RPVisualConsentStep("visualStepID", myConsentDocument);
RPConsentReviewStep consentReviewStep = RPConsentReviewStep("consentReviewstepID", myConsentDocument)
..reasonForConsent = "Consent to join study"
..text = "Review Consent"
..title = "Consent Review Step Title";
Optionally, you can also add a Completion Step where you can thank the user for joining the study or communicate some other information. To do so, you have to create an RPCompletionStep.
RPCompletionStep completionStep = RPCompletionStep("completionStepID")
..title = "Thank You!"
..text = "We saved your consent document";
Now that you have all the needed steps, you can create the Task for obtaining the consent. To do so you have to create an RPOrderedTask with a unique string identifier and the list of previously created steps.
RPOrderedTask consentTask = RPOrderedTask("consentTaskID", [consentVisualStep, consentReviewStep, completionStep]);
The next step is to present the Consent Task. To achieve this you have to use the UI library of Research Package.
The RPUIOrderedTask class will automatically present the task based on the Step objects in the Task object. It also gives you the possibility to gather the results which is the signature in this case.
This widget returns a full screen Scaffold widget so the recommended usage is to create a route which returns an RPUIOrderedTask and then navigate to this route. The minimum example is the following:
class SurveyTaskRoute extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return RPUIOrderedTask(
task: consentTask,
onSubmit: () {} // Collecting results, see next section
Gathering the results from a task is made possible by passing a callback function to the RPUIOrderedTask widget's onSubmit input parameter. The onSubmit event is triggered when the user has finished with the last step in the the list of steps passed to the Task object.
You should create a function which needs an input parameter with RPTaskResult type. A minimum example is the following:
void resultCallback(RPTaskResult result) {
// Do whatever you want with the result
// In this case we are just printing the result's keys
After creating the function you just have to pass it to the Task widget when creating. This changes the build function of our example above to the following:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return RPUIOrderedTask(
task: task,
onSubmit: resultCallback,