Computes the shortest path between the source and destination vertex. The algorithm only considers paths up to a length of k.
* Copyright (C) 2013 - 2025 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
package oracle.pgx.algorithms;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.PgxGraph;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.PgxMap;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.PgxVect;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.PgxVertex;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.VertexProperty;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.VertexSequence;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.VertexSet;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.annotations.GraphAlgorithm;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.annotations.Length;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.annotations.Out;
import static oracle.pgx.algorithm.ControlFlow.exit;
import static oracle.pgx.algorithm.PgxVertex.NONE;
public class HopDistPathFindingUndirected {
public int fastPathFinding(PgxGraph g, PgxVertex src, PgxVertex dst, int k, int maxHopsArg, VertexSet superNodes,
PgxMap<Integer, PgxVertex> superNodeMapping, VertexProperty<@Length("k") PgxVect<Integer>> distances,
@Out VertexSequence path) {
int maxHops = maxHopsArg;
if (src == dst) {
return 0;
} else if (maxHops == 0) {
return -1;
if (src.hasEdgeTo(dst) || dst.hasEdgeTo(src)) {
return 1;
} else if (maxHops == 1) {
return -1;
// 2. check whether src and dst are connected via super-nodes
int superNodeIndex = -1;
PgxVect<Integer> srcVec = distances.get(src);
PgxVect<Integer> dstVec = distances.get(src);
int current = 0;
int minHops = maxHops + 1;
while (current < k) {
int hops = srcVec.get(current) + dstVec.get(current);
if (hops < minHops) {
minHops = hops;
superNodeIndex = current;
if (superNodeIndex != -1) {
maxHops = minHops; // can reduce the maxHops since no shortest path can be longer than this one
// 3. find path from src to dst ignoring super-nodes
int hops = bidirectionalHopDist(g, src, dst, maxHops, superNodes, path);
if (hops != -1) {
// found a path without super-nodes
return hops;
if (superNodeIndex == -1) {
// no path with and without super-nodes; i.e. there is no path at all
return -1;
// 4. compute path using superNode computed in 1.
return computePathIncludingSuperNode(g, src, dst, superNodeIndex, k, superNodeMapping, distances, path);
int computePathIncludingSuperNode(PgxGraph g, PgxVertex src, PgxVertex dst, int superNodeIndex, int k,
PgxMap<Integer, PgxVertex> superNodeMapping, VertexProperty<@Length("k") PgxVect<Integer>> distances,
@Out VertexSequence path) {
PgxVertex superNode = superNodeMapping.get(superNodeIndex);
int forwardHops = getDistanceToSuperNode(g, src, superNodeIndex, k, distances);
int reverseHops = getDistanceToSuperNode(g, dst, superNodeIndex, k, distances);
VertexSequence forwardPath = VertexSequence.create();
hopDist(g, src, superNode, forwardHops, forwardPath);
hopDist(g, dst, superNode, reverseHops, path);
if (path.size() == 0 && forwardPath.size() == 0) {
return -1;
return path.size() - 1;
int getDistanceToSuperNode(PgxGraph g, PgxVertex n, int superNodeIndex, int k,
VertexProperty<@Length("k") PgxVect<Integer>> distances) {
PgxVect<Integer> entry = distances.get(n);
int result = entry.get(superNodeIndex);
return result;
int buildPathBidirectional(PgxGraph g, PgxVertex src, PgxVertex dst, PgxVertex middle,
PgxMap<PgxVertex, PgxVertex> parentForward, PgxMap<PgxVertex, PgxVertex> parentReverse,
@Out VertexSequence path) {
VertexSequence forwardPath = VertexSequence.create();
buildPath(g, middle, src, parentForward, forwardPath);
buildPath(g, middle, dst, parentReverse, path);
return path.size() - 1;
int buildPath(PgxGraph g, PgxVertex start, PgxVertex end, PgxMap<PgxVertex, PgxVertex> parents,
@Out VertexSequence path) {
PgxVertex current = start;
while (current != end) {
current = parents.get(current);
return path.size() - 1;
int bidirectionalHopDist(PgxGraph g, PgxVertex src, PgxVertex dst, int maxHops, VertexSet superNodes,
@Out VertexSequence path) {
VertexSequence frontierForward = VertexSequence.create();
VertexSequence frontierReverse = VertexSequence.create();
PgxMap<PgxVertex, PgxVertex> parentForward = PgxMap.create();
PgxMap<PgxVertex, PgxVertex> parentReverse = PgxMap.create();
parentForward.set(src, src);
parentReverse.set(dst, dst);
int current = 0;
while (current < maxHops && frontierForward.size() > 0 && frontierReverse.size() > 0) {
int c = frontierForward.size();
while (c > 0) {
PgxVertex n = frontierForward.popFront();
n.getOutNeighbors().filter(v -> parentForward.get(v) == NONE && !superNodes.contains(v)).forSequential(v -> {
parentForward.set(v, n);
if (parentReverse.get(v) != NONE) {
exit(buildPathBidirectional(g, src, dst, v, parentForward, parentReverse, path));
} else {
if (current == maxHops) {
return -1;
c = frontierReverse.size();
while (c > 0) {
PgxVertex n = frontierReverse.popFront();
n.getOutNeighbors().filter(v -> parentReverse.get(v) == NONE && !superNodes.contains(v)).forSequential(v -> {
