project: Simple DFT-D3
summary: A simple reimplementation of the DFT-D3 dispersion model
project_github: https://github.com/dftd3/simple-dftd3
project_download: https://github.com/dftd3/simple-dftd3/releases
project_website: https://dftd3.readthedocs.io
author: Sebastian Ehlert
author_description: Quantum chemistry researcher developing semi-empirical quantum chemistry in Fortran and Python.
github: https://github.com/awvwgk
src_dir: ./src
output_dir: ./_docs
exclude_dir: ./test
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A simple drop-in replacement for dftd3
This program provides a small and easy to use implementation of the DFT-D3 dispersion correction (see JCP 132, 154104 (2010) and JCC 32, 1456 (2011) for details).
It is mostly based on the dftd4
program and
borrows one or two ideas from the implementation in ased3
To use DFT-D3 in your application you can either use the Fortran API or the C API.
To perform a D3(BJ)-ATM calculation in a Fortran program, the [[dftd3]] module should be imported. Other data types to communicate with the library are obtained from the MCTC library using the environment module ([[mctc_env]]) and the IO module ([[mctc_io]]).
subroutine calc_dftd3(mol, method, energy, gradient, sigma, error)
use mctc_env
use mctc_io
use dftd3
type(structure_type), intent(in) :: mol
character(len=*), intent(in) :: method
real(wp), intent(out) :: energy
real(wp), intent(out) :: gradient(:, :)
real(wp), intent(out) :: sigma(:, :)
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
type(d3_model) :: disp
type(d3_param) :: inp
type(rational_damping_param), allocatable :: param
call get_rational_damping(inp, method, error, s9=1.0_wp)
if (allocated(error)) return
call new_rational_damping(param, inp)
call new_d3_model(disp, mol)
call get_dispersion(mol, disp, param, realspace_cutoff(), energy, &
& gradient, sigma)
end subroutine calc_dftd3
An example wrapper for a DFT-D3(BJ)-ATM calculation is given here.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dftd3.h"
static const buffersize = 512;
calc_dftd3(int natoms, int* numbers, double* positions,
double* lattice, bool* periodic, char* method,
double* energy, double* gradient, double* sigma)
// Local API objects from the s-dftd3 library
dftd3_error error = dftd3_new_error();
dftd3_structure mol = NULL;
dftd3_model disp = NULL;
dftd3_param param = NULL;
int stat = EXIT_SUCCESS;
// Create a new geometry for the library to work with
mol = dftd3_new_structure(error, natoms, numbers, positions, lattice, periodic);
stat = dftd3_check_error(error);
if (stat) {
// Initialize the D3 dispersion model for the given structure,
// this step depends on the atomic numbers, but not on the actual geometry
disp = dftd3_new_d3_model(error, mol);
stat = dftd3_check_error(error);
if (stat) {
// Load D3(BJ)-ATM parameters for the given method from internal storage,
// this step depends on the atomic numbers, but not on the actual geometry
param = dftd3_load_rational_damping(error, mol, method, true);
stat = dftd3_check_error(error);
if (stat) {
// Evaluate the dispersion energy, gradient and virial,
// the gradient and virial are optional and can be replaced by NULL
dftd3_get_dispersion(error, mol, disp, param, &energy, gradient, sigma);
stat = dftd3_check_error(error);
if (!stat) {
char buffer[buffersize];
dftd3_get_error(error, buffer, buffersize);
printf("[Error] %s\n", buffer);
// Always free the used memory
return stat;
Overall, any DFT-D3 calculation requires the creation of four API objects.
The error handling is done with a dftd3_error
handle, it can be checked using the dftd3_error_check
function and returns zero values on success and non-zero values on failures.
On failures the error handle can be queried for the error message with dftd3_get_error
The library itself will not attempt to write or terminate on any encounter of an error.
To pass the geometry information a dftd3_structure
object is used.
The object has immutable number of atoms, atomic numbers and boundary conditions, but allows updating the coordinates and lattice vectors after creation.
The structure object is required to initialize system specific data of other API objects.
Atomic numbers are allowed in a range of 1 to 118, but the used dispersion model might support a smaller range.
The actual D3 dispersion model is created as dftd3_model
object using the new_d3_model
It contains the interpolation scheme for the dispersion coefficients, which is common to all DFT-D3 dispersion corrections independently of the damping function.
In principle this part can be replaced by a different scheme to evaluate the dispersion coefficients.
This step might require an internal initialization on the first invocation.
The internal initialization is done once and in an OpenMP thread-safe way in case the library is compiled OpenMP threading.
Otherwise guard this API call with a critical
pragma if you require thread-safe execution.
Finally, to evaluate dispersion energies and gradients a damping function is required to connect the dispersion model to a method like a density functional.
The damping parameters are stored as dftd3_param
object and can either be loaded from the internal storage of the library or created by supplying the parameters directly.
Make sure to delete the API objects after you are done with them. The deconstructor will return without any action in case a null pointer is passed. After deconstructing the API objects are overwritten with a null pointer.
Create a new meson project and include s-dftd3
either as git-submodule in your subprojects directory or create a wrap file to fetch it from upstream:
directory = s-dftd3
url = https://github.com/dftd3/simple-dftd3
revision = head
To load the project the necessary boilerplate code for subprojects is just
sdftd3_prj = subproject(
version: '>=0.1',
default_options: [
sdftd3_dep = sdftd3_prj.get_variable('sdftd3_dep')
Now you can add sdftd3_dep
to your dependencies and access the public API by the dftd3
We recommend to set the default library type of s-dftd3
to static when linking your applications or library against it.
Note for library type both and shared s-dftd3
will install itself along with your project.
For more fine-tuned control you can access:
- the library target with
- the private include dir of this target, containing the Fortran module files, with
- the license files of
If you are linking your application statically against s-dftd3
and still want to distribute the license files of s-dftd3
(thank you), just use
install_dir: get_option('datadir')/'licenses'/meson.project_name()/'s-dftd3',
This project supports fpm as build system as well.
Just add it to the dependencies in your fpm.toml
s-dftd3.git = "https://github.com/dftd3/simple-dftd3"