diff --git a/plugins_src/import_export/Makefile b/plugins_src/import_export/Makefile
index 1fe6b68b..b052ee8c 100644
--- a/plugins_src/import_export/Makefile
+++ b/plugins_src/import_export/Makefile
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ MODULES= \
wpc_3ds \
wpc_3mf \
wpc_ai \
+ wpc_amf \
wpc_bzw \
wpc_collada \
collada_import \
diff --git a/plugins_src/import_export/wpc_amf.erl b/plugins_src/import_export/wpc_amf.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..818026ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins_src/import_export/wpc_amf.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1499 @@
+%% wpc_amf.erl --
+%% Additive Manufacturing File (.amf) import/export.
+%% Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Edward Blake
+%% See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
+%% of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+%% $Id$
+-import(lists, [map/2,foldl/3,keydelete/3,keyreplace/4,sort/1]).
+init() ->
+ wpa:pref_set_default(?MODULE, swap_y_z, true),
+ true.
+menu({file,import}, Menu) ->
+ menu_entry(Menu);
+menu({file,export}, Menu) ->
+ menu_entry(Menu);
+menu({file,export_selected}, Menu) ->
+ menu_entry(Menu);
+menu(_, Menu) -> Menu.
+command({file,{import,{amf_model,Ask}}}, St) ->
+ do_import(Ask, St);
+command({file,{export,{amf_model,Ask}}}, St) ->
+ Exporter = fun(Ps, Fun) -> wpa:export(Ps, Fun, St) end,
+ do_export(Ask, export, Exporter, St);
+command({file,{export_selected,{amf_model,Ask}}}, St) ->
+ Exporter = fun(Ps, Fun) -> wpa:export_selected(Ps, Fun, St) end,
+ do_export(Ask, export_selected, Exporter, St);
+command(_, _) ->
+ next.
+menu_entry(Menu) ->
+ Menu ++ [{?__(1,"Additive Manufacturing (.amf)..."),amf_model,[option]}].
+props() ->
+ [{ext,".amf"},{ext_desc,?__(1,"Additive Manufacturing File")}].
+units() ->
+ units(true).
+units(W) ->
+ [{?__(1, "Meters"),meter}] ++
+ if W ->
+ [{?__(2, "Decimeters"),dm},
+ {?__(3, "Centimeters"),cm}];
+ true -> []
+ end ++
+ [{?__(4, "Millimeters"),mm},
+ {?__(5, "Microns"),micron}] ++
+ if W ->
+ [{?__(6, "Yards"),yd}];
+ true -> []
+ end ++
+ [{?__(7, "Feet"),ft},
+ {?__(8, "Inches"),in}].
+%%% Import.
+do_import(Ask, _St) when is_atom(Ask) ->
+ ModelUnit = wpa:pref_get(?MODULE, model_units, cm),
+ Dialog = [
+ {hframe,[
+ {label,?__(2,"Model units (for Wings3D Unit):")},
+ {menu, units(), ModelUnit, [{key,model_units}]} ]}
+ ] ++ common_mesh_options(import),
+ wpa:dialog(Ask, ?__(1,"Additive Manufacturing Import Options"), Dialog,
+ fun(Res) ->
+ {file,{import,{amf_model,Res}}}
+ end);
+do_import(Attr, St) ->
+ wpa:import(props(), import_fun(Attr), St).
+set_pref(KeyVals) ->
+ wpa:pref_set(?MODULE, KeyVals).
+import_transform(E3dFile, KeyVals) ->
+ Mat = wpa:import_matrix(KeyVals),
+ e3d_file:transform(E3dFile, Mat).
+import_fun(Attr) ->
+ fun(Filename) ->
+ set_pref(Attr),
+ ModelUnits = proplists:get_value(model_units, Attr, cm),
+ case open_amf_file(ModelUnits, Filename) of
+ {ok, {Objs, Mats}} ->
+ {ok, import_transform(#e3d_file{objs=Objs,mat=Mats}, Attr)};
+ {error, Err} ->
+ {error, Err}
+ end
+ end.
+%%% Export.
+more_info() ->
+ [?__(1,"
Preparation "
+ "If an object has multiple materials the object should be cut apart "
+ "by material (use Loop Cut tool), each material volume in "
+ "AMF is a closed mesh object. "
+ "If an object has faces with different materials an error will be "
+ "shown asking for the distinct materials be separated into separate "
+ "objects.\n\n"
+ "To indicate Wings3D objects "
+ "as material volumes of one AMF object, use a colon : character "
+ "in its name:\n\n"
+ "CommonObjectName : VolumeName \n\n"
+ "Example:\n\n"
+ "You have two wings3d objects that together is an object called "
+ "Tire , if the two objects are named as:\n\n"
+ "Tire:Rubber \n"
+ "Tire:Metal \n\n"
+ "The AMF exporter will treat the two objects as volumes of the "
+ "same object Tire .\n\n"
+ "This object naming convention is completely optional and "
+ "if Wings3D objects are not named with a common name, they will be "
+ "exported as completely distinct objects, the 3D printing software "
+ "that imports this file may detect automatically that the objects "
+ "are parts of the same object and ask if the object parts should "
+ "be combined, usually this is 'Yes'.\n\n"
+ "Units "
+ "The Model units specifies what the Wings3d unit (WU) is "
+ "equivalent to. The Convert in AMF specifies what unit "
+ "the exported AMF file should be in.\n\n"
+ "The reason is you may have an object modeled with the units in "
+ "centimeters, but you want to export the file in millimeters, "
+ "possibly because a specific unit is required in the AMF delivered. "
+ "In this case the object will be rescaled automatically to fit "
+ "millimeters (x10). AMF allows 5 units (meter, mm, micron, ft, in), "
+ "when same as above is used, the nearest supported unit is "
+ "chosen.\n\n"
+ "Compression "
+ "Note that many software don't support compressed AMF.")].
+info_button() ->
+ Title = ?__(1,"AMF Export Information"),
+ {help, Title, fun () -> more_info() end}.
+do_export(Ask, Op, _Exporter, _St) when is_atom(Ask) ->
+ ModelUnit = wpa:pref_get(?MODULE, model_units, cm),
+ AMFUnit = wpa:pref_get(?MODULE, amf_units, mm),
+ Compressed = false, % Default to false
+ Dialog = [
+ {label_column, [
+ {?__(3,"Model units (for Wings3D Unit):"),
+ {menu, units(), ModelUnit, [{key,model_units}]} },
+ {?__(4,"Convert in AMF to:"),
+ {menu,
+ [{?__(5, "Same as above"),same}] ++ units(false),
+ AMFUnit, [{key,amf_units}]} }
+ ]}
+ ] ++ common_mesh_options(export) ++ [
+ {?__(6, "Compressed"),Compressed,[{key,compressed}]},
+ {hframe,[info_button()]}
+ ],
+ wpa:dialog(Ask, ?__(1,"Additive Manufacturing (.amf) Export Options"), Dialog,
+ fun(Res) ->
+ {file,{Op,{amf_model,Res}}}
+ end);
+do_export(Attr, _Op, Exporter, _St) when is_list(Attr) ->
+ SubDivs = proplists:get_value(subdivisions, Attr, 0),
+ Uvs = proplists:get_bool(include_uvs, Attr),
+ Ps = [{include_uvs,Uvs},
+ {tesselation, triangulate},
+ {include_hard_edges, true},
+ {subdivisions,SubDivs}|props()],
+ Exporter(Ps, export_fun(Attr)).
+export_transform(E3dFile, KeyVals) ->
+ Mat = wpa:export_matrix(KeyVals),
+ e3d_file:transform(E3dFile, Mat).
