Releases: crowbarmaster/BedrockManagementService
Minecraft Bedrock Service
Beta version 2.56 presents a handful of fixes with the service, and many graphical issues fixed with the client.
-Service updates:
*TopShelf commands will no longer load service configurations for fast and tidy command processing.
*Watchdog was found unable to kill rouge server instances on service startup, bug has been fixed.
*Watchdog is now given more wait time after server startup. Tests performed on slower hardware shows
server startup took longer than 15 seconds, causing the watchdog to kill a premature server.
*More configuration to provide graceful service execution and exit.
-Client updates:
*Many windows are now named properly.
*Forms set to specific minimum sizes to prevent aspect ratio changes from clipping created forms.
*Icon added.
-Client and Service core files are now packaged into the exe for single file capabilities.
*** The PDB files are not needed to run, these are included for debugging purposes only. ***
Minecraft Bedrock Service
Version 2.5.5 Beta presents an enhanced feature: Downtime-free backups! As well as many bug fixes and minor improvements!
Minecraft Bedrock Service
Beta 2.53 release with lots of various bug fixes! Thanks to tiamat2012 for your help debugging!
Minecraft Bedrock Service
Major update finally here! Totally refactored service layer. Starts faster and a lot of bugs fixed, however is marked as a beta due to several new minor issues that arose and still may be present. Updated player manager to have the server reload configs so a reboot won't be needed. Client now has a config menu to edit hosts and preset NBT Studio path. Many other fixes and minor features for a more detailed log. Please feel free to start a discussion about your thoughts, or open an issue for a problem you incur. I look forward to hearing them!
Minecraft Bedrock Service
Minecraft Bedrock Service GUI Client now offers a fast way to edit your servers raw level configuration with NBT Studio integration. Simply Download NBT Studio from, extract contents to a folder of your liking. Once connected to your host in the Client, Hit the "Edit world via NBTStudio" Button. This will open your world's "level.dat" in an instance of NBT Studio. Make edits, save changes to the file, and close. The Client will send the file out to the service, replace it and restart the server. Many other fixes too!
Minecraft Bedrock Service
Fixes many service mode bugs. Fixed client connection to outside servers.
Minecraft Bedrock Service
Bugfix release, fixes service startup, as well as proper watchdog function and service shutdown.
Minecraft Bedrock Service
First RC release is here! Preparing a readme to come shortly. For an easy first start, extract anywhere, run BedrockService.Service.exe, wait for the default server to boot. Open up the GUI Client (BedrockSerice.Client.exe), use the drop down list to select the default "host1". hit connect and enjoy! There are bugs, feel free to open issues! Thanks!
Minecraft Bedrock Server Wrapper
Major updates!
A completely GUI Client is under works! A great portion of it functions. A lot of features are not yet implemented. Most of these are greyed out, and the PlayerManager is incomplete. It has only been tested under localhost yet, and still requires online testing.
Many fixes, updates and features. Too many to list for now, stay tuned for a new readme coming soon!
Just extract, set administrator privileges to BedrockService.Service.exe and run. Default Configs will generate and start a default server.