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Learning Design Systems

Understanding The Composer

The Composer is the third (?) generation of DS. Privously we had Taylor and Pipeline. It's the entry point for DS and executes all other DS parts like the-mixer, the-curator, the-stylist and so on.

  • the-mixer: takes site data (coming from APIs) and add some configurations, for now just adds $Y_compositions and sets a DS name. All the "solvable" parts are nullified, why?

  • add classifiers on item.dsClassifier ?

  • the-data-modeler: converts site data into Structs, easier to access

  • the-curator: finally uses a solver! :-) uses multiverse compositions (harmonies + patterns) to decide which ui components to include on the resultant grid. Uses MatrixSolver. UI components are all React. For instance, a markov chain having possible UI components and probabilities vectors can be used to specify which UI components should be choosen (probabilities vectors == harmonies)

  • the-stylist: outputs a list of imgflo urls selected by the-lensman which uses multiverse and possible imgflo image filters

  • the-plumber: gets the site data, the grid and the mix and outputs html

In the end, the-composer outputs html and a list of imgflo urls to be consumed/rendered somewhere.

Understanding Multiverse

Multiverse is a data model and also a collection of FD solvers.

Data model is known as MultiverseJSON, and it's a smart way to define a tree structure. Each property can have a static value or a sub-stree or array of possible values, called a branch and symbolized by Y_. It's also easy to specify constraint rules to be applied to those branches to select between them on a possible walk of the solver.

We have a bunch of solvers like FD.

When we combine MultiverseJSON data of possible values and Multiverse Solvers to decide between those values, we end up with magically generated stuff like any pattern from music notes to components/blocks of a generated web site.

There's also a compact way to visualize possible generated content, called Harmonic Matrixes. Each row is a row/property we want to choose from and each column is a configuration choosen of those rows. For instance, if we have a music composition, each row would be an instrument and each column would be 1 for an instrument playing or 0 for silence.

Harmonies are a mix of constraint operations and vectors ??

Constraint operations are operations we can apply on rows/columns of the matrix or something like Markov chains (i.e. options and probabilities to choose between them).

Understanding Markov chains

Markov chains are just finite state machines but with probabilities on state transitions. Given that, its memory is really limited: only knows about current state and the next possible one. So it is really good predictor/generator of sequences (e.g. music notes in a phrase, words in a poetry, HTML blocks in a page).

Understanding ds-nj

  • First we call the sites:solve gulp task for some mock

  • For that we call the-composer passing mock's siteData and composerOptions the-mixer: compverseJson: mix: $Y_compositions: src/ds/index ... dsNickJones

  • The result from the-composer is written on HTML file

  • OK, so what the-composer does?

  • Run the-mixer on siteData theMixer = new TheMixer(siteData, options) mix = theMixer.getMix().mix return mix

  • OK, but what the-mixer does?

    The contructor does:

    layoutSpectrum = siteData.config.layout_spectrum compverseJson = options['the-mixer'].compverseJson

    And then getMix() does:

    compverse = new Multiverse(compverseJson, { pathAccumulationKeys: ['$formality', '$formalityWeight', $name'], branchPrefix: '$Y_' allPaths = compverse.getAllPaths() ... compverse.collapse( ... )

    So it creates a compverse based on compositions and

    some tricky mix (see spectrum-helper.js) of spectrums

    (both layout and formality weights)

    In the end it uses such spectrums to collapse/group paths

    Paths are like solutions for some possible options?

  • OK, but what Multiverse and Multiverse.collapse() do? It seems to collpse only what is selected by branchPrefix, so given that we have $Y_ as branchPrefix, it only collapses those branches, and also given that pathAccumulation is $formality, ... it only collapses those keys/values... all other Y_ branches remain untouched (which are the majority of branches on the-mixer pass)

    So yeah, it seems this Multiverse for the-mixer is really simple. It only cares about formality and spectrum values, not anymore.

    It seems there's some extra complexity on spectrum-helper, maybe trying to force some spectrums/formalities, or decide based on various formality configs we have, but I prefer to see that as a black box for now and continue...

  • Add classifiers to siteData Well, there's no mix[data-classifiers], no items:classifiers nor site:classifiers on the-dagger, so it adds nothing to siteData...

    That's for now, it looks like the placeholder to add ML classifiers to items and sites based !!!

  • Maps siteData into Structs to easier/validated access In other words, run the-data-modeler on siteData...