+export_fun(Attr) ->
+ fun(Filename, Contents_0) ->
+ set_pref(Attr),
+ E3DFile=export_transform(Contents_0, Attr),
+ ModelUnits = proplists:get_value(model_units, Attr, cm),
+ AMFUnits = proplists:get_value(amf_units, Attr, mm),
+ Compressed = proplists:get_value(compressed, Attr, false),
+ wr_amf(Filename, units_tuple(ModelUnits, AMFUnits), Compressed, E3DFile)
+ end.
+units_tuple(dm, same) ->
+ units_tuple(dm, mm);
+units_tuple(cm, same) ->
+ units_tuple(cm, mm);
+units_tuple(yd, same) ->
+ units_tuple(yd, ft);
+units_tuple(ModelUnits, same)
+ when ModelUnits =:= meter;
+ ModelUnits =:= mm;
+ ModelUnits =:= micron;
+ ModelUnits =:= ft;
+ ModelUnits =:= in ->
+ units_tuple(ModelUnits, ModelUnits);
+units_tuple(ModelUnits, AMFUnits) ->
+ {ModelUnits, AMFUnits}.
+common_mesh_options(Type) ->
+ T = wpa:dialog_template(?MODULE, Type, [
+ include_normals,
+ include_colors,
+ default_filetype
+ ]),
+ T_1 = common_mesh_options_remove_filetype(T),
+ [T_1].
+common_mesh_options_remove_filetype({vframe, L}) ->
+ L_1 = common_mesh_options_remove_filetype_2(lists:reverse(L)),
+ {vframe, lists:reverse(L_1)}.
+common_mesh_options_remove_filetype_2([panel|L]) ->
+ common_mesh_options_remove_filetype_2(L);
+common_mesh_options_remove_filetype_2([{vframe, [{menu,_,_,PL}],_}|L]=L1) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(key, PL) of
+ default_filetype ->
+ common_mesh_options_remove_filetype_2(L);
+ _ ->
+ L1
+ end;
+common_mesh_options_remove_filetype_2(L) ->
+ L.
+%% Write Additive Manufacturing File
+-record(amtexmap, {
+ type,
+ w,
+ h,
+ d,
+ b64
+wr_amf(Filename, Units, Compressed, E3DFile) ->
+ Name = filename:basename(filename:rootname(Filename)),
+ Ret = try
+ wr_amf_1(Name, Units, E3DFile)
+ catch _:one_material_per_volume ->
+ {error, {one_material_per_volume, any}}
+ end,
+ case Ret of
+ _ when is_list(Ret), Compressed =:= true ->
+ AMFContents = iolist_to_binary(Ret),
+ ok = wr_zip(Filename, AMFContents),
+ ok;
+ _ when is_list(Ret) ->
+ AMFContents = iolist_to_binary(Ret),
+ ok = file:write_file(Filename, AMFContents),
+ ok;
+ {error, {one_material_per_volume, A}} ->
+ {error,
+ ?__(1, "Only one material per volume allowed, use the "
+ "\"loop cut\" tool to split objects and apply "
+ "one material to each whole object afterwards.") ++
+ case A of
+ any ->
+ "";
+ "" ->
+ "";
+ ObjName when is_list(ObjName) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format(
+ ?__(2, "~n~n'~s' must be single material."),
+ [ObjName]))
+ end }
+ end.
+wr_amf_1(Name, {_WU, AMFUnit}=Units, #e3d_file{objs=Objs_0,mat=Mats,creator=Creator}) ->
+ case close_objs_single_mat(Objs_0) of
+ {ok, Objs_1} ->
+ %% Combine objects with same name
+ ScaleF = scale_from_units(export, Units),
+ Objs_2 = scale_objects(Objs_1, ScaleF),
+ Objs_3 = combine_objs_v(Objs_2),
+ Objs = number_objs(Objs_3),
+ {Mats_1, Texs, MtlIndices} = split_mats_and_tex(Mats),
+ [
+ <<"">>,
+ to_bin(io_lib:format("",
+ [to_amf_unit(AMFUnit)])),
+ wr_metadata("name", Name),
+ wr_metadata("cad", Creator),
+ [ wr_amf_obj(Obj, MtlIndices, ObjNum) || {Obj, ObjNum} <- Objs ],
+ [ wr_amf_mat(Mt, MtlIndices) || Mt <- Mats_1],
+ [ wr_amf_tex(Tx, MtlIndices) || Tx <- Texs],
+ <<" ">>
+ ];
+ {error, Err} ->
+ {error, Err}
+ end.
+wr_zip(Filename, AMFContents) ->
+ Options = [],
+ FilenameOnly = filename:basename(Filename),
+ {ok, _} = zip:zip(Filename, [{FilenameOnly, AMFContents}], Options),
+ ok.
+%% Assign a number for each object
+number_objs(Objs) ->
+ lists:zip(Objs, lists:seq(1, length(Objs))).
+%% Try to split and triangulate along the seam of
+%% multi-material objects to turn them into valid
+%% single material volumes, or return an error.
+close_objs_single_mat(Objs_0) ->
+ %% TODO
+ close_objs_single_mat_1(Objs_0).
+close_objs_single_mat_1(Objs) ->
+ Objs_M =
+ [ ordsets:from_list(lists:append([ ML || #e3d_face{mat=ML} <- Efs]))
+ || #e3d_object{obj=#e3d_mesh{fs=Efs}} <- Objs],
+ case lists:all(fun (A) -> length(A) =:= 1 end, Objs_M) of
+ true ->
+ {ok, Objs};
+ false ->
+ ObjName = first_obj_name(Objs, [length(B) =/= 1 || B <- Objs_M]),
+ {error, {one_material_per_volume, ObjName}}
+ end.
+first_obj_name([_|Objs], [false|L2]) ->
+ first_obj_name(Objs, L2);
+first_obj_name([#e3d_object{name=Name}|_], [true|_]) ->
+ Name;
+first_obj_name(_, []) ->
+ "".
+%% AMF Write Objects
+-record(amfwrobj, {
+ name = [],
+ vs = [],
+ vc = [],
+ tx = [],
+ vl = []
+-record(amfwrvl, {
+ name = [],
+ mat = none,
+ fs = []
+name_o(ObjName) ->
+ [First|_] = string:split(ObjName, ":"),
+ First.
+name_v(ObjName) ->
+ case string:split(ObjName, ":") of
+ [_, Second|_] ->
+ Second;
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end.
+%% Combine separate E3D objects into one AMF object with
+%% volumes separated by materials.
+combine_objs_v(Objs_0) ->
+ %% Combine if the name before a colon is the same.
+ CombF = fun({_, #e3d_object{name=ObjName1}},
+ {_, #amfwrobj{name=ObjName2}}) ->
+ case {name_o(ObjName1), name_o(ObjName2)} of
+ {Str1, Str2} ->
+ Str1 =:= Str2
+ end
+ end,
+ combine_objs_v(Objs_0, CombF, []).
+combine_objs_v([#e3d_object{obj=#e3d_mesh{vs=Vs}}=Obj|R], CombF, OL) ->
+ OL_1 = combine_objs_v_m(Vs, CombF, Obj, OL),
+ combine_objs_v(R, CombF, OL_1);
+combine_objs_v([], _CombF, OL) ->
+ lists:reverse([O || {_,O} <- OL]).
+combine_objs_v_m(Vs, CombF, Obj, OL) ->
+ combine_objs_v_m(gb_sets:from_list(Vs), CombF, Obj, OL, []).
+combine_objs_v_m(Vs, CombF, Obj, [Obj2|OL], O2) ->
+ case CombF({Vs, Obj}, Obj2) of
+ false ->
+ combine_objs_v_m(Vs, CombF, Obj, OL, [Obj2|O2]);
+ true ->
+ O2_1 = lists:reverse(O2) ++ [combine_objs_v_m_1(Obj, Obj2)],
+ O2_1 ++ OL
+ end;
+combine_objs_v_m(Vs, _CombF, #e3d_object{name=ObjName}=Obj, [], O2) ->
+ Obj_2 = combine_objs_v_m_2(Obj, #amfwrobj{name=name_o(ObjName)}),
+ lists:reverse(O2) ++ [{Vs, Obj_2}].
