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LISP interpreter in Golang, plus a collection of interesting add-ons implemented in Go/LISP/both. Emphasis is on hackability over performance and bugs remain: don't use this in production!


Actually more of a Scheme, based on Peter Norvig's excellent Lispy. It includes a partial implementation of macros based on syntax-rules and an optional continuation-passing style interpreter.


The lisp.New function creates a new running process with a default evaluation environment. This includes builtin functions like cons and car, but also some standard macros. Eval returns an sexpression and an error. Only evaluating a single sexpression is supported at the moment, but wrapping multiple expressions in begin serves to eval all at once.

package main

import (


func main() {
	l := lisp.New()
	e, err := l.Eval("(* 6 7)")
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Println(e) // prints 42

See the examples directory for more examples.

Extending LISP using Go

We can extend the set of builtin functions and types quite easily. The type system is kept small; anything that is not included is a Primitive. These need typecasting in Go. Builtin functions are introduced to the environment as follows:

	l := lisp.New()
	l.Env.AddBuiltin("sin", func(args []lisp.SExpression) (lisp.SExpression, error) {
		return lisp.NewPrimitive(math.Sin(args[0].AsNumber())), nil
	l.Env.AddBuiltin("cos", func(args []lisp.SExpression) (lisp.SExpression, error) {
		return lisp.NewPrimitive(math.Cos(args[0].AsNumber())), nil
	// hereafter, 'sin' and 'cos' are recognised as builtin functions in lisp

Another example can be found in this repo where I wrap the faiface/pixel lib and call it from lisp.


As per µKanren: A Minimal Functional Core for Relational Programming, implementation taken straight from the paper. Allows you to use a pure logic language in Go through Scheme. See the paper for details.


package main

import (


func main() {
	l := lisp.New()
	e, err := l.Eval("(display (car (run* (fresh (q) (equalo q 42)))))")
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Println(e) // prints 42


One motivation for starting this repo was to explore concurrency in minikanren, since I couldn't get that to work in either Racket or Scheme minikanren implementations. I ended up implementing some of Erlang's concurrency semantics and actor model on top of Go's CSP, using minikanren for pattern matching messages. The end result looks somewhat like LFE, or Lisp Flavoured Erlang.


Here we define a REPL function and a restarter, which kicks off the REPL and restarts it whenever it goes down with an error. There is some hacking involved to make sure the evaluation environment survives; here be dragons!

func main() {
	l := lisp.New()
	l.Eval(`(define REPL (lambda (env)
        (begin (display "> ")
               (display (eval (read) env))
               (display newline)
               (REPL env))))`)
	l.Eval(`(define restarter (lambda (env)
        (begin (process_flag 'trap_exit #t)
               (let ((pid (spawn_link (lambda () (begin (process_flag 'eval_with_continuation #t) (REPL env))) '())))
                        ((reason) (quasiquote (EXIT ,pid ,reason)) ->
                            (if (eqv? reason "normal") #t
                            (begin (display "** exception error: ") (display reason) (display newline) (restarter env)))))))))`)
	l.Eval("(restarter (environment))") // starts an interactive REPL


Continuation passing style interpretation is supported. The process flag eval_with_continuation switches evaluation modes. l.Continue only works if the process is in CPS mode and otherwise errors.


func main() {
    l := lisp.New()
    l.Eval("(process_flag 'eval_with_continuation #t)")
    l.Eval("(define x 6)")
    e, _ := l.Eval("(begin (display (* x y)) (display newline))")
    l.Eval("(define y 7)")
    l.Continue(e) // prints 42


A late addition, this is a basic attempt at implementing Datalog using minikanren for most of the heavy lifting and some macro-hacking to hook it all up. Definitely the least production-ready part of all.


Here we define a directed graph with 5 vertices and some edges between them. We then introduce rules to determine the reachable relation between vertices, and manually trigger fixpoint analysis. After all that, we ask "which vertices are reachable from themselves?" (ie find cycles).

func main() {
	l := lisp.New()
        (define a (dl_record 'vertex))
        (define b (dl_record 'vertex))
        (define c (dl_record 'vertex))
        (define d (dl_record 'vertex))
        (define e (dl_record 'vertex)))`)
	l.Eval("(define dl_edge (lambda (x y) (dl_assert x 'edge y)))")
        (dl_edge a c)
        (dl_edge b a)
        (dl_edge b d)
        (dl_edge c d)
        (dl_edge d a)
        (dl_edge d e))`)
	l.Eval("(dl_rule (reachable ,?x ,?y) :- (edge ,?x ,?y))")
	l.Eval("(dl_rule (reachable ,?x ,?y) :- (edge ,?x ,?z) (reachable ,?z ,?y))")
	// prints (1 3 4) or a permutation thereof
	l.Eval(`(display (dl_find ,?id where ( (,?id reachable ,?id))))`)