- Category: ranking and walking
- Algorithm ID: pgx_builtin_k10_article_rank
- Time Complexity: O(E * k) with E = number of edges, k <= maximum number of iterations
- Space Requirement: O(V) with V = number of vertices
- Javadoc:
- Analyst#articleRank(PgxGraph graph)
- Analyst#articleRank(PgxGraph graph, boolean norm)
- Analyst#articleRank(PgxGraph graph, double e, double d, int max)
- Analyst#articleRank(PgxGraph graph, double e, double d, int max, boolean norm)
- Analyst#articleRank(PgxGraph graph, double e, double d, int max, boolean norm, VertexProperty rank)
- Analyst#articleRank(PgxGraph graph, double e, double d, int max, VertexProperty rank)
ArticleRank is a variant of the PageRank algorithm and operates in a similar way. It computes the ranking score for the vertices by analyzing the incoming edges, while reducing the assumption that relationships with nodes that have a low out-degree are of higher importance.
Input Argument |
Type |
Comment |
G |
graph |
the graph. |
tol |
double |
maximum tolerated error value. The algorithm will stop once the sum of the error values of all vertices becomes smaller than this value. |
damp |
double |
damping factor. |
max_iter |
int |
maximum number of iterations that will be performed. |
norm |
boolean |
boolean flag to determine whether the algorithm will take into account dangling vertices for the ranking scores. |
Output Argument |
Type |
Comment |
rank |
vertexProp |
vertex property holding the (normalized) ArticleRank value for each vertex (a value between 0 and 1). |
Return Value |
Type |
Comment |
void |
None |
* Copyright (C) 2013 - 2025 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
package oracle.pgx.algorithms;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.PgxGraph;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.Scalar;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.VertexProperty;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.annotations.GraphAlgorithm;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.annotations.Out;
public class ArticleRank {
public void articleRank(PgxGraph g, double tol, double damp, int maxIter, boolean norm,
@Out VertexProperty<Double> rank) {
Scalar<Double> diff = Scalar.create();
int cnt = 0;
double n = g.getNumVertices();
double avgOutDegree = g.getVertices().avg(w -> w.getOutDegree());
rank.setAll(1 / n);
do {
Scalar<Double> danglingFactor = Scalar.create(0d);
if (norm) {
danglingFactor.set(damp / n * g.getVertices().filter(v -> v.getOutDegree() == 0).sum(rank::get));
g.getVertices().forEach(t -> {
double inSum = t.getInNeighbors().sum(w -> rank.get(w) / (w.getOutDegree() + avgOutDegree));
double val = (1 - damp) / n + damp * inSum + danglingFactor.get();
diff.reduceAdd(Math.abs(val - rank.get(t)));
rank.setDeferred(t, val);
} while (diff.get() > tol && cnt < maxIter);