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350 lines (314 loc) · 11.1 KB


  1. testing-status
  2. make-assertion
  3. is-assertion
  4. helpers
  5. assert
  6. high-level-assertions
  7. test-runner-exceptions
  8. working-test-runner


68 tests passed out of 68

100% of tests are passing


lowest-level building-block for constructing assertions. This makes assertion creation a bit easier by defaulting fixtures and store to empty maps. This document will explain those later.

make-assertion foo { } { }[&name=foo &f=<closure 0xc0003aba40> &pred=<closure 0xc0003abb00> &store=[&] &fixtures=[&]]
make-assertion foo { } { } &fixtures=[&foo=bar][&name=foo &f=<closure 0xc000263c80> &pred=<closure 0xc000263d40> &store=[&] &fixtures=[&foo=bar]]
make-assertion foo { } { } &store=[&frob=nitz][&name=foo &f=<closure 0xc000f7db00> &pred=<closure 0xc000f7dbc0> &store=[&frob=nitz] &fixtures=[&]]
make-assertion foo { } { } &fixtures=[&foo=bar] &store=[&frob=nitz][&name=foo &f=<closure 0xc000138900> &pred=<closure 0xc0001389c0> &store=[&frob=nitz] &fixtures=[&foo=bar]]


is-assertion is a predicate for assertions.

make-assertion foo { put foo } { } | is-assertion (one)$true

is-assertion only cares about the presence of f key

make-assertion foo { } { } | dissoc (one) fixtures | dissoc (one) store | is-assertion (one)$true

All other assertions satisfy the predicate

assert foo { put $true } | is-assertion (one)
assert-all | is-assertion (one)
assert-any | is-assertion (one)
assert-one foo | is-assertion (one)
assert-each foo bar | is-assertion (one)
assert-count 3 | is-assertion (one)
assert-error | is-assertion (one)
assert-something | is-assertion (one)
assert-nothing | is-assertion (one)
assert-list | is-assertion (one)
assert-map | is-assertion (one)
assert-coll | is-assertion (one)
assert-fn | is-assertion (one)
assert-num | is-assertion (one)
assert-string | is-assertion (one)
assert-nil | is-assertion (one)


These functions are useful if you are writing a low-level assertion like assert. Your test function can be one of four forms, and call-test will dispatch based on argument-reflection.

The following tests demonstrate that type of dispatch.

call-test {|| put something}
call-test {|store| put $store[x]} &store=[&x=something]
call-test {|fixtures| put $fixtures[x]} &fixtures=[&x=something]
▶ something
call-test {|fixtures store| put $fixtures[x]; put $store[x]} &fixtures=[&x=some] &store=[&x=thing]
▶ some
▶ thing

call-test expects fixtures before store. This test errors because the input args are swapped.

call-test {|store fixtures| put $fixtures[a]; put $store[b]} &fixtures=[&a=a] &store=[&b=b][&reason=<unknown no such key: a> &stack-trace=<...>]

call-predicate accepts two forms.

call-predicate {|@reality| eq $@reality foo} foo
   call-predicate {|@reality &fixtures=[&] &store=[&]|
     == ($reality[0] $fixtures[x] $store[x]) -1
   } $compare~ &fixtures=[&x=1] &store=[&x=2]

Any other form will error

call-predicate {|@reality &store=[&]| eq $@reality foo} foo
▶ [&reason=<unknown unsupported option: fixtures> &stack-trace=<...>]
call-predicate {|@reality &fixtures=[&]| eq $@reality foo} foo
▶ [&reason=<unknown unsupported option: store> &stack-trace=<...>]


assertions return the boolean result, the expected value, the values emmited from the test, the test body, any messages produced by the assertion, and the store (more on that later)

(assert foo {|@x| eq $@x foo})[f] { put foo }[&test='put foo' &expect=foo &bool=$true &store=[&] &messages=[] &reality=[foo]]

The expected value can be the exact value you want, or it can be a description of what you are testing for

(assert string-with-foo {|@x| str:contains $@x foo})[f] { put '--foo--' } | put (all)[expect]
▶ string-with-foo

if your predicate takes a store, then the predicate must emit the store first

assoc $store foo bar; put foo
▶ [&foo=bar]
▶ foo
test [mytest [subheader {|store| put foo} ]][&reason=[&content='no assertion before {|store| put foo}' &type=fail] &stack-trace=<...>]

The store must be returned as a map

test [mytest [subheader (assert-one bar) {|store| put foo; put bar} ]][&reason=[&content='test  put foo; put bar took store but did not emit store as a map.  response[0]=foo' &type=fail] &stack-trace=<...>]


general use-cases for each assertion

(assert-one foo)[f] { put foo } | put (one)[bool]
(assert-each foo bar)[f] { put foo; put bar } | put (one)[bool]
(assert-count 3)[f] { put a b c } | put (one)[bool]
(assert-error)[f] { fail foobar } | put (one)[bool]
(assert-ok)[f] { put foobar } | put (one)[bool]
(assert-something)[f] { put foo; put bar; put [foo bar] } | put (one)[bool]
(assert-nothing)[f] { } | put (one)[bool]
(assert-list)[f] { put [a b c] } | put (one)[bool]
(assert-map)[f] { put [&foo=bar] } | put (one)[bool]
(assert-fn)[f] { put { } } | put (one)[bool]
(assert-string)[f] { put foo } | put (one)[bool]
(assert-nil)[f] { put $nil } | put (one)[bool]

assert-all/assert-any are high-level assertions which take other assertions.