+combine_objs_v_m_1(#e3d_object{obj=#e3d_mesh{vs=Vs}}=Obj, {VsD, Obj_1}) ->
+ Obj_2 = combine_objs_v_m_2(Obj, Obj_1),
+ VsD2 = gb_sets:union(VsD, gb_sets:from_list(Vs)),
+ {VsD2, Obj_2}.
+ #e3d_object{name=VName,obj=#e3d_mesh{vs=Vs1,vc=Vc1,tx=Tx1,fs=Fs1}}=Obj1,
+ #amfwrobj{vs=Vs2,vc=Vc2,tx=Tx2,vl=VL0}=Obj2) ->
+ case getobjmat(Obj1) of
+ [Mat] ->
+ Vs3 = Vs2 ++ Vs1,
+ Vc3 = Vc2 ++ Vc1,
+ Tx3 = Tx2 ++ Tx1,
+ Fs3 = offsetfs(Fs1,
+ length(Vs2),
+ length(Vc2),
+ length(Tx2)),
+ Volume = #amfwrvl{name=name_v(VName),fs=Fs3,mat=Mat},
+ Obj2#amfwrobj{vs=Vs3,vc=Vc3,tx=Tx3,vl=[Volume|VL0]};
+ _ ->
+ error(one_material_per_volume)
+ end.
+getobjmat(#e3d_object{obj=#e3d_mesh{fs=Fs}}) ->
+ ordsets:from_list([Mat || #e3d_face{mat=[Mat]}=_ <- Fs]).
+offsetfs(Fs1, OfsVs, OfsVc, OfsTx) ->
+ offsetfs(Fs1, OfsVs, OfsVc, OfsTx, []).
+offsetfs([#e3d_face{vs=Vs,vc=Vc,tx=Tx}=Fs1|R], OfsVs, OfsVc, OfsTx, OL) ->
+ Vs_1 = [Iv+OfsVs || Iv <- Vs],
+ Vc_1 = [Ic+OfsVc || Ic <- Vc],
+ Tx_1 = [It+OfsTx || It <- Tx],
+ offsetfs(R, OfsVs, OfsVc, OfsTx, [Fs1#e3d_face{vs=Vs_1,vc=Vc_1,tx=Tx_1}|OL]);
+offsetfs([], _OfsVs, _OfsVc, _OfsTx, OL) ->
+ lists:reverse(OL).
+wr_amf_obj(#amfwrobj{name=ObjName,vs=Vs,vc=_Vc,tx=Tx_0,vl=Volumes}, MtlIndices, ObjNum) ->
+ %%io:format("Volumes=~p~n", [Volumes]),
+ VTx = array:from_list(Tx_0),
+ [
+ to_bin(io_lib:format("",[ObjNum])),
+ wr_metadata("name", ObjName),
+ <<"">>,
+ <<"">>,
+ [
+ [
+ <<"">>,
+ <<"">>,
+ <<"">>, flt_to_bin(X), <<" ">>,
+ <<"">>, flt_to_bin(Y), <<" ">>,
+ <<"">>, flt_to_bin(Z), <<" ">>,
+ <<" ">>,
+ <<" ">>
+ ]
+ || {X,Y,Z} <- Vs ],
+ <<" ">>,
+ [ wr_amf_obj_vlm(Tup, MtlIndices, VTx) || Tup <- Volumes ],
+ <<" ">>,
+ <<" ">>
+ ].
+wr_metadata(Name, Cont) ->
+ to_bin(io_lib:format("~s ",
+ [wr_esc(Name), wr_esc(Cont)])).
+wr_esc(A_0) ->
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun({From, To}, A) ->
+ lists:flatten(string:replace(A, From, To, all))
+ end,
+ A_0,
+ [{"&","&"},{"<", "<"},{">", ">"},{"\"","&dquot;"}]).
+wr_amf_obj_vlm(#amfwrvl{name=Name,mat=MatName,fs=Efs}, MtlIndices, VTx) ->
+ case gb_trees:lookup(MatName, MtlIndices) of
+ {value, {mat, MtlIdx}} ->
+ [
+ to_bin(io_lib:format("", [MtlIdx])),
+ wr_metadata_opt("name", Name),
+ [ wr_amf_obj_tri(Tri, none) || #e3d_face{vs=Tri} <- Efs ],
+ <<" ">>
+ ];
+ {value, {tex, MtlIdx, RGB}} ->
+ [
+ to_bin(io_lib:format("", [MtlIdx])),
+ wr_metadata_opt("name", Name),
+ [ wr_amf_obj_tri(Tri, {RGB, TxL, VTx}) || #e3d_face{vs=Tri,tx=TxL} <- Efs ],
+ <<" ">>
+ ]
+ end.
+wr_metadata_opt(_Name, "") ->
+ [];
+wr_metadata_opt(Name, Content) ->
+ wr_metadata(Name, Content).
+wr_amf_obj_tri([V1,V2,V3], RGBTexId) ->
+ [
+ <<"">>,
+ <<"">>, int_to_bin(V1), <<" ">>,
+ <<"">>, int_to_bin(V2), <<" ">>,
+ <<"">>, int_to_bin(V3), <<" ">>,
+ wr_texmap(RGBTexId),
+ <<" ">>
+ ].
+wr_amf_mat({MatName, MatProp}, MtlIndices) ->
+ MatName_S = atom_to_list(MatName),
+ OpenGL = proplists:get_value(opengl, MatProp, []),
+ {R,G,B,A} = proplists:get_value(diffuse, OpenGL, {0.8,0.8,0.8,1.0}),
+ MtlIdx = case gb_trees:lookup(MatName, MtlIndices) of
+ {value, {mat, MIdx1}} -> MIdx1;
+ {value, {tex, MIdx2, _}} -> MIdx2
+ end,
+ [
+ to_bin(io_lib:format("", [MtlIdx])),
+ wr_metadata("name", MatName_S),
+ wr_color({R,G,B,A}),
+ <<" ">>
+ ].
+wr_amf_tex({MatName, MatProp}, MtlIndices) ->
+ {value, {tex, _, TexIds}} = gb_trees:lookup(MatName, MtlIndices),
+ RTexId = wr_amf_tex_1(TexIds),
+ Maps = proplists:get_value(maps, MatProp, []),
+ case proplists:get_value(diffuse, Maps, []) of
+ #e3d_image{}=Img ->
+ [
+ [
+ to_bin(io_lib:format("", [W,H,Depth,0])),
+ B64Bin,
+ <<" ">>
+ ]
+ ||
+ {Idx, #amtexmap{type=grayscale,w=W,h=H,d=Depth,b64=B64Bin}} <- tx_enc(Img)
+ ]
+ end.
+wr_amf_tex_1({RTexId,_,_}) -> RTexId;
+wr_amf_tex_1({RTexId,_,_,_}) -> RTexId.
+wr_color({R,G,B,A}) ->
+ [
+ <<"">>,
+ <<"">>, flt_to_bin(R), <<" ">>,
+ <<"">>, flt_to_bin(G), <<" ">>,
+ <<"">>, flt_to_bin(B), <<" ">>,
+ <<"">>, flt_to_bin(A), <<" ">>,
+ <<" ">>
+ ].