parentReverse.set(v, n);
if (parentForward.get(v) != NONE) {
exit(buildPathBidirectional(g, src, dst, v, parentForward, parentReverse, path));
} else {
return -1;
int hopDist(PgxGraph g, PgxVertex src, PgxVertex dst, int maxHops, @Out VertexSequence path) {
VertexSequence frontierForward = VertexSequence.create();
PgxMap<PgxVertex, PgxVertex> parentForward = PgxMap.create();
parentForward.set(src, src);
int current = 0;
while (current < maxHops && frontierForward.size() > 0) {
int c = frontierForward.size();
while (c > 0) {
PgxVertex n = frontierForward.popFront();
n.getOutNeighbors().filter(v -> parentForward.get(v) == NONE).forSequential(v -> {
parentForward.set(v, n);
if (v == dst) {
exit(buildPath(g, v, src, parentForward, path));
} else {
return -1;
// use graph instead of dGraph until GM-16698 is fixed
proc fastPathFinding(graph g, node src, node dst, int k, int maxHopsArg, nodeSet superNodes, map<int, node>
superNodeMapping, nodeProp<vect<int>[k]> distances;
nodeSeq path) : int {
int maxHops = maxHopsArg;
// 1. trivial cases
if (src == dst) {
return 0;
} else if (maxHops == 0) {
return -1;
if (src.hasEdgeTo(dst) || dst.hasEdgeTo(src)) {
return 1;
} else if (maxHops == 1) {
return -1;
// 2. check whether src and dst are connected via super-nodes
int superNodeIndex = -1;
iVect[k] srcVec = src.distances;
iVect[k] dstVec = dst.distances;
int current = 0;
int minHops = maxHops + 1;
while (current < k) {
int hops = srcVec[current] + dstVec[current];
if (hops < minHops) {
minHops = hops;
superNodeIndex = current;
if (superNodeIndex != -1) {
maxHops = minHops; // can reduce the maxHops since no shortest path can be longer than this one
// 3. find path from src to dst ignoring super-nodes
int hops = bidirectionalHopDist(g, src, dst, maxHops, superNodes, path);
if (hops != -1) {
// found a path without super-nodes
return hops;
if (superNodeIndex == -1) {
// no path with and without super-nodes; i.e. there is no path at all
return -1;
// 4. compute path using superNode computed in 1.
return computePathIncludingSuperNode(g, src, dst, superNodeIndex, k, superNodeMapping, distances, path);
local computePathIncludingSuperNode(graph g, node src, node dst, int superNodeIndex, int k, map<int, node>
superNodeMapping, nodeProp<vect<int>[k]> distances; nodeSeq path) : int {
node superNode = superNodeMapping[superNodeIndex];
int forwardHops = getDistanceToSuperNode(g, src, superNodeIndex, k, distances);
int reverseHops = getDistanceToSuperNode(g, dst, superNodeIndex, k, distances);
nodeSeq forwardPath;
hopDist(g, src, superNode, forwardHops, forwardPath);
hopDist(g, dst, superNode, reverseHops, path);
if (path.size() == 0 && forwardPath.size() == 0) {
return -1;
for (n: forwardPath.items) {
return path.size() - 1;
local getDistanceToSuperNode(graph g, node n, int superNodeIndex, int k, nodeProp<vect<int>[k]> distances) : int {
iVect[k] entry = n.distances;
int result = entry[superNodeIndex];
return result;
local buildPathBidirectional(graph g, node src, node dst, node middle, map<node, node> parentForward, map<node, node>
parentReverse; nodeSeq path) : int {
nodeSeq forwardPath;
buildPath(g, middle, src, parentForward, forwardPath);
buildPath(g, middle, dst, parentReverse, path);
for (n: forwardPath.items) {
return path.size() - 1;
local buildPath(graph g, node start, node end, map<node, node> parents; nodeSeq path) : int {
node current = start;
while (current != end) {
current = parents[current];
return path.size() - 1;
local bidirectionalHopDist(graph g, node src, node dst, int maxHops, nodeSet superNodes; nodeSeq path) : int {
nodeSeq frontier_forward;
nodeSeq frontier_reverse;
map<node, node> parentForward;
map<node, node> parentReverse;
parentForward[src] = src;
parentReverse[dst] = dst;
int current = 0;
while (current < maxHops && frontier_forward.size() > 0 && frontier_reverse.size() > 0) {
int c = frontier_forward.size();
while (c > 0) {
node n = frontier_forward.popFront();
for(v: n.inOutNbrs) (parentForward[v] == NIL && superNodes.has(v) == false) {
parentForward[v] = n;
if (parentReverse[v] != NIL) {
return buildPathBidirectional(g, src, dst, v, parentForward, parentReverse, path);
} else {
if (current == maxHops) {
return -1;
c = frontier_reverse.size();
while (c > 0) {
node n = frontier_reverse.popFront();
for(v: n.inOutNbrs) (parentReverse[v] == NIL && superNodes.has(v) == false) {
parentReverse[v] = n;
if (parentForward[v] != NIL) {
return buildPathBidirectional(g, src, dst, v, parentForward, parentReverse, path);
} else {
return -1;
local hopDist(graph g, node src, node dst, int maxHops; nodeSeq path) : int {
nodeSeq frontier_forward;
map<node, node> parentForward;
parentForward[src] = src;
int current = 0;
while (current < maxHops && frontier_forward.size() > 0) {
int c = frontier_forward.size();
while (c > 0) {
node n = frontier_forward.popFront();
for(v: n.inOutNbrs) (parentForward[v] == NIL) {
parentForward[v] = n;
if (v == dst) {
return buildPath(g, v, src, parentForward, path);
} else {
return -1;