Starting from dwm version 5.8.2, this fork has the following changes:
- movestack patch allows shuffling windows around, similar to xmonad
- xft patch supports nicer fonts
- statuscolors patch enables colors in status bar text
- only show tag names (1,2,...9) when they have windows in them, or are visible
- use a different color for the active window title
A shell script which provides information to the dwm status bar. Simple, but not very flexible. In spite of my poor shell code, it seems to use less cpu than a comparable xmobar script.
- CPU, Memory, Swap usage
- Network throughput and wireless signal strength (if detected)
- Battery remaining (if detected)
- MPC music playing
- Date and clock
A script that starts the script and then starts dwm. This is what my /usr/share/xsessions/dwm.desktop runs.
Follow the instructions for installing dwm. Note the colors are specified differently in config.h, and are off-by-one when referring to them in
after running "make" and "make install", copy and dwm-start into the default path, eg /usr/local/bin . then create an entry in your login manager, eg /usr/share/xsessions/dwm.desktop
Dan Brown, 2010