+wr_texmap(none) ->
+ [];
+wr_texmap({TexIds, [TxI1, TxI2, TxI3], VTx})
+ when is_integer(TxI1),
+ is_integer(TxI2),
+ is_integer(TxI3) ->
+ {U1,V1} = array:get(TxI1, VTx),
+ {U2,V2} = array:get(TxI2, VTx),
+ {U3,V3} = array:get(TxI3, VTx),
+ [
+ <<">,
+ wr_texmap_1(TexIds),
+ <<">">>,
+ <<"">>, flt_to_bin(U1), <<" ">>,
+ <<"">>, flt_to_bin(U2), <<" ">>,
+ <<"">>, flt_to_bin(U3), <<" ">>,
+ <<"">>, flt_to_bin(V1), <<" ">>,
+ <<"">>, flt_to_bin(V2), <<" ">>,
+ <<"">>, flt_to_bin(V3), <<" ">>,
+ <<" ">>
+ ];
+wr_texmap({_TexIds, _, _VTx}) ->
+ [].
+wr_texmap_1({RTexId, GTexId, BTexId}) ->
+ to_bin(io_lib:format(" rtexid=\"~w\" gtexid=\"~w\" btexid=\"~w\"",
+ [RTexId+1,GTexId+1,BTexId+1]));
+wr_texmap_1({RTexId, GTexId, BTexId, ATexId}) ->
+ to_bin(io_lib:format(" rtexid=\"~w\" gtexid=\"~w\" btexid=\"~w\" atexid=\"~w\"",
+ [RTexId+1,GTexId+1,BTexId+1,ATexId+1])).
+int_to_bin(A) ->
+ integer_to_binary(A).
+flt_to_bin(A) ->
+ float_to_binary(A, [{decimals,10},compact]).
+to_bin(A) ->
+ iolist_to_binary(A).
+%% Split materials between solid colors and textures.
+split_mats_and_tex(Mats) ->
+ split_mats_and_tex(Mats, 0, [], 0, [], gb_trees:empty()).
+split_mats_and_tex([{MatName, Prop}=Mt|Mats], Count1, O1, Count2, O2, MI) ->
+ Maps = proplists:get_value(maps, Prop, []),
+ case proplists:get_value(diffuse, Maps, none) of
+ none ->
+ MI_1 = gb_trees:insert(MatName, {mat, Count1+1}, MI),
+ split_mats_and_tex(Mats, Count1+1, [Mt|O1], Count2, O2, MI_1);
+ #e3d_image{type=NoAlpha}=_
+ when NoAlpha =:= g8;
+ NoAlpha =:= r8g8b8 ->
+ MI_1 = gb_trees:insert(MatName, {tex, Count1+1, {Count2,Count2+1,Count2+2}}, MI),
+ split_mats_and_tex(Mats, Count1+1, [Mt|O1], Count2+3, [Mt|O2], MI_1);
+ #e3d_image{type=HasAlpha}=_
+ when HasAlpha =:= g8a8;
+ HasAlpha =:= r8g8b8a8 ->
+ MI_1 = gb_trees:insert(MatName, {tex, Count1+1, {Count2,Count2+1,Count2+2,Count2+3}}, MI),
+ split_mats_and_tex(Mats, Count1+1, [Mt|O1], Count2+4, [Mt|O2], MI_1)
+ end;
+split_mats_and_tex([], _, O1, _, O2, MI) ->
+ {lists:reverse(O1), lists:reverse(O2), MI}.
+to_amf_unit(Unit) ->
+ case Unit of
+ mm -> "millimeter";
+ in -> "inch";
+ ft -> "feet";
+ meter -> "meter";
+ micron -> "micron"
+ end.
+%% Read Additive Manufacturing File
+open_amf_file(ModelUnit, Filename) ->
+ {ok, Cont} = file:read_file(Filename),
+ case Cont of
+ <<"PK",_/binary>> ->
+ case open_amf_container(Filename) of
+ {ok, XmlCont} ->
+ read_amf_content(ModelUnit, XmlCont)
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ read_amf_content(ModelUnit, Cont)
+ end.
+open_amf_container(Filename) ->
+ case zip:zip_open(Filename, [memory]) of
+ {ok, ZH} ->
+ {ok, FileList} = zip:zip_list_dir(ZH),
+ XmlList = open_amf_get_files(ZH, FileList),
+ zip:zip_close(ZH),
+ [XmlCont|_] = [Bin || {_Name, Bin} <- XmlList],
+ {ok, XmlCont};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+open_amf_get_files(ZH, FileList) ->
+ open_amf_get_files(ZH, FileList, []).
+open_amf_get_files(ZH, [#zip_file{name=Name}=_File|FileList], XmlList) ->
+ Ext = string:to_lower(filename:extension(Name)),
+ case Ext of
+ ".amf" ->
+ {ok, Res} = zip:zip_get(Name, ZH),
+ XmlList_1 = [Res | XmlList];
+ _ ->
+ XmlList_1 = XmlList
+ end,
+ open_amf_get_files(ZH, FileList, XmlList_1);
+open_amf_get_files(ZH, [_OtherRec|FileList], XmlList) ->
+ open_amf_get_files(ZH, FileList, XmlList);
+open_amf_get_files(_ZH, [], XmlList) ->
+ XmlList.
+-record(amvrt, {
+ x,
+ y,
+ z
+-record(amtri, {
+ v1,
+ v2,
+ v3,
+ col=none,
+ utx1=none,
+ vtx1=none,
+ utx2=none,
+ vtx2=none,
+ utx3=none,
+ vtx3=none,
+ rgbtexid=none
+-record(amcol, {
+ r=0.0,
+ g=0.0,
+ b=0.0,
+ a=1.0
+-record(amvlm, {
+ name = "",
+ mtl,
+ tl
+-record(amobj, {
+ name = "",
+ id,
+ vs,
+ vl,
+ col
+-record(ammtl, {
+ id,
+ col = none
+-record(amtex, {
+ id,
+ w,
+ h,
+ d,
+ t,
+ type,
+ bin
+%% State file for xmerl sax.
+-record(amftk, {
+ unit = mm,
+ mtls = [],
+ objs = [],
+ texs = [],
+ obj_id = 0,
+ mesh = [],
+ verts = [],
+ vt,
+ volumes = [],
+ tl = [],
+ tri_at,
+ col_at = none,
+ mtl_at = [],
+ mtl_mtl_id = none,
+ vlm_mtl_id = none,
+ tri_mtl_id = none,
+ char,
+ tex_at,
+ metadat = [],
+ mdat_type
+ }).
+read_amf_content(ModelUnit, Bin) ->
+ read_amf_content_1(ModelUnit, Bin).
+read_amf_content_1(ModelUnit, Bin_1) ->
+ EF = {event_fun, fun amf_tok/3},
+ ES = {event_state, #amftk{}},
+ case xmerl_sax_parser:stream(Bin_1, [EF,ES]) of
+ {ok, #amftk{unit=AMFUnit,mtls=Mats,objs=Objs,texs=Texs}=_Es, _} ->
+ Texs_1 = make_e3dtex(Texs, get_tex_rgb(Objs)),
+ Objs_1 = make_e3dobj(Objs),
+ Mats_1 = make_e3dmat(Mats),
+ ScaleF = scale_from_units(import, units_tuple(ModelUnit, AMFUnit)),
+ Objs_2 = scale_objects(Objs_1, ScaleF),
+ Mats_2 = fill_missing_materials(Mats_1, Objs_1),
+ {ok, {Objs_2, Mats_2 ++ Texs_1}};
+ {Error, {_,_,Line}, Reason, _ET, _St} ->
+ io:format("amf:~p: ERROR: ~p:~p~n", [Line, Error, Reason]),
+ {error, ?__(1,"unknown/unhandled format, see log window")}
+ end.
+make_e3dobj(Objs) ->
+ make_e3dobj(Objs, []).
