This repository contain's Marc Descour's USNA WRCE 2019 capstone project code as a proper mbed github repository. It contains four programs stowed in the TESTS subdirectory: three subsystem tests (ActuatorCharacterization, Inflation, and PressureVacuumCircuit) plus one integrated test (LocomotionNoUser).
The code was used on an mbed LPC1768 microcontroller with a modified version of the Soft Robotic Toolkit control board; the modifications added extra pressure sensors, vacuum break valves, and a vacuum pump running off the main battery bus vice the regulated supply.
These were used to drive a series of special built chambered silicon bending actuators coupled to controlled suction cups for attach/detach. When triggered in a series gait the system was capable of slow forward and backward locomotion.
M Descour wrote all the code. D Evangelista and L DeVries were faculty advisors for his honors capstone project.
Soft Robotic Toolkit, A Camp, M Park, and P Jaramillo.