diff --git a/darkstat/front/shared.templ b/darkstat/front/shared.templ index 9e490c9..9086de7 100644 --- a/darkstat/front/shared.templ +++ b/darkstat/front/shared.templ @@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ templ TabMenu(url utils_types.FilePath) { + }
Ship | +Class | +Type | +Price | +Buyable | +Armor | +Hold Size | +Nanobots | +Batteries | +Max Angular Speed (deg/s) | +Ang Dist. from 0 to 0.5 sec (deg) | +Time to 90% Max Angular Speed (s) | +Power Capacity | +Power Recharge Rate | +Thrust Capacity | +Thrust Recharge Rate | +Impulse Speed | +Reverse Fraction | +Nudge Force | +Strafe Forece | +Nickname | +Name ID | +Info ID | ++ |
{ ship.Name } | +{ strconv.Itoa(ship.Class) } | +{ ship.Type } | +{ strconv.Itoa(ship.Price) } | +{ strconv.FormatBool(len(ship.Bases) > 0) } | +{ strconv.Itoa(ship.Armor) } | +{ strconv.Itoa(ship.HoldSize) } | +{ strconv.Itoa(ship.Nanobots) } | +{ strconv.Itoa(ship.Batteries) } | +{ fmt.Sprintf("%.2f",ship.MaxAngularSpeedDegS) } | +{ fmt.Sprintf("%.2f",ship.AngularDistanceFrom0ToHalfSec) } | +{ fmt.Sprintf("%.2f",ship.TimeTo90MaxAngularSpeed) } | +{ strconv.Itoa(ship.PowerCapacity) } | +{ strconv.Itoa(ship.PowerRechargeRate) } | +{ strconv.Itoa(ship.ThrustCapacity) } | +{ strconv.Itoa(ship.ThrustRecharge) } | +{ fmt.Sprintf("%.2f",ship.ImpulseSpeed) } | +{ fmt.Sprintf("%.2f",ship.ReverseFraction) } | +{ fmt.Sprintf("%.2f",ship.NudgeForce) } | +{ fmt.Sprintf("%.2f",ship.StrafeForce) } | +{ ship.Nickname } | +{ strconv.Itoa(ship.NameID) } | +{ strconv.Itoa(ship.InfoID) } | ++ @templ.Raw(JoinClickTriggers("bottominfo_click"+ship.Nickname, "infocard_click"+ship.Nickname)) + |