+make_e3dobj([#amobj{name=ObjName,id=_Num,vs=Vs,vl=Vlm,col=_Col}|R], OL) ->
+ %% Create an object for each volume as each volume is a manifold.
+ {VVs, VVc} = make_e3dobj_vs(Vs),
+ {VF, UVL_1} = make_e3dobj_vlm(Vlm, gb_trees:empty()),
+ VTx = get_list_from_vl(UVL_1),
+ Obj1 = [#e3d_object{
+ name=make_e3dobj_name(ObjName, VlName),
+ obj=#e3d_mesh{
+ type=triangle,
+ vs=VVs, vc=VVc, tx=VTx,
+ fs=Efs
+ }
+ } || {VlName, Efs} <- VF],
+ make_e3dobj(R, [Obj1|OL]);
+make_e3dobj([], OL) ->
+ lists:append(lists:reverse(OL)).
+make_e3dobj_name(ObjName, VlName)
+ when is_list(ObjName), is_list(VlName),
+ length(ObjName) > 0, length(VlName) > 0 ->
+ ObjName ++ ":" ++ VlName.
+make_e3dobj_vs(Vs) ->
+ make_e3dobj_vs(Vs, []).
+make_e3dobj_vs([#amvrt{x=X,y=Y,z=Z}=_|R], OL) ->
+ V = {X,Y,Z},
+ make_e3dobj_vs(R, [V|OL]);
+make_e3dobj_vs([], OL) ->
+ {lists:reverse(OL), []}.
+make_e3dobj_vlm(Vlm, UVL) ->
+ make_e3dobj_vlm(Vlm, [], UVL).
+make_e3dobj_vlm([#amvlm{name=Name,mtl=MtlV,tl=TL}=_|R], OL, UVL_0) ->
+ {Vl_1,UVL_1} = make_e3dfs(TL, MtlV, UVL_0),
+ make_e3dobj_vlm(R, [{Name, Vl_1}|OL], UVL_1);
+make_e3dobj_vlm([], OL, UVL) ->
+ {lists:reverse(OL), UVL}.
+make_e3dfs(Vlm, MtlV, UVL) ->
+ make_e3dfs(Vlm, MtlV, [], UVL).
+make_e3dfs([#amtri{v1=V1,v2=V2,v3=V3,col=_,rgbtexid=Tex}=AmTri|R], MtlV, OL, UVL_0) ->
+ {TxL, UVL_1} = make_e3dfs_uv(AmTri, UVL_0),
+ Vl_1 = #e3d_face{
+ vs=[V1,V2,V3],
+ vc=[],
+ tx=TxL,
+ mat=make_e3dfs_mat(Tex, MtlV)
+ },
+ make_e3dfs(R, MtlV, [Vl_1|OL], UVL_1);
+make_e3dfs([], _MtlV, OL, UVL) ->
+ {lists:reverse(OL), UVL}.
+ vtx1=VTx1,vtx2=VTx2,vtx3=VTx3}=_, UVL_0)
+ when is_float(UTx1), is_float(UTx2), is_float(UTx3),
+ is_float(VTx1), is_float(VTx2), is_float(VTx3) ->
+ {Idx1, UVL_1} = get_next_idx({UTx1,VTx1}, UVL_0),
+ {Idx2, UVL_2} = get_next_idx({UTx2,VTx2}, UVL_1),
+ {Idx3, UVL_3} = get_next_idx({UTx3,VTx3}, UVL_2),
+ {[Idx1,Idx2,Idx3], UVL_3};
+make_e3dfs_uv(_, UVL) ->
+ {[], UVL}.
+get_next_idx(Val, VL) ->
+ case gb_trees:lookup(Val, VL) of
+ none ->
+ Idx = gb_trees:size(VL),
+ {Idx, gb_trees:insert(Val, Idx, VL)};
+ {value, Idx} ->
+ {Idx, VL}
+ end.
+make_e3dfs_mat(none, none) ->
+ [];
+make_e3dfs_mat(none, MtlV)
+ when is_integer(MtlV) ->
+ MatName = list_to_atom(lists:flatten(
+ io_lib:format("mat_~w", [MtlV]))),
+ [MatName];
+make_e3dfs_mat({RTexId, GTexId, BTexId}, _) ->
+ MatName = list_to_atom(lists:flatten(
+ io_lib:format("tex_~w_~w_~w", [RTexId, GTexId, BTexId]))),
+ [MatName].
+make_e3dtex(Texs, L) ->
+ Texs_0 = orddict:from_list([{Id, Tex} || #amtex{id=Id}=Tex <- Texs]),
+ Texs_1 = gb_trees:from_orddict(Texs_0),
+ [make_e3dtex_1(Tup, Texs_1) || Tup <- L].
+make_e3dtex_1({RTexId, GTexId, BTexId}, Texs_1) ->
+ MatName = list_to_atom(lists:flatten(
+ io_lib:format("tex_~w_~w_~w", [RTexId, GTexId, BTexId]))),
+ make_e3dtex_3(MatName,
+ make_e3dtex_2(
+ gb_trees:lookup(RTexId, Texs_1),
+ gb_trees:lookup(GTexId, Texs_1),
+ gb_trees:lookup(BTexId, Texs_1), none));
+make_e3dtex_1({RTexId, GTexId, BTexId, ATexId}, Texs_1) ->
+ MatName = list_to_atom(lists:flatten(
+ io_lib:format("tex_~w_~w_~w_~w", [RTexId, GTexId, BTexId, ATexId]))),
+ make_e3dtex_3(MatName,
+ make_e3dtex_2(
+ gb_trees:lookup(RTexId, Texs_1),
+ gb_trees:lookup(GTexId, Texs_1),
+ gb_trees:lookup(BTexId, Texs_1),
+ gb_trees:lookup(BTexId, Texs_1))).
+make_e3dtex_2({value, RTex}, {value, GTex}, {value, BTex}, none) ->
+ tx_dec([
+ make_e3dtex_txmap(RTex),
+ make_e3dtex_txmap(GTex),
+ make_e3dtex_txmap(BTex) ]);
+make_e3dtex_2({value, RTex}, {value, GTex}, {value, BTex}, {value, ATex}) ->
+ tx_dec([
+ make_e3dtex_txmap(RTex),
+ make_e3dtex_txmap(GTex),
+ make_e3dtex_txmap(BTex),
+ make_e3dtex_txmap(ATex)]).
+make_e3dtex_3(MatName, DiffuseImg) ->
+ MapsL = [
+ {diffuse, DiffuseImg}
+ ],
+ {MatName, simple_mtl(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0) ++ [{maps, MapsL}]}.
+make_e3dtex_txmap(#amtex{id=_,w=Width,h=Height,d=Depth,type=Type,bin=Str}) ->
+ #amtexmap{type=Type,w=Width,h=Height,d=Depth,b64=Str}.
+get_list_from_vl(UVL_0) ->
+ List = [{B,A} || {A,B} <- gb_trees:to_list(UVL_0)],
+ [D || {_, D} <- lists:usort(List)].
+fill_missing_materials(Mats, Objs) ->
+ Mats_S = ordsets:from_list([MatName || {MatName, _} <- Mats]),
+ Mats ++ fill_missing_materials_1(Mats_S, Objs, []).
+fill_missing_materials_1(Mats_S, [#e3d_object{obj=#e3d_mesh{fs=Efs}}|Objs], OL) ->
+ Mats1 = fill_missing_materials_fs(Efs),
+ case ordsets:subtract(Mats1, Mats_S) of
+ [] ->
+ fill_missing_materials_1(Mats_S, Objs, OL);
+ NewMats ->
+ NewMats_1 = [{M, simple_mtl()} || M <- NewMats],
+ Mats_S_1 = ordsets:union(Mats_S, NewMats),
+ fill_missing_materials_1(Mats_S_1, Objs, [NewMats_1|OL])
+ end;
+fill_missing_materials_1(_Mats_S, [], OL) ->
+ lists:append(lists:reverse(OL)).
