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452 lines (375 loc) · 14.5 KB

Fast Path Finding

Computes the shortest path between the source and destination vertex. The algorithm only considers paths up to a length of k.


Input Argument Type Comment
G graph the graph.
src node the source vertex.
dst node the destination vertex.
k int the dimension of the distances property; i.e. number of high-degree vertices.
maxHops int the maximum number of edges to follow when trying to find a path.
superNodes nodeSet the high-degree vertices.
superNodeMapping map<int, node> the high-degree vertices.
distances vertexProp<vect[k]> index containing distances to high-degree vertices.
Output Argument Type Comment
path nodeSeq will contain the vertices on the found path or will be empty if there is none.
pathEdges edgeSeq will contain the vertices on the found path or will be empty if there is none.
Return Value Type Comment
void None


 * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2025 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
package oracle.pgx.algorithms;

import oracle.pgx.algorithm.PgxGraph;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.PgxMap;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.PgxVect;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.PgxVertex;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.VertexProperty;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.VertexSequence;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.VertexSet;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.annotations.GraphAlgorithm;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.annotations.Length;
import oracle.pgx.algorithm.annotations.Out;

import static oracle.pgx.algorithm.ControlFlow.exit;
import static oracle.pgx.algorithm.PgxVertex.NONE;

public class HopDistPathFindingUndirected {
  public int fastPathFinding(PgxGraph g, PgxVertex src, PgxVertex dst, int k, int maxHopsArg, VertexSet superNodes,
      PgxMap<Integer, PgxVertex> superNodeMapping, VertexProperty<@Length("k") PgxVect<Integer>> distances,
      @Out VertexSequence path) {
    int maxHops = maxHopsArg;

    if (src == dst) {
      return 0;
    } else if (maxHops == 0) {
      return -1;
    if (src.hasEdgeTo(dst) || dst.hasEdgeTo(src)) {
      return 1;
    } else if (maxHops == 1) {
      return -1;

    // 2. check whether src and dst are connected via super-nodes
    int superNodeIndex = -1;
      PgxVect<Integer> srcVec = distances.get(src);
      PgxVect<Integer> dstVec = distances.get(src);
      int current = 0;
      int minHops = maxHops + 1;

      while (current < k) {
        int hops = srcVec.get(current) + dstVec.get(current);
        if (hops < minHops) {
          minHops = hops;
          superNodeIndex = current;

      if (superNodeIndex != -1) {
        maxHops = minHops; // can reduce the maxHops since no shortest path can be longer than this one

    // 3. find path from src to dst ignoring super-nodes
    int hops = bidirectionalHopDist(g, src, dst, maxHops, superNodes, path);
    if (hops != -1) {
      // found a path without super-nodes
      return hops;

    if (superNodeIndex == -1) {
      // no path with and without super-nodes; i.e. there is no path at all
      return -1;

    // 4. compute path using superNode computed in 1.
    return computePathIncludingSuperNode(g, src, dst, superNodeIndex, k, superNodeMapping, distances, path);

  int computePathIncludingSuperNode(PgxGraph g, PgxVertex src, PgxVertex dst, int superNodeIndex, int k,
      PgxMap<Integer, PgxVertex> superNodeMapping, VertexProperty<@Length("k") PgxVect<Integer>> distances,
      @Out VertexSequence path) {
    PgxVertex superNode = superNodeMapping.get(superNodeIndex);
    int forwardHops = getDistanceToSuperNode(g, src, superNodeIndex, k, distances);
    int reverseHops = getDistanceToSuperNode(g, dst, superNodeIndex, k, distances);