(assert-all (assert-each a b c) (assert-count 3))[f] { put a b c } | put (one)[bool]
(assert-any (assert-each a b c) (assert-count 4))[f] { put a b c } | put (one)[bool]

assert-coll works on lists and maps

(assert-coll)[f] { put [a b c] } | put (one)[bool]
(assert-coll)[f] { put [&foo=bar] } | put (one)[bool]

assert-num works on nums & inexact-nums. It could expand to more types if elvish adds more in the future.

(assert-num)[f] { num 1 } | put (one)[bool]
(assert-num)[f] { inexact-num 1 } | put (one)[bool]

assert-ok does not exist (yet), but you can get it with this. In this example { put foo } is the function we are testing for success. We do not care about the return value - only that the function works without error

(assert-one $ok)[f] { var @_ = (var err = ?({ put foo })); put $err } | put (one)[bool]$true
(assert-ok)[f] { fail foobar } | put (one)[bool]$false

Simply returning something is not enough for assert-something. A bunch of $nil values will fail, for instance

(assert-something)[f] { put $nil; put $nil; put $nil } | put (one)[bool]$false


The test runner emits information suitable for debugging and documentation. Start by giving it nothing.

test $nil[&reason=[&content='tests must be a list' &type=fail] &stack-trace=<...>]

It should have told you it expects a list. Give it a list.

test [][&reason=[&content='missing header' &type=fail] &stack-trace=<...>]

Now it is complaining about a missing header. Give it a header.

test [mytests]
▶ break
▶ mytests
▶ []

Our first victory! But we have no tests yet. A test is a function preceded by an assertion. They are grouped in sub-lists. First, test all the ways we can get that wrong.

$nil is not a list

test [mytests $nil][&reason=[&content='expected list or string, got nil' &type=fail] &stack-trace=<...>]

This is missing a subheader

test [mytests []][&reason=[&content='missing subheader' &type=fail] &stack-trace=<...>]

This is missing an assertion

test [mytests ['bad test' { }]][&reason=[&content='no assertion before { }' &type=fail] &stack-trace=<...>]


an arbitrary number of tests can follow an assertion, and text can be added to describe the tests

   test [mytests
       'All of the assertions the string "foo" satisfies'
       { put foo }
       { put foo}
       'Really, text can be added anywhere'
       (assert-one foo)
       { put foo }]]
▶ break
▶ mytests
▶ break
▶ foo-tests
▶ All of the assertions the string "foo" satisfies
▶ [&test='put foo' &expect=string &bool=$true &store=[&] &subheader=foo-tests &messages=[] &reality=[foo]][&test='put foo' &expect=something &bool=$true &store=[&] &subheader=foo-tests &messages=[] &reality=[foo]]
▶ Really, text can be added anywhere
▶ [&test='put foo' &expect=foo &bool=$true &store=[&] &subheader=foo-tests &messages=[] &reality=[foo]][foo-tests]

Assertions which compose other assertions and predicates are planned.

Fixtures can be supplied to tests. They must be maps set in the assertion.

   test [mytests
       (assert-one bar &fixtures=[&foo=bar])
       {|fixtures| put $fixtures[foo]}]]
▶ break
▶ mytests
▶ break
▶ fixture-test
▶ [&test='put $fixtures[foo]' &expect=bar &bool=$true &store=[&] &subheader=fixture-test &messages=[] &reality=[bar]][fixture-test]

Stores can be supplied to tests, too. These must be maps, too. Stores persist changes from test to test and are reset with every assertion.

   test [mytests
       (assert whaky-test {|@results &fixtures=[&] &store=[&]|
         if (eq $store[x] foo) {
           eq $store[y] bar
         } elif (eq $store[x] bar) {
           eq $store[y] foo
       {|store| assoc $store x foo | assoc (one) y bar }
         if (eq $store[x] foo) {
           assoc $store x bar | assoc (one) y foo
         } else {
           put [&]
▶ break
▶ mytests
▶ break
▶ store-test
▶ [&test='assoc $store x foo | assoc (one) y bar' &expect=whaky-test &bool=$true &store=[&x=foo &y=bar] &subheader=store-test &messages=[] &reality=[[&x=foo &y=bar]]][&test="\n              if (eq $store[x] foo) {\n                assoc $store x bar | assoc (one) y foo\n              } else {\n                put [&]\n              }\n" &expect=whaky-test &bool=$true &store=[&x=bar &y=foo] &subheader=store-test &messages=[] &reality=[[&x=bar &y=foo]]][store-test]

A store can be initialized from an assertion also.

   test [mytests
       (assert-one bar &store=[&foo=bar])
       {|store| put $store; put $store[foo]}]]
▶ break
▶ mytests
▶ break
▶ store-test
▶ [&test='put $store; put $store[foo]' &expect=bar &bool=$true &store=[&foo=bar] &subheader=store-test &messages=[] &reality=[[&foo=bar] bar]][store-test]

However, when taking a store, the store must be the first element returned, even if no changes are made

   test [mytests
       (assert-one bar &store=[&foo=bar])
       {|store| put $store[foo]}]][&reason=[&content='test  put $store[foo] took store but did not emit store as a map.  response[0]=bar' &type=fail] &stack-trace=<...>]