+fill_missing_materials_fs(Efs) ->
+ ordsets:from_list(lists:flatten([MatL || #e3d_face{mat=MatL} <- Efs])).
+simple_mtl() ->
+ simple_mtl(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0).
+simple_mtl(ClrR, ClrG, ClrB, ClrA) ->
+ OpenGL = [
+ {diffuse, {ClrR, ClrG, ClrB, ClrA}},
+ {emissive, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}},
+ {specular, {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}},
+ {ambient, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}},
+ {metallic, 0.2},
+ {roughness, 0.8}
+ ],
+ [{opengl, OpenGL}].
+%% Get a list of the tuples of RGB texture ids.
+get_tex_rgb(Objs) ->
+ lists:usort(lists:flatten([get_tex_rgb_1(Obj) || Obj <- Objs])).
+get_tex_rgb_1(#amobj{vl=Vl}=_) ->
+ [get_tex_rgb_2(VV) || VV <- Vl].
+get_tex_rgb_2(#amvlm{tl=Tl}=_) ->
+ [get_tex_rgb_3(Tri) || Tri <- Tl].
+get_tex_rgb_3(#amtri{rgbtexid=none}=_) ->
+ [];
+ when is_tuple(RGBTexId) ->
+ [RGBTexId].
+make_e3dmat(Mats) ->
+ make_e3dmat(Mats, []).
+make_e3dmat([#ammtl{id=Num,col=#amcol{}=Col}|R], OL) ->
+ MatName = list_to_atom(lists:flatten(
+ io_lib:format("mat_~w", [Num]))),
+ {ClrR,ClrG,ClrB,ClrA} = make_e3dmat_col(Col),
+ Mt = {MatName, simple_mtl(ClrR, ClrG, ClrB, ClrA)},
+ make_e3dmat(R, [Mt|OL]);
+make_e3dmat([#ammtl{id=Num,col=none}|R], OL) ->
+ MatName = list_to_atom(lists:flatten(
+ io_lib:format("mat_~w", [Num]))),
+ Mt = {MatName, simple_mtl()},
+ make_e3dmat(R, [Mt|OL]);
+make_e3dmat([], OL) ->
+ lists:reverse(OL).
+make_e3dmat_col(#amcol{r=ClrR,g=ClrG,b=ClrB,a=ClrA}) ->
+ {ClrR,ClrG,ClrB,ClrA}.
+%% xmerl tokenizer
+amf_tok({startElement, _, LName, _, Attrs}=_Ev, _Loc, #amftk{}=State) ->
+ case LName of
+ "amf" ->
+ push_metadat(State#amftk{unit=amf_tok_get_unit(Attrs)});
+ "metadata" ->
+ MDatType = amf_tok_get_str("type", Attrs),
+ clear_char(State#amftk{mdat_type=MDatType});
+ "object" ->
+ push_metadat(State#amftk{obj_id=amf_tok_get_int("id", Attrs)});
+ "mesh" ->
+ push_metadat(State);
+ "vertices" ->
+ push_metadat(State);
+ "vertex" ->
+ State;
+ "coordinates" ->
+ State#amftk{vt=#amvrt{}};
+ "x" -> clear_char(State);
+ "y" -> clear_char(State);
+ "z" -> clear_char(State);
+ "volume" ->
+ push_metadat(State#amftk{vlm_mtl_id=amf_tok_get_int("materialid", Attrs),tl=[]});
+ "triangle" ->
+ State#amftk{tri_at=#amtri{},tri_mtl_id=amf_tok_get_int("materialid", Attrs)};
+ "v1" -> clear_char(State);
+ "v2" -> clear_char(State);
+ "v3" -> clear_char(State);
+ "normal" -> State;
+ "nx" -> clear_char(State);
+ "ny" -> clear_char(State);
+ "nz" -> clear_char(State);
+ "texmap" ->
+ State#amftk{
+ tri_at=State#amftk.tri_at#amtri{
+ rgbtexid=amf_tok_tri_texid(Attrs)
+ }
+ };
+ "utex1" -> clear_char(State);
+ "utex2" -> clear_char(State);
+ "utex3" -> clear_char(State);
+ "vtex1" -> clear_char(State);
+ "vtex2" -> clear_char(State);
+ "vtex3" -> clear_char(State);
+ "material" ->
+ push_metadat(State#amftk{mtl_mtl_id=amf_tok_get_int("id", Attrs)});
+ "color" ->
+ State#amftk{col_at=#amcol{}};
+ "r" -> clear_char(State);
+ "g" -> clear_char(State);
+ "b" -> clear_char(State);
+ "a" -> clear_char(State);
+ "texture" ->
+ clear_char(State#amftk{tex_at=#amtex{
+ id=amf_tok_get_int("id", Attrs),
+ w=amf_tok_get_int("width", Attrs),
+ h=amf_tok_get_int("height", Attrs),
+ d=amf_tok_get_int("depth", Attrs),
+ t=amf_tok_get_int("tiled", Attrs),
+ type=amf_tok_get_textype(Attrs)
+ }});
+ _ ->
+ State
+ end;
+amf_tok({endElement, _, LName, _}=_Ev, _Loc, #amftk{}=State) ->
+ case LName of
+ "amf" -> pop_metadat(State);
+ "metadata" ->
+ add_metadat(clear_char(State),
+ { string:lowercase(State#amftk.mdat_type), State#amftk.char });
+ "object" ->
+ Verts = State#amftk.verts,
+ Volumes = lists:reverse(State#amftk.volumes),
+ Nm = amf_getname(State, object),
+ Obj = #amobj{name=Nm,id=State#amftk.obj_id,vs=Verts,vl=Volumes,col=State#amftk.col_at},
+ pop_metadat(State#amftk{objs=[Obj|State#amftk.objs],col_at=none});
+ "mesh" ->
+ pop_metadat(State);
+ "vertices" ->
+ pop_metadat(State#amftk{verts=lists:reverse(State#amftk.verts)});
+ "vertex" ->
+ State#amftk{verts=[State#amftk.vt|State#amftk.verts],col_at=none};
+ "coordinates" ->
+ State;
+ "x" ->
+ clear_char(State#amftk{vt=State#amftk.vt#amvrt{x=amf_parse_flt(State)}});
+ "y" ->
+ clear_char(State#amftk{vt=State#amftk.vt#amvrt{y=amf_parse_flt(State)}});
+ "z" ->
+ clear_char(State#amftk{vt=State#amftk.vt#amvrt{z=amf_parse_flt(State)}});
+ "volume" ->
+ Nm = amf_getname(State, volume),
+ Volume = #amvlm{name=Nm,mtl=State#amftk.vlm_mtl_id, tl=lists:reverse(State#amftk.tl)},
+ pop_metadat(State#amftk{volumes=[Volume|State#amftk.volumes]});
+ "triangle" ->
+ Tri = State#amftk.tri_at#amtri{col=State#amftk.col_at},
+ State#amftk{tl=[Tri|State#amftk.tl],col_at=none};
+ "v1" ->
+ clear_char(State#amftk{tri_at=State#amftk.tri_at#amtri{v1=amf_parse_int(State)}});
+ "v2" ->
+ clear_char(State#amftk{tri_at=State#amftk.tri_at#amtri{v2=amf_parse_int(State)}});
+ "v3" ->
+ clear_char(State#amftk{tri_at=State#amftk.tri_at#amtri{v3=amf_parse_int(State)}});
+ "normal" -> State;
+ "nx" -> clear_char(State);
+ "ny" -> clear_char(State);
+ "nz" -> clear_char(State);
+ "texmap" ->
+ State;
+ "utex1" ->
+ clear_char(State#amftk{tri_at=State#amftk.tri_at#amtri{utx1=amf_parse_flt(State)}});
+ "utex2" ->
+ clear_char(State#amftk{tri_at=State#amftk.tri_at#amtri{utx2=amf_parse_flt(State)}});
+ "utex3" ->
+ clear_char(State#amftk{tri_at=State#amftk.tri_at#amtri{utx3=amf_parse_flt(State)}});
+ "vtex1" ->
+ clear_char(State#amftk{tri_at=State#amftk.tri_at#amtri{vtx1=amf_parse_flt(State)}});
+ "vtex2" ->
+ clear_char(State#amftk{tri_at=State#amftk.tri_at#amtri{vtx2=amf_parse_flt(State)}});
+ "vtex3" ->
+ clear_char(State#amftk{tri_at=State#amftk.tri_at#amtri{vtx3=amf_parse_flt(State)}});
+ "material" ->
+ Mtl = #ammtl{id=State#amftk.mtl_mtl_id, col=State#amftk.col_at},
+ pop_metadat(State#amftk{mtls=[Mtl|State#amftk.mtls],col_at=none});
+ "color" ->
+ State;
+ "r" ->
+ clear_char(State#amftk{col_at=State#amftk.col_at#amcol{r=amf_parse_flt(State)}});
+ "g" ->
+ clear_char(State#amftk{col_at=State#amftk.col_at#amcol{g=amf_parse_flt(State)}});
+ "b" ->
+ clear_char(State#amftk{col_at=State#amftk.col_at#amcol{b=amf_parse_flt(State)}});
+ "a" ->
+ clear_char(State#amftk{col_at=State#amftk.col_at#amcol{a=amf_parse_flt(State)}});
+ "texture" ->
+ Tex = State#amftk.tex_at#amtex{bin=State#amftk.char},
+ clear_char(State#amftk{texs=[Tex|State#amftk.texs],tex_at=none,char=none});
+ _ ->
+ State
+ end;
+amf_tok({characters, Chars}=_Ev, _Loc, #amftk{}=State) ->
+ State#amftk{char=Chars};
+amf_tok(startDocument, _, State) -> State;
+amf_tok(endDocument, _, State) -> State;
+amf_tok(_Ev, _Loc, State) ->
+ State.