    VertexSequence forwardPath = VertexSequence.create();
    hopDist(g, src, superNode, forwardHops, forwardPath);
    hopDist(g, dst, superNode, reverseHops, path);

    if (path.size() == 0 && forwardPath.size() == 0) {
      return -1;

    return path.size() - 1;

  int getDistanceToSuperNode(PgxGraph g, PgxVertex n, int superNodeIndex, int k,
      VertexProperty<@Length("k") PgxVect<Integer>> distances) {
    PgxVect<Integer> entry = distances.get(n);
    int result = entry.get(superNodeIndex);

    return result;

  int buildPathBidirectional(PgxGraph g, PgxVertex src, PgxVertex dst, PgxVertex middle,
      PgxMap<PgxVertex, PgxVertex> parentForward, PgxMap<PgxVertex, PgxVertex> parentReverse,
      @Out VertexSequence path) {
    VertexSequence forwardPath = VertexSequence.create();
    buildPath(g, middle, src, parentForward, forwardPath);
    buildPath(g, middle, dst, parentReverse, path);

    return path.size() - 1;

  int buildPath(PgxGraph g, PgxVertex start, PgxVertex end, PgxMap<PgxVertex, PgxVertex> parents,
      @Out VertexSequence path) {
    PgxVertex current = start;
    while (current != end) {
      current = parents.get(current);
    return path.size() - 1;

  int bidirectionalHopDist(PgxGraph g, PgxVertex src, PgxVertex dst, int maxHops, VertexSet superNodes,
      @Out VertexSequence path) {
    VertexSequence frontierForward = VertexSequence.create();
    VertexSequence frontierReverse = VertexSequence.create();

    PgxMap<PgxVertex, PgxVertex> parentForward = PgxMap.create();
    PgxMap<PgxVertex, PgxVertex> parentReverse = PgxMap.create();
    parentForward.set(src, src);
    parentReverse.set(dst, dst);

    int current = 0;

    while (current < maxHops && frontierForward.size() > 0 && frontierReverse.size() > 0) {
      int c = frontierForward.size();
      while (c > 0) {

        PgxVertex n = frontierForward.popFront();

        n.getOutNeighbors().filter(v -> parentForward.get(v) == NONE && !superNodes.contains(v)).forSequential(v -> {
          parentForward.set(v, n);
          if (parentReverse.get(v) != NONE) {
            exit(buildPathBidirectional(g, src, dst, v, parentForward, parentReverse, path));
          } else {

      if (current == maxHops) {
        return -1;
      c = frontierReverse.size();
      while (c > 0) {

        PgxVertex n = frontierReverse.popFront();

        n.getOutNeighbors().filter(v -> parentReverse.get(v) == NONE && !superNodes.contains(v)).forSequential(v -> {
          parentReverse.set(v, n);
          if (parentForward.get(v) != NONE) {
            exit(buildPathBidirectional(g, src, dst, v, parentForward, parentReverse, path));
          } else {
    return -1;

  int hopDist(PgxGraph g, PgxVertex src, PgxVertex dst, int maxHops, @Out VertexSequence path) {
    VertexSequence frontierForward = VertexSequence.create();

    PgxMap<PgxVertex, PgxVertex> parentForward = PgxMap.create();
    parentForward.set(src, src);

    int current = 0;

    while (current < maxHops && frontierForward.size() > 0) {

      int c = frontierForward.size();
      while (c > 0) {

        PgxVertex n = frontierForward.popFront();

        n.getOutNeighbors().filter(v -> parentForward.get(v) == NONE).forSequential(v -> {
          parentForward.set(v, n);
          if (v == dst) {
            exit(buildPath(g, v, src, parentForward, path));
          } else {
    return -1;

// use graph instead of dGraph until GM-16698 is fixed
proc fastPathFinding(graph g, node src, node dst, int k, int maxHopsArg, nodeSet superNodes, map<int, node>
superNodeMapping, nodeProp<vect<int>[k]> distances;
    nodeSeq path) : int {

  int maxHops = maxHopsArg;

  // 1. trivial cases
  if (src == dst) {
    return 0;
  } else if (maxHops == 0) {
    return -1;
  if (src.hasEdgeTo(dst) || dst.hasEdgeTo(src)) {
    return 1;
  } else if (maxHops == 1) {
    return -1;

  // 2. check whether src and dst are connected via super-nodes
  int superNodeIndex = -1;
    iVect[k] srcVec = src.distances;
    iVect[k] dstVec = dst.distances;
    int current = 0;
    int minHops = maxHops + 1;

    while (current < k) {
      int hops = srcVec[current] + dstVec[current];
      if (hops < minHops) {
        minHops = hops;
        superNodeIndex = current;

    if (superNodeIndex != -1) {
      maxHops = minHops; // can reduce the maxHops since no shortest path can be longer than this one