  • Run the-curator on siteData, mix and options and return grid Uses the config from mix['the-curator'] Tries to find a site type, uses index by default Add ui-components from mix['the-painters]['index']['ui-components'] And other configs (it seems it's the same for all the-*: first builds the config, then run it, some solver generally). What the heck is DI?? So by default runs theCurator = new TheCurator(config) return theCurator.curate()

    • OK, and what TheCurator.curate does? harmoniesComposer = new HarmoniesComposer harmonies: ... grid: ... items: ... uiComponents: ... siteData: ... dataClassification: ... matrixComposer = new MatrixComposer harmonies: harmoniesComposer.allHarmonies grid: ... uiComponents: ... pathAccumulationKeys: harmoniesComposer.pathAccumulationKeys uiComponentsMeta: harmoniesComposer.uiComponentsMeta seed: ... offorderness: ... curate = -> fdSolution = matrixComposer.solve(solvingOptions) mapsUICompsAndItemsToSections fdSolution fdMapper = new FDMapperGridCuration(fdMapperOptions) grid.section = return grid

    Uses a Matrix solver ??? to put components as sections on a grid. Like a real designer.

    And the Matrix solver (path solver) itself uses data comming from harmonies composer.

    • OK, and what HarmoniesComposer does? ??? black box for now
    • OK, and what MatrixComposer.solve does? ??? uses a path solver to find what sections/components to use based on restrictions on number of items for a section and other constraints

    Need to understand better how it does that... It seems lots of complexity goes here, one of the main parts of the-composer!

    • OK, there's also lots of FDMapper for grid and item, what they do? FDMapperItemsCuration adds uiComponent, the component chosen by renderverse for this section; and itemsToRender, the items that the component will need to render for the section

    FDMapperGridCuration does the same??? But for grid???

  • Run the-stylist on siteData, grid, mix and options and return imgfloUrls Groups lots of subparts... the-beautician the-colorist the-lensman the-style-solver the-typographer Defines styling of each section in the layout (previously solved grid). How ???

  • Run the-plumber on siteData, grid, mix and options and return html Generally depends on ds-*, but commonly gets the grid and siteData, and ImgfloUrls and renders React components into GOM elements which will dump HTML (finally!)

  • Return html and imgfloUrls to written to file (the html) Write the dumped HTML into a file




Only solves some of the branches (those marked with Y_), other branches will be solved by parent solver ($Y_)??


  • Understand the-curator better (matrix path solver, harmonies solver)
  • Understand each part of the-stylist better
  • Understand how ds-nj's the-plumber runs
  • How to plug classifiers to items / sites? the-tagger


  • Harmonies
  • Harmonic Matrixes
  • Vertical x Horizontal constraints
  • Inlets
  • Branches
  • MultiverseJSON
  • Markov Chain
  • Probability Vector
  • FD Solver
  • Constraints
  • Constraints Solver
  • The Mixer. Does the first high level choices based on formality levels and spectrums
  • The Composer. Calls all other "agents" or parts of DS, one after another, in a flow of data until HTML is generated
  • The Curator. One of the most complex parts of The Composer. Uses some FD solvers to choose which ui components to use, depending on how much items it needs to be rendered and so on, mapping these ui components to sections on a grid
  • The Stylist
  • The Plumber

Ideas to improve DS architecture

  • Why did we removed the-tagger originally? That's a nice place to apply some ML classifier on data coming from APIs. We can filter only good images for instance, or only data coming from good providers (e.g. bump blocks from The Verge to be presented first)

  • Following the same idea, we can start being more specific on things like inlets. Example: only accepts data from The Verge site to be displayed on a TheVergeComponent which will render the data with specific styles like a nice TheVerge logo as watermark

  • Keep updating harmonies (specially probability vectors of Markov chains) with new ones coming from (1) user redesigns and (2) global vectors for a same ds on all The Grid Or from some user preferences for content units (and, by consequence, its harmonies) while selecting them on a feedback loop with some ML model (neural network)


Is branchPrefix (on Multiverse) used to choose between what should be collapsed/solved on this level and what should not? Like "all $Y_ branches should be solved now, and Y_ can be solved later"? Yes, exactly.

  • What is the original goal of the-gatherer? Examples: a video item of a YouTube about deep learning, the-gatherer could gather extra items and present them as "related/suggested videos"