+clear_char(Stt) ->
+ Stt#amftk{char=none}.
+push_metadat(#amftk{metadat=MList}=Stt) ->
+ Stt#amftk{metadat=[[]|MList]}.
+pop_metadat(#amftk{metadat=[_|MList]}=Stt) ->
+ Stt#amftk{metadat=MList}.
+add_metadat(#amftk{metadat=[A|MList]}=Stt, {Key, Val}) ->
+ A_1 = orddict:store(Key, Val, A),
+ Stt#amftk{metadat=[A_1|MList]}.
+get_metadat(#amftk{metadat=[A|_]}=_, Key) ->
+ case orddict:find(Key, A) of
+ {ok, Val} -> Val;
+ _ -> none
+ end.
+%% Places where to find a name for the object or volume:
+%% "name" metadata
+%% object id number fallback
+%% generated number
+amf_getname(State, object) ->
+ case get_metadat(State, "name") of
+ none ->
+ amf_getname_1(State, "obj");
+ ObjName when is_list(ObjName) ->
+ ObjName
+ end;
+amf_getname(State, volume) ->
+ case get_metadat(State, "name") of
+ none ->
+ amf_getname_2(State, "volume");
+ VolumeName when is_list(VolumeName) ->
+ VolumeName
+ end.
+amf_getname_1(#amftk{objs=V}=State, Str) ->
+ case State#amftk.obj_id of
+ none ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s_~w", [Str, length(V)+1]));
+ Number when is_integer(Number) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s_~w", [Str, Number]))
+ end.
+amf_getname_2(#amftk{volumes=V}=_, Str) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s_~w", [Str, length(V)+1])).
+amf_parse_int(#amftk{char=Char}=_) ->
+ CharT = string:trim(Char),
+ case string:to_integer(CharT) of
+ {Num, []} when is_integer(Num) -> Num;
+ _ ->
+ case string:to_float(CharT) of
+ {Num, _} when is_float(Num) -> round(Num);
+ {error, _} ->
+ none
+ end
+ end.
+amf_parse_flt(#amftk{char=Char}=_) ->
+ CharT = string:trim(Char),
+ case string:to_integer(CharT) of
+ {Num, []} when is_integer(Num) -> float(Num);
+ _ ->
+ case string:to_float(CharT) of
+ {Num, _} when is_float(Num) -> Num;
+ {error, _} ->
+ none
+ end
+ end.
+amf_tok_get_unit(AttrList) ->
+ case amf_tok_get_str("unit", AttrList) of
+ none -> mm;
+ Str when is_list(Str) ->
+ case lc(Str) of
+ "millimeter" ++ _ -> mm;
+ "inch" ++ _ -> in;
+ "feet" ++ _ -> ft;
+ "meter" ++ _ -> meter;
+ "micron" ++ _ -> micron;
+ _ -> mm
+ end
+ end.
+amf_tok_get_int(AttrName, [{_, _, AttrName, Val}|_]) ->
+ ValT = string:trim(Val),
+ case string:to_integer(ValT) of
+ {Num, _} when is_integer(Num) -> Num;
+ {error, _} ->
+ case string:to_float(ValT) of
+ {Num, _} when is_float(Num) -> round(Num);
+ {error, _} ->
+ none
+ end
+ end;
+amf_tok_get_int(AttrName, [_|R]) ->
+ amf_tok_get_int(AttrName, R);
+amf_tok_get_int(_, []) ->
+ none.
+amf_tok_get_textype(AttrList) ->
+ case lc(amf_tok_get_str("type", AttrList)) of
+ "grayscale" -> grayscale;
+ _ -> grayscale
+ end.
+amf_tok_get_str(AttrName, [{_, _, AttrName, Val}|_]) ->
+ ValT = string:trim(Val),
+ ValT;
+amf_tok_get_str(AttrName, [_|R]) ->
+ amf_tok_get_str(AttrName, R);
+amf_tok_get_str(_, []) ->
+ none.
+amf_tok_tri_texid(Attrs) ->
+ RTexId_0 = amf_tok_get_int("rtexid", Attrs),
+ GTexId_0 = amf_tok_get_int("gtexid", Attrs),
+ BTexId_0 = amf_tok_get_int("btexid", Attrs),
+ ATexId_0 = amf_tok_get_int("atexid", Attrs),
+ case {RTexId_0, GTexId_0, BTexId_0, ATexId_0} of
+ {RTexId, GTexId, BTexId, ATexId}
+ when is_integer(RTexId),
+ is_integer(GTexId),
+ is_integer(BTexId),
+ is_integer(ATexId) ->
+ {RTexId, GTexId, BTexId, ATexId};
+ {RTexId, GTexId, BTexId, none}
+ when is_integer(RTexId),
+ is_integer(GTexId),
+ is_integer(BTexId) ->
+ {RTexId, GTexId, BTexId};
+ _ ->
+ none
+ end.
+scale_objects(Objs, ScaleF) ->
+ [ scale_objects_1(Obj, ScaleF) || Obj <- Objs].
+scale_objects_1(#e3d_object{obj=#e3d_mesh{vs=Vs}=Mesh}=Obj, Scl) ->
+ Obj#e3d_object{obj=Mesh#e3d_mesh{vs=[{X*Scl,Y*Scl,Z*Scl} || {X,Y,Z} <- Vs]}}.
+%%% Unit conversion
+scale_from_units(export, {WU, AMFUnit}) ->
+ unit_ratio(WU, AMFUnit);
+scale_from_units(import, Units) ->
+ 1.0 / scale_from_units(export, Units).