  // 3. find path from src to dst ignoring super-nodes
  int hops = bidirectionalHopDist(g, src, dst, maxHops, superNodes, path);
  if (hops != -1) {
    // found a path without super-nodes
    return hops;

  if (superNodeIndex == -1) {
    // no path with and without super-nodes; i.e. there is no path at all
    return -1;

  // 4. compute path using superNode computed in 1.
  return computePathIncludingSuperNode(g, src, dst, superNodeIndex, k, superNodeMapping, distances, path);

local computePathIncludingSuperNode(graph g, node src, node dst, int superNodeIndex, int k, map<int, node>
superNodeMapping, nodeProp<vect<int>[k]> distances; nodeSeq path) : int {
  node superNode = superNodeMapping[superNodeIndex];
  int forwardHops = getDistanceToSuperNode(g, src, superNodeIndex, k, distances);
  int reverseHops = getDistanceToSuperNode(g, dst, superNodeIndex, k, distances);

  nodeSeq forwardPath;
  hopDist(g, src, superNode, forwardHops, forwardPath);
  hopDist(g, dst, superNode, reverseHops, path);

  if (path.size() == 0 && forwardPath.size() == 0) {
    return -1;

  for (n: forwardPath.items) {
  return path.size() - 1;

local getDistanceToSuperNode(graph g, node n, int superNodeIndex, int k, nodeProp<vect<int>[k]> distances) : int {
  iVect[k] entry = n.distances;
  int result = entry[superNodeIndex];
  return result;

local buildPathBidirectional(graph g, node src, node dst, node middle, map<node, node> parentForward, map<node, node>
 parentReverse; nodeSeq path) : int {
  nodeSeq forwardPath;
  buildPath(g, middle, src, parentForward, forwardPath);
  buildPath(g, middle, dst, parentReverse, path);

  for (n: forwardPath.items) {
  return path.size() - 1;

local buildPath(graph g, node start, node end, map<node, node> parents; nodeSeq path) : int {
  node current = start;
  while (current != end) {
    current = parents[current];
  return path.size() - 1;

local bidirectionalHopDist(graph g, node src, node dst, int maxHops, nodeSet superNodes; nodeSeq path) : int {
  nodeSeq frontier_forward;
  nodeSeq frontier_reverse;

  map<node, node> parentForward;
  map<node, node> parentReverse;
  parentForward[src] = src;
  parentReverse[dst] = dst;

  int current = 0;

  while (current < maxHops && frontier_forward.size() > 0 && frontier_reverse.size() > 0) {
    int c = frontier_forward.size();
    while (c > 0) {

      node n = frontier_forward.popFront();

      for(v: n.inOutNbrs) (parentForward[v] == NIL && superNodes.has(v) == false) {
        parentForward[v] = n;
        if (parentReverse[v] != NIL) {
          return buildPathBidirectional(g, src, dst, v, parentForward, parentReverse, path);
        } else {

    if (current == maxHops) {
      return -1;
    c = frontier_reverse.size();
    while (c > 0) {

      node n = frontier_reverse.popFront();

      for(v: n.inOutNbrs) (parentReverse[v] == NIL && superNodes.has(v) == false) {
        parentReverse[v] = n;
        if (parentForward[v] != NIL) {
          return buildPathBidirectional(g, src, dst, v, parentForward, parentReverse, path);
        } else {
  return -1;

local hopDist(graph g, node src, node dst, int maxHops; nodeSeq path) : int {

  nodeSeq frontier_forward;

  map<node, node> parentForward;
  parentForward[src] = src;

  int current = 0;

  while (current < maxHops && frontier_forward.size() > 0) {

    int c = frontier_forward.size();
    while (c > 0) {

      node n = frontier_forward.popFront();

      for(v: n.inOutNbrs) (parentForward[v] == NIL) {
        parentForward[v] = n;
        if (v == dst) {
          return buildPath(g, v, src, parentForward, path);
        } else {
  return -1;