+unit_scaled_mm(micron) -> 0.001 * unit_scaled_mm(mm);
+unit_scaled_mm(mm) -> 1.0;
+unit_scaled_mm(cm) -> 10.0 * unit_scaled_mm(mm);
+unit_scaled_mm(dm) -> 100.0 * unit_scaled_mm(mm);
+unit_scaled_mm(meter) -> 1000.0 * unit_scaled_mm(mm);
+unit_scaled_mm(in) -> (1.0 / 0.03937008) * unit_scaled_mm(mm);
+unit_scaled_mm(ft) -> 12.0 * unit_scaled_mm(in);
+unit_scaled_mm(yd) -> 3.0 * unit_scaled_mm(ft).
+unit_ratio(Unit1, Unit2)
+ when Unit1 =:= Unit2 ->
+ 1.0;
+unit_ratio(Unit1, Unit2) ->
+ unit_scaled_mm(Unit1) / unit_scaled_mm(Unit2).
+lc(A) ->
+ string:lowercase(A).
+%% Decode from grayscale channels
+ #amtexmap{type=Type,w=Width,h=Height,d=Depth,b64=StrG}=_,
+ #amtexmap{type=Type,w=Width,h=Height,d=Depth,b64=StrB}=_]) ->
+ R=tex(base64:decode(StrR), Width, Height, Depth, Type),
+ G=tex(base64:decode(StrG), Width, Height, Depth, Type),
+ B=tex(base64:decode(StrB), Width, Height, Depth, Type),
+ Dec = intrgb(R,G,B),
+ #e3d_image{type=r8g8b8,bytes_pp=3,alignment=1,order=lower_left,
+ width=Width,height=Height,image=Dec};
+ #amtexmap{type=Type,w=Width,h=Height,d=Depth,b64=StrG}=_,
+ #amtexmap{type=Type,w=Width,h=Height,d=Depth,b64=StrB}=_,
+ #amtexmap{type=Type,w=Width,h=Height,d=Depth,b64=StrA}=_]) ->
+ R=tex(base64:decode(StrR), Width, Height, Depth, Type),
+ G=tex(base64:decode(StrG), Width, Height, Depth, Type),
+ B=tex(base64:decode(StrB), Width, Height, Depth, Type),
+ A=tex(base64:decode(StrA), Width, Height, Depth, Type),
+ Dec = intrgba(R,G,B,A),
+ #e3d_image{type = r8g8b8a8,bytes_pp=4,alignment=1,order=lower_left,
+ width=Width,height=Height,image=Dec}.
+tex(Bin, W, H, D, T) when D =:= 1, T =:= grayscale ->
+ tex_b1(Bin, W, H, H, W, [], []).
+tex_b1(<>, W, H, J, I, Rows, Line)
+ when I > 0, J > 0 ->
+ tex_b1(Bin, W, H, J, I-1, Rows, [C|Line]);
+tex_b1(_, _W, _H, 0, _, Rows, []) ->
+ lists:reverse(Rows);
+tex_b1(Bin, W, H, J, 0, Rows, Line) ->
+ tex_b1(Bin, W, H, J-1, W, [lists:reverse(Line)|Rows], []).
+intrgb(R,G,B) ->
+ intrgb(R,G,B,[]).
+intrgb([R|RR],[G|GR],[B|BR],OL) ->
+ Line = intrgb_1(R,G,B,[]),
+ intrgb(RR,GR,BR,[Line|OL]);
+intrgb([],[],[],OL) ->
+ iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(OL)).
+intrgb_1([R|RA],[G|GA],[B|BA],OL) ->
+ intrgb_1(RA,GA,BA,[<>|OL]);
+intrgb_1([],[],[],OL) ->
+ iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(OL)).
+intrgba(R,G,B,A) ->
+ intrgba(R,G,B,A,[]).
+intrgba([R|RR],[G|GR],[B|BR],[A|AR],OL) ->
+ Line = intrgba_1(R,G,B,A,[]),
+ intrgba(RR,GR,BR,AR,[Line|OL]);
+intrgba([],[],[],[],OL) ->
+ iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(OL)).
+intrgba_1([R|RA],[G|GA],[B|BA],[A|AA],OL) ->
+ intrgba_1(RA,GA,BA,AA,[<>|OL]);
+intrgba_1([],[],[],[],OL) ->
+ iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(OL)).
+%% Encode to grayscale channels.
+tx_enc(#e3d_image{type=Type,width=Width,height=Height,image=Bin}) ->
+ [ {Idx, AmTexMap#amtexmap{w=Width,h=Height}}
+ || {Idx, AmTexMap} <- tx_enc(Bin, Type)].
+tx_enc(Bin, g8) ->
+ t_enc_8u1(Bin, []);
+tx_enc(Bin, g8a8) ->
+ t_enc_8u2(Bin, [], []);
+tx_enc(Bin, r8g8b8) ->
+ t_enc_8u3(Bin, [], [], []);
+tx_enc(Bin, r8g8b8a8) ->
+ t_enc_8u4(Bin, [], [], [], []).
+t_enc_8u1(<>, OG) ->
+ t_enc_8u1(Bin, [G|OG]);
+t_enc_8u1(<<>>, OG) ->
+ BG = list_to_binary(lists:reverse(OG)),
+ [{0,#amtexmap{type=grayscale,d=1,b64=BG}},
+ {1,#amtexmap{type=grayscale,d=1,b64=BG}},
+ {2,#amtexmap{type=grayscale,d=1,b64=BG}}].
+t_enc_8u2(<>, OG, OA) ->
+ t_enc_8u2(Bin, [G|OG], [A|OA]);
+t_enc_8u2(<<>>, OG, OA) ->
+ BG = base64:encode(list_to_binary(lists:reverse(OG))),
+ BA = base64:encode(list_to_binary(lists:reverse(OA))),
+ [{0,#amtexmap{type=grayscale,d=1,b64=BG}},
+ {1,#amtexmap{type=grayscale,d=1,b64=BG}},
+ {2,#amtexmap{type=grayscale,d=1,b64=BG}},
+ {3,#amtexmap{type=grayscale,d=1,b64=BA}}].
+t_enc_8u3(<>, OR, OG, OB) ->
+ t_enc_8u3(Bin, [R|OR], [G|OG], [B|OB]);
+t_enc_8u3(<<>>, OR, OG, OB) ->
+ BR = base64:encode(list_to_binary(lists:reverse(OR))),
+ BG = base64:encode(list_to_binary(lists:reverse(OG))),
+ BB = base64:encode(list_to_binary(lists:reverse(OB))),
+ [{0,#amtexmap{type=grayscale,d=1,b64=BR}},
+ {1,#amtexmap{type=grayscale,d=1,b64=BG}},
+ {2,#amtexmap{type=grayscale,d=1,b64=BB}}].
+t_enc_8u4(<>, OR, OG, OB, OA) ->
+ t_enc_8u4(Bin, [R|OR], [G|OG], [B|OB], [A|OA]);
+t_enc_8u4(<<>>, OR, OG, OB, OA) ->
+ BR = base64:encode(list_to_binary(lists:reverse(OR))),
+ BG = base64:encode(list_to_binary(lists:reverse(OG))),
+ BB = base64:encode(list_to_binary(lists:reverse(OB))),
+ BA = base64:encode(list_to_binary(lists:reverse(OA))),
+ [{0,#amtexmap{type=grayscale,d=1,b64=BR}},
+ {1,#amtexmap{type=grayscale,d=1,b64=BG}},
+ {2,#amtexmap{type=grayscale,d=1,b64=BB}},
+ {3,#amtexmap{type=grayscale,d=1,b64=BA}}].
+t() ->
+ open_amf_file(mm, "test.amf").